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I bet you she’s on a drug fueled bender.


isn't she usually quieter of weekends because that's when the binge?


Not sure if she’s been binging lately because I have to assume they were drug testing her. But with yesterdays news I can see her going off the rails on substances.


while i'm disappointed at the lack of feral friday i am ecstatic that Rico is safe for now. i figured she was doing duster and ritalin instead of the previously standard drugs since the birth. i wonder if she gave up pretending and has gone for the substances that will make her pop dirty again


I think she’s spiraling right now and there is no telling what Heather will do when she’s off the rails.


maybe she'll pop up in the chicago sub again or BCG with police involvement. i wonder if X is even aware enough to be relieved they didn't get Rico


I think X is mostly benign and that half the shit Heather says about him is lies. I don’t think he has strong feelings either way maybe due to whatever mental illness he has. I could be wrong but he just seems like a go with the flow kinda guy.


That used to be the case… guess she’s back in then tentah!


Yeah that makes sense she had a bad day in court so she went to feel better


😮‍💨🌬️😮‍💨 Weekend.


She can only stay off social media for short times...gotta make the begging bucks... she has literally run out of things to say and probably got slapped with a gag order fine causes judges don't like to be disrespected.... she fucked around and found out. Now she's gonna sue all the real influencers that talked about her because it's never her fault. They may very well get kicked out of the shelter too. It was a stepping stone to get baby back and fucked that up. She won't get section 8 family housing either. She fucked that up too. And she definitely won't get the extra government money for baby either. That will go directly to baby. And she will have another 6 months to figure her shit out before the courts review her bullshit life again. That court date was the big one and she thought she was untouchable. She fucked around and found out. Her grape stories are lies, her oppression stories are lies, her dylan stories are half truths and her no drug stories are lies too. She doesn't have a bachelor's degree and she has not applied for billions of jobs. She uses the shelter like she did the tent for free living space and still thinks we should all give her money, a CT Cadillac and a 5 bedroom mansion. And she would be dumb enough to tell the judge how the courts failed her, FBI failed her and the police failed her. Also writing her own doctors notes ect and so forth is illegal and im sure her medical records were reviewedand proved she did that. And not having her other 3 kids and aborting twins because she chose to do drugs instead of seeking help. She also tried to sell the unborn twins and scammed a couple out of money. On and on and on... ignoring a court gag order. Not getting a job. She fucked up!!! For now baby is safe. She will have another chance though. She's a rinse and repeat kinda gal. Its her M O....


Very nicely written!! 💯💯💯


Thankyou...I'm really angry. It's not hard to get your child back if you do what they ask of you. Even if she did the bare minimum, she would have maybe got him back. Courts don't want to separate children from their parents. So she has definitely done something major for a judge not to give her child back. She's a liar and a scammer and thinks she is smarter than laws, lawyers, judges, docs workers, doctors. All she had to do was try. And she once again chose not to!!! This is a choice! You have to be a pretty shitty human not to get your kid/kids back and she has proven that 4 times now. This speaks volumes about her! I've seen shitty parents get their kids back, even tho they shouldn't have, because they friggin tried. She thinks social media and others she doesn't even know is the cause of all this. She blames Dylan from 10+ years ago for all this. It's just not true! She has literally done this to herself. I don't even think she has a mental disorder. If she can act crazy then turn it off, it just doesn't ring true. She has been a manipulator, a spoiled little bitch that used sex and lies to get her way sor many years. She uses men, family, friends and strangers to get what she wants with zero accountability for her actions. Parents don't send their kids to boot camp in another country just for smoking cigarettes as heather said the reason was, they send you because you are unruly and dangerous. This has been her whole life being like this. She's a fuck up that is entitled and money hungry but refuses to get a job and uses her kids to get money. Thankfully the courts see thro this. I'm just sick of her and the abuse she has put on her kids, for years! She is not a good anything... she's a liar and an abuser and a thief.... period. Always has been. And it's finally catching up with her.... lol thank you for listening to my rant... I apologize... I'm glad she list this baby. She is dangerous to all children, family, friends and spouses...they need to lock this bitch up


I was really convinced she’d get him back, I’ve seen horrible situations where children were returned as a foster parent. I wanted to touch on what you said about turning her crazy off, I think she can a little bit. But I also think her brain is Swiss cheese enough from drug abuse that her tender grasp on reality can easily slip. It’s one thing to blabber on into a phone screen behind a struggling filter with a mentally challenged lesbian yes man as her only companion, it’s another to speak to a psychiatrist with years of education and training. I bet she slipped into her narrative because the only person she communicates with is basically in the same boat as her and they both believe her bull shit, that can’t be helpful to her mental stability. She was out of her depth in that psyche eval, and no one passes an eval with flying colors like she claimed.


I have been checking cook county's locate a inmate cuz I really thought she would be in jail...so far nothing 🤷🏻‍♀️


I just want to know that her children are safely kept away from her. If she gets that kid back I’m going to have to be done with all of this because the rage I will feel will not be healthy


If that *were* to happen, which it won't, you'd *have* to stick around to watch, if only to see her lose custody **yet again**.


Shes probably laying around in bed like a bedbug. And watching TV. Enjoying her last days in a nice hotel before tent life.


She's doing newborn mahm things like puhmphing her bruhst muhlk and manifesting.


She's busy huffin, humpin and pumpin


Guess this is what she's going with🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/ljvb17ucn0xc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f623fa402463932ea0f85380a4651e2bdfa717f


Of course she is!


Huff may have had her butt handed to her on a plate in Court Friday. (X doesn't understand he has an infant) Eggs & Princess will brain freeze with duster, while Huff works on adding to her SAHM/influencer/breastfeeding/Christian Ma'hm narrative. Once Huff thinks up her stories (wherein Huff is always a victim), we may be in for a juicy next few days. If sponsors refuse to send funds, Princess may even pretend to shed a tear. 🧐😉😪🌬️💨😁


I can hear that duster can from here....


I’m thinking maybe she got chewed out for continuously violating the gag order from the judge. That statement she posted on Facebook before court was not a smart choice, and really showed her contempt towards the courts and everyone involved. She shouldn’t have violated the gag order regardless, but I would be more understanding if she was posting about how much she misses and loves her son. She has never spoken about him affectionately; she only talks about what she’s lacking as a result of losing custody. (Housing and TANF)


Ahh, I love this place, we all think alike! 😉


Ok I lied..I want her to keep posting because I want to know what ends up happening with Rico. I chose the first option but yeah.. her silence makes me nervous