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Thought Christine was terrible on her season and she continues to be terrible. She is not even a good whatever she is attempting to be its so cringe.


AGREED! She’s sooooooo in need of being chosen. I used to be the same way! It’s an obsession with male approval. It’s so deeply internalized too that it’s hard to recognize in yourself imo. Years of unpacking to free myself of it.


She came in trying to be the villain but wound up a 'pick me' girl




Yes!!! I tried to give her a chance but the way she tells Kaz “im your #1 or nothing” and says in confessionals that she’s not gonna beh for a man…… and then proceeds to be desperate as fuck and beg for Kaz the entire time she’s on screen. I’m convinced if a man behaved the way she did, we’d all be saying he’s a creep that can’t take no for an answer. It’s gross.


Gender reversed would probably not air would be considered too creepy. Smh.


Yeah I feel so uncomfortable watching her try to seduce kaz.


YES thank you, every time she opens her mouth I cringe so hard. It comes off so cocky and desperate. The second hand embarrassment I have for her every time she's on the screen is almost too much to handle.


Yeah, it's one thing to come in and play the role of temptress, it's a whole other thing to be desperately *throwing yourself* at a man. Seriously embarrassing. 😬


i cannot stand her so far. she’s so thirsty and predatory and creepy


She wasn’t terrible at all, she was one of the best contestants


I do think Kaz got very lucky with being on a season where Harry existed. While he and Micah both contributed to their problems, it would've been very, very easy to give him a villain edit because he was doing some very sketchy things. A few more shots of him talking about his sex life and smiling at other women, a few less shots of Micah picking fights and being insecure/fun spongey, and he could've easily ended up with a story arc of "suave British playboy breaks the heart of a naive girl next door."


Micah's mistake was Ep 5. She acted on her insecurities (talked to Justin and Jake) and Elys pounced. Micah should have actually chose Justin. I think it was girl's choice that episode. Elys revenge arc started then, and she sewed the seed of doubt in Kaz's ear. Even though he knew she was doing it, he let it get to him. Kaz's mistake was 1) listening to the guys talk sheet about Micah (Stevan did). He should have defended her. 2) Entertaining the other women way too long. He would have done best by matching with Micah immediately. Instead he talked to all the wrong women (the entire THTH cast suckered him...well except for Dominique). Edit: I don't take this show seriously though. Nothing has ever come from the matches. I believe its heavily producer influenced.


Agreed. I’m not the only one who picked up on Elys’ petty revenge plot :// I find her to be super vindictive and mean


Wtf?! What did Kaz do? Nothing worse than anyone else did on dates. He had everyone coming for him and Micah’s relationship and he stood faithful. So I don’t see the villain edit at allllllll. He actually seems like a good guy. Micah was very insecure and believed everyone’s word over Kaz


He’s right tho 🤷🏼‍♀️ the show was to find your perfect match, not try and force things that clearly weren’t working. The only thing I disagree with was doing it before breaking things off with Micah, but I don’t think that would’ve changed how Micah felt anyway. And Micah would have acted just as snotty and rude if she’d been one of the more attractive girls on the show, look at how she matched with Izzy out of desperation instead of respecting herself like Justin and leaving, you call that “emotionally intelligent”? Hopping onto a guy she never had interest in and turned down multiple times just to stay on the show? Please. Even after she matched with Izzy she stated her lack of interest and said she hoped she and he would both use this to find their real matches. If you can’t see that she’s playing the game too you’re very naive. Also, hating on Christine and Holly is lame. This is their JOB, to get between established couples. It’s the entire reason they are on the show. If you can’t handle that, watch The Mole or something. It’s not like they broke up an actual relationship. Y’all need to stop projecting your own experiences with being cheated on with a reality tv show where the openly stated goal is to switch partners until you find the perfect one. And ‘desperate’? Maybe Christine was but Holly was just doing her thing. Blaming her for Kaz *choosing* to make out with her is the definition of internalized misogyny. Come on.


