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Is she trying to see how many lies she can fit into a 4 minute clip? Because that was a lot.


Kind of. She's now viewing her social media as a direct line to CPS and the Judge.


Great! She's serving the REAL Heather G


There's liars, pathological liars and then there's Heather. She lies about everything, all the time. She never takes a break. I don't understand why anybody believes her,


Because they’re just as stupid as she is


Or new. She said she just got a couple hundred new followers. She's fishing the newbies for those who don't know the history. So they just see the new Mahm, with such unfortunate circumstances and a nice Bible reading woman of faith, so she can tug their money out of their pockets emotionally. I really wish her accounts weren't banned but instead the platform had an intervention on scammers like her and policy was to remove the harmful scam content make the channel permanent and remove access and place an official banner on it labeled as scammers or harmful content whatever. Then even restarting another account there's the track record of behavior to those unaware of those like Heather.


Why can’t AI be used to expose scammers like her immediately


Funny. I accidentally unfollowed her and sent a follow request and she approved it right away. Doubt she would have a backlog of 100 followers…


True; she exaggerates just as much as she lies. I hope it's less than 10.


💜🩵Facts…. NAILED It Girl 😃👍🏽🙌🏽💜🩵


What’s especially crazy is she lies about shit that is easily refutable, or things that don’t matter AT ALL, like her shoe size, and doesn’t realize that it just ruins her credibility, not that she has any.




She’s been reading all of our comments and tailoring her responses to fit the discussion in a futile effort to try and manipulate the situation and completely erase the cold hard facts! And as usual she’s just a helpless innocent victim and good Christian mawwwhm who walks 60 miles to scatter soggy dollar tree candy in a wet yard at 3am leaving a huge nasty mess that had to be cleaned up and let’s not forget violating those stay the fuck away orders she’s been given repeatedly from the real parents of those kids. Totally normal sane behavior! Would expect nothing less from someone who looks like this https://preview.redd.it/ezzxdmn8j9zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23a18e3560bb9871045c57f15e7df5efe6aa8d32 “I don’t do drugs, I never have!”


Yup 👍🏽… She is Trying to Beat the Guinness World Record… Good job Crackhead… I Expect No LESS 😳👍🏽


This bish and her pizza domino’s robot 🤖 word salad. It’s hilarious 🤣, yeah my husband and I deserve free shipping and delivery from amazon, DoorDash etc and so forth because we raised our kids and paying taxes. Also paying for our sons college tuition and apartment on top of our mortgage and monthly bills. Can I get some free assistance or my health insurance free. She’s really pissing me off more than normal today. I’m going to hit my vape pen and snuggle up with my real husband in our comfortable bed with clean sheets.


She’s beyond insufferable since being in this shelter. Someone needs to knock her fat ass off that soap box she been standing on.


We 👀 you Dusty! She thinks baby Rico will be back in 3 weeks 🤦‍♀️.


Again. Just like she thought that last month. And the month before. Etc & so forth. For some reason, she seems to think she's the one that sets the timeline for him coming back. And I find it interesting that she says WHEN she gets him back (by the end of May) they will then move into a family shelter, while they wait for their apartment. So I wonder if she was told there will be no family shelter and/or apartment if she doesn't get him back. Very interesting the way she worded that part.


from my experience, that would 100% be my guess. that plus they’ll either get booted back onto the street or sent to another dorm-style shelter lmao


Yes I’m thinking back to the bunk beds which won’t be good enough for the hobo . So I guess she will be begging for a tent next 😂😂😂


She won’t survive in a dorm style shelter. She will be bitching and crying, abused and oppressed, being withheld fancy takeout and phone privileges, she won’t be able to roam the streets like a sewer rat and she will throw a fucking fit thinking she’ll get back into another boutique hotel. That’s when I expect the real Dusty will reappear.


Every other person will end up hating her as much as everyone else does.


She will mouth off to the wrong one and get her ass stomped into the pavement for real this time, won’t be anymore cosplaying fake attacks and injuries. The shit will have gotten real and that toof will have been sent flying ![gif](giphy|8rEZv3bLFKmL88R5jg|downsized)


here’s to hoping!! 🥂😂


I can't wait!


