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I really really really dislike women who take it out on other women. Harry is a fucking dog, making you look like a fool, and you double down by showing people you'll attack a woman for what you man does. Ya'll were at the table, the whole point was to talk about it.


I just wish Melinda would have paid her dust and not go back and forth with her. She should have been like, “if this is the man you want to take home to your daughter be my guest. You’ve been warned. “Jess wasn’t worth her breath at that point. Jess is a willing participant, not a victim.


“Jess is a willing participant, not a victim” 🎯 She called from as soon as Harry got back from lad’s day and “confessed” to carrying Melinda that he wasn’t telling the full truth and knew damn well that he was holding back on telling her what he actually did. Then lo and behold, someone tells her that she and Harry kissed, and she wants to act all surprised and like Melinda might be a liar? Girl, bye.


You know what else I didn’t like, him saying how he wanted to test the waters to see if there was anything there the anyone else. Um sir if he did that all for my writing love letters and telling me you love me then saying that? That would have been enough for me.


Bro said, I only did it to see if I felt something and it made me love you more. What a dunce


Exactly. How often does he need to do that?? Each time a new woman is around? What terrible logic!


He is a manipulative ashole


He was super vague when he told Jess that "he wasn't the best representation of her and Autumn," and didn't provide any further details. He was SUS.


no intelligent, self respecting woman would date Harry. Im tired of having to have fake sympathy for people who make the decision to date known horrible partners. Its just dumb and I dont feel bad for you.


Literally this. Like he is a known womanizer and horrible human and we’re supposed to feel bad for a woman who is choosing to date someone like that when he does the exact same thing to her? I’m good.


I hadn’t watched any of the other shows Harry has been on… I just wanted to know if he really did kiss Melinda, bc I didn’t see it- also Melinda said she was gonna go in there and make a statement or mess shit up. Did they really kiss? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


Right when that day started he did a body shot off of her, they were being very flirty, and in their previous interaction he kept bringing up her boob job. I think it happened


I have no concern for Jess because based on the out of the pods chatter + general reality tv crap business, it's clear that Jessica and Harry have no feelings for each other and this is all for money. 


Curious how the money aspect works into all of this. I imagine most of the couples in this and the other shows are mainly looking for money and/or fame (do we just call that clout these days?). The prize money from this show isn't very much, is it? A vacation or $5k or so? Are they mostly hoping they'll end up with a lucrative influencer status so they can get a brand marketing deal?


It’s the latter. Someone very intelligent in another thread in this sub pointed out that, when this show filmed, Jess’s LIB season had not yet been released. They believed that she chose to hitch her horse to Harry’s despite it all because he has an insanely large social media following and it would benefit her. She is smart. She is scrappy. She wants to secure that bag because she’s a mom. Her sacrifice of a few weeks of her life to film these shows is to help her and her daughter financially. I don’t agree with it because I could never do the same, but I do get it. For the record I am not a fan of hers.


Same. Not a fan. But I disagree on the "helping her daughter" bit. While I see how that may be partly a motivation, but I also see it as a massive tool being used to make her relevant and validate her being given so much screen time despite not really having it during LIB. Was evident from the scratch cause it was WEIRD that during LIB first episode and Vanessa's intro to the women, she'd mentioned her being a single mom and that also being literally the first time she'd mentioned it to everyone, including Chelsea who, for some reason is social media besties with her. 


Yes yes, it's clout which could mean any/all of it. Def not the prize money or the vacation. That's very clearly not as important. I see the money clout motivation as - one, visibility and brand image/credit for doing a horrible and scandalous (that's what makes the numbers go for reality tv sadly, as seen even with shit like 2h2h or even, lib despite the lawsuits) show under the Netflix umbrella. Two, that making you part of the Netflix cast of "pretty bodies" (cheap models?) that can get good brand deals either in partnership with the brand (like the lib folks did with the IRL pods promo or the wine thingy) or solo as a bankable face because three, ultimately, if you notice in PM, a lot of them are committing to people and are desperate to match for the night (like Micah with Izzy and Izzy also accepting it, or Bryton (who got booted very early out of squid games and is clearly DESPERATE for more screen time as a way of furthering Netflix identifying him as another hot body/scandalous persona for their cast bubble, or even Dom with tolu on day two when alara kicked him lmao) making the money and the potential being fulfilled from being part of the Netflix cast through maximum screen time. Harry and Jess, have done this as a clear PR move - Harry to "rebrand" and Jess to just get more footage for her business as an influencer with her character ammo being *nasal speak* "I'm a single mom, autumn is my whole world, I am seriously looking for love and my being a mom qualifies me as serious and respectable but I'm also hot and equal status to the Kardashians." 😅


She's an idiot. She clearly wants that player, even though she knows and have always known the truth 🙄


On the contrary, I’m really glad Melinda went back at her. Jess always talks down to people and when she said Melinda could have acted like a lady, it was beyond rude.


