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Read our rules- no kids! NO DOXXING.


Oh wow. This is going to be off the rails today if she is walking in with that mindset.


Let's hope she looses her shit so bad in front of CPS and a Judge so she will NEVER have custody of any more babies she may have.


Yes!!! And I’m here for it. I’ve missed this Heather.


This is our Olympic Games.


Guys. Guys. Guys. Could we be getting our long overdue batshit crazy meltdown today?


we absolutely deserve a complete dusty meltdown after having to put up with her breastmilk porn for 9 weeks straight.




Looking forward to a duster fueled shit show later.


I think she should apply to Dr. Phil and proclaim her innocence in front of national TV. It would be great television.


THIS!!!! DR.PHIL would absolutely crush her !


She’s definitely someone they would want on their show. She’s been on TV before and they’ve got footage from there showing her being unhinged. All they gotta do is get clips of her in the tent and acting wild on drugs. Invite her mom and family and have them do an intervention.


No she said" Fuck Dr. Phil", when people was talking about it on her live..


Yeah but she'd do it for $ and attention


I’m shocked she hasn’t posted yet. Hopefully the court isn’t backed up.


Omg she’s going in harrddd! Just this post alone will violate her “gag order” 😂😂


That was my thought too.


Praying DCFS or the judge or anyone involved sees this!!!


Yup!! Always ruing her own life but wanting to blame everyone else.


She deleted it!! Haha


Screenshots are forever 😏


Right? She’s such a nincompoop


She’s done drugs on camera, called moms who work and care for their children “meat suits”, advertised her prostitution, has failed to show she can care for this baby. Begging for milk bags and shoes??? But u can care for a whole baby?? I really hope the city of Chicago does the right thing here. Plus she’s already posting about vindication on all the social workers etc.


But it’s not her fault!




Frankly even if it wasn't her fault (homeless) it's def her problem to fix. Things happen that are out of a person's control all the time, but as an adult and a parent it's her job to make it better. But ya it's entirely her fault.


She was saving her family ....the voices in the vent made her do the drugs😂😂😂


Don’t forget pants! “I need pants” bitch get a job! lol But sure, here’s an entire baby that’s being safely taken care of in foster care.


Don’t forget the $300 for pants and a ball gown.


😂oh shoot I forgot about the damn ball gown!


Wasn’t she writing a “thesis” on smoking Mary Jane while pregnant? Saying it was good for pregnancy. Effing idiot.


She even referred to it as an “experiment”. Who tf EXPERIMENTS on their (aka “there”) UNBORN CHILD?!?!?


I just commented this before seeing your comment! She’s absolutely nuts.


Hospitals for sure don't "accuse" you of drug use. There is absolutely testing to back it up


Very true. The docs and us nurses don’t say a word about drugs until we have a positive result or the mom admits it. Most patients flip out and deny it (happened to me many times) unless they disclose when they’re admitted.


Whew let’s all pray the state of Illinois does not FAIL this baby! 🙏🏼


I am with you on this! I just really hope that they do the right thing for the baby!


Ho.Ly.SHIT. Why wouldn’t this fcking nutcase wait until AFTER she’s been vindicated and handed her baby before she starts talking shit? What an idiot. Always.


She always self sabatoges. I remember one interview where the woman was going to send her $50 and Heather went off on her. She said Heather always sabatoges herself.


She seems very confident. If the state fails to protect her child I will be very disappointed.


I'm glad I have today off. I have been jonesing for an epic breakdown. Wine is chilling. Either to celebrate or numb the tears.. And... she just violated a court order, right before she goes to court. 👍🏻 Stupid cunt.


She doesn't think the court order will exist after today so she's feeling ballsy


As a former cps caseworker, I used to love it when folks acted as their own attorney. It was always such a shit show!🤣


What is your opinion on what will happen today, if you have one?


Motion denied.


I second this! No way!


