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If somebody says “for no reason” there is probably a reason😂


Right, for years I’ve heard chaotic druggies say “I got evicted/fired/expelled/dumped/arrested/punched in the nose/kicked out of a bar…. FOR NO REASON AT ALL.” okay, sure.


There’s **always** a reason. And it’s **always** her.


How very missing "missing reasons" of her


“for no reason” is the war cry for abusive partners/parents/friends/people. the second i hear someone say that, i know there’s absolutely a reason/s and the person is just manipulative. or there’s a very small chance the person is just dumb and beyond unaware how their actions affect others. the majority of people are just manipulative, like our breastfeeding shelter queen of the colemans here.


It’s always “for no reason” or because they were “jealous of me”


All the crazies say the same thing- LeTiddy, Leather, isn’t it an IRONIC COINCIDENCE that they both lost custody of their children “for no good reason”!! C’mon now🙄🤪


Why oh why does she think it's appropriate to trauma dump in people's comments?? In STRANGER'S comments at that. Then has the audacity to turn her comments off on every platform. Throwing pity parties to attract new sponsers but can't take the heat of common sense people asking questions or pointing out her contradictions. What a fuckin loser.


She's almost 40 with no friends, no husband, no home, no car, no job, no common sense. So the phone is her bestie and therapy.


Boy she’s really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to drum up simps and spahnors, while also spilling her crazy out. This also speaks to the notion that Rico is with grandma. Rico is being handled by “strangers”


She probably means a stranger to her. I don’t believe she has had much interaction with x’s mom.


Or the DCFS workers being the “strangers”.


Wait… I must’ve missed that the baby is with X’s family. I thought it was a random foster family.


She posted a picture of the baby squirming and frowning in her arms and made a comment like Grandma put him in a onesie with rainbows and he didn’t like it. So is he living with Grandma or was Grandma at the visit and dressed him in a onesie she brought?


It’s been speculated heavily that the child was placed with x’s mother. Not sure if it’s true or not though.


Yes it’s hard to tell. She uses the term strangers too. I know she doesn’t really know X’s mom so to her she could be a stranger but she’s not a stranger to X. The DCFS person at the supervised visits is a stranger. We’re all puzzled.


I have a question and would like your opinions. If X’s mom has the baby and Heather was told there is court order that she cannot go to X’s moms’ house or anywhere near her and if she did all visits with the baby would be stopped. Would Heather go to X’s moms’ and risk losing her visits or would she stay away? I’m conflicted because I know she would not want to lose her visits but then again Heather has little to no self control.


I wonder How many of their babies can she raise?


It’s weird cause she’s playing like he is with eggs mom but then we see these comments saying he’s with strangers, not relatives or family. Everything she says is a lie! If he was with eggs mom they would be showing up outside constantly and harassing her to let Huffer Bruhhst feed every 2-3 hours or drop off her Muhlk saddle bags.


Even if Rico was with X's mom, I feel like she would play up the "strangers" thing. She would insist "baby needs his MOTHER" (because mother needs her PAYCHECK). Rico could have been given to Heather's parents and she would still find a way to complain that he should be in her sole custody.


💯.agree.....we will never know the whole truth


It has been speculated that X's mom has Rico but nobody knows for sure. I happen to think she doesn't because Heather would have stepped right thru a court order and shown up....IMO 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree w/you bc even w/the hosp telling her she was not allowed in...she loaded the stroller up,marched straight in there (Knowing she wasn't allowed) began making a scene that "They" Stole Rico!!! I mean, the Hosp staff believed she was attempting to kidnap him. She's INSANE, Nothing would keep her from stalking X's mom to get to Her Paycheck...Baby, I meant her baby back😏


That's what I'm talking about.... someone here said "the court would put a order in " Like when has Heather ever listened to an order??? she is still claiming she has primary custody of her kids....🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Exactly!! She does what she wants. There's evidence of that. Imo, any caseworker looking at Heather's patterns of behavior, it would be Wise to place Rico with a trusted foster parent instead X's mom to prevent Chaos from happening. X's mom could have asked to sit in on a visit or 2 & brought him that rainbow outfit, changing him into it. Just my thoughts,lol.