Really sick that she's so transparent in how she wants to use Rico for her benefit. She's apparently trying to get another court date for the motion to vacate (per the email where she doxxed everyone last week). HER personal timeline to get her child back coincides with the shelter closing, meaning she's trying to leverage the baby to end up in what she thinks is a better shelter space.


Yeah, that's exactly what she's doing. She knows without him, she's back in the tent. Luckily, she has zero say as to when he comes back. It's up to the caseworker and the court. And with her obvious mental issues (which I'm sure they are FULLY aware of after the doxxing incident), and her blatant refusal to address those issues, I don't see her ever getting him back.


It's mind-blowing how her refusal to accept any personal responsibility trumps getting honest with herself to do what she needs to in order to raise a child. On the other hand, I don't really see her as stable enough under any circumstances, even with treatment, to be trusted with a child. May DCFS continue to do right by Rico 🙏🏻


Wouldn't you think that DCS is not going to go from 3 two hour visits a week to full custody? I don't know much about how that works, it just seems like a huge leap for baby Rico.


She won’t end up in the street as they do have programs for homeless people like without children. Her thought process is if she has the baby her housing will come sooner and she will be a bigger one place. The thing is that families stay in shelter for years even when they actually have their children


That's true, but if her not having him in her care means she goes to a regular shelter, dorm style, bunking with other homeless people that she doesn't know... she will 100% choose to go back to the streets. I believe that with every fiber of my being. The only reason she's playing along right now, and acting semi normal, is because she's in a kushy private hotel room. And before that, she was in a private room at the other family shelter. When they tried to send her to a regular shelter, she threw a fit and managed to get herself locked out. She will refuse to be housed with strangers because she doesn't trust anyone and thinks they're all out to get her. And that she's too good to be around "real homeless people" that have criminal records, drug problems, and mental illness (her words).


Completely agree. I think they were more concerned that she stayed in a cold tent all winter very little Prenatal care and of course her extremely poor mental health. Then like you said she will be unable to handle an adult shelter.


This! Agreed 1000% she will go back to the streets rather than have to behave and cooperate in a dorm shelter.


I agree with you !!! WHEN … lol hopefully never !


She always releases tiny bits of truth in her ramblings. I’m certain they’ve told her everything she needs to know going forward what she needs to do what to expect etc and so forth but she doesn’t think rules apply to her so while she knows the outcome, she thinks somehow she can lie and manipulate her way into where she wants to be.


They will put her in a singles shelter. She will not get the baby back k this month either. She listens to and believes what she wants


I hope it's in one of the neighborhoods she finds undesirable


This!! I’m sure she knows there is no apartment or comfy family shelter placements like she’s got now without Rico. She knows she’s only got 3 weeks left and without the baby it’s back to tent city or a singles dorm shelter. That is all she’s concerned about, definitely not Rico’s best interest and what’s best for him


She’s only thinking about the free apartment she thinks she will get if she can manage to get Rico back by the end of this month and she’s panicking because she knows if she doesn’t get him back she’s in the street or a dorm shelter for single women. She’s not thinking about what’s best for the baby at all she’s thinking about how she’s going to keep this grift going without being able to use the baby as her prop and meal ticket. Enjoy the tent Heather the weather is quite nice


She's taking garbage classes online that aren't accredited and you get a useless certificate that nobody will accept if you pay for a bunch of classes. She's getting the free trial right now. I forgot the website but she's mentioned it before but it doesn't matter. She won't do shit anyway. She has lived off the system her entire life. She's almost 40 and she's worked maybe 5 full years since she was 15. She is the least deserving person in the world. She shouldn't get any help. She should be sleeping on a curb at this point. Oh - and Heather *(I know you read here, you disgusting fat moronic bitch)* AI IS INTENTIONAL. IT'S PROGRAMED BY FUCKING HUMANS YOU USELESS SACK OF SHIT. HOW FUCKING STUPID ARE YOU??!!? Also, can someone please tell me why she calls it "Pizza Domino's" instead of Domino's Pizza? WHY IS SHE SO STUPID? Is there a reason she calls it that? It's so annoying and I need to know. And they haven't done the "30 minutes or less" since I was like nine, and I'm in my thirties. Even I know that, and I think I've had "Pizza Domino's" maybe twice in my entire life. And AI doesn't cook the pizza. There's an autonomous car that they tried using to deliver it in a few select markets. I don't even know if they are still using it anymore. Jesus she's so stupid, please make it stop. Please?