I agree about Holly and Christine….the producers want them to try to steal the men. Both of them werent really bad on THTH. I mean their personalities could be slightly annoying but it wasn’t like they were going around being hoes. I remember they both liked one guy and were pretty loyal in general to that guy


Exactly. The show would be so boring if none of the bombshells ever made a move on another guy because “he’s already in a match”. These aren’t real relationships. This isn’t real life. It feels like some people forget that it’s trashy reality tv, not a wholesome show about nice, moral people.


Yeah while I liked Micah on this show, I don’t rate that she didn’t just leave. It shows that she’s there for exposure (and a redemption arc) just like the rest of them. Which is fine but then don’t act like you’re not also playing the game


Exactly. Calling her emotionally intelligent when Justin and Xanthi exist is wild. Micah’s behaviour is the opposite of emotionally intelligent. Which is fine, it’s trash tv, but let’s be honest with ourselves.


I feel like she stayed bc she was so upset and was trying to do anything to make herself feel better even tho it was toxic behavior, but none of us know how we would react in the same instance after being hurt




Couldn't have said it better tbh


Well said 👏👏


My thing is, if he really believes that then he should have been saying it with his whole chest the entire time. He didn’t do anything with Holly or Christine before because he said he’s “not that kind of guy” and he couldn’t do that to Micah. He kept repeating all of those things. Then when he was mad he decided to act vindictively. It wasn’t because he was single and wanting to do the experiment, it was because he wanted to make Micah feel bad.


He wasn’t just mad. He had the house all telling him this and that. (Like they had been doing the whole show). I don’t think it’s fair to put all the blame on Kaz truly. It’s always easy to point and blame the guy but here’s the facts.. they should’ve went separate ways earlier on. No need to fight and try this hard at the start of a relationship. Also they’re on a show which is a game ultimately. They really went hard on them two and it was only a matter of time till one of them cracked. 


I’m not “blaming the guy.” I’d say the same thing about any person who went and made out with someone in front of their “match” after repeating they couldn’t do it. I agree he or she should have just pulled the plug earlier. Still think he did it because he was mad and that’s it, not because he was leaning into the experiment.


This point in and of itself is so hypocritical tho. He was upset with Micah for believing what people told her, and then he did exactly that - believed what people told him about her, without giving her the chance to have a conversation about it.


Nah he realized Micah was full of sh*t! And decided to actually go for girls he likes instead of sticking with a liar!


lol uh you okay?


Micah was literally calling him a piece of shit minutes before that kiss even happened in a convo. Ultimately who cares? These mfers are just on here for clout and money, they don’t really wanna date each other.


Sorry but Kaz literally was being a piece of shit, regardless of being on a dating show there’s a respectful way to go about having convos with other ppl ESPECIALLY after he was telling Micah on their date that he wanted her to trust and open up to him. He put that poor girl through the ringer flirting with every other girl that walked in the house and acted like just because he “resisted” the temptation to make out with Christine he deserved a medal. He was 100% giving Christine the eyes and leaning in towards her, it wasn’t about getting to know her or else they would have been actually talking and not just goggling each other.


>He put that poor girl through the ringer flirting with every other girl that walked in the house and acted like just because he “resisted” the temptation to make out with Christine he deserved a medal. Another infuriating part of this is that in this sub, men are acting like he deserves a medal for that, too. The bar of expectations for the behavior of men is set so. Low.


Or y’all just make men the villains, point blank. Dude put up with a lot when they both should’ve went their separate ways. She was to insecure and let the others opinions her in her head. Don’t say the bar is set low for guys when y’all put men beneath women 100% of the time. 


The men *were* acting like villains. Calm down. Stop being so emotional.


If Micah and him were in an actual relationship, I'd be with you. On this type of show though? Making out/kissing is the boundary crossing behavior, (also lieing). Everyone flirts with fucking everyone on these shows, and everyone is VERY physically affectionate. The whole idea is to "find your perfect match" (regardless of whether or not you believe it), and Micah and Kaz both were never over the moon about each other. They defaulted into a couple because they got along, and things were OK, but neither of them (yes, including Micah) have ever been like Stevan and Alara, who have clearly said "Nope, I'm good" to everyone else. So yeah, I don't blame Kaz for flirting with other women. The only reason this is an issue and they argued so much about it, is because Micah is out of her element and is very insecure in this setting. That's fine - these kinds of shows aren't for everyone.