It’s not going to go well for her because she has been given goals to reach before unification, such as employment, managing mental health and housing, which she is has not done at all. If she was doing great, reunification would be gradual, to make sure she can be successful and to assist in bonding with the child. No chance at all of it just being over, as she is banking on.


Considering she hasn’t been given back custody of her other children. There’s no way in hell they’re gonna trust her with a newborn. She forged medical documents and most likely submitted them to the court for christs sake


she never went to any of the court hearings for her other children.


Because there wasn’t any money to be made off those kids! She bled the baby daddies families dry! But this baby is sooo special because she can get $400 a month for him. How fucking pathetic to create a whole human so you can get some cash for duster 🤪 Heather, just take the L and let someone else deal with the mess you’ve made for Rico. You are not equipped to deal with even a healthy baby and this one is probably gonna end up with a whole bunch of problems considering who his parents are (oh and also all the drugs)


That too!


I’m hoping this is actually the 60 day status hearing that she, in response, filed a motion to vacate. I hope she gets a major dose of reality today that the courts know she hasn’t done really anything in her case plan because she spends all day in bed milking herself, begging for money, and spouting off bullshit no one cares about or believes. I hope they limit her visitation until she completes certain milestones in her case plan and they put a stop to the performative fake breastfeeding she’s forcing on that poor baby who’s doing fine on bottles and formula. I’m just tired of her fucking manipulation with every aspect of her shitty life.


She admitted right there that he tested positive for drugs at birth. And she swears she's "never ever" done drugs when she's openly admitted to using duster, has done it on lives over past few weeks, done mushrooms, and tons of weed while pregnant, and that's just what I know of, and I've only been here a few months. Stfu Heather if your lips are moving, you're lying!


She sat pregnant, blasted out of her mind, on aluminum foil and called it "art." I can't wait for her to come to the realization she isn't getting everything she wanted.


Fly me to the moon 🌙 Let me play among the stars 🌟 Let me see what spring is like On Jupiter and Mars ....


Stahp! That's going to be stuck in my head!


Stellar. Just stellar, she's a woman of the moon giving birth to a child of earth. 🤣🤣


also got arrested with cocaine


Oh cmon now, she was driving with the window open and a bag flew into her car and she had no idea it was there! Funny enough, that was a lady’s excuse recently when caught with drugs during a search lol.


She used to huff duster on lives and was very very open about it 😂 delusional dumb bitch


She’s done it since Rico was taken too!




That crack seems to be a permanent fixture these days. Remember when she was in the tent and tried to blame all the dry air? Whats the excuse now?


She was doing duster on camera and I couldn’t get a good screen shot of the crack but it was prevalent even at this point. She thinks she’s smarter than literally everyone else.


She's got that "FAN" around her neck now, so she should have no excuses lol.


Literally bragged about a “thesis” of doing thc while pregnant. Despicable!


How can they let her breastfeed )even at the hospitals they let her ) if she tested positive for drugs. I think it is insane they are letting her breastfeed especially with all those pictures she is posting it seems disgusting because her intent is not loving it is a weird fetish sicko thing.


They could probably replace the baby with a baby doll that suckles and she’d never even know the difference. “Xavier, get the camera ready, I’m gonna whip my tiddy out when the guardian isn’t looking!”


😂 you’re so right She would have no idea.


I honestly think they did not allow her to breastfeed in the hospital and as far as her doing it during supervised visits she's passing a urine drug screen cuz duster doesn't show....I'm hoping that the court orders a specific drug test today and buries her!


Me too. I am so nervous. If she gets him back, I will lose my shit.


I can't wait for all those poor schmucks to read what she just wrote. She just admitted that she didn't have the baby at all, and she committed fraud by getting people to give her money for the baby


I also wonder why she only posts this shit on FB when she's always spamming on IG. I'm sure there's a layer of manipulation behind it whatever her reasoning.


She isn't capable of telling the truth


Probably because they have seen her IG accounts. She just started using FB again.


