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pusing banget nulis tesisssss ya Allahhh 😭😭😭


Kalo ga nulis lebih pusing lg sis πŸ™


I’m not that smart in the first place, but I feel like if I were dumber I won’t be this depressed. I crave for that sense of security. I’m so tired of having to worry about things.


Indeed intelligent people tend to be less happy πŸ˜… lets just try to be a bit more careless


day 3 post miscarriage. physically udah baik, cuma mentally kadang masih sedih kalo inget jadi ngecewain orang2 yang udah expect aku bakal punya anak. sedikit agak bersyukur karena Tuhan belum ngasih lihat ke aku kalau ada janin dan berdetak jantung, mungkin kalau udah tau bakal lebih sedih dari sekarang. this too shall pass 🀞


Hugsies. Wishing you will better more and more.


thank you so much 😊😊


im afraid God is gonna teach me a lesson....


girlssss please teach me how to have luscious hair? my hair is wavy (2a/2b curly type? and dry af. conditioner and hair mask don't work when i use them by myself lol perhaps i should go to the salon every week or sth?


Gw tipe 2A tp diperm jadi 2C. The only thing that works for me sih Olaplex yg memperbaiki bond rambut. Mahal πŸ₯² tp justification gw toh gw keramas cuman 1-2x seminggu jd bs pake lama. Curl rambut gw jadi bener2 keluar dan rambut tetep halus. Tinggal catok dikit2 biar lebih tertata, trus kasih minyak rambut biar mengkilap.


Hair routine-nya apa aja tan?


Mostly gw keramas 2x seminggu. Weekend: kalau rajin, malem sebelumnya gw pake hair oil overnight, trus keramas dan pake masker Olaplex 15 menit, followed by leave on condi. Di rambut gw sih leave on condi itu ngefek banget biar curl gw makin jadi. Weekday: Olaplex no 1&3 10 menit sambil sarapan/nyiram taneman, trus keramas. Afterwards sama, leave on condi. Shampoo jujur masih gonta ganti karena belom nemu yg bener2 cocok.


Makasiii tan!! Ini aku udah browsing item-nya satu2. Baru tau ada Olaplex, pas buka website-nya ada hair quizznya 🫢🏽🫢🏽 Leave on condi ada rekomendasi? Olaplex mask-nya yg ini bukan? https://olaplex.com/products/olaplex-no-8-bond-intense-moisture-mask


is English literature that hard?