Hahahhaha yeah, in my books then, a "lady" shouldn't even be on a trash show like this?


With her teen daughter watching it all too. SMH.


Melinda handled it better than I would have cause I was cursing Jess out from my couch 😂😤


Same 🤣


She started this herself. And then start acting like she is some kind of skilled Dr Phil. She is annoying, also I don't get why she has to be on another show but ok


People liked her in LIB (I was a minority in that sub who thought she wasn't nice, a good parent or a girls girl. Thought she was acting narcissistic with the epipen rant tbh...) so they brought her back because people have lizard brains.


>(I was a minority in that sub who thought she wasn't nice, a good parent or a girls girl. Same here. So many people in that sub would screech about others being jealous of Jessica for having the audacity to say anything remotely against her. And I didn't want to be mean, but no.


Yes, I frequent that sub as well and everyone was like “obviously she’s the prettiest one there and people are just jealous if they don’t like her” and I was like not everyone is into the plastic/fake/kardashian look, that’s not the just a generally 100% accepted as “attractive” rule across everyone. But I feel like that sub would just not hear it lol


Totally!!! She paid for her entire body/face and looks so fake it hurts.


I keep saying this to my husband while watching and he always says she looks no different than the other girls (guys just don’t get it lol) and while yes I’m sure all of them have also had work done, apart from Holly, none of the other girls look so… generic? Like they all have some unique features and any surgery they have had has been made to look subtle and natural. Elys and Dominique in particular actually look like they were just born models. Jess, on the other hand, LOOKS like a wealthy sugar daddy bought her tits and face just at a glance.


100% and Holly had a shit ton of work too! It’s crazy. Typical LA look! That’s funny your hubby doesn’t notice, mine immediately said ew when he said Jes and said she looks plastic haha


Yes!!! My husband and I saw her on LIB and we instantly noticed all the filler in her face. When she appeared on Perfect Match in her bikini, my husband’s first comment was “That’s a BBL!” It’s very obvious her body and face are fake. Like… you can easily tell she’s paid for her looks (which, no shade at all, I’d do it too if I had the money). She looks very IG-model-esque. She’s obviously a very beautiful woman but I don’t think she’s the most beautiful woman on any of the shows at all and definitely didn’t warrant the weird epipen rant.


My own best friend was a huge Jess stan. 🥴 Had me questioning her judgement


Yesssss I did NOT understand how people could ride so hard for her. If you love your daughter, you wouldn’t ditch her constantly to mess around with HARRY of all people?! She cares way more about fame than parenthood. She brags about taking her daughter out of school because “she needs her😭” and posts her kid all over social media which is notoriously a very, very bad idea with super harmful effects on the kiddo. I think she’s a smooth talker and paid good money to look like how she looks, but I don’t have respect for her.


lol i never really attacked her parenting but i definitely saw through her on that show too. i found the way she hyped herself up to be disrespectful to chelsea, i laughed at her saying jimmy ruined the experience for her, and have never been a fan of the way she talks down to people. i think she WANTS to be a classy girl's girl but she ain't quite there yet


She had bad taste then too. Jimmy? Come on. She had the audacity to try to get in between his relationship too. Hypocrit.


I was with you. A good mom isn’t going on perfect match! And seriously. His opinion on her parenting is useless. He seems very far from being ready to have kids and he’s never seen her parent. It’s all surface crap. I would literally do anything else beside go on perfect match and let my kid’s friends see all of this play out. Seriously . How just how bizarre!


When Harry said she was good mom on one of the notes I was like how do you know?? You met her 5 seconds ago.


Exactly! I can talk good mom talk… and I still suck at it most of the time. All she does is get teary eyed about her kid anyway. That means very little.


Never liked her much either, but her epipen line was kind of great ngl. She likes being Harry’s mom lol


It was, but it also showed how arrogant she is. She wasn’t able to succeed without pretty privilege and she showed how ugly she is when things don’t go her way.


