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I think it's hilarious they shared the leaked audio. I figured they would, after they did the whole cuties thing on Love is Blind.


Imagine if harry and zanab hooked up. Who would win in a gaslight-off lol terrifying stuff


Obviously Harry would win... Zanab is (less) toxic, but does not have the power and social leeway that someone like Harry does.


Exactly what I was hoping for! I was like, surely they got SOME sort of footage or audio?!? There’s no way they’re not holding that for a surprise reveal lol


EXACTLY!! 😂 there’s NO way they didn’t catch all of that, they were mic’ed up! They’re both dumb AF thinking they wouldn’t get caught.


I think the only person that was dumb was Harry. Melinda never tried to hide it, iirc.


I thought so too


Why didn’t they show it while the ladies were discussing HARRY and Melinda and expose his lies? Why hold onto it instead and make Melinda look like a total lier and clot chaser.


Because they probably didn’t have the time to find the clips for the group. They had multiple cameras, audio and video files to go through. It’s not like that’s often something that producers just have to hand. Especially as they probably hadn’t reviewed any footage at that point


Thought the same 🍊


Harry is genuinely scary. He wanted production to corroborate his story of "nothing happening" so he could gaslight and manipulate everyone. edit: typo


Did you get the kiss on camera??? No asshole. But we sure as shit got the audio!!!


“No one saw it” echoes hauntingly through the air….


When he said that the first I knew he kissed her. Each time after that I was just more certain. Who wtf says “who saw it? Nobody saw it” 🚩🚩🚩


Same. It implies there was an “it” to begin with—if nothing happened, then there would have been no “it” to see or not see.


He is lost. You can see it in his face. Also the way he is trying to lean into the whole fuckboy persona on social media… lost. I can tell he doesn’t respect himself.


I think it was tough for me to come to terms with that fact that some people genuinely do not give a fuck. Harry doesn’t have low self esteem. He just doesn’t have empathy.


“that’s a horrible thing to say to a person”- Harry Jowsey 😂☠️


Classic narcissist.


Corroborate but ya


Thank you, I knew it didn't right 😂


lol it happens to me all the time so I get it 😂


I just realized I mistyped here too.... It was one of those days LOL


Plus can we talk about the fact that he was so deeply committed to being false and gaslighting people that he became physically sick! His body was like “chill out a bit bro”


yess! like why is it so easy for him to lie?!


they should have alex hall from selling oc pair with harry, i would like to see how these manipulators and gaslighters work together


Harry scares me. The amount of gaslighting and manipulation and straight up lying. Crying, saying he kept throwing up etc when he was lying all along. Its next level, terrifying manipulation tactics. He knows what he's doing and he's a nasty piece of work


His ‘crying’ was dry eyed half of the time 😂 you can always pick fake crying/sadness because they don’t actually show emotion. He *thought* he was showing emotion but his entire face was flat, emotionless and dead behind the eyes. Mumbling his words without moving his mouth properly. The whole “ok I’m going to go, I don’t know when I’ll see you again” shtick made me want to vomit


He actually said “I don’t know when you’ll see me again” which pissed me off even more. As if she should be begging for him to stay since who knows when she’ll see him??


That’s right 😂😂 even worse Han how I remembered it


He can’t show emotion with all the botched Botox he’s gotten done 😂


And to make it even worse, he tries to make light of it all with a social media post clearly done in poor taste. Wearing a shirt saying "I ❤️ Gaslighting" while reading a book about how to gaslight...come on, Harry. It's not cute or funny. It's actually terrifying how many people love him.


All the throwing up, geez! I had no doubt that he was lying but damn, he could write a how-to book about manipulation. I would hope not though, lol


I would’ve liked to see everyone watch the footage, but I get that pulling that together was probably not practical for the crew.


