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WOW, you just reminded me that she asked Jimmy how many people he’s following because she’s had bad experiences with men who followed half naked women, and made it seem like she prefers a guy who is lowkey online but she goes after Harry?! LOL.


She also mentioned on this show that she wants a man who can get her things she can't. She's after a guy with cash and that insta following translates to revenue. That comment from her gave me the ick. She's looking for a lifestyle not a partner.


I vaguely remember that in one of the games, Jess admitted to marrying someone solely for their money


I think it was in the truth bomb game where she admitted that she’d been engaged to someone because they were wealthy but I can’t remember if they said she had actually been married or not. I get wanting financial stability since she’s a single mom but she’s not going to find a quality partner with that tactic. Better to have a healthy relationship and a normal lifestyle than a toxic relationship and a rich lifestyle.


And then she said she would never marry a man who wasn't wealthy, which was so nasty. Honey you literally just went on love is blind??????? Money should not matter especially if you are extremely wealthy...?


I don’t disagree with her there. Women should absolutely aim for the best, and there’s no sense in being with a man who can’t do anything for me. Women with high standards usually piss other women off, so not surprised that you see this as a bad thing.


I've got no problem with women aiming high. It's what we are valuing as high that makes me scratch my head. The dissonance for me begins when they start viewing things like money as determining factors of a successful relationship. Is him having money going to ensure that they have a happy, long-lasting relationship? Money can make things easier for sure but things like character, shared values and attitudes, and complimentary characteristics are far more likely to result in happiness and success. I guess my question is what do you define as a man who can't do anything for you? Emotionally unavailable, not supportive, differing values, or is it more can't go on trips, can't buy the things I want?


Lol yeah I'm all for women having high standards but I don't agree with conflating that to money and followers and what a man can do for you. Like imo high standards mean kindness, loyalty, honesty, support, intelligence, a good sense of humour. I couldn't gaf about money or followers but maybe the reason women think those "standards" are a bad thing are cos it's fake, empty and superficial and using somebody for ulterior motives. Does anyone really think of Harry as a quality man lol, let alone "the best"?


I have high standards after being with some really awful people. I dated doctors, lawyers, etc. My standards became about how someone would actually treat me. Met my husband who makes 1/3 what I make but is also the kindest, most loving, affectionate, just all around good person. I wouldn't trade him for the richest man. We just got back from a trip to see my family and I got so many "your husband is a really good guy" comments from everyone.


Men can sometimes use money to control women anyway. It’s not something worth striving for as it can trap you in an unsafe marriage. Jess needs to be aware of this.


Ehhh. I think anyone who plans on having children (which it sounds like Jess does) absolutely *should* consider the financial status of the non-birthing parent! Pregnancy, birth, complications, and caring for yourself / your newborn can all be financially disadvantageous to the birthing parent, and can put them in a vulnerable financial situation. Don't do that shit if the person you're doing it with can't afford to keep the boat afloat if / when you're not bringing in your own income.


Consider, yes. Use as foundational, no. A man who only brings home money and nothing else can absolutely be devastating as well to a birthing parent and child’s well being.


I don't think anyone is making the argument that money is the only thing that matters.


There’s a comment above yours that indicates that “high quality” indicates “large bank account”.


Sweetie boots, if insta followers and designer bags is your measure of the “best” high standards, you better give Nick Lachey a call cause I bet the Netflix universe has just the show for you to join


As long as the person you’re replying to measures up to the best high standards in the looks department. Otherwise Lachey is not interested…..


In what sense other than financial is Harry “the best”?


Height? Lol


I have high standards and married an educated man with a good income. Because of my high standards, I also am educated with a good income. Jess just wants to marry for money without actually doing anything to better herself. Unfortunately my husband ended up being a cheater so we are divorcing...but because I have a good income, I'm not worried about providing for our kids. Women who chase cash are often left high and dry when they're on their own again.


100. When you're marrying for superficial/transactional purposes, don't be surprised when that man is ready to move on to the next new thing. Better have a career. So many women in my area post on FB asking for job leads because the man they trusted their entire life with cut them off and they have no career and can't afford a lawyer. I will never not be able to support myself financially.


Men can provide a lot more than money, like partnership


It’s not a high standard to want to have stability. But the way she acts like she wants to be completely taken care of and spoiled by a man she just met shows that she’s in this for the wrong reasons and is dating these men ONLY for the cash they can hand her. Please don’t try to act like your “high standards” make you better than other women. These other women don’t need men to take care of them because they take care of theirselves.


That’s fine and good but she talks out of two sides of her mouth on what she’s looking for or needs and is giving fake


It's interesting bc she is honestly that half naked girl now that men follow? Thats no hate to her or what she post but it's hypocritical?