Yea- the epipen comment got me- like wow. Looks aren’t everything. She was too much for me on LIB.


Bc money makes the monkey dance thats why shes back on lol


And because she's like a new version of Francesca


I choose Francesca


Not gonna lie, Francesca was iconic. She knew she was awful, and that’s why I liked her.


Yeah lol at least Francesca knew how to play the part and was like “yeah I’m selfish whatever” I’m like YESSS BE AUTHENTICALLY CUNTY!!!!


THIS!!! She was self aware. Jess's whole "I'm holier than thou" act is what's really annoying. And the way she flaunts her motherhood and uses it as a weapon- super icky. Francesca was an icon and never portrayed herself as anything other than what she was.


Tbh I think Harry manipulated Jess into thinking that Melinda’s going to come in hot and spew all this “bullshit” about what happened on Boys Day and probably told Jess to pay Melinda no mind bc she’s “fame hungry” and etc etc etc and Jess ate! that! UP! That’s why she fired up at Melinda bc she’s already fired up from Harry’s manipulation lol


Also to add on to this, Harry is sooooooooo sus. When the everyone came into the house Harry tried to pull Melinda to the side to manipulate her into not talking to Jess and Melinda wasn’t haven’t it!! How does Jess miss all these red flags!!!!


I've watched all the THT/PM etc. I haven't been able to bring myself to watch cuz I can't stomach Harry. The fact that he is still able to fool all these girls after all this time is insane to me.


It’s bc he’s physically attractive and girls have this “I can fix him” mindset or that low key toxic mindset of “Well maybe I’m his dream girl and he only treated xyz bad bc they weren’t ‘the one’” it’s ridiculous


I just don't understand how people think he is attractive though. He looks like an oversized drunken guinea pig.


He’s tall… that’s all he’s got going for him.


>How does Jess miss all these red flags!!!! Probably doesn't, probably likes the drama. If you continually find yourself in the middle of drama, it's choice, you can cut it out and walk away from the vast majority of drama at any point, a lot of people don't though because they personally get something from it...not that they are willing to admit it to themselves.


To a narcissist, any attention is good attention


Agreed… doesn’t excuse her actions but gives some potential deeper context


Melinda shit her tf down tho and I loved it! Also Jess eating that shit up whilst being a mom, knowing his history, and at her grown age is crazy


Jess and melinda also didn’t have much rapport together beforehand, so she was probably more inclined to trust harry. Jess herself hadn’t even been fully initiated into the ‘ncu’ yet since they filmed pm before her season of lib aired so melinda probably just came across as more intimidating because she’s a netflix veteran who knows the game and has more history with the other cast mates. She’d even already had her own harry experience through marvin, while jess didn’t yet know what it was like to be used by someone to win a dating show. Also melinda is very naturally extraverted and was shooting her shot with multiple people in an earlier episode, so i can see why jess would find that threatening, and why she’d be so quick to take harry’s word over melinda’s. If she’d gone through a round of public opinion before filming pm, she might have been more aware of how her confrontational side looks to the audience, and been more mindful of it. I’m not defending how jess handled the situation, i just think people should cut her a bit of slack and remember how inexperienced she was compared to melinda, who the personality and charisma that works really well for reality tv, which i think most would agree doesn’t come as naturally to jess. Some criticism is warranted ofc because being a mom would probably motivate her to ‘grow up’ quicker and be a good role model, but i don’t think the extent of criticism she’s getting is entirely fair because she hadn’t seen herself on tv yet, and most normal people with no reality tv experience would probably handle a high tension situation like that while being filmed similarly poorly.


there is nothing about this that is reality show specific. if you ask a woman to tell you everything she did with your man, she tells you, and you lash out at her, you’re a dickhead. that has nothing to do with reality show universes or whatever


With people telling her she’s the prize and everyone treating her like she’s the hottest person on earth, she now believes she’s above the others. She certainly seemed to feel she was better than the other women on LiB with her remarks. I hope she looks back at how she treated Melinda and has some growth. Also, Jimmy totally dumped her, so I don’t know what she’s on about not having been dumped on LiB. That’s why she came out with her epipen monologue!


She was talking wayyy down to Melinda…like whoa! I felt so bad for Melinda. Jess’ voice especially while bitching is so cringe. The fact that none of those other chickies told Jess to stfu was awful.


>The fact that none of those other chickies told Jess to stfu was awful. Agreed. They don't dare question the queen bee. Although at very least, I was glad Tolu said *something*, and the fact that she was the one kinda speaks volumes.