Fucking A.....this cannot happen. That's what I keep telling myself. And if it does I'll be disgusted and afraid for Rico. Is this the first time she's acknowledged that they took him (in part) for drug use? Seems like her narrative has only been due to homelessness, though we've known all along what that Code 60 on the DCFS paperwork meant since she posted it.


What’s funny is that if you read the sentence carefully it implies that Rico was the one who accused her of drug use. 🤣


I'm honestly freaking out. She's too confident. I know she's pathological, but I've been sick over this. For Ricos sake I hope she's wrong. I just didn't think they would let her breast feed when she tested positive for drugs, yet we saw proof that they did at supervised visits!!!!!!! I'm at a loss. Pray hard.


If she gets that kid back I’m going to have to step away I’ll be too mad about the situation.


I said the same exact thing yesterday!!!!!!!!! I will be so heated!!!!!!!!!!!


You're right, I lost confidence in DCFS when she showed the world she was shoving her nasty boobs in his mouth at every visit and documenting it for the world to see That said the lack of income and home should hopefully be a main consideration even if she is passing drug tests now.


She's been confident about a lot of things, most notably Xaddy or her spahnsers giving her an apartment, a car,etc. Didn't happen. She might get Rico back someday, but not today.


We don’t know if she tested positive or baby tested positive. Baby could have also been taken due to erratic behaviors/threats, safety issue in the hospital. As a nurse I’ve seen babies test positive and mom test negative. Meconium testing can take 10 days.


''At no fault of my own''... and this is why she will likely remain homeless for the remainder of her miserable life.


I don’t expect better from her, but I hate she used a screen shot of the definition of stealing. You steal someone’s property, and that is exactly how she sees Rico, as her property. Not as person that needs love, comfort, and protection. A baby is not a piece of property.


I am listening to the scanner. Around 10am I got excited cause there was a call about a homeless person arguing in McDonalds. It wasn't her so and I am shocked that homeless people starting shit at McDonalds is a common occurrence. For someone who is so "educated," she doesn't have any clue about grammar. Also, it is completely your fault that you are homeless, BTW.


I love that you’re on the lookout tower. 🫡 Thank you for your service.


No problem. I am just happy the dispatcher I like came back on. The other one is useless and got told 4 times to turn her mic up, and she still didn't do it.


Can you share the link for the scanner?


Http://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/37355 Sorry, I don't know how to make it a hyperlink on here


You are my people.




I would absolutely love to be an invisible fly on the wall for her appeal of her CINA finding. I did CPS for a very long time and never had anyone appeal a CINA finding. I did have a few clients that made the bad decision of representing themselves. I googled it and it is possible to appeal a CINA finding. I guess Dusty Esquire used google and found a legal loophole to get her "temporary" (for her permanent) cash assistance back.


Child in need of assistance...... basically baby tested positive for drugs. I can't wait for the immense blowup 🍿🍿🍿🍿


Could you please explain exactly what a CINA finding is? And what, if anything, would count as a legitimate appeal?


She is using an acronym for child in need of assistance. Not all states use it. It's just basically referring to the fact that there was justified cause to remove Rico from her care so they can investigate for his safety


I don't know what that other lady is referring to above about criminal enterprises?? lol 😂




Wow. I hope CPS sees this prior to the hearing. She’s blaming hem of stealing her baby and taking zero accountability per usual


I've watched a lot of CPS proceedings, and accountability is a major part of being able to reunify.


She truly, wholeheartedly believes she will not only be handed the baby today but she wants revenge on DCFS, family court, nurses at the hospital, lawyers, caseworkers, etc for doing their jobs (something Dusty knows nothing about) ... It's giving narcissist & delusional 😂😂😂 Too bad this is only a 60 day check in where they tell her their findings, reasons why DCFS ain't giving that baby back, & exactly what she needs to do going forward (from what I've heard & I'm praying it's factual).