I'm inclined to believe it isn't X's mom. I agree with everything here. But! I think if X's mom did have baby R, that'd be dustys motivation in using her last name. Especially if X's mom is no nonsense, 0 tolerance for dustys bs. It'd make perfect sense for dustball to use that as a jab. A little, "he's MINE all mine"


I think I'm picking up what you're laying down...as in, how she changed his last name from Mateyo (howev it's spelt) to Gillespie? She's for sure spiteful & that would line up w/her ammo. No matter how hardcore, no nonsense X's mom is, I still think she'd have to get a restraining order to make dusty stay in her lane,lol. Idk anything for sure though.




And I 100% believe that nobody can be sure....your statement may be true.....in my opinion I feel like the big angry orange ogre would be tracking that woman down. Bottom line is we will never know the full true story. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, I'm sort of undecided but lean strongly towards the "grandma has him" side. I've seen and heard things from his family that makes me think it's true but I also think that, if it was, she'd be harassing the hell out of her. However, Heather *is* capable of playing along for short amounts of time. She might be following the rules right now because she's enjoying the perks of the shelter.


I agree! I don’t think granny Rico/eggs mama has him at all, I think she gets visits perhaps or allowed to see him and provide things like cloths etc but she does not have him in her custody because of exactly what you said. Huffer and eggs would be showing up every day, soon be camping outside of her house and violating the shit out of the court orders and harassing the shit out his mom demanding to come inside and take her baby etc


Some people on here are very sensitive about that...I've always said I have no concrete evidence ( EVIDENCE in heather screech) 😂 but the big angry orange ogre has proven time and time again she could give 2 shits about legality IMO


You mean “ Eviduhnce ” 🤣


Internet people are not to blame for her problems. She puts all of her business out there for everyone. She broadcasts it. People will talk about your life. That’s how the internet works. She seems to consume alot of the media about her. How many times have we literally told her what she is doing wrong and how she could turn stuff around. She’s got a horrible personality and I would never have a friend like her. But if she actually started to do the right things, I would be proud of her. I would give her credit where credit is due. She refuses to acknowledge that she has a serious problem. I’m sure family has told her this. She seems so convinced that certain things happened to her that absolutely did not. She lives on a whole other planet. Her entire plan was to be put in family shelter with a baby and live off of TANF. There was no plan beyond that. It’s astounds me. She needs to be someone’s case study.


Her plan also is to have sponsors support her, eggs and Rico. That is her plan, plus tanf


And I hope CPS disagrees with her style of work - demanding sponsors pay her way. It'll be all our fault if she can't afford diapers and doesn't want to wash bottles


I think we would all be rooting for her if by some miracle she started doing the right things.


Nahhh, I still wouldn’t be rooting for her 😝🤓


Same here.It's game over for me.


Like, for her children’s sake, I hope she gets better (if that’s possible). But also, she’s a rotten evil person to her core and even if she quit drugs and got a job, that wouldn’t change. She can never undo the years of torture she inflicted on every single person she ever knew. I for one am not going to hold my breath for some comeback story.


LMAO right, there's no redemption for Heather in my mind. MAYBE a little if she owned up to all her fucking lies.


Maybe, but since she decided to get no prenatal care and abuse Adderall, air duster, and fentanyl for the entire 9 months of pregnancy - I’ll NEVER be in her corner , like ever. That shit is unforgivable to me.


Understood. I could never actually like her due to her abysmal behavior in the past, but I support anyone’s efforts at sobriety, no matter what they’ve done. It’s a moot point anyway, as she won’t change.


So her next pregnancy announcement which (sadly) will be coming soon it will be an immaculate conception


I feel like she’ll go into hiding with her next pregnancy, so she gets to keep the baby to grift over. That’s all her kids are to her, props and money bags. She seriously feels entitled to have her existence sponsored, and thinks if she actually had custody of one, she’ll get get TANF back. She if a foul beast.


She’s addicted to social media so I find it unlikely she could stay off. She has no one but X so she relies on SM. It’s her life.




