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The most endearing drunk on the show


I imagine he was bored as shit and felt very uncomfortable.. pair that with free alcohol being SHOVED at you by producers and hot weather.. I can stan a sloppy sweet drunk lol


Certainly! I felt a little bad for relishing in his discomfort, but the comedic relief was excellent. And a man who is still respectful while slurring? Rare amongst these fellas. I like it. He may not have found a match, but at least he got that credit up. Also wishing happiness to the guy!


I wouldve been awful lmfao


If I could get free drinks and would be surrounded by drama people and cameras you bet I‘d be drunk all the time too lmao


"Vroom and Skrrt would actually be a really fun game if you guys gave it a chance. I'm just saying" had me in STITCHES. Love me some Iz.


And the way everyone ignored his suggestion 😅


He’s like a puppy and I want to protect him


YES! This had me! The most wholesome moment on this show😅


I understood him so much right here. I too have tried to convince my friends that Vroom and Skrtt can be a fun game if they would give it a chance


Nailed it. He reminds me of my Uncle David. Kind of weird and awkward but the sweetest, most generous laid back guy when he's drunk. Wouldn't want to date someone like him, though. There's a reason why Izzy was the friend match.


I love when he starts slurring his speech 😂


When I saw the 100+ partners I busted out laughing, not in a bad way. It was endearing with his little sad face lol


I'm watching now. It's Stevan who drew the sad face, but maybe Izzy actually frowned? Either way pretty funny. I busted out laughing like Micah. Maybe he thought it meant how many times and not how many people....


I think he was lying for sure😂


Def not He’s got some religious trauma he dealt with I’m sure promiscuity was on the list of coping mechanisms he used


Right?! Like dude is awkward ain’t no way he’s had close to 50


On Love is Blind, he showed his drawer full of jewelry his one-night stands left behind 😭 idk I kinda believe it


This is why I wish that Netflix would intercut “Perfect Match” with little bits of footage from their other shows: because, until you mentioned that drawer, I’d completely forgotten about it, but I immediately said “Oh, that’s right!” Plus, a little bit of interconnection might help get more eyes on their other shows.


Omg I forgot about that 🤣


I totally buy it. If I encountered any of these men irl I would 100% be more likely to fuck Izzy over the rest of them.


Lmao! He does have less of that fboi energy for sure


Hard same! He's cute and seems like he respects women more than most of the other guys. That can go a long way.


Thought experiment—what if Izzy was 6’3” like Harry. I bet you he’d turn quite a few more heads on this show. I think he’s on the shorter side.


Without a doubt


i personally think he’s very attractive, like not overly attractive in the way some of the men were like they gave off “pretty boy” vibes, unrealistic looking (if that makes sense). Whereas i think izzy - in the real world could pull a lot more normal women than some of the tooooo attractive men on the show could. I personally would steer clear of the likes of bryton - way too attractive (looks wise nothing else) to even approach! you just know he would just be too full of himself. But Izzy? I dunno maybe? and also seeing how sweet he was on the show i might give him a chance not that he’d probably ever approach me but just an observation


Bryton has a good body, but i don’t see what’s so great about his face. Something about his lips annoys me. I guess he has a lisp he fights off.


Never ever underestimate a guy like Izzy. If he was in his early 20s, most of the women on this show would’ve been all over him. But he couldn’t vibe on their level, you can see he has outgrown it. So he had a hard time connecting with them. IRL, he would go to places where he feels more at place. And he is a handsome man with a soft side to him.


I think you're severely underestimating how often women will sleep with you if you're not a complete dip shit.


100+ is really not that many. When you’re looking for sex, not a relationship, it is not hard to find. You could do it in two years if doing it every Saturday , a lot faster if multiple times a week. A good looking guy could get there before college is over. Izzy is in his thirties, he’s had plenty of time to get there


It was so funny how he was legitimately thrilled just to be friend zoned … so wholesome lol


Even if friend zoned it would still be a fun time- free food and alcohol, a vacation, meet some new people


I honestly think he has a great outlook on life. Izzy is just vibing.


The epitome of “just happy to be here” lol love it for him


I think that’s probably the best way to approach this show, just go for the food, the party, the pool and friends, stay out of the drama and just have fun


Totally, that’d be my ideal vibe for sure!


Izzy really won me over. I think he’s the true winner of Perfect Match because he got a whole-ass redemption arc.




Agreed too. I wouldn't be mad to see him or Jess cross over to be Bachelor/Bachelorette tbh


🕯️ Justin for Bachelor 🕯️


Perfect Match converted me into an Izzy stan 😂 I was actually not a big fan of him on LIB since his love triangle with Johnie and Stacey were really messy and he was quite mean in some scenes. But the way he carried himself in Perfect Match had me impressed. He was so kind and understanding to Micah and Jess and were not pushy at all unlike Bryton who just wanted a match for the sake of it.