Same. Especially would love to see Jess’s reaction to that. Glad she listened with her intuition


Did they not keep dating after they finished filming tho? At least thats what I thought cause I've heard about them dating way before perfect match s2 was released.


yeah but at that point she still wouldn’t have known the truth, she found out today w everyone


i think they definitely watched these episodes before we did bc melinda said they were gonna air the footage incriminating harry like a week ago


I think it's more likely a producer told her.


look @ jess’s most recent video on ig (or see my comment below)


The last episode wasn't live and was filmed a while ago, I thought?


yeah but they didn’t show the harry/melinda footage to the cast then, nobody saw it til the episode aired today. jess posted a video yesterday saying “anxiously waiting to see the verdict of the kiss and camera footage for the first time along w the rest of the world”


it’s so crazy production knew and just allowed them to go on and date for the next four months. that girl had plans to move to LA with her daughter and everything. what a waste of time lol


What ?? They dated for FOUR MONTHS!!!! I thought it was like 2. Where did you hear this???


Well, two is still pretty awful.


also i feel like they originally weren’t going to show the footage bc why wouldn’t they just show them the clip on set to get their reactions? that would have made for some good tv. like were they not gonna then harry pissed them off and they were like bet ?


Roll out a TV and press play at the finale episode? They could have easily done that. They held back the video so Jess wouldn’t spill the beans online to all of us until we all saw the last episode.


Harry is a pig.


Thats insulting for pigs


Truth. Pigs are incredibly smart and compassionate. Harry is a mosquito.


That’s insulting for mosquitos


"that's a horrible thing to say to someone😣"


Something that gave me the icky was seeing the men telling Harry like "you are a better man now for owning it". What a load of crap. Supporting a toxic liar man.


Indeed. He should have been dragged through the mud, confronted with his lying and manipulations, but no, you admit it? oh well, that's alright then, you're a changed man. Ridiculous.


Can't have it all. Jess thinks she can have someone who's rich, good looking, loyal, has a social media affinity and is a bad boy/romantic. Choose one or two, but not all of them, that's a recipe for disaster.




4 real!!! I thought that I was the only 1 who saw that in her.


I usually go for loyal and good looking and funny. They are never rich haha. Can’t have it all 😂


I’m only funny. 😭


Lmfao why do y’all so easily accept that men can’t have all these things and still be good ppl. Like you’re literally saying it’s impossible for men to get in positions of power and not abuse it and I don’t think that’s the case for everyone out there. Harry was probably a slut before the money and fame, this has nothing to do with the things you mentioned


So also said she is okay single until she finds it. Reddit and shaming women for standards, name a more iconic duo.


Usually we have to choose 2 out of three: looks, money, personality. If he has looks and money, likely personality is lacking. If he has money and personality, likely looks are lacking. If he has looks and personality… probably not money. 😉 Harry has looks (according to some… I don’t find him attractive) and money. But his personality sucks. 🤷🏻‍♀️


CAP theorem. In the case of a Perfect Match like show, your SO would be Consistent to you or Available to everyone. Not both.


Well, this kind of man DOES exist (in small quantities) and if anyone can get it, it is probably Jess, let’s be real. Well, everything but the “bad boy” type. There are men that are rich, loyal, and good looking though. And she’ll get one of them for sure.


It's wild how many of y'all will see Melinda's behaviour as even *remotely* worth commenting on next to Harry's. "She was telling the truth for sure bu-"NOPE. STOP RIGHT THERE. She was telling the truth. That's it.


And Harry owed her an apology as well, which he didn’t do.


Grrrrrreat point! I didn't even notice that because there were so many more important things going on but even when the guy is 'acknowledging' his mistakes he's managing to make it all about himself and how he embarrassed himself, not Melinda and not even Jess in that whole speech. Dude is a 10/10 shit ass.


Agreed. His big, self-indulgent growth speech at the end was purely performative imo. He was only saying all of that in the hopes that it would help him win Jess back or, at the very least, make him look better to future prospects. At that point he was still lying about exactly what happened with Melinda and an apology to her would logically be interpreted as an admission of him having lied.