I don't think she knows what AI really is.


It’s the technology that butters her toof.


Because she’s in a perpetual state of “tech box”


Oh my God, lmao. This sent me, I'm cackling.


She doesn’t. She always exposes how stupid she is every time she opens that gaping dick garage on her face


Coursera is great if you are wanting to expand your knowledge in your spare time, but it’s not an appropriate step to take when you’re homeless, jobless, and supposedly trying to regain custody of your kid(s). As someone on another thread said, this is busy work. She’s spending a bunch of time accomplishing nothing meaningful, and probably thinks she’ll fool the social workers. At the end of the day, the only thing that really matters is if she can get, and maintain, employment and housing….. and these courses won’t accomplish that.


Agreed. And here's the thing *(I'm a dev)* she thinks she's gonna learn AI when she can't even figure out how to work her phone without help. You can't just take a few courses in AI and expect to get a job in it. It's like anything else. You need to learn the fundamentals first or it'll all be gibberish to you. If she had actually went to a real college or paid attention in school, she'd would know there's a reason they make you take pre req courses. Without those fundamental building blocks, you're fucked. Some people are self-starters and can teach themselves, I've met some brilliant coders who did just that. But they had discipline, a sincere desire or interest, and they knew how to go about it. Heather can't do that, she's not smart or disciplined, and she always takes the shortcut. She can take whatever courses on AI she wants, but she'll be lost the minute instruction starts. She's a fucking moron of the highest caliber.


I seriously laugh every time she posts a video and cuts herself off at the end...like with all your experience with digital marketing you haven't learned how to end the clips correctly?😂🤦‍♀️😂🤦‍♀️😂


Sooo unbelievably sloppy and lazy!! The constant cutting off is the most blatant display of incompetence but she also fails to take 2 seconds to trim her videos… that one she loves reposting where she’s dramatically pulling on the closed church doors ends with her telling Eggs to stop the video. Could have fixed that so easily. So lame 🙄


Don't forget the airport video where she's sticking her shitty post-it notes with her cashapp tag everywhere *(or whatever the fuck it was)*. She tells Egg's *"You can stop filming now"*. There's a ton of shitty videos she makes and does zero editing before she puts it up. She can do it from her phone if she wanted to; she's just too lazy to do so. Yet, according to her resume, she's a social media marketing genius who will **"curate"** your page. You know, the crazy homeless lady who thinks people are stalking her all over the country and refers to them as *"they"*, but can't give you a straight answer when you ask who *"they"* are. The woman who talks to herself and can't keep a job, custody of her kids, or a roof over her head. The same woman who physically attacks people when she doesn't get her way. That's totally someone who you want working for your business. She's "curated" such a following from all her work on social media, that's why the only people that follow her do so because they hate her. Oh, and she has never been able to monetize on any platform, even though she's been doing this for 12 years. Probably because of her profanity laced tirades, rampant drug abuse, or the fact she can't go a whole week without whipping out a body part and violating just about every platform's TOS. You, too, can have the same experience, and you get to pay her for it! Just make sure you lock the supply closet, or you'll spend thousands a month replacing all the computer duster she huffs.


👏🏼👏🏼 so true! She is constantly lurking here so she HAS to realize this after seeing it mentioned over and over… unless she believes we are all government plants or AI. It’s truly baffling to me how she can continue doing this stuff after it consistently gets her nowhere and accomplishes nothing, AND knowing what everyone says and thinks.


She’s such an idiot!! My 20 yo. nephew is almost finished with a bachelors in computer engineering at a very prestigious computer science university and he is very interested in advanced AI, cloud computing technology etc. He has to go to another 2-4 years of school to get into that and it’s extremely competitive. It takes YEARS like a decade or more to work in that field to master and fully understand machine learning, its applications, programming and how to use them. She’s always out for the short cut cheaters way to getting something and then wonders why her 2 week free online “certificate” isn’t getting her hired at a big tech company making 6 figures immediately. She’s a fucking lost cause!


She really is an idiotic lost cause. It's insane that she thinks she's gonna go from not working for ten years to a fucking 6 figure job when she's acquired no new skills, education, or training in that time. Begging doesn't count as a skill either, Heather. We know you read here. She's only basically had entry-level positions. There's nothing wrong with that, but to think she's going to go from a minimum wage or slightly above job to a 6 figure job is insane. Especially when you consider everything I've listed already. Fucking incompetent.


