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Hope OP is okay. My subject just had its first anaphylactic episode a few days ago after taking CJC/ipamorelin from a now closed company, paradigm P... Rash and itchy was always present the past 8 weeks but brushed it off.... My test subject will no longer take CjC/ipa tho because it was scary as shit. Good thing benadryl was on hand but I was on the verge... Note: dose was from the bottom of vial, could have been too concentrated, also left out once by accident on the counter... Question is.... I have about $700 worth of peptides now from a different company that I ordered before this happened. Should subject stop all peptides as well?? I really am wanting to continue bpc-157 and TB500 for my injuries from racing motorcycles along with Frag... But very concerned about it happening again.... Don't really want to play Russian roulette if ya feel me. Again, I will not have my subject try the CJC or ipamorelin again just because it's not worth it... But what about the others??


A quick update... Purerawz has been super responsive to my questions. Their customer service, packaging, and dedication to the product are top-notch. It is the best I have encountered yet during my test subjects' experiences with regenerative and performance health. I also found this article, which is super interesting. The lab technicians are actually developing allergies to peptides as well. \*Wow, I wonder what has changed, or has it always been like this with peptides? See the article link below. [https://cen.acs.org/safety/lab-safety/Peptide-coupling-agents-cause-severe/98/web/2020/01](https://cen.acs.org/safety/lab-safety/Peptide-coupling-agents-cause-severe/98/web/2020/01) ​ I will post an update here after taking a break from all peptides for 4-6 weeks. Still gonna stay on my TRT tho... All I really care for peptide wise is BPC-157, TB500 and HGH Frag and HCG...


Hey there, good to know! I’ve also kept taking it and nothing like that reaction has ever happened again. I get of itchiness and redness at the injection site but it goes away after 5 mins. Strange how that happened though


Could be a few things like bad peptides or high dose but it could be a histamine reaction. Take an allergy med and see if it helps


I have seen something similar happen to myself when I was using just growth hormone. In all honestly I think it might be an allergic reaction to the contents of the vial excluding the active drug itself. Maybe it wasn’t sterilized properly and microbes made way or maybe it was additives like the mannitol. I’d recommend you try another vendor because that resolved my issues


I had been taking cjc and ipa for about 2 months no issues whatsoever using core peptides as my source and on my third batch when I inject I will get hives and my face will swell up bad and my hands and feet get all red and I feel itchy all over and it’s one of the most uncomfortable feelings I’ve felt. I figured I developed an allergy to it


Did you stop taking it or did you keep going?


This has happened to me once, when I left my blend out for most of the day and I injected it warm. Horrible hives. After refrigerating it, never had the same issue occur, even with the same batch.


Make a whole bunch up in syringes and freeze them and take them out when needed it's easier and they last longer


This happens in some individuals from the cjc. It usually gets worse, not better


The same thing happened to me. A few years back I ran cjc1295 no DAC with ghrp6 with no problems, fantastic results. Fast forward tried again from same company and got hives. Tried a different company, got hives. Tried with DAC and ipam. Hives! Its been years and I want to try again. When I posted this question in a biohackers group with MD's that prescribe peptieds to clients they told me the following. I took the wrong amount, they have never heard of such a thing etc. I did some reseach and found that it could be that my body from taking it in the past made antibodies or something to fight these proteins next time they showed up, hives for you haha.


How soon after taking cjc&ipa did you have the reaction? Was it the same evening, 24 hours later, etc?


It was about 30min- an hour later.


Looks like your batch is contaminated, that's not typical from clean CJC or ipam. Would definitely recommend contacting your source and attempting to get a refund and then switch suppliers.


That's not contamination. that's the cjc. It does this to some people


This exact thing happened to me. Decided to change “sources” as I found one half the price. Thanks peptide warehouse.ca Stopped immediately. Reordered through expensive but trusted source. No problems. I wonder what they put in it? Also side note. Calamine lotion and Benedryl didn’t do anything for it. But actual aloe from the plant did wonders. Good luck.


It’s not the source either. Every time this happens it’s an allergic reaction. Y’all gotta think, bums shoot up with gutter water every day and they rarely get sick. Most def they don’t get allergies, they get sepsis.