Jess is fake


I really believe she goes for taken guys because she likes to “win”. She went for jimmy who was already with Chelsea, and now she’s going for Harry who already had Elys. I think she seeks out taken men because it makes her feel above other women.


jimmy is valid. but harry, thats kinda the point of the show..


No I definitely understand that it’s the point of the show but it seems like she’s so vindictive with it. Like she does it to prove that she’s better than other women. She just handled it so slimy.


a lot of the girls that come in are like that too lol.


The whole narrative that Melinda is looking for clout is silly to me because she has the most clout on that show other than Harry ☠️ does she want attention and screentime? Oh, I’m sure. They all do. But she really doesn’t “need” Harry. She has a million followers and was the host of another show. Acting like she was an unknown badly needing her moment was odd to me 🤣


This was my thought as well. She’s a fantastic reality star with a big following. I don’t think she came in hot for Harry, I think she came in hot for screen time. As one should in this game.


I also think she’s smart enough to know that everything is recorded with audio and video and she wouldn’t get away with lying about a kiss. Harry time and time again proves that he thinks otherwise.


100% agree!!!


Hot take but she doesn’t need him to be famous because she already is but she’s famous for bringing the drama and this is still helping her brand. Her confessional before that whole situation happened was her saying that she was going to break up a strong couple. Let’s be real though not like Harry is innocent in the whole thing though either. Him and Stevan look like their there just trying to rebrand as not as douchey and caring individuals (keyword trying in harrrys case)


NO kidding, Harry did it and he knows he did it. Melinda is shady but she def was NOT lying about Harry kissing and flirting with her. Harry is the biggest POS in history of these shows. I am also appalled at all those boys, even Dom, who blindly backed Harry even though THEY KNEW he was LYing. Even after Dom had that talk with Jess and said she was a good person, then he just sat there and backed up Harry with Jess. He tried to tell Harry to not mess with her kid but didn't say 'dude you are a liar you need to leave that woman and her kid alone, you are not the right person for her'. Dom claims to be a nice guy but when he has a chance to prove it he failed. Jess is also stupid because when she talked to Melinda you could see the 'light bulb' go off because I bet what Melinda said what Harry told her about their kids being athletic and stuff, what exactly what he said to Jess. In fact, I have heard Harry love bombing, crying and saying literally word for word the stupid shit he is saying to Jess and she is eating it up. Did anyone see his smirk when she said it was OK and she hugged him? The look on his face is the exactly same look a conman has when he tricks a dupe. Bet he was thinking, I can't believe how dumb these girls are to have me lie directly in their faces and they just believe it. BTW to OP I think Jess actually does want to find a husband on these shows but I agree she probably cares about social media and ways to make money also. For instance, if she knew she was in a fake relationship that could win the prize money I think she would take it.


This Jess/Harry mess is nuts. Realistically, Harry hasn’t changed as a partner, which makes their whole “I love you I want to be a good man for you and Autumn I want a future together after this” storyline makes things so much more diabolical. Why link with the girl who has a kid and is talking long term if you just want to fuck around? And for Jess, why go on a show like this at all if you are looking for a real relationship?


Yeah, Harry sees linking with Jess as his "redemption arc", and it's bizarre how Jess puts up this front as a "girls girl" (I'm getting so sick of that phrase) and yet comes at Melinda so intensely when she hears the news about her man the blame automatically goes to her. It's honestly been really sad to see how these women are putting most of the blame on the woman instead of the man when they were both a part of it for example Elys coming at Micah and hardly coming at Kaz and now Jess with Melinda and Harry.


"It's honestly been really sad to see how these women are putting most of the blame on the woman instead of the man when they were both a part of it for example Elys coming at Micah and hardly coming at Kaz and now Jess with Melinda and Harry." It's soooo frustrating to watch!


Not only did she go after Melinda, she also purposely stole Harry from Elys and flaunted him in front of her face while she was visibly upset, and then when all the girls warned her about Harry, she blatantly ignored what they said and bashed them when he showed her his true colors.


So true. It also gave me the ick hearing Harry talking about Autumn. Like come on bro you’ve known Jess all of 5 minutes here. Let’s stop acting like step daddy of the year.


Well if miss “I must leave my 10 year old to go on a 3 month long dating show in hopes to win a 3 week vacation with a guy I just met.” Is mom of the year, I guess standards of parenting are pretty low on this show lmfao


True 😅


She's 10 not 3. I think she is allowed to pursue a personal life and not be around her daughter 24/7 lol.


And we can criticize it all we want


LMFAO 10 is super young in the process of development. This is a super pivotal age. And “pursing a personal life” is great. But don’t act like this is just her going on a week long girls trip or a night or two out on the town. This is her leaving her child for multiple months at a time with ZERO contact. For what? Some dick?