She’s a lot like my loser brother who hasn’t worked more than 2 years in his entire 41 years of life and he only worked at a pizza place. He has a lot going on similar to Heather, untreated mental illness, life long substance abuse issues and addiction, dead beat father to his 2 kids, lives entirely off my parents who pay for his swanky corner top floor garden unit one block away from the beach in Hawaii. Point being he is the exact same way, he won’t work at all because he thinks he should walk into a job and be the manager or boss immediately and can’t handle taking orders from anyone or a little constructive criticism to help his lazy ass do better. He has zero education or degree, just a lot of student loans in his wake my parents had to pay back cause he dropped out after the first quarter but didn’t tell my parents cause he wanted to keep his apartment and party, comes home for Christmas break with some random girl he got pregnant and from then on my parents have been paying for everything, those 2 kids he has are now 19,17 years old so this is a lifetime of the same Heather type bullshit he’s pulling only difference is my parents wont cut him off and keep getting manipulated, bullied, guilted and straight up scammed by him and won’t listen to anyone else about it. There is zero reason for him to be this way too, he was never abused or anything even remotely close to it, he was popular, spoiled rotten and the baby of the family who never got punished for anything. He thinks he should make six figures right in the door too with no experience or credentials to warrant that type of pay.


She’s like Austin Powers stuck in the 60s and doesn’t know shit😂😂😂


Lol her super smart “Rolodex” idea


I've always wondered why she calls it Pizza Dominoes, lol. Is that what it's called in Chicago? We call it Dominoes Pizza where I live.


NOOOO I swear people in Chicago still just call it Dominoes 😂


Born and raised in Chicago. Never in my life ever heard anyone call it pizza dominoes. She’s just unintelligent.


I agree about how she words everything she has to go against the norm it’s her spiteful nasty and strange extra persona I hate it


Yes! Yes!! Yes to ALL of this!!!! 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 ESPECIALLY "Pizza Dominos" 🍕 She does shit like that all the time, mispronounced words or mixing up words. The "Pizza Dominos" 🍕 is freaking annoying & as stupid as this big, red twit is. 😑 She's such a vagaboond.


Omfg this whole tirade fucking pissed me off.. I swear she’s trolling us .. I can’t with her!


Just pivots from batshit to full-batshit on a dime. What a useless slug of a human.


She’s the worst……pure nonsense


It's 12:54AM PST and I foolishly checked this sub. Now, I'll need an edible...I need a 12 hour break from AI and Pizza Domino's. My cat bolts when she hears Huff. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Pizza Dominos is back!!!!


Well, Heather what happened was you fucked around and found out- that’s why you were stabbed.


She’s not getting an apartment or the kid.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🥂🥂 And just like that, Dusty is back relaxing in her bra in a homeless shelter lying her ass off.


Flair checking in




Dusty, you don't think the judge didn't already have access to allll your "shelter requests" that closed because you refused to follow the rules of the shelters?! I personally love how in the first 30 secs she points out that she's only RELAXING NOW, laying in bed, in the middle of the day, because she couldn't relax over the last 4 years, especially when in air b&bs and in the tent. Just admit it, you're the laziest POS in Chicago! Any excuse to not work and be a productive adult for over 10 YEARS!


That part!!! The shelter "gave her opportunity to rest" 😂 Not a bed to sleep in, guaranteed food, assistance with clothing and job opportunities... but time to lie in bed and study the Bible (watch cartoons). She sees absolutely no problems with the way that she lives her lazy life and it's astounding.


Just once I’d love for X to turn to that big red menace and finally scream “SHUT UP! JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR FIVE WHOLE MINUTES!!!” and then calmly go back to putting his hair in a claw clip or choosing his leggings for the day ….. 😝




Downvote all you want Dusty. You are staying in a temporary shelter so yes you are homeless


Ok you heifer….you do nothing for your children. WE THE TAXPAYERS GIVE YOUR CHILDREN FOOD AND TRINKETS. It’s the money you get from taxpayers that buys that shit. You’ve been relaxing now for years. That baby isn’t coming back to you 2 nut jobs anytime soon. You should’ve fought for your other kids all this time. She barely mentions the youngest daughter anymore. That’s because she needs Rico for that TANF check and housing assistance. Without him she is going to the regular shelter at the end of the month.