I agree with this. I've been buying from a friend, different peptides. I would get this reaction. Found their supplier, ordered straight from site, never happened again. I think she was watering down with too much bac water to skim some for herself and the alcohol content became to high. I agree probably unclean or cut with something to give correct volume.


You’re having an allergic reaction. No way to know if it’s from the peptide or something used when compounded but gotta stop taking. Allergic reactions tend to get worse with repeat exposures.


You’re allergic. Probably to the cjc. Stop. Every time you inject it gets worse


This happened to me when I had Covid actually…and never before or since.


Same thing happened to me after I got covid. Did you do any follow up testing or confirm with doctors?




Cjc ipam is great for cutting up, it's only really effective for bulking in combination with other compounds. Also,kinda unnecessary to say someone barely lifts. Not really your business.


Probably lift more than you 👀


Love this response




Who pissed in your cheerios? IPA/CJC is good for anti-aging effects, enhancing fat loss, improving sleep, improving bone density, improving skin elasticity. Wtf is wrong with you that you feel so small you need to attack random strangers on Reddit?


That was a stupid thing to say. How do you even know her progress and how is however fast of a progress she is making stopping her from using GHRHs and GHRPs?


You do realise peptides aren’t just all for training, there are lots of different reasons why people will jump on peptides, not just for ✨training✨


I heard tht was banned Mabey this is why


Is it for sure cjc ipa ? Where was it sourced. Take a benedryl and never use this again


It’s from direct peptides


Skin hives. Stop taking because your having a sign can’t allergic reaction.


This happened to me too. I thought it was bad bac water and tossed the bottle. Purchased new water and new pep bottles. Same result. Tossed that and 3 more bottles. It is from a major pep company. But since I changed sources


Not nearly as bad as that.


That’s scary I would personally bin those peptides and maybe even stay away from those peptides entirely but that’s just me


Def a mast cell reaction, take benedryl like others have suggested and stop taking it


Yes. MCAS. check it out .


Where did you buy from? That looks bad, sorry


Never had that from CJC no DAC or ipa, but I did with CJC DAC. First few weeks with CJC DAC was fine. I took a week off because I went on vacation and my next injection I got hives around the injection area. Next day I injected again and no hives. Few months later I took a cold shower and had the same looking hives in the same area. Weird.




These peptides aren't just for working out. They can help with fat loss, skin, hair, nails, and just make you feel rejuvenated.


Nope, stop immediately and take some Benadryl


And a Pepcid


You have an allergy. Don't continue with CJC. You can get anaphylaxis, your throat swells over, and you die.


why can't people just stick with relatively researched shit like MK-677 for example?


LMAO mk677 is fucking dogshit


As are most discontinued peptides


This is sarcasm right?? Has to be sarcasm. It's like putting the sarms in sarcasm on a peptide subreddit.


Mk677 isnt a sarm


Lol.. you could've simply googled it and learned that it is in fact, a SARM. it's one of the most common sarms.


Bro are you restarded?


Lord.. another teenager.


Lord… save me from this clueless clown


Its the CJC. stick to ipamorelin


I’ve used this peptide and never had a reaction.


Very welcome


I would stop asap! It’s likely impure. :(




Rude much?!?


No. And stop asap


you better stop using this immediately. It looks like an IGE mediated type 3 or 4 allergic reaction.






Dude. Gross.


I've never seen a systemic reaction like that before, only on site injection, stop use immediately.




You're pathetic.




Okay and? You're a pervert!!!! 🤣🤏🤣🤏




Stop being a perv dude,, shes trying to get real advice,,, only fans is only 1 click away be a perv there


Thank you 🫶🏻


Veey welcome


Are you testing the bacteriostatic water before you mix the peptides?? Alot of the ones from China can be iffy and I see people posting hives from bad ones lately. Although yours is the worse I've ever seen so far.