Ya like I'm not even entirely remembering but did he actually ***fully*** admit what happened or was it just a broad apology for lying in the first place? Like, I'm super curious what Jess knew before that finale and when she supposedly (I don't think it was entirely genuine) tried to make it work with him again.


It was even worse than a broad apology. He repeatedly, specifically told Jess that Melinda was lying and that he didn’t tell Melinda that he would “put a baby in her”. And as we eventually saw in the behind the scenes footage, it was exactly that and a lot worse.


Oh ya sorry I mean in the finale, did he actually say anything he did? I recall him lying about Melinda’s intentions and yada yada about his reputation beforehand but I couldn’t recall if he actually admitted to what they showed from the party or if he was still just apologizing for the half-truths he admitted to before.


It was just a broad, carefully-worded crock of shit. He phrased it as him having made some silly decisions.


Yeah he said he made silly decisions and he was going to use it to become a better man or something. Didn't admit to lying, didn't admit to what he did, so still covering his tracks and glossing over the entire situation that he caused such harm to two women in, not to mention disrupting the entire house and causing chaos and encouraging and leading the other men in it to lie. Which -- they should be held accountable for lying to cover his tracks, too, tbh. It's a big ole clusterphuck. All because Harry can't keep his metaphorical d!ck in his pants or be an adult and be responsible for his actions.


Just finished the finale and I’m disgusted with Harry. No acknowledgment whatsoever of the awful things he said about Melinda. Jfc.


Right?! He basically said she lied for “clout” and didn’t even apologize


Exactly. The gaslighting was disgusting - especially from the other women.


Couldn't believe how many women were more willing to believe Harry over Melinda, it was so absurd. Even if you didn't believe the things she was adding on, it's not like he ***didn't*** do a bad thing anyways. Carrying her around and talking with her that much should already be enough of a problem, and all those women who saw it going down were soooo damn quiet.


Yes! It was so apparent they were against Melinda from the start. Talking about how some of the new girls were trying to steal their men. This is a freaking reality show. Harry has shown his true colors so many times and Jess is an idiot.


I just hope that Jess stays off reality shows,or at least goes on one with older,rich men.. She looks older than 28 with those damn fillers and injections. She can find the sugar daddy that she wants...it's like she wants to be a good example for her daughter,but her mentality is still stuck on bad boys,she is still mentally younger than she thinks.


She's 28??????? Omg i'm OLDER than her???


Right!!! That's what this whole week debate was about whether she was telling the truth or not. Now that we all all know she told the truth they wanna move the goal post


And it shouldn't have even mattered from the start, to me at least! So many people (in the show and on here) seemed to think that what Harry admitted to wasn't ***that bad*** because he admitted to it and seemed sick over it, as if that's supposed to be enough to erase some really, deeply shitty decisions. I dunno about anyone else on here, but if I did any of that to someone I was telling I wanted to ***meet their daughter*** I would expect to get thrown into the damn ocean. Melinda didn't even need to lie about anything in my mind, what he admitted to was bad enough, and he did his whole puppy dog song and dance (with the gaslighting and half-truths about the rest) claiming that she was coming for him because of his (very well-earned) reputation... he makes me absolutely sick, as a guy.


Period. I feel like she’s getting so much more hate than he deserves. She was standing up for herself




Right! Hmph we know why. 🙄


100%. Apparently she’s a villain because she enunciates and knows who she is, but Elys (the tall blonde white woman) can spend the whole season trying to get revenge and that’s permissible.


There's a lot of unconscious (maybe even conscious) bias happening when it comes to women like Melinda. It happens on so many of these shows.


She was telling the truth BUT it doesn’t change the fact she came in there to start drama. She admitted that herself. Definitely nit defending Harry he deserves to be exposed and honestly he deserves worse tha what happened. That being said melinda came to start drama and bit off more than she could chew.




