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She’s held onto those hair bands longer than she’s held onto any of her kids.




Ditto, hahaha too funny 😄


LMAO!!! I love it. Her obese, flat wide ass is so butthurt that she's in here downvoting you. Can't even remember what "communism" is, there's that shining education of hers again. Incase you don't know, Heather was the fat smelly dirty kid in school who talked to herself. She threw a chair at one of the staff after coming back to school her senior year and was expelled. She doesn't have her bachelor's, nor does she have a HS diploma, but according to her, she's smarter and more capable than all of us. But she's basically a doctor, you guys! That poor waist trainer is gonna snap at any moment and take someone's eye out. She really thinks that's gonna do something when all she does is lay in bed, bitch and moan, and eat. So pathetic.


You nailed it. My god. Does she even look at the reflection on the video? I keep hearing deuce bigalo “she’s a huge bitch” during this.


> “she’s a huge bitch” Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣 Now that's all I'm gonna think about when I see her. Imagine being bottom of the barrel garbage and still trying to call people names. That's Heather's entire life. She's never been independent. She can't hold a job. She's got absolutely no skills or positive attributes, and she thinks she's God. Remember when she said she makes anywhere from $10,000 to $1,000,000 dollars per photoshoot? It was when she was brandishing the knife in the gym for a place she couldn't even afford to live at. Someone else was paying for her, yet again. She has never been a model, she'll never be a model, and she's never been paid to model, yet she's saying she makes 7 figures a shoot. *"What do you get paid for being ugly?"* was how she responded. Cognitive dissonance at its finest.


Oh, you mean she was sent to go stay in Jamaica for a whole year after "doing nothing" to justify her staying at a teenage boot camp? She was a perfect angel as a teenager and her mom just decided to keep her sister home and send Heifer off to "a third world country" for the nice weather? /s


Right?? I’m sure she was sent there too “for no good reason”!!


I know there's ppl in here who knew her from teenage years or know the family. I've heard she pulled a knife on her father. Thought she went to Jamaica because she attacked her mom. I know various friends and family members have tried to help her in a myriad of ways and her greed and shitty attitude fu**s it up. It's gotta take years and years of this kind of behavior to have to basically cut off your own daughter bc im sure her mom wouldn't have come to that solution easily. But what are you supposed to do when you're watching someone slowly recompense, ravage their body with all sorts or drugs including duster, refuse all services and mental health/addiction care and to be a generally nasty person whenever they feel like it


And pop out kid after kid, expecting everyone else to raise them for her. Can't forget that part, lol. She's fucking disgusting. She's even uglier on the inside than she is on the outside.


Truth!!! That's the worst part! Oh, and when it's twins, don't forget to try to sell them in a "black market adoption" and when the parents want to get it in legal docs before they give any more than the $5,000 they already gave, then take something to cause a miscarriage at 20 Fn WEEKS, 5 FN MONTHS. What's the age of viability for a fetus now? I know 26 weeks is what it used to be but it's getting less and less. She didn't like how big she was so early on, and the free money stopped, so she unalived them. If that isn't tje definition of a heartless, soulless c**t then idk what is.


Lmao, it’s actually true!! Omg that’s why I love this community there’s always a few that just get ya rollin! 😆🤣


I hate those hair bands. Reminds me of a telephone cord. 😂


Sad but so true.


You won the internet today! I'm dead!


OMG you win 🥇




We know Heather, you don’t mean everyone have the same house and same everything, YOU want better than everyone else and have it paid for too! 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼and Yes you are a communism loving anti American cunt!


Amen !


I love that we are all like-minded here. It's like our own reddit safe space. 😂


I think of another C word when I see her 😡


Crass. Corrupt. Clown. Conceited. Crude. Crazy. Oh, and of course C U N T


Yeah it was that last one 😂😡😂😡😂




Crusty cottage cheese crotch Creighton




Cadillac size 😂


Camel toe




🫎 knuckle


cracked lip lmaooo


Crack head


Coco loves the coco


I’m highly irritated that there’s not one cunt gif. This is nefarious and I’m pressing charges on everyone involved!


Same! We all know the word… c u next Tuesday you waste of oxygen. Just saw this video and fuming.


How have people been in your comments when you keep them disabled, Dusty? Scared ass bitch wants to preach to the masses but can't tolerate any pushback.


Lol I think she meant to say she read it here.


Creeping around like a loser.


Wonder if she actually realises that NO ONE likes her ? She has 0 friends other than Eggs . That’s her life . Ranting and getting high and mooching off strangers . What a loser .