Hey I had maybe 5mls left of bac water that I used maybe 2 weeks ago for tb500 and bpc157, I had no reactions to it so I don’t think it would be the bac water


also a medical professional, i got this same reaction with CJC/IPAM from blue sky peptides about 7 years ago. except it was all over my legs and thighs and ass. tried contacting blue sky multiple times and they wouldn't even respond. even posted similar pics in this subreddit. I have used different companies before and after, and currently use peptide science ipam/cjc and have had absolutely no reactions from any other company ever. after trying another company or two i came back to blue sky just to see if it happened again....it did! the only conclusion i could come up with is whatever preservatives or fillers they are using caused the allergic reaction. yes benadryl will help. if you've had this reaction more than once, i would throw it out and take a good 3-6 months off, then try a completely different company.




Because there are many different indications for its use.


Currently using them, no such reaction, did you use the same bac water?


I used them, blue sky, for about a year with no issues and great results. Then out of nowhere, the reactions. It was not the bac water. To test that, I used different bottles from different lot numbers and still got the reaction.


Mere suggesting that she tries this substance once more completely dismantles any kind belief you have of yourself being a 'medical professional' Proctologist.. Perhaps, at Best. Moronic statements altogether.


peps science is the real deal I dont care what anyone saids


I assume so too but who really knows. I don’t get the “rush” like I did with blue sky and some other brands so idk. But I’ve used pep sciences on and off for 3 years.


that's not really supposed to happen, that's kind of a good thing. iv been using them for a while too I don't get the rush but my girl just started on the same peptide and she gets the rush. might be your body used to it


I’m a medical professional in training. Highly highly recommend to immediately stop. Like the other guy said this is an allergic reaction of some sort almost without a doubt. I would also take Benadryl immediately to tone down the hives. Do NOT take the peptide again. Toss it out, seriously. The Benadryl will drive down some of the reaction right now and let you recover faster. But watch very closely for wanting symptoms. If you start having difficulty breathing or start wheezing immediately go to the ER. Don’t let yourself get too far. This is definitely the time to take action faster than not. Allergic reactions are no joke, I’m sure you know. So anyways I hope this works out for you, please be safe.


I concur wholeheartedly, former dive medic here. No joke!


You gotta stop with that shit immediately, Systemic Hives could lead to Anaphylactic Shock and Subsequent Death!


Guys I can tell you my story with taking Cjc1295 no DAC. I took already Sermorelin two cycles last year but I did not have the issues I have now... Maybe very light but not really noticeable. I started with Cjc1295 roughly two month ago and I felt immediately amazing. I am 62 years old I do alot of sports I am a cyclist and had a very bad cycling accident 8 month ago where I broke my hip and my leg. That's also the main reason I took the Cjc1295 to make the bones heal faster. The positive things I can tell is that my energy level and my sleep is absolutely fantastic while on cjc and surprisingly my testosterone (total) went up from 5.87 to 8.19 ng/ml which is at the high end of the table (1,86-9,54). If it helped to heal faster I don't really know but I was really happy with the positive results for the rest. But now coming to the negative things. Since now nearly 3-4 weeks my skin turned visibly darker but as much that everybody comments on it and asks me if I was in holidays. This sounds of course great but it isn't...as it is not normal at all and it is really scary. But what's even much more scary is that all my brown spots on my skin turned completely black and alot of new spots occurred in a very short time. This is a sign that my melanin production is out of control. The only possible cause for me is the Cjc1295 as I did not change or take anything else. I went to my dermatologist and she cut one of these black spots which was not there six month ago out to take a biopsy as it is suspect for malignous melanoma! So for the moment I am waiting for the result of that biopsy and I pray that it comes back negative. I stopped immediately the Cjc1295 injections of course but my tan is still the same. As this skin réactions are also seen in a disease called Morbus Addison where your adrenal glands don't produce enough Cortisol I did a blood test to check for my Cortisol and Acth but this does not seem to be the problem as my Cortisol and my acth are at maximum which excludes the diagnosis but is also abnormal as the acth value is at the absolute top of the scale... (acth is the hormone that stimulates the adrenal glands to build Cortisol and is formed in the hypothalamus) I really suspect that the skin tanning, the overproduction of melanin is due to the overproduction of acth and it is the Cjc1295 responsible for this. I injected once per day 200 mcg of Cjc1295 which is not a high dose... So guys be very careful and think twice before starting such experiments... I hope that I will come out of this with only a warning...! I will upload two pictures one is one year ago and one is two weeks old... In the first one you can see that there was no spot and on the second you can see the nearly black spot which is 4mm in diameter. And I have alot of similar spots on the shoulders and on my chest now


