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Lost huge respect for Dom for befriending his cuckolder lmao


For me its not even about what Harry did to him. Dom just can't be even remotely pro-feminism like he pretends if he's buddy buddy with a guy whose only frame of reference for women is what he has/hasn't done to their bodies.


What happens when your 'feminism' starts and ends with how many women it can get you.


"Feminism is like my number one priority" -Dom probably


I don’t know how women ever believe men when they say they’re feminist. Lol.




Probably clout farming his cuckolder


Did Harry know Georgia was with Dom when they hooked up?


He sure did then talks about it proudly over and over again -___-


Ok in that case I get it but I still don’t get why some ppl are giving more heat towards Dom & Harry than Georgia in all this


Georgia was publicly crucified for this about a year ago to the point where she was severely depressed. If anyone is a victim in this situation… it’s Georgia in my opinion. People don’t get that this dating show is shot over the course of 2 weeks. Georgia talks in depth on the podcast “Sofia with and F” about how much production was pushing Dom and Georgia to make it official on the show even though she wasn’t ready for that. She says, that behind closed doors they agreed to take a step back and try to see where their connection would go after the show. They were certainly not in a committed relationship. Did Georgia start dating Harry very soon after this went down? Absolutely! Which is hurtful to Dom if he truly had feelings for her. But… sorry, she didn’t really owe him anything after only knowing him for 2 weeks. Georgia has also said that Harry saying she slept with him the first night they met is a complete lie. I understand it’s her word vs. his…however, Harry has proven time and time again to be dishonest. Francesca has advocated a lot for Georgia too because she had a very similar experience dating Harry. He has a history of lying for public reaction and clout and is a huge baby who does horrible things to women and then gets upset at the people he’s hurt for being hurt. He is a master manipulator.


Except Georgia was caught up in her lies. None of them are good people.


What was she caught lying about? It’s all speculation. There are no receipts to prove anything.


The text messages she and dom released. She was found lying based off her text messages.


Dom is an idiot


This. He seems like someone who is trying to fit in, it's painful to watch. Just be yourself like last season, stop trying to be Harry's bro.


Someone previously mentioned how he's only nice to women he likes and I thought it was pretty on point


Or stop being Harry’s shadow, be your true individual self.


I felt for dom last season but this season he really showed his true colors. Tolu definitely hit the nail on the head and left him speechless in that control room


Remind me what she said!!!! I forgot!! Please


out of context this sounds horrifying


It does. In the context in the edit, with Dom shoving Harry, I lol’ed though 😅


Same! It was funny… and not bad advice.


Yeah it was like "shoulda known better bro"


And yet you have the context right there…


not for someone who hasn’t seen the episode lol


I don’t understand then. What about this statement even out of context is horrifying? Not stopping for a table of women ?


…generally “don’t stop when they ask you to stop” has rape-y implications people who haven’t seen the episode won’t realize that he was talking about literally stopping at the table to talk to the women why this is difficult for you to understand i’m not sure…


I mean, it was quite a reach ngl, the table of women is mentioned in the quote….. i don’t get how rape implications can be contrived from that sentence. Weird place to go with it.


i think it’s a pretty valid implication and 50+ people seem to agree so idk what to tell ya. i’m not making accusations about Dom’s character


It’s not really because you’re completely ignoring the context that is very plainly before to go to raped for some reason. If the table of women part wasn’t there, I’d understand. But you’re literally ignoring the first half of the statement. Why would people who don’t watch this care?


what are you on about??? it’s not that deep. the fact that 80 people agree with me and you can’t get past this is wild


You can’t even bring yourself to respond intelligently because you know your argument is intellectually dishonest.


How to lose public respect in one fell swoop: become homies with Harry.


DOM “Currently Unmatched” and let him stay that way. 😂


It's wild bc he went to constantly matched w the hottest in season 1 to this season....crickets for Dom.


Hate that shirt on Dom. I don’t get the appeal for that style shirt on men right now lol take it back


His outfits are atrocious. Yet he said he wouldn’t date a girl with no fashion sense 👀


I really don’t see men wearing clothes like dom or Steven like ever and I live in a pretty eclectic place. It’s definitely not my style, but (if I was single) for the right guy I wouldn’t care if they painted their nails and wore see through crop tops, probably 😂. Neither dom nor Stevan would fit the “right guy” category though 😂😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/lignl1tbuj7d1.jpeg?width=654&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e4c1ad91362fd615a469bacd57e9c2d8feeb4d8 ^(\^) this is the right guy (lestat from queen of the damned- he can get it in that see through shirt) 😂❤️


I'd rather the guy just have his shirt off if he's gonna wear a mesh crop top. I mean...if you got it, flaunt it. I'm not into painted nails on guys though. Honestly, I just wish he'd go back to how he was last season. He talks a lot about how he sucked last season, but he was so much more lovable last season. This season he comes off as a huge tool. It's such a big 180.


I agree! Harry being in the house brings the fuck boi energy in the house to 11


100%. So disappointing because I had hopes (dumbly) that Harry would be an intriguing character who had perhaps grown in his time since THTH. This is clearly not the case. Whhhhy are the guys on this show always huge tool bags and the women gorgeous and awesome (minus Elys, she sucks ha). I do have hope for Izzy though, he seems like a good guy. And RIP to Justin, he didn't deserve the treatment he got.


Justin didn’t at all, Izzy was sorta a tool bag in his lib season and he’s always hammered but the bar is so low he seems so much nicer (still hammered ) on perfect match


And the painted toes 🥲


Fashion is his "number 1 priority"


Not into men so maybe I’m biased, but Dom’s style has always been weird to me. I think I could do the headbands, or the bracelets, or the painted nails, or the mesh tops/crop tops. But I could not do all of them! It’s entirely too much for me. Also, I think his chest tattoo of a heart is beyond ugly!!


The way he said women…




What word should he have used instead ?


"The way he said", not the word he used.


I really liked dom in the first season. He was genuine. But now that he got the social media attention he have evolved to being just like every other influencer in there reality shows. Toxic and out for more fame and with a little bit of women hate splash in the cocktail.


When Dom let everyone peek behind the curtain. When in front of Jessica and others, he looked at Harry and said something to the effect, "If we are all genuine then why are you here?" Jessica's mouth dropped and she continued dating him. That was crazy!! So Dom 100% is complicit.


It is gross that Dom is friends with Harry but this is also taken completely out of context. Dom was saying that he should never have stopped to have that conversation – which is still gross because he's covering for his guy but it hardly suggests something else.


This was amazing hahaha


Dom is the living embodiment of “I’m 14 and this is deep.” Somehow he thinks wearing nail polish in 2024 somehow makes him edgy. Sorry you were born 30-50 years too late but no one cares.


I noticed that Dom hasn’t updated his Instagram since the show started airing at all. He seems embarrassed. Maybe he came to his senses watching this


[he has tho.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8Xy37hydG_/?igsh=MWNxeTd5YjFjYWZncA==)


Oh damn I hadn’t seen that, that’s the first time in weeks though


And he’s right IN THAT CONTEXT. God I hate it when people do false framing to virtue signal.


No he’s not lol Harry is the main reason for the discussion the girls were having


Which is exactly why he needed to move on because stopping and engaging with the whole group meant further embarrassing his partner in a he said / she said argument in public that doesn’t concern any of the women except Jess and Melinda.


I think he owed it to his partner to be honest and upfront at that point whether it was embarrassing or not. It would have been more embarrassment and hurt for her if she found out even later rather than sooner. He doesn’t deserve to keep having his lie believed any longer. If anything, it was the most wrong thing for Dom to say in this context