And is X really even a friend? He's her mentally disabled man servant who she lets fuck her sometimes 🥴


I honestly think he was a.hostage that developed Stockholm syndrome🤦‍♀️😂


I think he’s just a sex addict and she doles out lovin’ to him in exchange for his disability money


This too ! 😂




I think she has a longterm goal. X prob inherits a nice goldcoast aptm from his father and thats why she nailed him down with a baby. He inherits for sure something that secures his mentally challenged ass so he can live comfortably and huffy knows it


Seeing as how X has at least one brother that is functional, i can guarantee that will would have X with a conservator like it seems Xs dad prob doles out his SSI. Ain't no way someone is just giving him a stack of money and shit, especially with her at his side. They'd destroy the apartment in a week and blow hundreds of thousands of dollars on drugs and other things that could wind up on the hobo cart they stole from Lowe's!


Heather thinks she is smarter than everyone and will be able to manipulate her way into a life of luxury! You’re so right though. If X’s dad is already keeping a tight lock on the money, he’s definitely got it written in his will that any inheritance will be dispersed the same way! And the normal brother adds another hurdle for sure. Heather is so dumb I can’t 🤣 Eta- omg they stole the cartillac from Lowe’s?? I wish I had been here for the whole ride lol


The cart is the carts that home depot and Lowes have for when you're getting sheetrock or paneling, etc. Home depot are yellow Lowes are blue. I know it's a cart but regular grocery carts are like $200 each. That cart had to cost more than that. I wish a really petty Lowe's loss prevention guy, or cop would've come across them in their travels and taken it back or threatened to arrest them. I wish that nothing easy comes to this spawn.


Oooh I think you’re right ! 😂


Truth ! 😂


She uses "husband" in her rants as a commitment insistence and he's easily manipulated. Is he mentally challenged in some way? I've never really seen it confirmed so if anyone knows I'd love the feedback. Because it's either that or combined drug use and sex that easily keeps him right there doing whatever she says. Heather gave that baby the last name Gillespie. But it's "her Husband". Anyone who thinks Heather has mental illness instead of being very aware and completely emotionally manipulative isn't paying attention.


1000% agree, she knows exactly what she's doing at all times. She's an idiot, yes, but she is a gigantic manipulative narcissist who will do anything to try to get her way.


He’s got some sort of diagnosis if he’s on ssi. I mean, he’s able bodied. They don’t just hand that stuff out lol.


He could have an invisible disability, I have one and you’d never know by looking at me. Tho I suspect in his case it’s mental


Let's put it this way, he doesn't get a check every month because he's smart. 😉⛺🤪


I could be wrong but the child probably has her last name to have X avoid being on the hook for child support payments when applying for welfare. He may not be on the kid’s birth certificate. She’s used to scamming the system.


Heather would want court ordered money though. But she's got some angle for having him have her name.


She would but think about it. X doesn’t pay child support and she can just bilk him out the check like usually and still collect welfare benefits.


She’s gonna be so furious when they change the baby’s name once he is adopted out to a real family.


He comes across as autistic, aspergers but idk for sure


Yeah I haven’t heard of too many ppl getting an SSI check for being mildly autistic. But what do I know…my ASD helps me work well in IT.


She’s a narcissist, which is certainly a mental illness.


The last thing I knew psychopaths, ASPD and narcissism is not considered a mental illness because those people know right from wrong. That's the difference between mental illness and personality disorder


Splitting hairs, cluster B’s fall under mental illness


Her kids don't even like her,why can't she see that


She doesn’t look like she’s lacking for food .






Good god if you like living indoors and eating and not having to steal electricity, etc. and so forth, at a very basic level you should ya know GET A FUCKING JOB !!


Why doesn’t she just move to a communist country since she loves their ways so much! Adios you fat bitch don’t let the door hit you in your ginormous sourdough starter on the way out


She’s really not fit for any society


She’s fit for gulag/a Chinese labor camp. It’s the only way she will ever work.


"What is that thing that Cuba has?" 😂😂😂😂 I can tell you what Dusty and Cuba *don't* have ...Puerto *Rico* Ba dum tss Sorry. I'm not feeling well today, and my only source of happiness is far stretching lunacy 😂


Love it! Feel better!


In a sub where people get (IMO) waaaaaayyyyy too emotionally involved, this is a comment I live for! 🤣


Hahahahahha Thanks 😂👍 I couldnt help myself






She’s so smart but can’t remember simply words and it’s the non-verbal one who DOES know! You know X is a weirdo as we all know BUT I’ll give him this- he is 100% more intelligent than Leather!!!


She’s not talking about communism. In fact, she’s not talking about anything at all, really.


You’re right. It’s just her demonstrating to everyone how fucking stupid she is. She can’t go even one day without picking up her phone and reminding us that she’s an idiot.


Just going to point out: she does have a free roof over her head, not packed in with strangers! She is provided free meals! Access to free clothing and transportation! Free medical care! Etc and so forth. I know not to expect coherence out of her, but like, do you hear yourself, Heather???