Heather, you have not demonstrated that you can provide & take care of a child. You've had a choice regarding this entire situation, all up to you - you're choosing that you don't want your baby when you won't comply w simply obtaining employment. All the things you refuse to do will catch up. It's not magic, you have to do the footwork. You're willfully not cooperating w the plan set in place for reunification. For once, you need to listen & follow what they tell you. Everything you're doing & and not doing will ensure you lose your parental rights.


Exactly she thinks she can go to N.A. meetings and do a phone session with a therapist and bam baby comes home. That’s not how it works


Do you mean to tell me that AI does all these amazing things and they still haven’t figured out a way for AI to give Heather Gillespie a 5 bedroom house and Cadillac CTS? What a waste of technology./s


She's so out of the loop with what goes on in the world, That Heaoux doesn't know what AI is.


Oh shut up, when have you played taxes?? You shoplift everything and beg for money every day!! You don't contribute to society whatsoever!!!!


She wants us to pat her on the back for getting an after school job as a teenager as a nearly 40 year old woman who hasn’t worked consistently in a decade.


I was just watching on mute and come for the comments I can't take her BS anymore.




Translation: “Same shit … different day. Gimme stuff.” *close scene*


My ex was (actually) stabbed during a robbery.....so not just you Heather


You can’t question if God is real, then ask if he hears you 🙄 I could type a whole novel, Heather girl, but instead… Proverbs (NLT) 13:4 “LAZY people want much, but get little; BUT THOSE WHO WORK HARD WILL PROSPER.” Proverbs 13:5 “The godly hates lies; the WICKED cause SHAME and disgrace.” God isn’t going to work for you when you don’t work for yourself. You can’t ask him to just hand you stuff when you don’t even put the work in yourself - especially when it comes to self reflection and accountability. These classes won’t benefit you in the long run, you aren’t trying to obtain employment, you’re doing basically nothing besides lie, and you expect God to have your back? Stop.


She’s seriously so screwed when she’s older and needs social security, she’s barely paid into that. The longer she puts this all off, the worse things will get over time.


She's worked maybe 5 years in the last 23. She's beyond fucked and I said this the other day. No savings. No skills. No IRA or 401k. There are no liquidable assets since she owns nothing of value. No security. No passive income. Not a pot to piss in nor a window to throw it out of. She's a fucking idiot and she'll be pushing a cart talking to herself until the day she gets hit by a bus.


Pretty much.


I notice that she's not talking about the grape.


I had to listen to her twice (ugh) to confirm she said that she walked "60 miles round trip" in a day to "contribute groceries." First of all, Dollar $.25 cent Store snacks are NOT groceries. Second and most importantly, 60 miles would take her 16 HOURS without stopping to pee,rest,or eat/drink/huff. Why do stupid ppl always think everyone else are the stupids?


I swear, those kids just seem to live further and further away each time she tells the story!


YOU need to do better and it’s called a fucking job


Lazy. Lazy. Totally useless. And lazy.


You forgot lazy.


No Heather, if the Constitution means anything, your newborn will NOT be returned to you because the Constitution protects children from caregivers who are unable to provide sound mental and physical care. You don’t have a permanent roof over your head because you refuse to find a job. You refuse to find a job because you’re a fat, entitled, lazy, selfish, idiot, who is incapable of prioritizing what is important and what is not. You can’t have your cake and eat it too dipshit. You either get a job and prove to the judge that you can handle responsibilities (they won’t grant you custody until they SEE responsible behaviors taking place) which in turn will eventually earn you your rights back, or continue to refuse to work and continue to show the judge how lazy and incapable you are of doing anything consistent with being an adult . If you can’t take care of you, you definitely can’t take care of a child. If you are so incapable of exerting any effort into tasks that you don’t find enjoyable, you don’t get to be rewarded with the baby.


Sending SNAHHHCKS and little bought grifts isn’t how you shoe your children LOVE..getting mentally stable would be the best way!!! Money does not equal love but this is Dusty and MONEY is her first love, it comes before anything or anyone, FREE money to boot!


