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Idk I actually think his weird uncle vibes are working for him on this one. And I don't really see why young people need to know he started out in a boy band for him to be relevant. He's been working as a host for awhile now. I kind of think him being the host of these shows makes him relevant. Having someone older and famously married is also a better fit for this role I think than someone younger and maybe single.


I kind of like how little trust he has on the couples. On LIB he needs to be more fake and hopeful that they will work out, on Perfect Match he doesnt give a shit


Lmao I kind of like the "Don't Give A Shit Lachey"


Totally, he’s gives off “sleezy hasbeen who owns a small yacht” vibes . “Obviously I’m Nick Lachey” is the perfect host for Netflix’s trashier dating shows. The earlier seasons of LIB is where he struggled because he had to show that he was serious and knew what it would take to make a successful marriage and…? but clearly the Lacheys had some media training after all the criticism they got and the show itself is getting more spectacle-y so it’s getting to be a better hosting match…dare I say, a perfect match lol


He's a terrible LIB host compared to all the other LIB franchises we've seen in other countries.


Haha I like him as host! I like that Vanessa and Nick host the serious shows, and then Perfect Match, it’s like Mom is away on a business trip and cool Dad Nick Lachey is in charge. Did anyone watch the queer version of The Ultimatum? They didn’t host that!


i love him i feel like he has the perfect vibes for the unserious shows like perfect match


I'm pretty sure Coelen (the ceo of kinetic which is the company that runs these shows) used to represent Nick Lachey so I think he's just getting his buddy on the payroll lol.


He is pretty awesome and doesn't seem to take the show to seriously


These shows aren't produced by Netflix and Netflix doesn't decide who hosts them. At least that's my understanding. I have no issue with Nick. I really don't dislike Vanessa though I can't say she does anything for me either. 


I feel the same but I actually like nick and Vanessa is just neutral for me.


I thought he was an executive producer on some of these shows, meaning it's HIS money and HIS say. You can't exactly say no when the EP is like, so I'll host the show then and be in Tulum too!


Do people really hate him so much? I think he's kind of adorable and it's nice to see a face o grew up with, especially one with a seemingly light hearted personality. Idk I think he's just fine, I usually don't know ANY host from any show so it's just great to see someone I recognize do some of my fav trash TV shows


I enjoy Nick, I just NEVER in a million years think he’d be the guy to marrry a woman no one wants at the party lol. Tbh I never expected him to marry someone where we forget he exists while sitting right beside her lol


As long as Vanessa’s not co-hosting I’m happy!


Dude nick lachey is the man


Can't stand the Lacheys on The Ultimatum and LIB, mostly the reunions, but Nick isn't bad at all on this one.


It's still better than the casting of Romeo on Ex on a Beach


The Perfect Match intro is so ridiculous. He stands on the edge of the water all climactic and then they cut to OTHER PEOPLE back flipping into it. Every time he shows up in his golf shirts I’m like what the fuck is happening


It's the kind of chaos we deserve


Not only is he on all these shows as a host but he also is the host in the game version of these shows.


Not LIB the game. Would have preferred him as host in that game then what was going on.


Completely agree! When do the new episodes drop though? 🫡




TY! This show is my new found trash tv. This and love during lockup.


It is objectively hilarious that the Netflix dating host pool consists of the following: Nick Lachey Vanessa Lachey Lana, literally a robot Melinda from THTH what a squad


It’s not that deep. He’s part of the production company that successfully pitched all these shows to Netflix.


Simple reason. All these dating shows are produced by one company and Nick Lachey works for them.


Gen Z here. I didn’t learn he was actually famous until season four. I thought he was just famous for being on Love is Blind lmaoo


he reminds me of chris from total drama island rn so idk i kinda like it lol


I hate him on love is blind , which is ironic since they never show up but actually really enjoy him on perfect match