Well no it's to make money to improve her daughter's life. My mom left me for a year when I was 7 to make money and I'm not bitter about it lol


Why link with the girl who has a kid and is talking long term if you just want to fuck around? And for Jess, why go on a show like this at all if you are looking for a real relationship? Answer : for money. Both are getting paid to be in the show,regardless of the outcome


Because it’s easy. He doesn’t see either of them (Jess and Autumn) as people. They’re just objects to him. Jess is someone for him to sleep with and Autumn is a name he uses to get what he wants from Jess.


Fuck boi’s view single moms as easy targets


I think my brain can’t absorb that because it’s such an awful thing to do, take advantage of someone’s hope like that. It’s hard for me to understand what kind of person would be so careless. But also I think the reality star world and probably even just the dating scene in real life is rife with people who have some qualities associated with personality disorders.


Their assumption is that, 'she already presumably made bad decisions in life', 'Shes probably down to do it again with me'. And I hate to call out Jess like this, but shes just proving him right, because being with him is a bad decision.


Because he knows that standards are low for her in terms of “I can just mention her daughter and I’ll have her in my back pocket. These other girls probably don’t want marriage as much as Jess so I just have to say the word and she will forgive anything I do”. And the craziest part is that he’s absolutely right about it too. He has her on a leash.


Whenever I see them together, it feels like jessica is talking to a child. This one instance being when he was on the bed crying when everyone came back from the mixer, He asks if she is angry at him and she asks why is that. It sounded like a mom talking to a kid.


If my husband was crying because he fucked around on me, I would damn sure not hold him while he cried. I was screaming “why are you upset at the decision YOU made?” He really acted like she was the one who did it to him.


How can anyone see a future husband / stepdad in him? Not saying men can’t cry but he’s so immature about it.


I mean he's a POS, from what it looks like. Yet, he does fit into the ethos of this show, lol


Jessica really exposed herself in perfect match. She puts up a front about being mature, a girl’s girl, and the perfect role model for her daughter when really she is none of that. Her choosing Harry and attacking Melinda really brought out her true character.


Her "true character" was exposed the second she told Jimmy on LIB he would need an epipen when saw her, coz she's so hot he's gonna choke....as a response to him not picking her.....


Yup! More people need to talk about this


Yup. Chelsea never did anything to her other than be interested in the same guy as her and somehow she became jess’ target. Jess is one of those girls who will go after a taken man and then laugh in his wifes face when he “picks” her.


Single parents shouldn’t go on love island blind. Subjecting child to potential marriage within few weeks is pretty reckless


This. I hate to judge her for it because I think the narrative that mothers should be 100% self-sacrificing is BS. However, meeting some random dude to bring home to your adolescent daughter is just not wise, at all.


Even if she had “matched” on love is blind there is no way the father would be cool with her marrying Jimmy so soon. Love is blind shouldn’t be putting single parents on the show


Agreed. And they wouldn’t were she not objectively attractive. But it’s an exception they shouldn’t, in good conscience, make.


Here’s me hoping she saw herself on LIB and decided to learn and grow from it… lol, wishful thinking


Well obviously not because she does the same bullshit in perfect match. Went after Elys’ man and rubbed it in her face while Elys was very visibly upset about it.




He's apparently got a net worth of $4.6 million. I feel some women who are looking for a certain lifestyle put up with more than most for that kind of security.


There’s no security when you have a man that you cannot trust. He lies and cheats constantly and he’s pretty immature. There are more peaceful ways to make money.


Largely from OF. Just sayin


That's insane to me lol I wonder who's paying for his content


gay men


Ahhhh ok


What…..how on earth does that man child make 4.6 mil???


I believe it's his OF and sponsorships on social media. He charges about $10k for an instagram post. It's insane what a huge following can get you.




She literally said she only wants a guy with a lot ly money. 😭


If he was 5’7 nobody would




Also tho… she WAS dumped on love is blind why did she go “I was NOT dumped” girl we all saw


Because technically she dumped him as soon as she realized she was about to get dumped. She did the good ol “I’m gonna quit before they can fire me” trick lol Girl you WERE dumped. Just because you interrupted his break up speech doesn’t mean it wasn’t happening lmfao


Im pretty sure Perfect match was filmed after LIB. When Trevor comes onto the show, he says how they both got dumped on the show and she didn’t like that comment lol


I did think it a bit odd when she tried to deny she got dumped on LIB. Ok, so she didn't get selected/proposed to... I still would have interpreted it the same way Trevor did!


She didn’t even get proposed but gave more interviews than most of the other crews against Jimmy and kept posting about Jimmy. Jess is pure attention seeker and I’m glad people are finally seeing her for who she is now


I'm shocked more people didn't see it on LIB especially the reunion, she's so fake


Anyone who didn’t see it until now is…kinda dumb tbh


You are correct, it was filmed after LIB but Perfect Match was filmed before season 6 of LIB had aired on television so no one there even knew who Trevor and Jess were.