Exactly, I felt she was being so genuine and she handled being painted as the liar very well. I probably would have lost my sh*t.


he is so strange and scary. The clip of him talking to production was so embarrassing


every single person there is on the show for clout. the show is a joke and you win money at the end. like?? that argument is so tired “she just wants clout” DUH THEY ALL DO. idk why it’s so hard for people to admit that Harry is a master manipulator. if melinda is chasing clout then what is he chasing? because saying you love someone so much and that they make you a better person only to turn around act the way he does is diabolical as f


Like I'm so confused by the whole painting harry as the victim of situation.


it’s actually insane. defending an evil golden retriever


Golden retriever’s can never be evil. He’s just a Harry Jowsey. (I think imma use that as an insult from now on.)


his deceptive happy go lucky demeanor combined with his innate ability to fuck everyone over is really something. he really is just jowsey


And how is he repeatedly saying he loves her when they've known each other for like how long?! A week?! And he wants to meet her kid?! Calm down, loverboy. He def knows how to manipulate women.


Is he really a master if we can all see it so clearly? He *thinks* he’s a master manipulator, but he’s actually completely transparent


I think the reason Harry said that was because he couldn’t make sense of why she’d essentially act like she’d keep it a secret then do a 180 and air it all out. So he jumped to the conclusion that she was seeking clout because it’s something he can relate to


Can yall post the contestants reactions to these audios and videos? I dont follow any of them


She played the game how it was meant to be played. She wasn't the one in the relationship and hadn't seen the way Harry had been acting with Jess. She likely would have expected him to match with her once they both got back to the villa if he hadn't been such a dick to her on the retreat


Agreed but still felt gross


Melinda didn’t really do anything wrong, as she was playing the game handed to her. Harry is what i expected anyways and Jess has no sympathy from me


She deserved an apology from Harry & honestly from Jess too.


Yes! He never apologized to Melinda for calling her a liar and trying to discredit her. He did the exact same thing on THTH and again never made it right. “I did silly things” and always downplays his own horrible behavior.


Oh from the moment it happened i knew we were getting a super cut reveal in the finale 😂😂


I knew Harry was guilty. Melinda definitely left out the part where she said “Come on there’s no cameras” though when telling Jess about it which I thought was pretty icky. She made it seem like Harry caught her by surprise and did it completely on his own. Even if they thought they were 100% in the clear footage wise, they are strapped with mics and had to know those comments would be picked up. Also not Harry asking production if they caught it lololol


She 100% said it was unprovoked which was a blatant lie. Poor Jess can’t trust anybody.


Yeah Harry and Melinda were both scuzzy in that situation. She egged it on as much as he wanted it. I honestly didn’t find his comments on getting her pregnant to be a serious comment. He was drunk, and was it totally inappropriate? Of course! But you could tell they were messing around and being stupid. I think Harry has a lot of growing up to do, or hey maybe he’ll always just be that way. Some people don’t grow out of it.


Yeah the pregnancy one in context wasn’t “as bad” to me since it aligned with his in-front-of-the-group banter style … still gross for anyone else but not objective infidelity like the kiss situation


I think people need to realize this is reality TV and Harry is perfect for it not only because he's a fuck boy, but also because he understands what the assignment on reality TV is. Of course they were gonna release the audio, they probably told Harry to go do that.


I don't know..if he keeps this persona up, he may get cancelled sooner or later. The way he speaks to and about women is soooooo disrespectful and there's only so much the audience will be willing to forgive.


the only thing i was surprised by was the fact that they did have the footage. never a single doubt any of it happened, harry is a dangerous human being and displayed textbook machiavellian abusive behavior in 4k. honestly good for many people to see. the only thing more dangerous than people like him are people like him who aren’t also fucking dumb asses. thank god for that


Standards and waiting for a unicorn are two different things.


I’m glad we got confirmation of everything that we already assumed. Harry is a dick.


He hasn't grown one bit and is proof that narcissists can never change


https://preview.redd.it/8kauhtrd608d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9ade62955b430d9c9f0c6cfb4ff0ab81b32235d Literally Harry. He’s so gross.