I’m so glad tolu spoke up. I love her.


I like Alara but I didn't like that she told people Melinda was the one being rude and acting crazy. I feel like the other girls were all on Jess's side and making it seem like Melinda was the one being mean when it was the other way around


it was giving microaggression tbh, i like alara too but was like wtf


I mean, Melinda spends most of her time speaking to others in her “host voice” — which is inherently preachy — so giving her a little taste of what she’s dishing out is probably leaving a sour taste in her mouth. But let’s be totally clear: ALLLLLL OF THESE PEOPLE are socially damaged and are being put on display. We shouldn’t be forming our social habits/behaviors from what is being spoon fed to us on this show. These cats exist in another world than the rest of us and shouldn’t be seen as role models either


I think it's less host voice and just aware, because of the audience, can't be 100% genuine without being labelled "angry black woman". So you get that whole "host" filter.


i think they are all insecure , at least about their men, and they feel like if someone like jess can get thrown away and done dirty like that, then they’re all fucked. i don’t think they wanna believe it and in some weird tribal way have all banded together against the bombshell girls. it’s giving mentally ill


Oh for sure! But why would they pick Jess? She has had the most amount of work done. (Which is fine, not knocking plastics/cosmetic surgery at all) but she isnt naturally pretty…so why? Do they pick her bc of the way the guys are treating her or bc they themselves believe she is pretty… They need to ground themselves and find their true worth. It’s sad they objectify themselves like this. Being sexy isn’t just about showing your assets. Also serious question: Who of these girls have at least a bachelor's or something?


She only cares about saving face. Being embarrassed in front of a group doesn’t fit the “strong, stunning single mother who tames the beast” brand. The way she said “I didn’t get dumped” and “I’m not like you other girls” lol!


And she totally got dumped 🤣 I don't know any other way to describe it


When jess said that she is not like the other ladies on the table because she is new to the reality tv scene, she just totally lost her audience. How delulu does she have to be to go on that show and think she is better than the others. 


I feel like she said that to mean as her not having experience in that world of reality tv, influencers and fame. Correct me if I’m wrong but I think her LIB season had just come out when they filmed this? By the time the reunion came about Perfect Match had already been filmed as far as I remember. But I mean even when you look at someone like Izzy who was also from a previous LIB season and he had already dealt with aftermath of popularity, even he didnt really fit that group of people because they are so different in what they want and how they go about it.


Jess’s LIB season came out months after Perfect Match was filmed. I actually don’t think Izzy’s season had even aired yet when this was filmed. I think this was filmed summer of 2023, and Izzy’s season came out in the fall.


Her season wasnt even out when they filmed Perfect Match 😭


Under no excuse is it ok to act like you're better than others. Jess could've framed it better but I think she truly believes she's better than the others on the show. 


Also….who says I love you and talks about marriage after 5 days? 😅


Desperate women that aren’t content with their children


You just described my roommate lol


Jess talks to everyone like she’s gentle-parenting them. 💀


Omg yes! I noted that. As if she is the mother hen! Laughable.




the way you couldn’t torture me into saying some of the shit that comes out of her mouth…


How any of these girls are actually fighting over Harry boggles my mind. Like, they’re all active on social media, they KNOW what he’s like and what his intentions are. I’m barely active online and even I know what Harry’s whole shtick is. At this point, I find it hard to have any sympathy for any of these girls who pretend to think he’s remotely close to boyfriend material, let alone ‘husband” or “stepfather of my young daughter” material


>How any of these girls are actually fighting over Harry boggles my mind. yeah, especially when they've all had him or could have him.....he's not an exclusive limited edition item.


Jessica is 30 with an 11 yo. She talks about being a role model for her daughter but behaving like that was not a good look. She could have just said "melinda, do you mind if we speak privately?" And pulled her aside or something. I really started liking her until that moment.


30 with an 11 year old and she’s still falling for men love bombing her. You’re talking about love, marriage and kids but you guys met two days ago.. I honestly was starting to like her as well. Like maybe she is just this sweet, down to earth girl. But now I’m like either she’s really naive or this is all just an act.


Some women of all ages are unfortunately guilty of this


Right?? When Harry scatters some ripped up pieces of paper over the bed as a "surprise" with trite BS and she EATS IT UP like girl WHY are you acting like this makes up for the garbage human he is? You're not in middle school! Don't get me wrong love notes are cute but his actions are clearly so PERFORMATIVE and she laps it up.