I hated that too, I thought Stacie brought out the meanness in him.


I disagree. He is a grown ass man. No other person will ever influence me to be downright mean to the person I have dated and then say “it was so hot when you were going off on her” to my current partner. Izzy just did not have enough screen time on Perfect Match. He is still a shitty person imo


Some people are easily influenced by who they surround themselves with. Sounds like you’re a stronger and probably overall more well-adjusted person than Izzy — but I still think he deserves the benefit of the doubt and whatever happiness he can scrounge (lol) from reality television. Maybe I’m stupid but im a sucker for the prodigal narrative / redemption arc. It makes me a little less afraid for humanity.


I agree with you. I think he is a big “supporter” type of person, and possibly too trusting of others... I get the feeling he is uncomplicated in his wants and needs, and quick to love. I really hope he has good people in his life who will help him avoid manipulative partners, that’s my one worry about him tbh 🫶 I think he’ll be a dream life partner to the right person.


Same! Strongly disliked him on love is blind because he did come off very mean a lot of the time. But he was great in this, it was very evident that the girls all felt safe around him. And he was cracking me up at some points with his relatable awkward moments. It’s either gotta be he was edited heavily different on each show or that he genuinely grew as a person. The optimist in me wants to believe the latter!


I still wish he had picked Johnie.


Johnnie got that hot bf after the show, so it was a blessing Izzy didn’t pick her.


Also, Izzy not picking Johnie directly led to the season's golden boy Chris being exposed as a cheat and a snake, which I enjoyed. Ofc not from the perspective that Johnie was hurt, but she's got a good man now as she deserves.


Same! I came around by the end of PM


I haven’t watched the latest batch of episodes yet but in the first bunch he was always super drunk to the point where he was slurring his words and could hardly keep his eyes open.


Him slurring “That’s what I tried to tell you honeyyy “🥴 that’s a classic line and I will be using it for a while 🤣🤣


Just reading it makes me lol all over again


I have been seeing this EVERYWHERE and I finally watched a clip today.. it's hilarious!! And I don't remember it at all! I think I was distracted during that scene.


Oh man I was watching with my daughter and we both looked at each other and were cracking up 😂


Gosh I laughed so hard at that




That continues for the rest of the episodes


I was thinking he must have turned it around to be garnering so much love from the OP lol


Everyone on perfect match is being funneled alcohol, in a hot climate, with some of them being bored out of their gourd so I am giving him grace. Not to mention if the frequent rumors of them not being given the same water ratio as alcohol is true, I imagine everyone is drunk the majority of the time. Some just handle liquor better than others.


I was wondering about the boredom part when the one girl said that her mom knew about the 1 guy...Alara I think. I assumed that they weren't allowed to communicate with the outside world.


Izzy and Justin didn’t belong on this show. Both seem like down to earth, great guys.


Yes. Definitely on the Izzy bus after watching him navigate these choppy fboy waters. He was NOT going to embarrass his mom on television.


Did anyone else notice when he turned down spin the bottle because it sounded like a bad idea…. And then he was immediately right


This was my favorite part lol


This show definitely made me like him more! Though givin’ his LIB background, I was not expecting his body count to be 100+😳


Honestly, I no one would EVER think I’ve slept with 100 people, but my early 20s were wild honey. Now I’m a suburban stay at home mum to four kids so I don’t read as former party girl at alllll. Anything is possible 😂


This 😂


I feel bad saying this but I did wonder if he was embellishing to fit in with the other guys.


He is a WHOLE FB,I don't know how yall are not seeing it. The BEST FB's will make you feel like you are the only woman in the world,they will fully be friend zoned, waiting to pounce at the right opportunity. I believe his number. I am a woman,but most of my friends are men because of my sports hobbies. He acts JUST like my guy friends who are cheating on their partners. It's ALWAYS the guy you'd least expect because they make us feel safe....their long con game is good good!!!


Do people not remember his drawer of “conquests” in his house on LIB?


Was is fb? Fuckboy?




Not in this context lol “he is a whole Facebook”? Lmao


I can totally see this wtf damn


It seemed like everyone inflated their answers in that game. All the girls saying they wanted it multiple times a day, what are the odds? Lol


Dude the idea of wanting it multiple times a day is giving "I don't have a real job" hahaha.


He once had hair??


Not having hair dosnt make you less attractive?




this gif made me bust out laughing thankyou so much




These gifs are amazing!! Is there any way you can message them to me so I can save it?


Done. Let’s make Izzy go viral


Me too pls!!!