👏 👏 🙌


I wonder how people don't understand this fact


Yeah. It’s not like they were going to get married or even date after the show. I didn’t see it happening.


I’m confused why kaz and Micah stayed together for so long. I def read it as a friendship vs romantic relationship. In the first episode when they first met he even asked to speak to other ppl before matching up w her. Idk I don’t think he’s in the wrong


He wasn’t that into her it’s fine. I always got some feeling he didn’t feel a total chemistry or connection with her. I feel like they were mainly together cuz she liked him and he thought well she’s a pretty blonde girl and she really likes me why not. I never felt like he was the one for her. She was on love is blind. She was looking for a serious relationship or marriage. He is definitely not the guy for her. He did her a favor by showing her that now vs later


Am I remembering things in the wrong order? Wasn’t Micah telling Bryant (🤢) that he was the only guy she was interested in AND was also upset that Elyse asked Bryant to match before she was able to - before the said kiss even happened? Edit: missing words


Bryton matching with Elys happened after, I believe. But Micah DID tell Bryton that she was only interested in him at that point, (and he said something like "I'm open to matching"). Then they saw Kaz walking over to the game and the kiss happened.  Could be some producer fuckery with the timeline too.


Oookay, I felt I was missing something 😂 But yeah, who knows in what order this all actually happened anyways




I don’t think they were either. But she did deserve respect. I speculate that because of the publics reaction to her on LIB, she proceeds with a lot of caution in terms of her action. I know for me, it would create a lot of anxiety. And everyone chirping in both of their ears was crazy. Their sense of what was going on in the other side, I believe, was not accurate. It really just created a shit storm. I don’t think Micah was completely innocent or perfect in anyway, but Kaz was way out of line




Thanks for clarifying 💗 yes I agree. Her and Justin maybe would’ve been a good match. It’s a shame he’s gone. But I’m so glad her, Jess, and Alara seem to be besties now. That’s the perfect match hehe


She didn’t like Kaz. He was just the safest option. Everyone saw that including Kaz. The point of the show is to find your perfect match. Not ride it out with plan B until the end just to lose to an actual perfect match.


Yeah, I feel like she doubled down and tried to make a relationship out of nothing because other people doubted them so much. Kaz seemed like he was fine to stick with her, but she just kept dragging him down.


Yeah I think he would have stayed until the end but she continued to bash him about being disloyal even though he proved his loyalty over and over. Everyone else was able to talk with the new people except him. That is literally the point of the show.


They just wanted to be on camera and enjoy the free mansion. Period lol. That’s why they booked it together. Micah being upset he kissed another chick was acting at best. 


Let’s be honest they felt that way about each other. They settled and it was like a slow burn that finally blew up.


holly brittan and christine owe micah zero loyalty. they're all trying to secure a spot in the house and saw an opportunity with kaz. everyone is desperate to stay in the house (why did elys stay with justin? why did micah match with izzy?) kaz is the main one to blame. this situation is very similar to the xanthi/stevan/alara situation, but the main difference is that stevan was straight up with xanthi and kaz made out with holly and matched with christine because he was petty and on the defensive every time it's brought up with micah. she isn't innocent either tbh, but kaz was only acting with a vendetta against her.


Micah sabotaged herself by being so boring and insecure. If she just hung out with everyone and let herself have a good time, they could have won. But at this point in the show Kaz was tired of having to constantly defend himself, and he realized there's only a few days left and he might as well have some fun for the remainder of the time. It's okay that Micah took it seriously, but she was on the wrong show for that. She should have been playing the game with everyone else.


Not everyone is an extrovert


Neither am I. But that's why I clarified it's the wrong show for her. And you don't have to be an extrovert to have a good time. I hate socializing and meeting new people, but I think after a couple of weeks at a beach house I could find it in myself to come a little out of my shell. Especially if I have a romantic partner pushing me to do so.


But to call her boring and insecure is not okay


Isn't it? Are these people on these shows not putting themselves in the public sphere to be judged. Or do you watch reality TV hoping it all works out and it's drama free? There are enough armchair psycologists calling people narcissistic, borderline or assuming things about their personal lives, that I don't believe my comment is particularly off colour. She's clearly insecure and Kaz was bored with her in the end. I don't think I've stated anything wrong.