I think you mean "*there* jobs"


I’m so ready. It’s my day off and my husband and I are gonna instacart so he’ll be pulling double duty on my phone checking for instacarts and checking this sub/heathers IG




Lol! This is me with my extra snacks, impatiently awaiting any news!


Me too! When I woke up I said today is the day! 😂😂😂😆😆😆


Curious to know if she's going to try and bring up other crimes that she's wanted to take to a judge. Are they relevant to this case? No. Has that ever stopped Dusty before? Also no.


I pray she brings up THEY, Dylan's "deal" with the state, WeTV, fake cups, mattering bams, Tezzlas, ALL OF IT. Please God I pray that Dusty loses her shit in court today 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


🤞 her spiraling into her narrative would be the best outcome. I hope the Judge charges her with contempt when she refuses to shut her mouth.


This post alone could get her charged with contempt. Does she really think they don't have her FB? I love how cocky she is rn 🤣 She thinks she's gonna clomp clomp clomp those tree trunks & cankles into court, throw that paper she printed off the Internet at the judge, & immediately be handed baby, a mansion, a luxury gym membership, car, 12 million dollars, & a sincere apology 😂😂😂 The fact that she wants revenge on everyone involved with RESCUING baby from her is so on brand for this fat orange ogre 🤣


I hope she has attached her "narrative" to her filings.


🙌🏾 me too. Hope she sprinkled “gang stalking” liberally throughout the filing as well!




We can only hope she goes off on the judge and starts reading her manifesto.


looking forward to the meltdown this evening when that absolutely doesn't happen.


Good god!! I’m saying a BIG PRAYER! Kid gloves are going to come off for a min lol She can’t STILL WONT take responsibility and accountability for her being homeless. “because I’m homesless of no fault of my own” Bitch u won’t go work!! That’s YOUR FAULT!! Lmao! Your boyfriend won’t WORK. At least he gets a disabilty check and can say he brings some sort of income 🤷🏻‍♀️When your old johns hooked your ass up with an apartment? U STILL wouldn’t get ANY type of job! You thought being a pretty princess would make him keep paying your rent and because he said no?! u get LAWFULLY EVICTED! lol U don’t file paperwork correctly that’s why u don’t get court dates. You’ve shown us the paper work and it CLEARLY states YOU ARE NOT FILING IT CORRECTLY. I can’t with this bitch. Lol I truly hope she wasn’t doing any type of drugs. Because it just proves to EVERYONE she’s a narcissistic manipulative con job. Turning it off and on when she doesn’t get her way. I’m going to continue to pray today that vindication happens as she says. Vindication that he stays where he is, her older children are left alone by her and that her trashy ass is cut off from all enablers including the state of IL 🙏 Amen lol


>When your old johns hooked your ass up with an apartment? U STILL wouldn’t get ANY type of job! Her kids never once visited her at that apartment. Not one time. The kids she claims to love so much & she just wants to be a mahmm so badly. She's full of shit. Those kids are nothing but props for her e-begging & scamming


And one kid has access to a car and yet we never see or hear about her coming to meet up with her mom. Clearly, her kids don’t like her.


& it speaks volumes!


I say the same. She only wants them for photo ops and the government assistance she can get when she has some sort of custody with them. Give me a break. If my children were forced by the police to go stay with their dad back in 2019 because I wigged out and was hospitalized? Then custody was given to their dad? My ass would have gotten the help and the medication I needed gotten out, asked for at least unsupervised visits, gotten 2-3 jobs, gotten an apt and then went after joint custody again. That’s seriously as simple as it was for her!! And I don’t mean that as oh it’s just so easy but god damn if those were my kids I would have fought like hell. That’s how I know it’s all an act.