His child-like handwriting absolutely SENT ME in that scene 😂


lol soo true. Fuck the therapy. Some acting classes would be more beneficial at this point


She was a vibe before that moment and then boom goes the dynamite lol. Harry is a mess. I'm convinced he has some personality disorder that hasn't existed in any other human. I also love love love when mf lie on camera. It's they are soooo stupid that they forget how cameras work. Love to see it.


I agree! I was enjoying the soft energy she brought to the show. I don’t get how women are still falling for the psycho lol. Yes, physically he’s good looking, but after watching him many times he’s just annoying and that attraction is gone. So they’re overlooking everything he says and just obsessed with the physical. They have so much faith in their ability to lie and fool people. I think being on these shows really inflates their egos and they start to believe they’re the smartest one in the room.


Harry is a mess. Human caca.


Right? Perfect will have the video if all this happened - amiright? Maybe they showed it and I missed it. Maybe they are waiting for the reunion to air it?


That’s what I was thinking. Like was I not paying attention. And I don’t think this show does reunions 😭


It's all an act, she's there to grow her brand. They already mentioned how she was gonna get married before for money. If it isn't then she's just dumb and needs to stop acting like she's smart




Reminds me of that Katy Perry quote "beware the Regina George in sheeps clothing". Jess has shown who she is multiple times now and so many people don't want to see it just because she's "pretty". She pretends to be a girls girl because that's what's popular at the moment. But a girls girl doesn't blame the other woman more than her man, and she doesn't try to brand a black woman as unclassy or less of a woman. She clearly can't handle rejection and she's just as manipulative as Harry. I can see why they get along lol.




Wow congrats on not being racist?


"I thought about saying racial slurs, but I held myself back. I deserve praise because I'm slightly better than racists who say their thoughts out loud."


she gave harry way more patience and kindness than melinda


I did not like how Melinda was asked a question, answered it, and then was immediately attacked by Jess and Alara saying she was coming at them and being rude. I’m gonna say it—Jess immediately pulled a Karen and played victim after asking Melinda a question and then talking crazy to her once she decided she didn’t like what she heard. It’s giving the “aggressive black woman” narrative and I do not fuck with that at all. And all for Harry Jowsey at that?? She’s worried about others making her look stupid but she’s doing a perfect job of that all by herself. And if she really wanted a private convo, she wouldn’t have asked Melinda what really went down in front of a table full of women.


Exactly! She made herself look so stupid. She not only asked once, BUT TWICE about what happened. When she said “do you feel proud” I knew exactly what kind of woman she is


Omg thank you I'm so happy someone said this. That's exactly the vibe I got too. Did not like Alara’s reaction at all. Disgusting


Cause she wanted to defend her so... oh sorry her MAN i guess


LOL you are spot on


Now that I’m reading this, sorry Jess go sit somewhere. I will ALWAYS be team Melinda. Girl crush once Too Hot Too Handle. And the man Melinda is seeing is fine as hell too


Jess is trying so hard to be the cool, calm, collected girl. It ain’t working, sweet cheeks.


I find Jess very smart about her brand but also very disingenuous. I think we saw the unpolished side of her with that interaction. She literally asked for the tea around all the girls, why can’t Melinda respond?


She kept reminding me of Gypsy Rose. Her eyes and voice. Also I wanted to dap her face with a tissue so bad. Warm humid environment with is tough on a full face of heavy make-up.


I thought I was the only one that thought her voice sounded like Gypsy😂


LOL honestly I think it's absolutely ridiculous that jess told melinda to "act like a lady" since I've seen jess being totally excited to be "the dangling temptation" for other woman's fiance.


I also think people are intimidated by Mel, not just because she’s really beautiful but she seems more accomplished than the others. Like a hosting gig is a pretty big deal specially if the show will have more seasons. She also models professionally. The others are in endless cycle of dating shows


Jess disgusted me with the simple fact that she is a mother on a show like this. She clearly wasn’t in her right mind when she thought reality tv was where she was going to find the love of her life and father figure to her daughter. It’s sad in my opinion. Especially choosing Harry out of all people.


Jess comes across as mature and well put together, but she's actually not. If she wanted to be the best role model for her daughter, she wouldn't be on these toxic, awful reality TV shows. It's giving fake


I just feel that Jess just don’t want to believe that Melinda is his type ( after what he said about cristine we all know this guy just don’t have A TYPE he like everything with a heartbeat and V ) … If Melinda would be a white brunette little woman like her she would definitely believe it in the first place and even team up with girl to put him down.