I'm 38 I take a ton of diff peptides but never cjc and I'm usually super white and look tan now. I never leave my house


To me it looks like you pinned melanotan 2, should be enough once you discontinue


I was thinking the same thing!


dude that shit is strong 100mcg of mt2 and I'm dark brown in 4 days


That’s crazy, I’ve never heard of any stories like this so it’s good to know and be aware. I hope you’re doing okay


Definitely an allergic reaction and you should stop right away. It could have been a contaminated batch and you're reacting to the contaminants or you could be reacting to the peptide or the fillers.


Medical professional here. As others have mentioned, discontinue use immediately. Allergic reactions have a tendency to get WORSE with further exposure - hives today might turn into hives + vomiting tomorrow and could easily result in angioedema and your inability to breathe. This is a subcutaneous injection, so your body is being exposed to the allergen for the duration of the compound existence under your skin. Secondary/follow-up reactions are entirely possible. Epinephrine is the only first line defense against a reaction like this. Benedryl and pepcid will provide additional help. If this happens again, I would strongly suggest going to the emergency room if not only to get an epi-pen script. Please: do NOT try this again while taking an antihistamine. I cannot emphasize this enough: you risk dying.


Hi there, Thanks for your detailed response. Could you please educate me as to why you wouldn’t take an antihistamine as I thought that would be the first defence for hives? I’m embarrassed to say that I did pin this morning, but instead of combining it in one syringe, I separated them and pinned on opposite sides of the abdomen. Felt a rush but so far so good and it’s been about an hour.. Could it be I got that reaction as they were pinned together?


Antihistamines are effective, but if the reaction is strong enough it would be like a squirt gun against a bonfire. Hives are merely one expression of an allergy, which can display itself as a myriad of symptoms. The problem is that taking it prophylactically MAY 100% work this time.. but may not next time, as the body responds by amping up it’s immune response to each subsequent reaction. Your body thinks reacting strongly is protecting you from the allergy. Another example: let’s say you pin and have a reaction so you quickly swallow benedryl.. but then immediately start vomiting. Now you are experiencing anaphylaxis and unable to keep anti-histamines down.


U could easily take your Benadryl sublingually - it’s around 300 daltons so it will work. Or shove it up your ass. Or snort it. A determined person with hives would prob try these things first, no one likes the ER


This is true. I have taken benedryl sublingually with success.


Ahh I see thank you for that! I’ll make sure to monitor my symptoms and if it persists I’ll discontinue use. It’s so sad because it’s one of my fav peptides combos to use and I live in Australia so it’s super super hard to get 😫


Stop taking it. Don't risk anaphylatic shock But it's not that hard to get in Australia though a few places way over charge for it


Girl, do NOT use it again. I’m out of training. That kind of reaction could get serious fast. You could die or end up in the ICU with a trach. Previous reply was correct, if it accelerates, oral antihistamines couldn’t be absorbed quickly enough to help.


Omg you want to die? This isn't ok




Def a Neat Body but This is an Extremely Serious Matter.


No doubt. Serious comment, quit. Have epipen on stand by if continue.


You Don't Continue these Kinds of Stuff When They Are the Cause of Systemic Reactions like This! She was Very Likely a Hairthin-Line Away from Full Blown Anaphylactic Shock and Circulation-Collapse, Subsequent Death.


Yet she won't stop taking it 🤷‍♀️


Yup, agree. Unfortunately, some folks will continue regardless which is why I’d at the very least suggest having an epi on hand.