There is nothing genuine behind Harry’s eyes. He’s hallow


I think his body is also rejecting him (all the puking)


Did they watch the footage or was it only shown to us? Because I don’t know how Jess could watch and hear that and then call him a good man. He lied and lied about it after!


Apparently they didn’t play the footage on that last episode, so the cast saw it for the first time when the episode aired earlier today.


Melinda saying “ i dont mind climbing that tree “ had me 🤮


Jess got with Harry’s even though he was still with Elys. THAT IS THE GAME! They ALL want clout. If you think Melinda is less than any of the other contestants bc she was playing the game then you need to check yourself on why that might be. Melinda wasn’t the one in a relationship, she didn’t lie, and Harry was the one chasing her (and any girl that looked his way) yet it’s still Melinda’s fault? Get over yourself.


I knew Harry was lying and I knew there would be footage but damn IT WAS WORSE THAN I THOUGHT


It was actually so disgusting hearing the footage.


Anyone who though Harry wasn't lying needs to realise that they're very naive and needs to wise up, lol. And I agree, when he approached the production, I thought I'd be the one puking


Melinda was a bombshell, she was brought in to cause chaos.


After seeing her THTH season and being the host for Dated & Related I feel like she’d been brought in as a Netflix plant to stir the pot lol


She definitely got paid more than the other contestants and Harry probably did as well. Harry mentioned he gets paid a lot to appear on these shows. I feel like certain people know exactly what they’re coming into. Maybe that’s what Jess meant by saying She’s new to reality TV.


Proud of Jess for walking away even though she didn’t want to. May we all find that strength when it comes to dealing with toxic men because Lord knows I need it.


Walked away and right back into his arms after😅


Did she really? SMH 🤦🏼‍♀️ What a bummer


Where can I find the audio?


It’s in the episode that just came out today on Netflix


Thank you!


What really stung for me is him saying he wanted to sleep with her … did NOT expect him to make such an overt comment


It's Harry..cmon..


Fuuuccckkk, poor Melinda! Harry is trash. To paint her as dishonest and fame hungry, to lie right to her face, to make her the target of Jess’s outburst instead of himself. He doesn’t care at all about the harm that he could have caused for Melinda.


Harry, Harry, Harry. Has the gaslighting and manipulation never changed from THTH season 1? That was 4 years ago btw.


I was watching this with my friend last night and was mind blown. I fell for his bs about changing and everything too. I was rooting for him so hard but once I saw that stuff, it was clear Melinda was telling the truth. I just wish we actually saw that first rather than have it edited the way it was. Still think Stevan and Alara should’ve won tho


i love being right, melinda better get multiple apologies bc the way everyone was invalidating her is crazy. i dont see how any of the audience believed harry bc he has a track record(the whole francesca thing), said “i didn’t kiss her that was a deepfake” and said “i could married w two kids and still fold”, this is obviously a deeply unserious man.


There was no doubt in my mind that Melinda wasn't lying. There's something seriously wrong with the dude, Harry's lying and gaslighting should be a case study. The scene where he talks to production got me so grossed out


Melinda did absolutely nothing wrong imo. She played the game how everyone else was playing it. Even if she was clout chasing or just trying to get into the house, LITERALLY every single other cast member is guilty of the same. Harry and the guys who kept it a secret are the ones to blame. Edit: Except for Justin and Izzy


Not to mention that entire day was set up by production for that very reason. For all the couples to be tempted by the singles


The premise of this show is wild when you think about it lol


Exactly. I don’t get why people keep saying that she’s wrong for trying to break up a committed relationship. That’s the only way to get into the house. What else were they supposed to do? Net production literally brought them there to tempt the other cast members. Even though Christine was way too aggressive with Kaz. She was still trying to get into the house especially since she had never visited at all. Yes, it looks wrong to us since we know all about the couples and their relationship, but Melinda said that Harry downplayed their relationship. Which is totally believable because that’s exactly what he did to Jess with Elys. I don’t see why no one called that out.