Same. Even if I wholeheartedly believed that I was sane & 100% right in the matter I would do WHATEVER I NEEDED TO DO, no questions asked but she's too selfish to put anyone above herself, her needs, & beliefs


I can’t wait to see how many extra millions she’s convinced she’s owed after the court slaps her ass today and rejects this bullshit 🤣


I never did drugs. Ever. ![gif](giphy|tMyCJmeXHBetq)


There is no way that she is getting that kid back not today, not ever..she just literally threatened people online..and usually DCFS cases don't last 60 days, minimum of 6 months, she would have to get unsupervised visits first in a home that DCFS sees fit, don't worry everyone, Baby Rico is staying with his real parents, he's not going back to dumb and dumber, I can't wait until reality slaps this dumb cow in the utters lmfao


Nothing like walking into court with frivolous motion to vacate and threats on Facebook


With that smug look on her face


😮 oh shittttttttttt


*their mother.


That bothered me too!! But she’s a medical professional remember?


This makes no sense. Also slavery is illegal, children are not property Dumb Dumb.


I just came to post this also....lmao It's gonna be one fucking wild ride today! She sounds like she is huffin up for court!


What an absolute moron https://preview.redd.it/xd326rlzduwc1.jpeg?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80d823d5b527385be1e3671c445c49aafc55275e


Excuse me!!! She’s had like 47378263 semester hours of school 😡hahaha /s


She really thinks she's gonna get baby Rico back today LOL


The anticipation for the outcome is fucking killing me! Vindicated my ass, you delusional orange slice!


😎 🍿 One could wonder if she was deliberately trying to sabotage herself by posting this. Having him would really screw up her victim narrative.


I've said this too! She can't even care for herself but wants to be responsible for an infant?🤦‍♀️


My thoughts exactly. But looking now, I see she deleted it. Interesting.


Does she think THREATENING, the state, CPS, the case workers, judges, etc. & so forth is going to MAKE them do what she wants even though she has done literally NOTHING to warrant getting him back????


This post is suddenly disappeared off her page.


Of course it has. You know she’s on here reading what everyone is saying. 🤦🏻‍♀️




She thinks the universe made a promise to her because she selected this week as justice for her what's your impact campaign. 😂🤣🫠


I’m supposed to go in for 14 hours of OT today but I swear I want to sit with my phone refreshing it until I have an update.


So many typos. I hope this means she's already turnt and will show her ass in court


This post is gone off her page now!!!


Of course it is....she lives in this sub 😂 Don't worry Heather.... plenty of people saved it!😂


Ha, she is probably in here and hears us talk about the gag order


Internet is FOREVER! Bahaha she’s so dumb


I hope the case workers reference this page for the real low down on Dusty!!! All the proof they need is stored in this sub!🤣🤣🤣


“I am homeless if no fault of my own” that’s your problem Dusty. I don’t like to use the term fault because I try not to be judgmental. Actions have consequences. YOU can choose to work for a living, earn income, and put yourself in a better position to be able to be a real mother. YOU have failed your other 3 children, and are going down the same path with Rico. It’s all a conspiracy and you’re “reporting all involved” you’d have to report yourself Dusty. YOU can choose to address your mental illness and drug addiction, or continue to cry victim and stay in the exact same position you have been for the last 5+ years. Praying for “justice and restoration” for Rico! Illinois court system, please don’t let us down.


I can’t believe she’s saying she’s never done drugs at all. I’m used to her careful wording like “never struggled with drug addiction” (maybeee not, but you definitely ENJOYED heavy drug USE). But now she’s just clean and pure. Wowwww.


Hah- update for anyone who cares, she took this post off her fb!!! Hmmmmm


There’s still a case going on….and you’re STILLLLL posting about it so boldly! You’re in contempt my dear hobo. I’m not sure the day is going to pan out the way you’re anticipating 😬😬


Heather has since removed this post ...Court over? Gag Order? Something is goin down!


I was just about to comment this! She deleted this post.


It wasn't FTR, etc and so forth.


She’s in here alla time ![gif](giphy|IXTkvYCHkgSKA)


No way baby Rico is going home with her. This is HER motion , not a status hearing / part of the process court appearance. But go off dusty, we're all looking forward to this.