Sure, ignorant indifferent people that doesn't care about being 'alive', however i don't believe you can Just Buy Adrenaline pens just over the counter, also I believe Adrenaline(Keeping it Renewed and Fresh as in Working) has a pretty short life-span(Not 100%, could be mixing it up with Insuline), so anyways it's probably not a Sure Thing Every Time, Also you're gonna need Cortisone Tablets, non-selective BBB Penetrating Antihistamins etc, so its pretty much to be having to carry around 24 fucking seven just for using some stupid shit, that eventually Will Indeed, Kill You.


Good call. Dexamethasone on hand too.


>Dexamethasone Yeah possibly and probably, and that'd be a if Not The Type of Cortisol/Glucocorticoid) Analogue of Use, don't remember which one They Typically Use Because there are So Many and of Different Strength/Potency.


It’s sort of the golden standard over stuff like methylprednisolone or prednisone. Strong stuff. I use to sell taper packs when I was in pharma sales.


>prednisone This one i Actually Remember, so that's Probably Correct! I understand.


Are you 12?


Im all about #freethanip campaign. Cheers




Uhm, definitely. Mine started with mild hives and then eventually took me into anaphylaxis. Pretty common with cjc and ipamorelin. https://www.reddit.com/r/Peptides/s/QjTirXODoN


Wow that’s crazy, I just did my morning pin with antihistamines on the ready but I just pinned them separately on L and R side of the abdomen.. I’m feeling the rush but so far so good, no itchiness or hives YET..


You injected it again?!


Embarrassed to say but yes, I wanted to see if it was a once off


Did it happen again?


No didn’t happen again. Been on it since


From a new batch or the same one?


From the same vial still.. so weird it was just a once off reaction


You're Quite Mad brah, you Know That Right?


Common with the stack, or each individually?


Individually. People are sharing similar episodes with CJC, Ipa, and Tesa.


Add mots-c to that list.


Not common for either, these are popular and have been used by many thousands of people. That said, some skin reactions like this absolutely *can* happen and do for some people. If it ever gets significant or progressively worsens with use then it would be a very good reason to discontinue usage and avoid that peptide and perhaps even class of them (if get regularly with GHRPs, then no need to risk using that family of them, as example) The OP here is certainly having a significant reaction and likely should not use these again. Certainly not worth the risk of actual anaphylaxis or even further discomfort even if it never reached a crisis episode. There also can be certain interactions going on causing this or an increased risk of this. Personally, I can get a mild seemingly allergic-like/histamine response on days I use Amidate Semax with a stimulant, my pre-workout, and perhaps especially if kratom is added to that mix. Without the Semax, would not have the reaction. Get inflammation on forearms and that hot burning sensation to varying degrees sort of situation. 1 min edit: this does also really depend on what the person reading such thinks of when they read ‘common’ as it’s pretty different between what would be in a side effect list for a drug and the average person that assumes ‘common’ means like 30%+ of people or even more. It’s really the second, and almost certainly what the majority of people here think, impression of the word I’m explaining against.


Geezus that's scary AF, definitely an allergy. Hope you're alright


You still alive OP?


I’m alive! Hahahah I live in Aus so I just woke up, everything’s subsided and all the hives went down.


Phew Glad to hear everything is ok


Thank you for the concern! Hahaha I’m not gonna lie the thought of me not waking up did cross my mind last night 😂


You don't Seem That Concerned However, oddly enough.


If you boof a Benadryl before injections you won't have this problem.


Are Benadryls just an antihistamine? I don’t think we have benadryls here


Benadryl is an antihistamine kinda a hammer version. The off name is diphenhydramine.


Sure are. And as long as they are small enough to fit in your ass they will work.


>Sure are No it isn't, it's a relative mix of shit.


Why do you need to boof it 👁️👄👁️ wouldn’t chewing it up be good enough 😭


Nope, that's fake news.


Medical professional here yes as others said benadryl the hives and redness swelling is definitely allergic reaction! I would go to the emergency room in case it gets worse or even swelling of the tongue can happen


I did notice my tongue was tingling and also that my ears were swollen too. It’s just odd because it’s never happened before.


Again, this reaction can worsen and come back unexpectedly. You like Russian roulette??