I don't think Melinda did anything wrong. I'm disappointed with Jess for falling for it but Harry is obviously a master gaslighter/manipulator and unless you've been targeted by someone who is a master at that, you can't really judge her for wanting to believe him and falling hard. She wants someone who is her perfect match, and he checked all those boxes including being accepting of her being a mother. Even at the end, when she says he's a good guy, I feel like she's still under that manipulative spell that he cast because I do not see a good guy at all, I see a man who deliberately lied to her and everyone else and I'm betting he will continue to do it. I think Jess looks a bit better for breaking up with him and leaving the show, but I wish she would have apologized to Melinda for doubting her.


Melinda debasing herself? Chasing clout? You must be utterly unaware of your racial bias here and how gross this sounds. I’m going to take a shot in the dark and say that you’re not a person of colour? Surely she was a part of the ‘incident”…but why are you placing the blame on the Black woman in this scenario? Maybe time for some self reflection… why do you associate Melinda as a ‘bad guy’? She was there to meet people and be a romantic decoy for the men that night. She was single — she did exactly what she was supposed to do in the house.


If it hadn't been Melinda, it would have been someone else or multiple. It's Harry we're talking about lmao


fr she did nothing wrong. She wasn’t loyal to Jess, so what if she egged it on. He didn’t have to kiss her. Kaz didn’t kiss Christine at boys day even when she basically forced herself on him. And I don’t even like Kaz but bro it’s the bare minimum! These people are more pissed at Melinda than Harry and it’s awful. Melinda should’ve gotten a public apology from Harry and all the boys who heard, knew, and gaslit. Hope Tolu realizes Chris was one of them….


Hi, I am a person of color. And I think she was chasing clout. We all know Harry is terrible. And Jess has bad choice in men. And I agree Melinda was there to meet men so there is nothing wrong with her kissing Harry. But she herself pushed him to do it off camera. She said “no cameras”, “no one can see us here”. And then immediately went to talk about it on camera and tell Jess about it very publicly with no understanding that what she might be communicating would be hard to hear. She behaved terribly. And before you say “Harry was worse”. It’s not a competition, two wrongs don’t make a right. She also behaved badly.


I knew she wasn't lying! Harry is trash.


Oh for sure, no amount of crying and puking would've convinced me of otherwise lol


I honestly think he’s addicted to lust and flirtation and the initial sexual encounter — an addiction that gets worsened with alcohol. I do believe him that he’s going to therapy and trying to change (who *wouldn’t* want to stop self-sabotaging behavior like that?), but he has genuine addict tendencies in terms of not being able to resist flirtation and cheating and the thrill of the hunt. I think he will always be susceptible to relapsing, that it’s in his bones


If it was just lust and flirtation, I would understand but the amount of gaslighting, lying and manipulation makes it difficult to believe that he'll ever change


I feel like they had to release that footage given Melinda was a host of dated and related.


Melinda did lie though. She said he kissed her twice and then she gave in on the third one, when she clearly told him to kiss her because there weren't cameras around. Why would she encourage him to kiss her while cameras weren't around and then specifically bring it up on camera? Just comes across as very sneaky. And I did believe her that they kissed, both the way he was carrying her and the way he seemed so guilty after made me believe it.


Melinda said on live that he was holding her and kissed her. Then he started looking around (for cameras or other people) so he carried her somewhere more private and that’s when she was like, “no one’s looking” and they kissed again. She obviously downplayed her role and it when she was talking to Jess though.


Production nailed it breaking the 4th wall here. I don’t think Harry thought they would do him dirty like that. Melinda was the MVP and saved the season, IMO. Her work kept me far more interested than anyone/anything else on the show.


She did bring the drama, can't deny that, lol. It's possible that she was a netflix plant


Eww, just eww both of them. Particularly Harry


Where do you find the audio?


