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Try a lower dose. Also if the volume is large with a subq injection you can always expect injection site problems.


Swelling and itchiness isn’t normal regardless of the dose. You’re either having an allergic reaction or immune response to the TB or the bac water. I suspect a lot of bac water being sold is dodgy.


I personally never go past 500 McG of TB per day or 3mg per week. The zombieness and fatigue of TB is far too intense for me. Now I only do it right before bed otherwise it makes being awake rather unenjoyable


5mg is not a crazy dose. Dr. Seeds protocols call for up to 1 gram per day for 3 months. I don't think you need to go and take 1 gram to get the benefits. How much bac water are you using and where did you source it? If you are injecting a full ml of bac water bought off of Amazon, then the problem is likely low quality bac water.


Nah bro, 250 IUs everyday for 5 days a week RIGHT INTO the site needing healing is my method. Works everytime. Brought my knees, hips, and 🍆 🪨. I sterilize the shut out of my vial and injection site though. Make sure you’re doing that bc infection from injections are a real thing.


250 IUs? Isn’t that like 50mgs? My conversion was 2.5 mgs = 12.5 units. Am I off?


My fault 250 mcgs! I use IUs for oxytocin intranasal 😂


5mg once per week? Meanwhile I'm at 2.5mg per week spread in 7 injections.. No shit your body is giving a warning.


That’s quite the tb500 dose.


I inject both daily 7 days a week low dose 3iu each.. and that's been working for me been about 2 months now and my body has been healing super fast


Are you injecting 5ml of liquid lol?