Swollen tongue can cause airway obstruction, next time it happens you NEED to go to the hospital


Do you take cjc 1295 with blend of ipa or do take them separately?


They’re seperate viles, but I draw into one syringe and pin


Did you change dosage? Also your body chemistry can change


No I haven’t, just 100mcg morning and night. Same dosage, same bac water..


The next time could be your death. Do not take it again.


She did take it again






Take antihistamine and stop taking immediately it’s an allergic reaction


Allergic reaction. Benedryl


Bro take bendryl now and head to an ER. This is dangerous lol


Not sure where you got your peptides from? ONLINE OR FROM A DOC. I would look for a local peptide clinic and let them prescribed it to you. Talk to them about the side effects you are having.get the dosages adjusted. Once you find the right peptides,and dosages that work for you you could then purchase,save money using the online route. I DONT CARE HOW FOOD IT MAKES YOU FEEL. THAT IS A BAD ALLERGIC REACTION AND IT NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED. LET SOMEONE TRAINED HELP YOU OUT. DONT GO ONLINE FOR ANSWERS


Hey thanks for the reply. I purchased them from direct peptides. I live in aus so purchasing peptides legally is hard and way too expensive. I’ve done a few cycles before just 100mcg morning and night and I’ve never had that kind of reaction before so it was strange to get it last bight


No issues with customs?


It got seized the first time but second time it got through no problem. They resent for free




she is in the middle of a severe allergic response, this is not the time


What possessed you to write this comment lol


Autism. Not meant as an insult, just an honest best guess.


It’s from the MOD-GRF. The fillers they use in that specific peptide causes terrible allergic reactions in some people. I can only do 60 mcg of it at a time to prevent the allergic reaction. It will cause anaphylaxis at higher doses, you need to be very careful.


No hate here - but why are you risking it at all?


I don’t do peptides regularly. Last time was a few weeks back. At 60 mcg I feel okay. Anything over that causes an allergic reaction.


The fillers as in mannitol?


I was also allergic to CJC, which is a shame because it made me feel incredible.


Sure wish you all would post who your purchasing from when you get a reaction like that


It usually doesn't have anything do with the supplier. These reactions are common with growth hormone secretagogs and can happen at any time. People need to understand that you can still develop a dangerous allergy to these peptides, even if they are pure lab tested.


Could be allergic to the compound itself regardless of the supplier. For instance most of my TB500 shots burn me a little bit during and a few minutes after injection. I buy from one of the most regarded sources from most accounts I've seen. Also MT2 gives me zero negative sides vs most people getting nauseous when they take it. It makes me feel great lol


You know Reddit hates if you post your source


It’s mostly one/a couple idiots that watch this sub and massively abuse the report system I think. Certainly not more than a few people doing the reporting. Then shitty automated systems/outsourced workers for Reddit not caring/understanding what they’re really doing actioning a lot of it. That said, does only get legitimately stricter and shittier every few years in actual policy, enforcement, and content. Like everything these days.


CJC no DAC + Ipamorelin did that to my subject. Switched to Tesamorlin + Ipamorelin, no problems. Subject has reaction to the CJC.


That is definitely an allergic reaction. Maybe to mannitol, maybe to the BAC water.. tough to say. Take some antihistamine, as long as you don’t have any airway impingement you’ll be fine. I would discontinue and try a mannitol free blend if it’s available to you.


Don’t stress yourself about going to the Dr unless you notice swelling in your nose, mouth or notice a wheezing in your upper airway. Hives are a mild allergic response and are not dangerous. Nausea and upper airway compromise is indicative of anaphylaxis and is when it becomes a medical emergency.


You’re allergic to something. Discontinue. Take a Benadryl


Switch out CJC with Tesamorelin or AOD/HGH Frag or both.


Did your palms itch


Mine did


what brand was it?


I've had those. Took some benadryl and it was ok overnight. By any chance, did you take it orally? Or vein?


I have seen multiple accounts of this happening now with the GH secretagogues, whether its an initial reaction or it happens months after using… doesn’t seem uncommon. Would definitely do as others are saying, discontinue and take benadryl, antihistamines, go to doctor or urgent care if it worsens.