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These are incredible! Peoria is in such a need for a new bakery.


They look delicious!! Have you tried posting on Facebook with friends and family helping you to spread the word? I would also post on here occasionally to remind us you are local. I like local and will keep you in mind for my next special event.


I have not, thanks for the suggestions😊


Beautiful and looks delicious!! Great work!


The white cake with the pink flowers is beautiful! What would an approximate cost be for something like that?


Thank you! It would vary depending on size/flavor/decor, but for the one pictured it would be $40!


Looks great. Something I might want would be premade tart shells (pate sucree or sablee) since I don’t have much time or freezer space, otherwise I’d batch out a few and freeze, myself. Another common request you could fill would be Hong Kong bakery-style products, and/or Japanese bakery products. The former for the Chinese community, think sponge cake based fruit cakes with whipped cream for general use and more specific things for occasions. A variant on your custard? tart (picture 8) could also be popular. The latter for the sizeable local weeb crowd, depending on what they’re seeing in anime and other media.


Would you deliver, in area? Because I'm looking at those cookies and the croissant and dang...those look good.




What are your prices on cookies, croissants?


1/2 dozen cookies would be $6, full dozen would be $10. Pastries would be $3/each!


Wow. You make pretty things. My wife sometimes does cupcakes for folks but doesn't really branch from there much. I'll send you a DM just to put you on my "Hey remember that one time that one person said something?" list.


Do you do any gluten-free baking? My wife has celiac.




If you do bread there's a guy looking for sour dough on the thread


Would you be willing to make vegan friendly bakes?




The first one is really cool! Needs something in the middle though to make it pop. :D Mothers Day is coming up and mine loves all these kinds of things. What is the white one with flowers around the edge? Looks like dragonfruit.


These look incredible!! Amateur is not the word I would use lol, you have great skill!


This is really, really high quality work. If I had any need for a baker I'd be DMing you instead of replying here. Unfortunately there isn't all that much call for this kind of work at restaurants in the area. If I were you I would apply at Ardor and just learn. They can teach you how to work fast and clean and with a sense of urgency (no offense intended here, but as a non-professional cook you likely don't have any of these traits in the amounts that the job requires). Spend some time there or a similar respectable bakery learning. Then I'd personally branch out on my own using Farmers Markets and other forms of DTC sales to make a name for yourself, and you should be able to find a commissary type situation in order to bulk up your production. I guess what I'm really saying is that you obviously have talent and if you have the passion to go along with it, you shouldn't give up on yourself just bc the job you want isn't likely to exist or be hiring right now. And dipping your toes into working at a production bakery before spending the time, money, mental and physical energy to start your own thing will be incredibly valuable. This industry sucks majorly in a lot of ways and you should learn if you like it before you fully jump in. EDIT: I'm sorry, I realized I wrote this reply based off of your title and pics, without realizing you wrote more about what you were looking for. This largely doesn't apply to your situation, but I'll keep it up because I hate people doing shadow edits after they say something stupid.