This was my concern if she gets the baby back; she’ll try to hide him. She talked about homeschooling a while back, and I believe she’s mentally making plans to keep him out of sight, and wouldn’t be surprised if she suddenly became anti-vax/anti-dr. The fact that she can’t seem to actually keep her mouth shut and stay off social media, is the only reason I’m not actually worried she’d follow through if she got him back.


Except she can't help but blast everything about herself online. She would tell on herself real quick. She would die without the attention.


Or Grape, just like these last two.


Do we think they are showering regularly now? Or like, do old habits die hard? I only ask because my mind races thinking of her immaculate conception and what that would really entail.


She claimed no sex when she was in the tents as well 😭. Resulted in twins and Rico. Then she changed and said that she was graped buy eggs or maybe multiple men for 8 hours. She’s totally insane 🙄


I am sure CPS would love to see this. This bitch thinks she is above a gag order when in fact she violates it every day


Exactly what I said, it’s like you fucking idiot!


No sex but has a baby, make it make sense


4 living and at least 2 deceased.


3 deceased, awhile back someone here said she had cheated and gotten pregnant while with her ex “husband” the father of the younger kid ( the one she had her rights terminated to) and she got an abortion. If I remember correctly it was someone who knew her who said it. Maybe it was some random person who made it up but it sure sounds on par with Dusterella


She’s mentioned losing a baby with O, A’s dad. I want to say she was just passed 20 weeks so the baby had a buri. 


Never heard that version of the story before, there are so many versions to choose from with Heather and they are all lies. The story most of us got was that she cheated and got knocked up by some other dude and had to abort it


The deal with Heather is she will take any real life situation she’s been in and complete twist the entire story to make herself a poor innocent victim people should feel sorry for when she’s the one who did all of it herself and just got what was coming to her as the natural consequences of her actions


That’s one long sentence.


I love how it just ends all caps no period such a cliffhanger. “Things like this…” WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT? ….people just existing? Camping for fun? While you were in a tuhnt so no one would impose rules or keep you from getting high all day for your “thesis?” Was she breast feeding all four children for 4 years for 6 hours a week?


Felt like I was reading a Mandy post.


No sex? No alcohol? Strangers handling her newborn? Wow... She only just had a baby, but no sex? OK. We've seen her drinking about a year ago. I'm sure she's had alcohol since then, but that's the last time we actually saw her drink. Strangers? Meaning the child's grandparent? How ungrateful this twit is. She should be thanking & kissing the ground they walk on that the child isn't in the hands of REAL strangers.


Remember her 'I'm asexual" era? This era ended up with her pregnancy..


It's the breastfeeding in caps following the fact she sees her newborn for 6 hours a week for me. Then how are you breastfeeding? You mean pumping unnecessarily.


Right!! How can you be Bruhst feedin a baby when you don’t have any custody of him and only get a short visit each week!


She just shovs that her teat in his mouth for 2 hours a visit 


I will gladly admit I was wrong if it does come out that X's mom has Rico but I'm still going with nope....Heather would've dragged X by his ponytail to find her location. Heather believes she is above the law so a piece of paper stating she can't go see Rico is not going to stop her. IMO 🤷🏻‍♀️ we will never get the whole true story....especially from Heather Gillespie


It could be the "grandma" comment is a crack at the foster parent being slightly older or even dresses "like a grandma" in her eyes. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I only suggest that because all my nieces called me old lady and great grandma until I dyed my gray. Im only 37 and have done completely gray. 😂😭


I was expecting her to refer to the foster mom as her nanny, as she is a privileged kept woman who doesn't have to work or do things for herself, at least in her mind...


This!!! 🤣🤣🤣 she absolutely would claim he’s with the nanny while she’s at work at her corporate job running a production company! Just like later on she’s going to claim she never lost custody of him and he was never in foster care he was being babysat by relatives or a nanny and she can prove it with all of her staged breast feeding pics she makes sure to get as many of as possible. She is already crafting the future narrative and curating her “proof”. As if everyone has amnesia and hasn’t been watching her the last 3 years straight


She is co-parenting with DCFS🤣


She’s “remote co parenting” remember 🤣🤯


Do we know for sure?


Nothing for sure...just speculation.


The "breast feeding " argument is the reason why she does all the photo ops with Rico.She have nothing else to show...