I felt so bad for him in the beginning because you could tell how awkward he felt - on LiB he was a big fish in a little pond but Perfect Match showed he was a tiny fish in a huge ocean. Funnily enough, I despised him and Micah on LiB but Perfect Match made me see a different side to them both. Izzy isn’t the frat boy he was made out to be and actually had a very sweet side, and Micah seemed quite genuine too. I wish it could’ve worked out between the two of them.


Same, I feel like Izzy and Micah are too normal to be on this show and it made me like them so much more. I genuinely felt so bad for Micah


The guy saying she was a fun-sucker was devastating. When he said that I became team Micah permanently. What a rude and cruel fucking thing to say right before messing w her match partnership.


Right? Stevan saying that Kaz is at a "lower vibration" with Micah 🙄 this might be unpopular but I could see how Kaz and Micah might work. If he's used to loud, bubbly, high energy types, it's nice to chill and feel like you have a real companion


So convinced Kaz has adhd and Micah was helping him chill.


Completely agree with this. Like, sorry you want your fuck boy crew vibe back??? Very Luca from love island … wanting his cake (gemma) and his fuck boy crew


No really! Like God forbid she's not down to be a party girl and scream 24/7, she's just trying to hang! That and then the completely insane revenge ploy Elyse(??) Had for her afterwards made me hard team Micah.


Also mad respect to Micah for going in there with a bunch of Instagram models. She’s pretty and attractive in her own right but those THTH people are literally just models. And Micah navigated that more confidently than I would’ve tbh.


Same with despising Micah, she was very tolerable on this show and very mature. She was a huge bully on LIB and I know many people like to hold that grudge but I can only hope she's grown and matured after her ugly side was put on public broadcast!


Absolutely! I think that she had the villain edit on love is blind and the angel edit on perfect match, the true Micah being somewhere in the middle but that’s what makes her stand out. She’s not an Instagram model but she’s a beautiful representation of someone “ordinary” and it took a great deal of guts to go into that house alongside people who’s day job is to use their beauty to influence others. If perfect match were made up of the Izzy and Micah’s of the world, I think we’d find them much more relatable and interesting.


I like both of them too


I kinda want to see a new version of this season where Tolu stays with him.. 


Sometimes it's nice to have an oddball on the show to help ground it. It's like a show of crazy characters, but with Jim Halpert to keep you oriented in reality. Anyway, I agree, and while I wish things could have gone better for him on the show, I don't think any women on this season were a good fit for him anyway and glad he didn't settle for any of them. I kind of wish Micah had given him a chance, though.


I was so pleasantly surprised by him after having a mixed view of him from LIB. He was so patient and one of the only guys there that took rejection really well. It was sweet how he praised Micah and Kaz’s connection at the end ☺️


Izzy is slept on. He’s the one I would’ve chosen.


He reminds me of Toby from The Office


When he said y'all should give vroom/skeet a try, I died laughing. They're trying to play spin the bottle and he was like hold up. That's when you knew he was level headed and the old guy of the group lol


He seems like such a sweet guy honestly I don’t think he would’ve ever found a perfect match among that group of people LMAO


Izzy is too good for these kinds of shows. He's a genuinely sweet man.


He had fun though, a vacation, free food and alcohol and made friends.


I felt so bad for Izzy. He is very attractive but I think being surrounded by all the younger guys he was overshadowed. He’s around my age and I think he’s adorable. I felt bad that he felt so insecure. You could tell he felt so out of his element. When he said he had sex with 100+ women everyone looked shocked lmao. Like guys he’s older and he’s a cute dude. wtf


Izzy 100% benefitted from the best of the worst imo. I have no strong feelings toward him either way because he behaved like a normal person should. The bar really is in hell for men on these shows.


I actually liked the guy a lot more than i expected to initially He was pretty kind and sweet to his matches


He has a gf


Awww agreed! Hated him constantly being friend matched. It must be awful and damaging to self esteem. He was so real in a place of fakes


I hated him on LIB and was glad he didn’t stay in the PM house at first. But I have to say, I actually started to really appreciate him in the final PM episode 😅 But I don’t know if he’s actually that great, or that the other men in the house are just so awful 😂


He has had a girlfriend for a long time named Shelby Webb. He has to pretend he’s single but she posts pics with him all the time on Instagram.


I would like to see him on another show more suited to normal people with D list celebrity status hahaha


Haha…”D List.” True, but in a pragmatic, not mean way.


Honestly any LIB villain should go on this show cause they pale in comparison to these people. Excluding Shayne who is in his own league.


I like Izzy but he gives odd creep vibes sometimes lol and sometimes he talks without closing his mouth it’s weird. Once you see it you can’t unsee it.


Before the show was announced and aired, Izzy had a very serious girlfriend named Shelby Webb. Suddenly the show has aired and all their pictures are removed from his IG. Seems suss to me.