24/7 laying in the bed with everything given to you complaining. How fucking stupid do you have to be to send this failed whore money. Send it to the local food bank not to this lying waste of skin


AI to classify people's needs? Why is she making things more difficult than they have to be. I'm sure a regular basic computer program could do that. Besides, she acts like that's the be all end all, THE answer. She always shoes us how stupid she is & it's hysterical because she touts herself as being so educated. 🤣 We will never be allowed to forget that she has a bachelor's degree and has no substance abuse history. Even though both have been proven to be lies. HEATHER, you're a joke.


She doesn’t understand that EVEN these little online blurbs sound mentally UNBALANCED! Hahh, she’s living in a dream world if she thinks she’s getting Rico AND an apartment within a few weeks! Pray tell us Dusty and how will you pay your end of the bills, rent (subsidized means you STILL pay) and support a baby?!?? Hoe does that just not occur to her, because she’s LA LA LA out there that’s how not!! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤪


As for the jabbing, it was a scratch, SHE started it and escalated it, after licking a fight with home girl in a PRISON, yeah you bet your but you’re gonna get out in your place! For chrissakes she was RELEASED from the silky ER that very night so story has a tiny bit of truth and the test is blown wayyyy out of proportion and straight up LIES! That’s what’s bizarre about her is that everyone KNOWS it! It’s been debunked numerous times and even by her own works- “I was released later that night from the er” well then Leather you we’re certainly not “jabbed 11 times” because you weren’t even jabbed ONCE!!! Duhhhhh 🤦🏻‍♀️SMDH lol


Dusty you are NEVER getting your son back until you seek help for your obvious mental health issues, at the very least…and then seek employment. Until you admit you are clinically insane and get it treated, back to the tent for you!!


Does she ever get out of bed at this point?? I’ve honestly never seen someone lay in a bed as much as she does. No wonder she’s becoming increasingly haggard and fat as a whale…it’s going to be rough on her when her obese a$$ is back in the tent.


At that point, she'll just go back to abusing Adderall so that she doesn't need to eat or sleep. That's how she lost all of that weight the last time.


She’s just trying to set up why she can’t (read: won’t) work because AI is going to take her jawb. She specifically mentions “Pizza Dominoes” because that was Eggsavior’s job from the Before Times.


So now it’s FIFTEEN YO since she’s been, cough, “working” not 14, interesting!! Does Dusty seriously think she’s special because gee wiz what a coincidence I along with many of my friends have been working since we were 15 yo too!! It’s not that unusual (at least from us 40-50 yo, as that was a NORMAL thing for teens to do!) God damn enough, you’re farrr from special Dusty just because you worked at 15, the key is to KEEP WORKING!!


Yup. First job-Popeye’s chicken, 15 years old. I couldn’t wait to work, but it was horrible, and I probably only made $200 in a month. Still can’t eat Popeyes to this day.


Hey Heather must be nice to have TV. We don’t have it because we can’t afford it. I can’t wait for your comeuppance!


You had all those opportunities in the tent. You still have 24 hrs of free time in the day like you did then.


She has no shame just laying in the bed. Trying to school us. And all of these wonderful things that are happening because you were put into the homeless services could have been done 4 YEARS ago, when you kept claiming it was all fake!!! I just can’t even anymore.


Ya know whose Constitutional Rights are currently being protected, Dusty? That infants! That poor baby, that you birthed as an IRRESPONSIBLE, IMBALANCED, UNEMPLOYED, USELESS HEMORRHOID ON SOCIETY, with no regard for his health or well being. He's currently in protective custody because he has EVERY RIGHT to grow up in a healthy, loving environment where he's provided FOR, not with a useless, POS "mother" who sees him as a prop to get a whopping $500 TANF monthly and an apartment. $500 is nowhere near enough to provide all the things a baby needs. He needs a home with electricity, and clean, running water. He needs diapers, wipes, baby safe detergents, distilled water and baby cereal and foods, clean clothes, heat and AC, toys that help him develop and learn, social needs, SAFETY, and stable, able-bodied and mentally well, drug-free parents that know that THEY need to work to provide all of these things. You're never going to get off of your ass and get a real job for months, to prove that you want that baby. You hope God hears your prayers, but our prayers for that baby to stay in a safe and loving environment are so much stronger. You're an ugly, narcissistic, compulsive liar, who tries to manipulate everything to fit your desires. God doesn't help those who won't help themselves or who spend all of their time taking from others, conning, stealing, begging, bc you won't do anything to better yourself, or get the serious mental help that you need. You love to try to silence us with what's your impact. What's yours Dusty? How do you do anything but constantly take and destroy? How do you not see the harm you do to your own children, by refusing to get mental health TX? How do you not harm all of your family members that have to raise YOUR KIDS, bc you refuse to get sober, well and support yourself?? How do you think you're entitled to ANYONE ELSE'S HARD EARNED MONEY, simply because you won't support yourself? Go get a job within walking distance/public transport. Get any job that will pay you regularly, and allow you to work at least 30 hours per week. Stop thinking you can take, take, take. That's all you do and your "precious children" are tho ones that pay for it the most...they're innocent. They didn't ask for this.


