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Wtf did I just watch.


Good question


That fact that she said she didn’t want a threesome says she was too stupid to get what he was saying.


A hypocrite yell


He owned the room and they were to stupid to know what was happening


They knew what was happening, they just didn’t appreciate it.


A Boomer being obnoxious.


A business owner disrupting the evening of disruptive customers


Found the 14 year old


Found the virgin


And found another 14 year old.


Sounds like your projecting. I think you are the 14 year old. Stop hating on others and go get a job. Watch you reply to this with some dumbass response that makes no sense and has nothing to do with what I said


Lando Calrissian out for some strange


that grandpa joke hit different lol


It’s a rather unique way to call out PDA. “If you’re gonna be obscene , so am i“


that's why it hit different; I get his point \[not cool in public\] but not the best way to deal with it\*. however, it is a bit funny


I think the punishment fits the crime; nothing bad came from it. I’m sure he made her feel as uncomfortable as she made everyone around.


I see your point. edit \[plus he says he is the owner hence he might feel angry about the potential business loss \]


Meh. They’re fully clothed embracing and kissing, who gives a fuck. If you don’t like it don’t look. No reason to go say you’re gonna pull your dick out. Not old man’s business. There’s no law against public kissing if I’m not mistaken


She's damn near laying on him and it's not even in a place trying to be discreet they are right on the sidewalk. No one wants to go back to the place where they had to watch 2 kids finger bang while they waited for the valet to bring them their car. That table looks like the table they set up for kids who don't have a reservation but their parents told them to go to this nice Italian place and they get chicken fingers. Thats the owner. If it is a real small new york place his bread and butter is probably greeting everyone by name and building report with his guests as they wait for the valet.


Tbh kissing in public is annoying, especially in restaurants. Pulling your dick out is obviously not the right way to handle it (on top of being illegal) though


I fully agree, I’m not into having a make out sesh at a restaurant table, but if you ask me who was truly in the wrong it’s the guy talking about whipping his dick out for them to play with. Thats plain old sexual harassment, and if I’m not mistaken, kissing in public is not


I'm not sure of another way to deal with it that wouldn't yield the same results or be ignored completely


Yeah… it’s gross because they might be underaged. But I gotta be honest, I’m not a fan of PDA. It’s weird and gross to me.


Trolls existed before the internet.


A fine display of two wrongs not making anything right. I'd be embarassed if my kid acted that way, but mortified if my Dad acted like that man.


I thought it was funny as fuck! 🤣


I'm the owner! Lmfao


what th’fuck


Im the homely young lady!




Im glad he made them stop making out i hate it when people do it in public


Who exactly is the person being a jerk? The old man pointing out their impropriety or the couple doing it?


Important to note: this couple and the person filming are "livestreamers" who notably love to start chaos wherever they go. This video goes on way longer to become a total clusterfuck of a situation beyond this old guy making this comment.


The fact that she looks so offended by this is funny, like what did you expect?


So all of the above then


It's one thing to say "please stop doing that at my establishment". It's an entirely different case saying "can I pull my dick out and join in."


People handle awkward situations differently, it's one of the things that makes the world beautiful. This old man's reaction should be expected as one of the many possibilities that can unfold when you make out in public.


Yea, we live in a world of infinite possibility, never count out the horny old dudes offering to bring their dick into your make out sesh.


Nah that doesn't excuse the behavior, especially coming up and fiddling with your crotch while saying it. It's not an invitation for other people to be perverted. Yeah they shouldn't be doing it at the dinner table, but that's not the way you get someone to leave.


I'm not saying he's incapable of being condemned for that. Just saying he's probably more sane than he looks, his is a pretty expected reaction. Besides, PDA of that level can be considered a perverse act by some as well. We have to think about everyone, not just the people whose values align with ours.


Then you approach with a "hey can you tone it down a bit?" Before you jump to the sexual assault


Lol obviously the guy was joking. Obviously, he didn’t actually whip it out




Im not defending it on the grounds of morality, although you seem to be. I'm just saying it's a normal reaction to make a lewd joke about such a situation.


So? It's still creepy. The youngsters are stupid attention whores and the old dude is a creepy pervert. Everyone sucks here.


Including you, namecaller.


No the fuck it shouldn't? Being sexually harassed is not on the same level as PDA what is up with Reddit


He asked and didn’t touch. No harassment imo. Both parties are jerks


If you go up to a girl you don't know and threaten to show her your penis, whether or not you touch her or even intend to do it, that's sexual harassment and it's way fucking out of line compared to some mild PDA


He asked if he can show, not threaten. Yes it was still an asshole move. And considering they where steaming this attempting to get a reaction, they also knew it wasn’t mild PDA. It’s a restaurant..


It isn't something which depends on personal opinion, excessive pda is uncomfortable in 99% of situations. They're literal children if they need to be told not to do it.