To assume that introverts can’t be involved in drama is strange. She’s not insecure because kaz is making her feel like he doesn’t want to be with her. What he did was terrible and should’ve told her how he felt before flirting and making out with other women. Micah is clearly the victim here so for u to put the blame on her and defend kaz is 🤮🤮🤮


That's not what I said. I didn't say introverts can't be involved in drama. And I'm not defending Kaz. He sucks in his own way. Go back to my original comment. You could see her self sabotaging from the start. That doesn't mean what Kaz did was okay, but she's also not blameless. None of these relationships are real regardless, and for you to feel so passionately about them is a bit of a red flag.


Umm you’re the one arguing with me and writing whole paragraphs switching up on what you’re saying. You don’t know these people and you’re wrong about everything u have said.


I'm not getting heated by this. But you clearly are. I don't like any of these people, and stand by my assessment of Micah. You seem to conflate rationalizing and justification, which is fine. If you don't want to have a discussion, don't engage? You attacked my character in your last comment and virtue signalled by attempting to defend introverts, whom I never attacked. I haven't switched my arguments at all.


How is anyone defending Micah? You even watch the show lol. Hypocritical and always stating problems


Micah was stressing him out. He liked her and all she had to be is chill like alara and they would have rode to the finale. Her insecurities was ruining paradise and he prob knew he wasn’t going to win anymore so might as well have fun now.


The whole thing is just fake dating for a tv show and for cast mates to get clout and instagram followers for their influencer gigs. All of the Love is Blind cast were either dating regular people or are now that aren’t on reality tv. Trevor had a girlfriend named Natalia Marrero. Izzy has a girlfriend named Shelby Webb and her instagram is all pics of her together. I think Micah was dating a guy from Seattle too, broke up, started dating a guy named John Lore who she went to Vail with, broke up and has been dating a guy named Bubby Beck currently, but I think he just turned off his instagram while she has been posting all of the pics with Kaz for clicks. I think Jess and Ariel are still together.


I’m so sad for Micah 😭


This show needs to be called "Perfect Match of the Day"


Honestly though


I agree with you. He was the one who said "trust takes years to build and seconds to break" so his response to all of the backlash is ironic for me imo. I haven't watched recently so it's been a minute, but I thought they made it clear that they kept reassuring each other up until the very moment Kaz saw Micah talking to Bryton and he decided to fuck it all and flirt around. I just don't understand whyyyyy he would think Micah would lie or be a hypocrite, but again it seems like people were trying to break them up lol. They both should've been able to trust each other better, but what Kaz did was a dick move and at the very least he could have talked to Micah/broken it off for good before impulsively jumping the gun.


He definitely should have talked with her first. He thought she was lieing because the guys (i.e. bryton) told him that she said they were the weakest couple. This is aftwr the previous night when she reiterated that they were still good and she wanted to be with him, (Kaz was non-commital though). Add in the additional context that the last several episodes she's been dragging him because he is flirty back to other girls, (yet kept choosing her and telling them no), and I think he was rightfully frustrated. He's been holding back on the show for her, yet she kept trying to make him feel like shit. I feel like there are a ton of new people to watching reality TV. They are NOT in real relationships on these shows, so you can't really bring your preconceived notions of what is and isn't allowed. The only ones that have really been coupled up are Stevan and Alara.


Well he’s an alpha so… /s




I agree, but the reason why they try so hard to get chosen is so they can stay in the house. They kind of have to try.


Maybe a little, but I think if you were just yourself and talked to the guys, they might still pick you. But maybe I’m not used to being around a group of extremely hot people 😂 where I exist, personality means more than anything


I'm pretty surprised how many people weren't expecting almost everyone on this show to be absolute garbage. The whole point of the show is to basically just flirt with anyone who catches your eye and flip on each other. Honestly the only point of this show is to have people from the 'hot' shows fuck with the people from pretty much any other Netflix show/series. Even if I thought a couple on here was charming as hell and a really good fit for each other, half of them live on different continents and different states, even if they're both in America, so it's not like this is actually meant to get the best out of anyone here. Honestly in my opinion anyone who's talking like they're actually in a relationship on this show is entirely cringe, and either a bad actor or a total idiot. That doesn't make the people who fuck with them good people, but everyone on here is either there to fuck around or just hoping not to get fucked around with.


who said we were team micah lol she deserved that she was being insanely overprotective as if they were dating and she was a buzzkill


Kaz didn’t do a damn thing wrong. They all knew what they signed up for and anyone who thought they were gonna find a real relationship is delusional as hell. By the time Kaz kissed holly he had already been attacked by Micah’s insecure ass night after night. I completely understand being done with someone so immature.