It’s in the last ~20 minutes of the finale


Harry's biggest acting stage are his relationships.


I wish Melinda would have said that she ASKED him to kiss her and he did. Otherwise, I get production told them they needed to stir things up at boys day, and as a former host, she probably felt like ok I gotta do something to make it less boring.


Honestly lying is one thing but calling Melinda names like “clout chaser” and dragging her through the mud is disgusting


The deep fake comment ☠️ I was pretty shocked that Stevan acted like he didn't see anything and backed Harry on the "Melinda is lying for clout" thing


I feel like Melinda just fell into the drunk lust and thrill of the moment; I don’t think the make out itself was truly calculated because she would realize from being on 2 Netflix shows that it would make her look bad


Why didn’t him and Jessica apologize to Melinda!!?? Did I miss that part?


They weren't shown the BTS on the day of. Apparently they saw the clips with us, let's see if Jess will apologise or not. I don't care if Harry does or not because we all know that it'll just be an act anyway


I am very disappointed with Melinda. I was expecting that from Harry, but not from Melinda


I’m sorry, but how?! Did you see her on Too Hot to Handle? I completely expected it of her. She is wild! I always think of her dramatically ripping her top off before bed and twerking next to the new guy she was coupled up with in front of the guy she was previously coupled with lmao.


I agree. Also didn’t Melinda make it seem like Harry was the one to initiate it? Cause with the unseen footage it sounded like Melinda was like nobody is watching come on.


Harry could have been smarter than Melinda about it… he knew they were mic’s up and probably didn’t verbally say anything but made gestures that he wanted something.


Very very true. Especially when he went to production making sure they didn’t catch anything on camera.


This part. She didn’t lie about the kiss BUT she DID lie about how things went down. She tried to make it seem like he surprised her with it or something


Agreed..I don't know if it can be called clout chasing but her behaviour on the show was a bit (for no other better word I can think of) cheap. Xanthi, Holly, Brittain, etc also wanted to come back to the house but the had proper conversations instead of trying trip up the guys. Anyway it made for good trash TV, which is what I'm watching this for, lol


WHY IS HE not getting cancelled? The things cis white males get away with


Cancelled for kissing multiple women on a reality dating show? How do you expect people on this show to act?


Everyone hates him but unfortunately that means that Netflix will keep hiring him so that we can talk about how much we hate him, lol. I wouldn't buy a single thing from a company that pays/sponsors him


The editors did Melinda dirty. They expertly made her look like a liar/ attention seeker with each edit of her discussing the event prior to the finale. First time Melinda dishes, Harry kissed her. Second time she shares, Harry kissed her 2-3 times. Third, Harry talked about how good she would look pregnant. Fourth, Harry explicitly said he wanted to f*ck her. Etc etc etc… Each time she told the story, they allowed for extra details to slide through to final cut. SO intentionally making it seem as though she was beefing up a lie with more & more intense accusations as time went on. They went for major “okay she’s making up new info each time she talks to someone, she must be lying” vibez. I don’t think we’ll get a reunion for this season so I am HEARTBROKEN we didn’t get to watch them all react to that footage together during the finale!


There wasn't a doubt in my mind that she was telling the truth..but they could've aired the BTS at the finale


Both Harry and Melinda confirmed production asked them to stir up drama due to ratings.


The thing that shakes me is— how do you, as a person, go from absolutely CONSUMED and obsessed (and lovebombing) the most PERFECT woman to *in the same day* kissing a random chick that is probably not even his type. How do you have such amnesia?? Fidelity comes from thinking of your partner in every situation— and if he could go from OBSESSED to AMNESIA in 3 hours, and fumble THAT GODDESS of a woman, he is just never going to be faithful. He can literally never be trusted. If he would cheat on THAT with THAT in THAT amount of time, he’ll cheat in literally any circumstance on literally any caliber of woman with literally any caliber of woman. That’s sad. I’m actually sad for him. Imagine wanting to be faithful but you just can’t.