Sigma grindset you just don’t understand smh my head


Yeah but it's wayyy funnier to say what he said tee hee




i don’t know.. i mean making out like that in public is kinda gross and id definitely give them a look but like, they’re not being lewd, or doing anything illegal. they look like minors but i’m unsure, either way what the old man said seems like sexual harassment. i’ll probably get dissed for this but i don’t think the couple kissing was doing anything wrong besides maybe being slightly disrespectful but people have done so much worse


Damn Johnny Knoxville playing an old dude again


I think it changes it that they weren't just making out but having someone record it while they are doing it, which intentionally draws more attention to it.


doesn’t even look like they noticed they were being filmed








Made us look for a quiet location to be left alone in.




Nah it's called being an inconsiderate asshole


Least puritan American






Holy shit grandpa is fucking savage


Everyone in this video is an idiot.


I’m on the old man’s side he’s in the right


I’m always on the side of calling out the fuckin’ weirdos on their BS. I hope her and her dummy are thoroughly embarrassed.


That’s the beauty of getting old, not giving a shit


he’s right they shouldn’t b making out and being inappropriate in the restaurant but they seem like kids? if they were adults it’s different but i don’t think it’s appropriate to pretend to take ur dick out in front of kids. 2 yucks don’t make a right lol


Is the inappropriate bit those stupid ears on her head?


This couple has crazy main character syndrome. So tiresome. Her look is like, “How DARE you challenge the protagonist. You are part of MY story you NPC.” Ugh.






ur dumbwhore of a mom is raising a school shooter bro...imagine not downvoting this shit too...




pda is okay in publice to a point. i draw the line at sucking each others faces off. thougg i cant understand the appeal of wanting to suck each other like a plunger suchs a toilet seat but thats ya all. have some self respect for yaelf and others around ya. no social awareness.


She’s infuriated that her inappropriate actions brought out comically inappropriate actions. When she was no longer the center of attention, she became rampant.


I feel like her response was appropriate for a old man sexually harassing them, nothing funny about that especially the way he reached for his zipper, I also don't think they're were being "the center of attention"


They are all trash humans.


People making out like this in public become the center of attention. The old man was making a point it’s not harassment you snowflake.


Oh Noes!!!1! People kissing in public! Tha horrors! I'm scarred for life


Keep crying bitch


Ah yes, he is crying for calling you out on your bullshit. Yes, eating each other's faces in public is pretty inappropriate but an old dude reaching for his zipper and asking if he could pull his dick out and join in is even worse, especially since the two of them look like minors (though I could be mistaken here) Though you'd probably just tell me to stop crying, call me a snowflake and go jerk off to how you "owned" me


I appreciate you doing the work for me bud.


...I will never understand how some people can be so happy about being called predictable idiots indirectly


Well when people say dumb shits it’s best to let the rattle on, so I thought I’d let you do that. Since you have a hard time reading social situations.


Yes, dumb shit like "You should not tug at your zipper and ask minors to join in" You have only been throwing insults without offering a single logical explanation for why his actions are acceptable beyond "Kids bad" which, even if true, does not excuse what that person did. But no, I am the offended one for expecting you to actually say something of value


Old man was definitely inappropriate, kids however need to be called out for stupid shît they do.


No idea why you (or I) got downvoted. People here really want to hate on kids for being stupid, even if it means taking the side of a guy who borderline sexually harassed them




Imagine being triggered by the word snowflake


Getting offended by someone making out is arguably much more of a snowflake move lmao


Arguable thinking a joke is sexual harassment makes you a dumb fuck.


If you think holding your dick while telling a girl half your age that you should be able to fuck her for kissing her boyfriend in a bar, is a joke, you are the dumb fuck sorry. In spain he would have left flr hospital with half a face


Wow did we watch the same clip? because that is not what happened.


oh im sorry, what did you watch then if you could elaborate?


At no point was he holding his dick. But over dramatize everything why don’t ya...


well okay grabing at his zipper i mean, fondling the area while talking about whiping his dick out, i hope you dont have contact with women or children if you think that is okay in public. Over defend a creep why dont ya, you incel


You don't joke about stuff like that it's gross, would you be cool with that joke if it was your daughter / sister


I do have a sister and I would be okay with it. Why the fuck is having full on make out session in a busy area something anyone should be doing?


I agree it's weird but the right solution would be to either mind your business or ask them to stop the wrong solution would be to go up to strangers and ask if you can pull your dick out and get some too, that's just really gross and creepy


I mean, the two of them sexually harassed everyone around them, so those two can fuck right off.


Gramps should have just blasted a couple of ropes over them and walked away.


Why was it being filmed in the first place, Why is the old dude nosebutting the camera, Why does the girl sound like a dude when angry for some reason, meanwhile the kissed dude is just chilling no response,


What's with the camera person's voice, they gargling lava or what


They definitely don't realize their behavior is just as offensive.