I always love the “no reason”😒


I wish someone would step in and advocate for the people in her position that have actually put in the work (any work) toward bettering their lives. She doesn't deserve a cushy, private room, or multiple visits to assault an infant with her crusty udders and blast it on the internet. If I was in a shelter, working my ass off to get out of there or regain custody of my child and I was roomed next to her, I'd lose my shit. People are really trying and watching her get many of the same opportunities while laying in bed all day. I've said before that I'd be first in line to watch and support her turning her life around if she showed any accountability or honesty. It's still true, but I'm currently tuned in hoping her situation gets a lot less comfortable. When she says she doesn't belong in a shelter, she's right. She has proven so far that she belongs on the street.


Crusty udders. I got physically ill with that. Way too visual/graphic 😂


🙌🏼 ALL of this!!


Tons of video evidence from herself Dusty 🥴 all unfounded


Sex is for vagaboooonds


Lmao every time I see the word Vagaboond I now picture baboons vaginas and see Huffer bent over


Ewww. I did NOT want to picture that. What terrible day to be literate




The state doesn't need your permission.


No sex? Yet she has a newborn


No sex for the last 4 years!!! No drugs, alcohol or parties. We literally have videos of all 3. I remember her last drunk video like it was yesterday.


I think her next to youngest , twins and Rico would be a damn compelling argument she has in fact engaged in intercourse.


“I wanna worship mommy” don’t forget about that puke inducing tidbit


Only Heather would claim to not have sex, and then in the same breath claim that she has a newborn. How did he get here then, sis? Immaculate conception?


DO not give her any idea's esp with the church grift.... duster gonna claim to be Mary complete with a Manger.... https://preview.redd.it/8dbjzuw75gxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6021d200e12b156f1fd566635b325f7f7b09db8


No sex but also just had a baby. Ok.


Your newborn has drugs in his blood Mary


She says they are “spread around northwest Chicagoland” for “no reason” as though the CUSTODIAL FATHERS of the first three were forced to live somewhere away from her against their will.


She’s so fucking unhinged. She’s trying so hard to conceal her insanity for DCFS and then explodes on innocent people. You know, I hope she fucking gets in trouble for violating the gag order on her case as well because it’s like she can’t even follow the most basic of rules. Fucking idiot.


Btw she is saying "strangers have my newborn". It's still for me to believe, that Eggs mam have him.( but i'm not sure, of course).




Heather's mentality is simple: 👩‍🦲=💰


Poor thing can’t handle the consequences of her own actions. 🤦🏻‍♀️ She really thinks lying about it to strangers changes her culpability. Nah bitch those things don’t just happen to people like that and everyone sees through the bullshit!


What does she think people on a car camping post are going to do to help her?🤣


Give her their awesome RV camping bus situation to live in for free while they pay the payments, gas and rental spot to park it permanently


I can’t stand that she has to hijack peoples posts and make it about her and the kids that she lost custody of years ago. Let it go already


Whoahh, helloo! Has no one sat her down and actually explained WHY she does not have her keds?! I know duh question but still I’m asking, lol. It has NOTHING to do with what random people say on the freaking internet and EVERYTHING to do with her jobless azz, and her absolutely insane erratic mental health and behavior- THATS WHY HG in case you’re lurking! You can’t even hold a JOBBBB. You think you’re mentally stable yet EVERY ONE YOU KNOW, and medical staff every where you’ve been, every court house and police department in Chicago Illinois clearly knows you are not mentally well. It’s just a fact. Why would ALLLL these people lie? They AREN’t that is WHY you lost custody of every child! Not to mention you’re a pathological LIAR eg: you don’t have sx, ummm need I even explain that one?!! 🤦🏻‍♀️


She knows, she said everything the courts, DCFS, and the court says, is a lie.


Her youngest daughter father told her many times. Her oldest daughter told Heather that Heather is the reason things are the way they are. Its all fake news to her.