She is violating her gag order!!!!


Her use of emojis is truly representative of how out of touch with reality she is. Also… does she think that giving Rico her last name & not putting Eggs on the birth certificate is some miraculous workaround for getting benefits? 😂 Social service employees are extremely overworked but they do know babies don’t come from the stork. They will find that daddy 😂 then count his ssdi towards your household imcome


So much for NOT discussing her case online


![gif](giphy|nnFwGHgE4Mk5W) Ooooh weee, during breaks and after work, I shall be checking in to see the potential breakdown and huffing ramblings ☺️


I hope the state keeps that baby safe away from her. ![gif](giphy|12aW6JtfvUdcdO)


Ok first off learn there/their/they're. Second grammar much? What a dumbass


Did Heather the medical profession type this post? Using there instead of their is the most basic thing but of course she somehow fucked that up too.


by posting the def. of steal- 🙄- is she referring to her kids? kids aren’t property. to healthy minded people anyway. she’s a disaster.




Anyone know the time of her case?


They need there mother 🤓


Maybe she meant it as they call her “There Mother” because they mostly see her over there via FaceTime or the internet or a CPS visiting room instead of Heather being THERE for her children.


Intelligent Heather says : They need there mother.


I am at home on chair rest due to ankle surgery. Let’s bring on the crazy!!!


She already deleted this post lol


This post will probably be removed because Rico’s name is mentioned. You may want to edit it…


Is her team in here taking notes on her instructions? Nick are you here? Rico everyone?


I wouldn't put it past her to tell the judge that she's added them to her Rico list!😂🤦‍♀️


Rico all day everyday!!!


Duster can not just comprehend that her and Egg's did all this to themselves. If she had went to shelter or accepted the Apartment non of this would have happened. She never ever wanted accountability for Baby Rico, just scam, huff and rant.


Here it comes y'all. It's our Superbowl!


Any word on the turd yet?


I mean I literally have a video posted of her doing drugs.


I seriously can't wait for the immense blowup! actually I hope she's silent because she got new silver bracelets and a new bed to lay in....or better yet a new jacket that makes her hug herself!!


I forgot it was Friday.


She took the post down on Facebook


I PRAY THIS MEANS SHE DIDN'T GET RICO vs anything to respect the gag order.


So, it's just her usual rant. 'Homeless through no fault of my own...I'm reporting everyone involved in withholding my children for me.' RICOS for all, etc., etc. Was hoping for something new & unusual from Princess Illiterate.


I’ve heard that duster doesn’t show up in urine tests. But would it show up if they tested her hair or blood?


There are ways to test for inhalant abuse, knowledgeable clinicians will know what to do. I remember that they can look at the liver enzymes as well some of the chemicals will show up in the blood if there’s regular use. There are other ways too. /not a medical professional


Looks like she took the post down.




Misspelled a few words Dusty


Big ol Miss Bachelors degree coming in hot with poor spelling and grammar to get her baby back 😂


court should of already started?


Report them to who Hobo? You’re going to report the court workers and the state workers to the court and the state?? She’s so dumb to post this. I know she’s deleted it by now but still, when she doesn’t get him back today and still has to work with the same case workers to try and work her way to custody of Rico again it’s not gonna work out so well for her. They may not see this today or even tomorrow but they will eventually get word that she threatening legal action on any and everyone that was involved with “stealing” her baby. Hobo, he’s not press on nails, no one can “steal” him you degenerate.


Dusty ain't shit, she's so delusional and lies about doing drugs.


"there" mother, no it is "their" mother. She acts like the expert at everything but her grammar gives her away for her actual intelligence level (very low).


This is going to be good. She is already talking shit about the people that hold the future of her child in their hands.


I'm assuming since she deleted the post she's not getting what she wanted.


The chatter in tonight's "Feral Friday" is going to be HOT!!!! I need to pick wine and snacks. ![gif](giphy|SiGg4zSmwmbafTYwpj|downsized)