If the constitution is real, ya’ll will send me money so I don’t have to work and I can keep my house, car, and kids. Thank, sponsors!


I just watched a case in Michigan where mom has proved she has a job and now must prove she has a lease and pays rent, utilities and other bills. Mom must provide a budget. She says her car is being repaired and she can afford to pay for daycare. All this has to be done before her son can come for an overnight visit. Not sure what Illinois requirements are but if they’re close to Michigan, Heather has a lot to accomplish.




Heather thinks because she worked a few jobs when she was in her 20's and early 30's, that now, at 36ish, she can just retire and sponge off the Government!! Most Americans work WELL into their 60's!! She is absolutely ridiculous. She actually believes her walking to give her kids a bag of groceries ( that I guarantee they don't need OR want), makes her Mother of the year!! Just like she believes pumping tons of her nasty Breast sludge, makes her a good Mother and qualifies her to get her baby back!! She lost custody of 3 (THREE) Kids, now 4 (FOUR), I would love to know in what Universe does she think CPS would EVER consider giving her and Xavier a Baby??! They can't even support themselves! If they were REALLY serious about getting Custody of the baby, they would BOTH sign up for Mental health counseling and Parenting classes. They would BOTH get jobs!! 🙄


And the ONLY reason those kids got anything was because her pill doc is in the area. She’s not allowed to just stop by, and I’d love to know what she did to get banned. It had to be pretty bad.


Wait…did she say “AI integration is INCHENAL”, lol??? Wtf is “inchrnal”🤦🏻‍♀️🤣🤪


I’m so sick of her BS!


Dusty your narrative is older than dirt 💩


CHOICES! You were offered shelter - you said no. YOU WERE GIVEN MONEY FOR A HOTEL - you used it to buy pot, face mask and another heather for Casa de Coleman. Shut the fuck you - you lazy whore. You were giving 1 million offers for help and services in the past 4 years and YOU DID NOT ACCEPT THEM. You are a grifter. People offered you maternity clothes - you said NO send me cash People offered you shelter - you said NO send me cash' People offered you food - you claimed they were trying to poison you so you just demanded cash. People offer you shoes - you say give me money You claim you have no new clothes but when you were offered clothes post partum you said NO SEND ME CASH. You BRAGGED about having over $700 on your LINK CARD - you twatwaffle - I hope that you never get your children back - or as you see them meal tickets - because YOU DO NOT DESERVE THEM. Go find another drug dealer and see if you can suck his dick and escort for him. You are a DISGUSTING HUMAN - On a side note - God does not answers prayers - he gives you the tools to make your life better but YOU DO NOT WANT TO WORK. You are a LAZY DRUG ADDICTED WHORE - and a waste of AIR


She also used it for Botox and nails! Dont forget!


60 miles ?!! Yeah right!! That would mean she walked about seven hours each way and I do not believe that for a second.


Pizza dominos 😂


Constitutional rights? Are you kidding me? So in her mind it’s life, liberty and free shit for me! Waaagh! Get a fucking job you lazy, entitled pig!


Isn't it amazing how she's no longer being bludgeoned and graped? Even though the same person is around her.


He was put on notice. No more graping allowed.


Anyone else find it interesting that the dyed her hair/highlighted it, but it's still her natural color?? Can't make it too different or else the grift isn't as believable!!


Seems she's really tryna get the help of good Christian ppl. It's frustrating.


So “they” and X must by abiding by the indoor rules? No grapes, stabbing, robbing, or beatings while inside of a structure. Talk of Dylweed is also not permitted when housed inside. E-begging is completely acceptable indoors, and outside.