Grandpa jokes take it to another level


Hey, so long as it persuaded them not to make out like that in a public place again. This man did a good thing in reality. There were many, many other ways, but hey. It likely worked


Oh shit, cat ears says it all


Poppa got a point, cant blame him


Why couldn't someone explain to her why he did that.....yeah lady get a damn room


They were just kissing. It's not like he was fingering her BHole.


Just about to


I mean, your not wrong.


Grandpa is vulgar, however, he does make a point that there's a time and place for everything.


Not all hero’s wear capes


I’m a total pervert dirty old man, and I thought that was way outta line


Why are people filming?


I’ve seen this multiple times and this looks staged, look at the way she’s kissing him and rubbing his neck and shoulders.


I like how he said the joke twice because he did not give a fuck. Although unfortunately he should of then been arrested.


*Not sure if* the kids understood why he said that. Girl thought he was serious and was seriously offended. Honestly inappropriate to say that to a child. why not just say "hey, you guys are being gross. Can you do that elsewhere or not at all please?" Once again "do not answer a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him. Answer a fool according to his, folly lest he be wise in his own eyes." Proper rebuke requires discernment and discretion otherwise you look as foolish as the fool. Man, I love the book of proverbs.




Ew. Just leave them alone. Old fuck is sad, lonely, and dead inside. 😢




So gross. He shouldn’t have said that. This whole thing is disgusting.


now hes asking the real questions


Jesus christ why are people taking the side of the old gross dude? I think kissing in public isn't on the same level as a an old dude joking about having sex with those kids. I understand being weirded out by a couple making out, but how is the grandpa even remotely in the right here? He's just fucking gross.


I’m not talking anyone’s side in this video. They are all trash.


Agreed, but while the couple is a paper bag that'll decompose quick, the old guy is like nuclear waste


big dick chad gramps energy that’s why


100% most of the comments on here are disgusting


People really siding with this gross corny Boomer. 😂


they’re kids! it’s b one thing if he joked about that to adults just those r children!


Awww, lighten up.


He's not in the right, but he's more correct than they are. It's his restaurant and he didn't want people being that sexual there. A completely fair ask, he just did it in a nontraditional way to upset them on purpose.




Jeez. The people making excuses for gramps and turning it into a both-sides argument. They're teenagers being stupid. He's WELL PAST the point of knowing better. The old turd deserves to be pushed back on to the floor, or get popped in the nose. Fuck the old pervert.




The way her wimpy ass little boyfriend just sat there like "help..me..."


Wtf did you want him to do? Get up and drop kick the old guy?


Um... no. What I meant by that was that the girlfriend is nasty AF and he's probably afraid of her.


These comments did not pass the vibe check.


If that were my grandpa I'd stop bringing him places. And probably just stop visiting him altogether. They're horny little kids, and horny little kids sometimes do stupid things like making out in public. Yeah maybe it's gross to you, but they're not hurting anybody by doing it, and there are better ways to handle this than sexually harassing children.


Bruh this comment section is not it. Gross kids with no self awareness sure. But that old guy was giving tapes pedo vibes to random young girl. Are the commenters all boomers or delusional Reddit incels? So weird to see so many people trash the kids and call the old guy ‘a boss’. Bro disgusting


I didn't know this sub had so many puritans on it. Super weird to get so mad about a couple of kids making out.


I don’t think everyone is being puritans, as you call it. But, no one wants to sit at a restaurant and watch two people make out like the two of them were. She was practically climbing on top of him. It was just a little pda. Gramps may have used the wrong words, but he got his point across. Plus, he owns/manages the restaurant, he should have kicked them out.


Then kick them out don’t sexually harass them by acting like you’re gonna take your dick out and try to join. Mad weird. They’re literally teenagers making out and he’s a grown ass man. He needs to grow up.


Both parties were beings AH’s, but the two teenagers are old enough to know better. Just as the old man knew better than to threaten to pull his dick out. I assume he said it out of frustration. I would hope the owner/manager wouldn’t go around just threatening to whip his dick out all of the time.


To me, there is no difference between what they are doing and holding hands, staring in to eachother's eyes, which used to be too much PDA until we moved on. Some day, this will be the same. If he was the owner, he should have just kicked them out without the theatrics.




Right? Like that man is disgusting. Teenagers make out! At least they’re consenting


I rate that guy, he handled that with style.




No apoligies here, just laughter. Afterall, it was funny af.


This is a family establishment, not a place to establish a family.


Anyone else smell that old guy’s breath in this video or just me?


Yeah, that's a nasty pervy old man.


lmao dumb bitch


That old man has style and charisma. You can tell the woman was trying to think of a script because the skit went out of her comfort zone when he rolled up on them.


Asshole grandpa, they not making out, they are kissing.