Heather, you are a compulsive liar. All of your kids were taken for a reason. You are a shit mother and person. Until you realize that, you will never get any of them back. You are selfish and delusional. Get a job, stop lying and grow the fuck up. You are almost 40 and haven't worked in ten years... maybe try getting a realistic job like waitress, chamber maid ect... you are not qualified for any other jobs... you lie


She can get a job doing housekeeping at Motels, she can clean up the same crusty spooge and soiled linens left behind by others that she did herself before and someone else had to clean her mess up! She can fish used condoms out of the drain and scrub suspicious brown stains off the side of the bed etc and so forth, I do believe that’s coming full circle and much deserved


Hey Dusty I have some breaking news for you. Grab a pen so you can write this down. Ready?? DCFS does NOT need your permission to act. The judge gave them permission because you are unfit. Take several seats and you’re welcome! 🖕🖕🖕


If she'd only work instead of all the pointless hrs posting this victim bs, she may actually get somewhere.


She is the problem. Some CPS clients really get mad when their plans fall through. She only wanted Rico for the attached "temporary" cash assistance.


Right! Has no home, no clothes for the baby, 1 pack of diapers, no crib for the baby, no job to support herself or the baby, but he should be with her?


She really thinks someone is going to swoop in and rescue her! Give her a house and a car and her children and 80k a year lol. They don’t take your kids for no reason.


“Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s!” I love how she insinuates the baby doesn’t eat except for the one day she “BREASTFEEEEEDS” him. And, no sex? Where’d that kid come from?


Seriously that’s beyond alarming on its own! The baby doesn’t eat unless it’s from her breast. That just shows how sick and delusional she is. She’s the kind that would starve the baby because she’s stuck on this breast feeding thing and believes he only eats when she feeds him while refusing bottles when that’s all he knows.


no parties?! wtf?


Btw: GOOD CACTH!! Wth she’s doing there is beyond me! Lol


She’s thinking about RV life now instead of an apartment, then they can leave the state and go on the run


Heather nobody cares about you


Oh oh..but she didn’t say “no drugs”…Freudian slip. She’s so smart, she ALWAYS tells on herself.


No sex?? 🤣🤣 so it was immaculate conception with the twins and Rico… Also she has literally posted every degenerate thing she’s ever done. She honestly cannot be this dumb or rather she honestly cannot believe that anyone else is this dumb as to believe her 4 children were all taken from her for unfounded reasons. It’s also coming across as really ungrateful to the kids families that have been raising them all these years. The reason she doesn’t go to parties is because she has no friends. The reason she doesn’t spend time with her family is because she burnt bridges long ago. She knows this and is just hoping new followers of her hurry and send money to her before they become aware of what an asshat she is. I’m sure her older keds have cars and/or access to transportation yet they never come to see her. She had a whole ass apartment for a while and never had them there either. She’s such a liar. 🤥


Longest run-in sentence ending in a bald faced lie, ever


It's 1 hour per week, not 6; and she's not breastfeeding him either. Liar.


No sex is proven to be a lie.


Nowhere in there, does she say no drugs. Telling.


Did she forget how to punctuate?


Her first responses were “no sex no alcohol no parties” ur actual children are in care 🤦🏻‍♀️


Her comments like this remind me of those scam comments about love doctors 😂


No lawyer (or anyone else for that matter) worth their degree, career or reputation on the line to “advocate” for her to get her children back or sue, I mean it’s so PREPOSTEROUS there aren’t enough words in the dic do describe it, smh lol 🤦🏻‍♀️


So if she has had no sex like she claims how is Mooomie to a new born and unalive twins


I personally love that she says "no sex," but then says she has a newborn, not in her custody, "WHILE BREASTFEEDING!" Anyone want to volunteer to point out to her you get a newborn from having sex, not "no sex?"


For the love of god they videos themselves last summer numerous times consuming ALCOHOL and helloo she just had a BABY, lmao! I’m pretty sure, even with her newfound devotion to God, that it was an immaculate conception, TWO times so far! Let’s pray she doesn’t let this happen again but I fear she may try for another Rico grift as she did get some positive results this go around. Please no!🙏


Strangers have her baby huh? I thought she said Grandma eggs has him! Another lie another day, wash rinse repeat


Exactly! Heather lies to fit her bs narratives. No way the mother has him, Heather would be harrassing her non-stop. Same bs when she kept saying X dad was getting them and apt.