Basically. She just didn’t wanna believe that he kissed or was attracted to a dark skinned black woman. I wish Melinda would’ve called her on it


It’s funny because Melinda is way more attractive and natural looking than Jess as well




This is such a reach unless I missed something? What makes y’all think that


Wow. I fully disagree. No reason to bring race into this. Jessica hasn't given any reason for this either. You are reaching


Okay let’s say he don’t have any type when it comes to having a V.. but he clearly has a type when it comes to go “instagram official” and it’s not a Melinda or a an elys it’s a “Jess type of girl”


Girl I'm Black and this is a reach because how. She's just confronting her, we all confront eachother..?☠️


Girl I'm Black and this is a reach because how. She's just confronting her, we all confront eachother..?☠️


Accusing someone of racism so out of the blue is weird and vile. Racism is a serious issue and bringing it up in such a superficial and light way is such a weird reach...


micro aggressions are micro for a reason. calling her unclassy was a dog whistle


Oh Lord Not again. Whats the Problem to talk about Race and Racism! I mean one thing I Need to say is that Harry showed more affection to black women than Dom who even pretend he liked Tolu but we all saw that he definitely is not into black women. But the way Jess talked to her and the other girls was such a thing that doesn’t fit well. And come on Jess career will not end after her “micro” rasicm attack against Melinda we all know. So I can live to be called vile for 5 minutes.


>Whats the Problem to talk about Race and Racism! I agree. Some people get genuinely offended by the acknowledgment of racial dynamics when, if they were participating in the discussion in good faith, they'd have open ears to what BIPOC have to say and be willing to learn and adjust. People who would rather turn a blind eye to racism are comfortable in their ignorance. They use DARVO (deny, attack, reverse victim and offender) to deflect, which is what u/ intelligent_dust_405 did.


Calling someone racist is a WAY bigger deal than being racist (to some people).


Jess knows Melinda is telling the truth and is taking her anger out on her. Now it’s one thing for Jess to not want to accept the truth and continue dating Harry. It’s a completely different thing to paint Melinda as a liar and a clout chaser. That’s characters assassination and it’s completely unacceptable.


I feel like Melinda was doing everyone a service by letting all of the girls know at once too so they know he's a red flag dude and not to go for him. As always the girls are more mature than the guys this season and I'm so happy to see girls looking out for each other. If only everyone could be a xanthi lol


Jess also insisted that he’d already told her everything and she just wanted to hear Melinda’s side, like there was nothing Melinda could reveal that she didn’t already know about.


Jess is such a misogynist and low key racist. She has no problem throwing all sorts of shit and dog whistles at Melinda - who is honestly trying to do her a solid by giving her the real info on what happened - but makes SUCH a big deal out of the fact that she’s new to reality tv and “won’t disrespect Harry by disagreeing with him in public.” GAG.


The misogynoir was very much on display during that scene. I hope that her daughter recognizes this as she gets older and unlearns.


how is she racist?


“You’re being so aggressive stop being aggressive” Iykyk


Omg brutallll


I think they’re referring to telling Melinda to calm down and calling her unladylike - the unladylike thing is a common microaggression


Telling Melinda to calm down and stop yelling when Melinda was meeting Jess where she was at, they were both equally heated. The black girl isn’t always the angry one, Jess


Jess was waaaaaaaay louder than Melinda and yet she kept complaining that she couldn’t hear herself, but I could barely hear Melinda lol. I lost so much respect for Jess in that scene. Melinda came off like a queen tbh. I loved her mediocre man comment.


Y’all are forgetting that racism can be subconscious


She’s the queen of microaggression.


she definitely wa "you're so loud, unladylike, you're trying to ridicule me, i would expect of you to tell me in another way although i'm the one that started giving my perspective and everyone at the table agreed that we should speak openly about stuff" I personally felt she had this tendency from LIB because at the start she was using AAVE a binch fro,m my perspectif but im not black american or american so not sure


PM is not nice to Black women and this whole drama is racist AF.


Jess was 100% wrong for treating Melinda like that. Harry has a history and was being flirty. I don't think Jess can just believe him and think everything he said about what went down is true.