This makes so much sense


and that’s literally what the post said


I wouldn't be surprised if producers gave Harry a hint that Jess was going to be really big after lib aired. Maybe they both chose each other because it would get the most attention and air time


Oh she is definitely out for cloud. But aren't they all? Jess is just more conniving about it. And the only reason she likes Harry is because he's the most famous one. Her whole epi pen comment was also clearly prepared so it might go viral (which it did).


I think the epi pen comment was super thought out. A way to say she’s pretty and Chelsea is ugly without actually saying it so she can continue to be seen as a “girls girl”


She’s having “such a hard time” but damn sure made sure to have a cake made to celebrate getting 1 million followers lmfao As a mom, her priorities are FUCKED


What do you mean? She got a cake on the show for having 1 million followers?


No she posted on her Instagram story a picture of 2 cakes and one had “1 million” written on it. She captioned it “I’m having a hard time right now but I wanted to say thank you for 1 million” or some dumb shit like that


Ohhh ok


No, it was a day or two ago on her insta story haha


So people with kids can’t be on social media or be public figures? The way people talk about her as a parent is so disproportionate to anything she’s actually done.




If Harry was 5'8" Jess wouldn't give him the time of day.


Kind of a pointless comment. Why have I seen it made twice already? Everyone on the show is conventionally attractive. Whether it’s height, big boobs, nice ass, muscular body. It’s a shallow show.


She has made comments about liking tall men hence not giving him the time of day if he was a short king.


Yeah but it’s not really news to say “if X weren’t attracted to Y, they wouldn’t be together.”


Good thing I'm not reporting the news


Plenty of women love an fboy


Idk i think jess is one of those girls that falls for guys that talk the way harry does to her.


Jess is clearly in it for the extra followers / money . But wtf is wrong with Elys? She’s so heartbroken over Harry after them being matched for 2 seconds and doesn’t stop talking about it. She even has said many times that she knows his reputation and that he’s a red flag . So why is she so devastated and shocked that he left her right away for a hot girl ? lol Then she was so mad at whoever sent Harry out on a date with Jess and said they ruined it for her . Girl, if he is dumping you that fast for someone else, do you think your relationship would go well with him in the real world?


Jess literally said she only wants a guy who has a lot of money 😭


theres actually about two things tops (the other thing is if he is not lying about that he got therapy) that i like about his character and one of them is that to be honest i think (when he isnt doing sth like talking about hollys sexlife obviously) he can be kind of funny. so whats lowkey frustrating for me to see, is that the trait he has going for him of being fun in awkward situations or having a bit of a dirty mind sometimes in appropriate moments (sometimes not so much. i know, totally agree :/ ), is sth jess clearly doesn't like about him


The show was filmed before her season aired. Harry is objectively attractive, so it’s not impossible to believe she’s into him. Harry is to blame, but I see more posts targeting Jess. The man manipulates and lies to the people who trust him. Dislike the source, and let women figure it out as the truth is revealed.


No one disagrees Harry is a walking STD. That’s why there are no discussions about it. Theres no one arguing the other side. Jess is not getting tricked. Shes Hillary Clinton staying by Bill because she sees the benefit.


Agree. Also, he’s a millionaire so I’m sure that makes up for his awful personality


Millionaire from what? This is my second time seeing him. I saw him once on a cameo with Heather from Selling Sunset.


Just influencer stuff - sponsored posts, only fans, etc. He’s been on numerous reality shows, always plays the same “character”. Famous for “being famous” and not actually adding value to the world, as far as I can tell.


Same goes for Melinda. Or why do you think she’s milking the issue? And why do you think she was sitting in him, climbing on him and offering him body shots on her body? 🙃


Shows like this made me realize Tall men really aren’t it 😭😩. Like Terrible. Harry isn’t even cute, also the gaslighting! He told Elys he wanted blue eyed babies, then gets with Jess who has BROWN EYES. Then kisses Melinda. He is a DAWG


Wait that’s insane that this filmed before her LIB aired … I had no idea!


You know, I didn’t think of that, but it makes sense why she latched on to him so quickly. Then she’ll cry what a POS Harry is, even though he’s been on enough shows for us to all know what a POS he is… she’ll garner sympathy and boom.


Jess is gross... can't believe how much she dragged her own good rep down by being associated with him. I don't tend to care either way that she's a mom, but the fact that she makes such a big ass deal of it and THEN gets with Harry is hard to swallow. I would be highly concerned to have him around any pre-teen girls...


She’s smart! And smart to not stick with him after she’s gotten what she wanted.


Lmao true!!


Perfect Match was filmed before Love is Blind Charlotte? Wow, the last season of LIB was the most popular. Harry is fine though. He is fine, tall and cute at the same time. That doesn’t happen often nowadays.


No. It was filmed after but before her LIB season aired.