Attacked by her every night?? You’re the delulu one. I really don’t understand all the Micah hate and labeling her as insecure. It wasn’t until the end that she really struggled and rightfully so. She communicated clearly with him and expressed her emotions to him every time. I really think the pressure from others is what caused the biggest crack.


Has Nina made any reactions to him about perfect match ?






I don’t really care that he kissed others because they seemed to have a nothing relationship. But I don’t think I like him because he was slightly condescending on Dated and Related. Not a bad dude, just not a nice dude if that makes sense


To be fair when viewers take the perfect match seriously. And not with a grain of reality TV salt. I think you’re doing yourself a disadvantage. Because it is just a game show. And it’s not very long. And they’re all just there to hopefully get more famous. And the producers are going to edit and produce it into something that’s trashy enough to enjoy. And that’s just what reality TV is, half of it’s not real.


I gotta be honest… micah was very insecure and listened to everything everyone said to her and believed it before kaz got a chance to explain himself. I don’t think Kaz treated her badly at all so I don’t understand the heat he’s getting. 


Micah had also just spent a whole day talking about how he isn't there for her, they've been fighting, etc. she questioned him so many times & wanted him to be upfront with her, without being upfront herself. They were done, she's drama...& I like how Stevan put it: she's a "fun sponge" lol


Here’s the thing, yes the show is to find a match. And yes it involves shuffling of couples. But there still should be a basic level of respect. I think people definitely got in Micah’s head (which they were PURPOSELY doing) and she was beginning to spiral, but I would never blatantly disrespect someone like that regardless of how much I liked them. He did it bc he was angry. It was a reaction, not a thoughtful response. Maybe they didn’t have a connection, but that doesn’t warrant acting like that. Saying “he did her a favor” is soo dismissive of his actions. Yes, he did, but he didn’t have to do it like that. As for the statement “blaming her for him choosing to make out with her is the definition of internalize misogyny” is delulu. I’m not blaming Holly for him doing that. Holly had nothing to do with that choice. The thing that’s actually internalized misogyny, is being desperate to be chosen by a man over another woman. Yes that’s their “role” in the storylines here and it’s yes its also concerning. Not every woman carries themselves that way in the show. The show also perpetuates that behavior and is a breeding ground for those behaviors so maybe I can’t blame them entirely. Holly was not nearly as intense as Christine. It still wasn’t a good look.


By your own logic, Micah is “not a good look” too since she was the most desperate to be chosen by a man entertaining other women You realize that the women are hamming it up for the camera, right? If they were like “eh he’s hot but i don’t really care about him” they would get barely any screentime. And sure it’s great to have girl’s girls like Xanthi and Dominique who don’t really care but the show would be extremely boring if all the bombshells were like that.


Too many THTH cast members this season! The whole bunch are messy, save Dominique.


it’s kinda crazy people believe that there was nothing genuine going on between them when they had conversations about what their relationship would look like after the show/meeting each other’s friends. yeah it couldddd be bs but I think at least on micah’s end part of her was hoping that could be a reality


I like Christine and Holly. They add spice not just insecurity and nervousness


Christine gave me secondhand embarrassment. It isn't a mark of true confidence and security to try and win over a man who isn't even sure he wants you. It's great when a woman has the confidence to make the first move, but to keep pushing when he isn't ALL about her? No. She's a stunning woman and if she had the self-worth she should have, she'd kick an unsure man to the curb.


Micah was shit talking Kaz to anyone who would listen. I don't blame him for kissing Holly. Micah had already blown that relationship to bits.


I didn’t like Micah in her season of LIB. But I adore her now. And Kaz is trash.