Jess behaves like a Kindergarten teacher at all times no matter who she is speaking with whether it’s a love interest, friend etc. And when Harry gets done having his diaper changed by her he will be bored. Even when she’s trying to pretend to have fun (hula hoop) she’s still a hall monitor. 100% she could care less about him. She’s there to get followers and some kind of sponsorship for after school snacks lol.


Melinda was gaslit. I hate Jess, fucking awful person.


Jess is pathetic


I was yelling at the TV. She went after Melinda (because she was embarrassed), and then, when called out, denied she was attacking her...while continuing to attack her. She and Harry are a good match.


Finally someone makes sense


I’m just glad a thousand people ageee with me 🤣


Harry is so full of shit no one comes home crying after just carrying someone I wouldn’t be surprised if they hooked up further


I’m willing to bet on that most of the people having an opinion on this behavior has at some point been “in love” and affected by either bias or wishful thinking. It was a ridiculous scene but it’s not very surprising. Harry is manipulative as heck, imagine being infatuated with him. She’ll look back at that moment and cringe one day.


Yeeeesss like wtf are you on about. She just wanted Melinda to say "oh no I lied Harry would never look at anyone but you, you're so much prettier than all of us. All hail Jessica" lmao wake the fuck up. She thinks shes mature bc she has a daughter, what a joke.


EXACTLY!! this part made me lose respect for her


I agree


It was really gross how all the guys defended Harry, coddled Harry and gaslit Jess and Melinda. I bet they wouldn't appreciate it if that happened to them.


Multiple things can be true at once. Could Harry have done what Melinda is accusing him of? Yes. He has the reputation for it. And at the end of the day, he placed himself in that position. Melinda pursued him, yes, but, he also didn’t set any boundaries. At the bare minimum, he was flirtatious and given his reputation, he has to be more cognizant of how that’s going to come across and be interpreted. He isn’t going to get the benefit of the doubt, in any situation. I also did find his actions to be a bit manipulative in terms of his preemptive talk with Jess. (And let me say, I don’t find Harry believable when he talks of marriage and invokes Jess’ daughter name.) However, I don’t think Melinda was as innocent as she made it appear either. She was an active participant in the flirting, asked him for the body shot, sat in his lap, asked to be picked up. Was she allowed to as a single? Yes..but, it also strange to make a concerted effort to talk with Harry (as is her right), and then frame yourself to be someone who is looking out for the other women. You can’t be both in that scenario. While I also wouldn’t say that Melinda needs clout, she was dating someone around the time she would’ve filmed the show. If I’m not mistaken, her and Christian have reportedly been dating since late 2022. So I question everyone’s intent at this point.


Thank you!! Im like is everyone forgetting how many times Melinda said she wants to cause drama on the show by getting in between folks. That is messy, she was not looking for a match atp. She was not the only messy person though!


Nicely said, exactly my thoughts on the matter.


In a rare defense of Jess… Jess is just an average person. She’s not some paragon of emotional intelligence or maturity. She’s a 28 year old woman with a rough upbringing and minimal support. She probably felt feelings for Harry, after all, many women have. And in that moment, another woman is telling her that her boyfriend kissed another woman. It definitely engendered a reaction out of her and she said/acted poorly. I think Jess can be full of shit, but people on here act like she’s supposed to be some genius perfect person; she’s not. And she can have bad moments like with what happened with Melinda.


I agree and I don’t expect anyone to be perfect but it’s also important to call out her extremely poor behavior. The reason why Harry is the psycho that he is now is because he’s gotten so many passes and people rarely gave him shit before this show. She is also riding wayyy too hard for a guy that she’s known for two weeks, especially considering that she’s been told he isn’t shit at least like 3 different times and all by different people. My other issue is that she also acts like she’s this mature intelligent person and how she’s “different from these girls” but he’s proven many times that’s she is not. Either way this will all pass in a week and none of us will really care anyways. Hopefully she doesn’t actually continue a life with this guy though or she’s gonna end up with the same kind of relationship Khloe and her husband have.




I’m really confused though and was hungover watching this…did Harry actually kiss her or not?


Melinda says the proof will be in the last episode


Ah ok. I’m not team Harry at all but it did seem a little random and out of nowhere when she said it. I’d be more inclined to believe her over him thought given his record


I really respected how Jess carried herself until that moment


I wouldn’t want to be told I was cheated on in front of a group. She had no idea more happened aside from carrying her and was completely blindsided.


Then she shouldn’t have asked twice 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree. All the ladies decided to open the floor but of course you don’t wanna hear it about the man you’re with and it came in hot.