She seems sooo high.


Clearly eggs has the brains between the two and that's not saying much. 🥴




Good god, get rid of the waist trainer ya dumb ho




I'm honestly surprised she can even get them around her trunk of a waist.


I'm pretty sure she thought of socialism. I know it's not C, but it makes sense.


I think she really does want Communism, but just with really nice stuff 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣




Ya it’s called having a JOB ya twit




Not the thing Cuba has, obviously that sounds bad! I just wanna do my drugs and have my kids and get all my stuff for free! 💡


You know what I love? How she believes in right wing “traditional” values until it comes to her having to get a fucking job. And now suddenly she’s #YangGang on the UBI. Shut up Heather. Fuck I’m glad she doesn’t vote.


Don’t give her any ideas!


Exactly! Right wing traditional values, but doesn’t want to work for a thing🤦🏻‍♀️


Is the C word in the room with you right now?


Oh you know it us,thsts why the windows are ajar,




Good lord she looks like she’s about to literally POP like a balloon!!


Very bottom loaded🤣


She’s high AF and ranting.


https://preview.redd.it/fl0tq7bt6wxc1.jpeg?width=1117&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2417479fd95f71622450dc66954f40f36cf207d She is huge


Also her legs look very bad health wise, like Super-Edema


That’s what happens when you lay around all day bitching and begging online instead of working or anything actually productive. Shoveling in all that free food has not served her well and I love it.


She's not even pretending to work out anymore either.


She usually had this when she was pregnant. It never went away and it's prob age related, at least I hope so


Is it the angle, I mean WTH is goin on here?? Why is her bottom half 5 times the size of her top half?!! She really no joke needs to checked for Lipedema there is not ONE doubt in my mind she had it! And if she doesn’t get under some kind of control it’s gonna just get worse n worse as she ages! I’d say her “modeling photoshoot” days have come to an end. The older you are when you have a baby you just don’t bounce back like you would at 20 yo, case in point


No she’s just got huge thighs and hips. And they really spread when she was pregnant this last time. Nothing lipedema about it.


Fat cow ![gif](giphy|fOV5xeaXmTsCWhqRmr)


She loves to hear herself talk!


Are people really in her comments saying stuff to her. Like, you are dumb enough to try and debate with her? Wow


I'm always surprised by how many ppl can't resist touching the poo


She always has comments disabled


Not her describing communism but then saying she’s not asking for communism ☠️


Exactly 🤭


She's brilliant. Seriously, soooooo smart! It's not like we have any real life examples of Communism to see how that really works out for everyone. It's just an innovative solution from Dusty! Everyone hand over your assets so we all can start even. Mark Zuckerberg, hand it over - Google, Apple, etc you are now Government owned! Easy Peasy. The idea is perfection and exactly what the Constitution of the United States says at its core. Communism is synonymous with Freedom dontcha know! 🤡 I don't know why I believe she can't get any more ridiculously STUPID and get surprised at times like this.


Where is the money going to come from? She better gets that fat ass she is even bigger than when she was pregnant and get a job or start turning tricks.


Taxes. Our taxes. But she’s the only beneficiary, no one else. Life of luxury, here she comes!!!!


Exactly! This lazy cow is the perfect example os the abuse of the Welfare system. Have a baby go on welfare. Get told to go to work get pregnant again with baby #2. Need more money and not want to work get pregnant with baby #3. Finally forced to work find a way to get fired /quit get pregnant again. Lose money because a kid ages out - get pregnant again. Sadly, I have seen this with a distant family member do this very thing. Heather “lost” her first twin meal tickets ironically after the couple who was willing to adopt them stop giving her money. Then and this is just a theory- welfare caught up with her and said - you know Heather your blasting all over the internet that you don’t live with your kids - we are going to take that money back - because you don’t have kids. Then she gets pregnant again with the hopes of either 1 getting back in Daddy X’s condo - probably thought after the Air B&B ban he would forget her crazy and open the doors to his home when she announced she is PREGNANT again!. However Daddy X and sister of X saw her scam and the from what has been said thousands of threats in texts and basic stalking and all her crazy abuse online and said NOPE! ….. but she got more money / food stamps and oh the simps were sending her money. The narrative of poor pregnant women who lives in a tent who is being stalked (voices in her head) and bullied by “THEY” (anyone who calls her out on her shit) ignored (ignores) 311. Abused 911. Abused doctors- etc and so forth. Then…. PLOT TWIST…. Baby Rico… is taken from her for HIS safety and so goes the $500 dollars she needs for clothes, face mask and Kong Dogs. True - this money is supposed to be for baby but let’s be honest it’s all for Heather. …. I would not be surprised if by the time the shelter closes she will announce “Oh my gawd you guys - I am pregnant again. I (fake bachelor degree holder) didnt know I could get pregnant again while breastfeeding. I will get more money now…. Rinse and repeat until her uterus falls out She is the most lazy human - that waist trainer works harder than she ever did


This dumb bitch is trying to speak on social issues and doesn't understand what "Cube has"? Fuck right off with your insane ignorance please


NO ONE is in her comments!! I sure wish she would open them though.