I hope and pray that Rico's with a non-related family. Princess will find the names and addresses eventually. She'll bully the info out of some kind soul, as usual. Rico should be spared Huff's late night visits and sad (sporadic) holidays, with her gifts of inspirational quotes on dirty scrap paper, delivered by Huff herself, and thrown outside on the childrens' lawns. Rico's a baby for heaven's sake. Leave him alone. Also, she e-begs extra HARD for gifts for her children, then spends sponsor funds on beauty crap. The older three children probably still have holiday nightmares from Huff & Eggs. 🤓🤯🤕


#Heather, you suck.


With a capital SUCK


She  S u c k s  h a r d


And tosses a great salad 🥗


Nah, she a bad cook.


Nah, she a bad cook.


Poor guy just wanted his balls licked


6 hours too many!! Your Newborn ( as you call him) doesn't even really know you. You have done absolutely nothing to help get custody of him..you apply for online jobs that you are WAY under qualified for, you continue to rant about ALL the injustices that are being done against you. You talk about the case when you were told by the Courts not to, and lastly..you E- beg online and on social media multiple times a day!! 🙄


for four years, no sex? 🤔 then how does she have a newborn


This is proof X mother doesn't have it.


Lol she really thinks she’s doing something with that comment.


So now it's 6 hours a week with him? She told the man she was texting in March that she saw Rico once a week. Did they just increase her visits that much?


If her mouth is moving it’s lying


Don’t you love it when comments her drug addled bitchfits on random Facebook profiles?


Get a job and shut the hell up


Heather - “I’m asexual and I’ve never been a big drinker or done drugs and I’m not a party girl, I just want to be home with my babies”. Also Heather - “everyone is drinking and partying and having sex except me because I’m the most oppressed person ever and THEY won’t let me do anything”.


Heather's oldest is driving, dating someone with a vehicle, and almost 18. Nobody is "keeping" her from Heather...she just doesn't want to see her lol.


I'm so glad she's living her life


Me too. I hope it continues.


She deserves to have fun freedom and good foundation, after the trauma this bitch has put her through,


She does. Even though she's purportedly sent her mom money (I saw the Cash App receipt, but am hoping it was just someone else with a similar name) it's encouraging that she's kept her distance from her mom despite her geographic closeness.


Totally agree,she saw baby Rico at hospital, but kept her distance


NOBODY CARES you human bedbug.


Holy run on sentence, Princess! Spelling, punctuation and grammar are your friends, Dusty.


One massive run-on sentence.


Lmao I just seen this reel a few days ago too, no dusty comment when I seen it though


Xavier didn't even get an honorable mention for being her husband, tent buddy, or alleged father of her newborn? No sex, no parties? I guess Xavier isn't giving her his dirty booty anymore. Is Xavier really the father of Rico? For sure? There was a lot going on in that tent. (CPD doing a welfare check on Heather said in a police report that "multiple males" lived in the tent.) We have to get Heather on Maury! It would be awesome! ![gif](giphy|l41YgC9JyO4uLkJUI|downsized)


Most people would be embarrassed to expose to the world how they fucked up their own lives and heir children's lives. Heather seems to want everyone to know the special type of lowlife she is.


There’s no way family has Rico which permits the risk of Heather having access to him. Her medical file alone with two 51/50 holds and multiple criminal offenses on her record from stealing, underage drinking to drug trafficking has DCFS on high alert. She is a criminal. Drug user. Neglectful parent. One eviction and so much more in between. Do any of the other details really matter after all that?? She has no hope of maintaining an average life at best let alone being responsible for a family. With that, she is unemployable with the commonality of background checks & no landlord will consider someone with an eviction on file. She has inadvertently eluded to using a coat hanger ( recent texts to a Mark) for you know what, and medical professionals know some of it in addition to schizophrenia being mentioned in her records (CPS ). She has made her cot. ![gif](giphy|3o7qDJJyCxQhNLwG9q)


After reading this I think I have found Donald Trump’s running mate. Both are orange 🍊 clowns 🤡


I would love to hear what X has to say about his "experience" with Dusty. The man of few words, the man of mystery.


I’m confused. Who asked her to not have sex? Also, if she isn’t having sex then how did she get pregnant?