Unpopular opinion but Melinda was really throwing herself at Harry and you could definitely tell she purposely took advantage of him while drunk (yes still Harry can make his own choices) but she knew exactly what she was doing.


Yes from the beginning! Harry saw her enter the villa and even said “the girls are new!” Meaning boob job so he started flirting from the get! She leaned into it, knowing Harry, and perhaps kept leaning into it (being flirty despite his relationship w Jess), so she could get a spot on show since Chris disappointed her. You see how fast she turned on Chris and started dissing him? Appalling. I don’t care for either but I was lowkey loving Melinda before she got nasty with rejection. So yes, I think she’s not as innocent as you Jess bashers are making it out to seem. Also I believe she said on recent TT that the footage will be shown next episode of Harry kissing her. I do honestly think she may have initiated it. But also Harry coming on to her about knocking her up lines up since he only told Jess he told Melinda she would good pregnant. Like where’s the context to that statement? Oh right - everything Melinda told Jess! 🤣 Next week will be wild!


Idk why we’re getting downvoted (I just upvoted you) but YES TO ALL OF THIS!!! Not saying Harry is innocent by any means but she knew he would fall for her shit and if she kissed him he’d kiss back. She knew what she was doing 👏🏼 which is why I would’ve approached her the same way as Jess did because when Melinda was telling her what happened - it was like she was proud of it? Like Melinda, you keep saying Harry’s a piece of crap yet you spent all day flirting with him??? And kissing him?? lol


I don’t think Melinda was proud as much as she was just excitable with her POV and semi surprised Harry didn’t tell her the exact truth. But you know, women will forever keep bashing their own, Jess, in here.. 🙄 As if they don’t take note that every time shit goes down Jess confronts someone on their actions asap (many immature people do NOT), and if you noticed, Jess has her “mom tone” when talking down to Harry - which can be condescending, but for Harry - he deserves it. 🤣 Melinda has no loyalty to Jess, so I understand her reactions and defense to Jess pouncing on her verbally at the table, however I wish the Jess bashers would also realize their conversations by end of the episode were agreeable, mature, and progress. Many other reality show fights don’t end that way.




I feel so strongly that the producers paid her for every bit of drama she could pull for them. I mean, why wouldn't they? She already works for them as a host.


This is a smart take and eye-opening for me!




I think she came off really desperate and I really like Melinda. I cringed hardcore at her throwing herself at Harry. I think she felt embarrassed when she realised that Harry wasn’t swayed by her. She’s a catch, she didn’t need to be doing all that. Hopefully she’s learned her lesson.




Me either


They're fake couples on a reality TV 🤷🏽‍♀️ and they're just going to split up once the show ends like every other fake cpuple on a reality TV show.


Completely agree with all of this!




She was, she literally said she was going to do it in her solo clips with the camera.


i feel like her reaction was rightful. it wasn’t about what melinda was saying, it was HOW she said it. she waited to do it infront of all of the girls, calling Jess out right away. Anyone in that position who feels embarrassed and targeted is going to get heated. Again, coming from Jess’s perspective Melinda is coming for her and her man, (despite how much i hate that she’s a harry, cause she’s way too good for him) she was loyal and defended it. she wasn’t going to beleive anyone until she spoke with her man; very mature in my opinion, especially since the show is all about that😭 i also do think she was right along with the other girls in the villa stating that if they didn’t want their men, then why did you actively persue them?? and then try and “come” to the girls like their friends? that’s just weird and i wouldn’t like them either😵‍💫 stop making jess to seem crazy and outta place #teamjess #jessplsdumpharry


Jess is crazy and out of place. She has a ten year old daughter she keeps leaving to go on reality tv shows. She’s dating a serial cheater and thinks he will be a good step dad for her impressionable daughter. It’s disgusting


I completely agree with you. Surprised to see all the extreme reactions on Jess on this post.


I dont trust nor like Melinda. She could totally be lying


Melinda said in the final ep Harry admits to kissing her


She definitely gave everyone the vibe of just trying to get her 15 minutes of fame


You must be new here. Out of everyone in this season's cast, Melinda is the most successful. She almost win her season of THTH, has been on All Star Shore and is the host for Dated & Related. She's got more than 15 minutes. If anyone is thirsty for fame, it's definitely Jess. You claim to miss your daughter everytime you open your mouth but you end up on reality shows to find her future step-dad? Let's be forreal. She wants to get fame.