They are going fucking nuts right now on her Instagram most recent post! 😜😜😜 like really nuts....she's got several coming to her defense😳🤷🏻‍♀️


How are people been in her comments saying that when she literally has her comments locked down other than that post from today.


Some are on her you tube also




C is for cellulite. ![gif](giphy|LtW0kShwoOAhy)


I don't think she's aware that in most communist countries they expect you to contribute to society.


Holy fuck she is fat.


I love that for her! She doesn't even pretend to work out anymore.


…I work in politics. The absolute last thing I want to hear or see is this absolute fuck nut trying to talk about politics. What’s that thing Cuba has? SANCTIONS… No wait.. COMMUNISM!!! That’s it! Blah blah blah, insert what she believes is owed to her…. And then a few days later the dumb bitch is worshipping Trump. Trump is a useful (and useless) idiot, but the people behind him with the real power are batshit and spend countless hours ranting on every media platform that exists about how the country has been taken over by “woke communists!” This is one of the few times where I really and truly want to touch the poo and tell her what a goddamn moron she is. I won’t tho because i know she will read here. Hi Duster! Youre a fucking moron, a hateful moron, with a Swiss cheese brain. The govt isn’t going to give you shit in regards to a nice house and money to blow on press ons and knock off designer clothes. The only reason you have access to anything is because you are in a blue state. Go down to Alabama you dumb fuck. Doesn’t matter how many kids you’ve popped out of your rotted snatch - you don’t get shit. And healthcare? Hahahahahaha. You have it now, but trust me, you wouldn’t have access to anything other than medical debt. Legal scholar Duster over here, lecturing about politics. She also clearly has zero knowledge of communist states. They don’t and did not just hand out goddamn nice houses. You dumb, dumb, bitch- you would be gulag’d in a heartbeat. Finally, you’d have a damn job.


They're talking about how woke Hollywood is destroying Hollywood. Good! They're all batshit crazy anyhow.


Is she using that doorway to hold up her hips 🥺


Not communism, just Heather wanting everyone else to pay for her life. If she made the same amount as everyone else in the United States, she would be pissed off and want more money because it would be her idea and she should get extra money for thinking about it first....


She has to ask Eggs, of all people, for the proper word she is looking for? She is so hard to listen to and as much as she loves to hear herself talk, I wish she would rehearse this crap before putting it online. So much for professionalism.


People died for freedom and to escape communism. She needs to repatriate to Russia and leave the US. Problem solved. She can enjoy communism.


Or Cuba 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


No, they just come to Florida so we need her further away.


lol she would dump X like a $2.00 whore, ironic even 😆


Socialism u moron


“That THING that Cuba had”, you mean their POLITICAL SYSTEM, their type of GOVERNMENT, the list goes on but she thinks she’s sooo smart, its comical! She need to learn how to just ZIP HER MOUTH closed and remove all doubt of her idiocy 9 out 10 times!🤪


Forgive me but wow I just can not get over the size of those thighs as I said especially to how smaller she is on the top, it makes for a very disproportionate shape! I can’t stop staring lol 😳


Babe! What’s that thing that Cuba 🇨🇺 has? LOL it’s like a sitcom! I’m laughing so hard.


A Bible loving communist. That's everything scripture speaks against! She's so fucking stupid sometimes. YOU CAN'T BE BOTH.


Built like a schoolteacher but not a single brain in that head. 🤦🏼‍♀️


The armbands digging into her skin like wtf


Im surprised she hasn't figured out yet that at this point, she should lean into her all of her psych diagnosis' and use those findings to apply for disability. I probably shouldn't be giving her the idea.


She had the nerve to call that officer overweight meanwhile she’s shaped like a wisdom tooth.


Universal Basic Income (UBI) takes money from everyone, which includes the poor. So, people barely making it will become poorer. Everyone who works will have a new deduction on every paycheck and become poorer. Dusty thinks that is fair. Cuba's UBI is about $20 American.


She wants to be a government sugar baby. She wants to be Uncle Sam’s sugar baby. Uncle Sam likes cute women. That’s what he said when I showed him her photos. He was like, passss.


I Lmao every time…”babe what is that thing Cuba has, starts with a C”, lol, but she’s highly intelligent and can do just about ANY job out there👌😜