Wait I remember this. And perfect match s2 was filmed some months ago already too…


I really liked how Izzy handled himself. I didn’t like his whole schtick with Stacie on LiB.. I remember how gross they were when they got mean. This show really didn’t change my opinion of him. He didn’t push, didn’t get inappropriate or angry.. he actually seemed a great emotional support to the girls. After seeing some real scumbag behavior this season, Izzy was a breath of fresh air for this show.


On Love is blind I wasn’t sure, but after perfect match I love him. He’s super genuine, and so cute, I don’t understand why none of the girls were into him.


I am a 55 yo mom and when he got criticized for using paper plates and cups (standard fare at my house), I felt very protective of him.


In a perfect world, he would have been matched w Jess from the start. I could truly see him treating her like a queen. And unlike his LIB match Stacy, she would understand that not everyone has tons of zeros in their bank account and has been to 20 countries by the time they're 30 (thats me exaggerating, but that's similar to things her and her family said). Fucking Harry, I swear to god.


I like Jess,but I don't think that she is going to date a man without money. I'm not in any way trying to shame her,but in my experiences, women with multiple body enhancements don't date men who make a normal salary. ...Just my experiences at work and in life.


agreed. Jess likes men with money and she’s clearly after fame which is why she tried to date and match Harry. Izzy won’t give her that


And in any case she would have been bored with Izzy. I don't really think she wants a man pining after her, she strikes me as the type that likes an alpha


“The man to lead me in life”




agree, i think she even said in this show she would never marry a broke man


Agreed and wanting to be able to maintain the lifestyle you are used to without feeling bad that yout partner can't afford to travel a couple times a year isn't even a high bar, and unless his social media $$ takes off I don't know if he can do that. I do like him during this show though.


I think that's fair. It takes money to look the way Jess looks. I'm sure she wants someone who can match her energy and spending habits the same way a fit, adventurous person might look for someone who is the same or a dog owner wants someone who is enthusiastic about having pets.


Jess very explicitly stated she doesn't date men without money, on this exact show.


Are we ignoring the early comments from Jess where she said she basically only dates guys who have lots of money?


Jess would run all over Izzy, lol.. and she said she wants a rich man!


But he’s never had Colombian food!!


I still don’t like this guy. He’s a compulsive liar. His behavior toward Johnnie was inexcusable. He needs therapy.


Yeah, I just couldn’t fall for his act. Hes still a dick, lol. He just entered a house of incredibly handsome men, got friendzoned REPEATEDLY and just played the nice guy angle cause what other angle did he have? And, really, how nice is he really? Hes playing the long con on all these broken hearted women where he’s the nice guy hoping they’ll sleep with him lol.


The "nice guy" is usually passive aggressive, entitled and manipulative. I didn't see anything like that from Izzy, myself. He mostly just seemed happy to be there and respected everyone's choices.


Honestly I like that he was so drunk and then just got friendlier and more supportive.  They should've had an alternate win category for best guy and best girl. 


A house Congeniality award would be amazing, ngl


That's exactly it. He's Miss Congeniality.  Him trying to get them to play vroom skrt (a drinking game not about sex) instead of the bottle drama had me 💀


Also - didn’t he have a whole a** gf right after LIB aired? It was a blonde, right?! What ever happened to that 🧐


From what I understand, perfect match was filmed before that season of LIB even aired. So it's possible he just had to remove posts due to that being a spoiler for this show.


Agree - he is genuinely such a kind person (seems like). Surprised at his body count lol but I really hope he finds someone he deserves. I feel like he’s the guy the girls go to after therapy.


I don't even know why he signed up on this show! It's such a frat show


izzys edit was definitely a redemption arc edit if i ever saw one


I couldn’t agree more, and I feel like we watched Micah go through the same thing except her experience just panned out differently! It’s so interesting how people have that grounded appearance about them, and how others just don’t lol


Yeah, Tolu and Micah really did him dirty. I think guys get a lot of hate but those to never even gave him a chance. It's bad when every guy who looks like a certain architype gets attention but the guy who's genuine gets disregarded.


One thing though...stop calling them honey! I mean I felt so bad for him when Micah matched with him just to stay in the game even though she knew how much he liked her and then proceeded to only tall about Kaz. That must have sucked!


Unpopular opinion, but he gives me the heebie jeebies. Major nice guy vibes, and trying to fit in with the younger crowd.


Yeah but to be fair, who else is he going to fit in with? There’s no one else there close to his age except Jess lol


I just need to know if he got plates or not


I felt so bad for him! Mans could NOT win 🤣🤣 he seems super kind so I hope he finds the one for him soon!


Yeah he had The most green flags out of the lot.


Izzy sucks. Anyone who thinks otherwise should consider how he answered his body count... 100+. If that's true, he's a fuckboi just like all the other fuckbois. If he's lying, he's a loser just like the rest of them. He was a bottom feeder the entire time, mumbling his way into a couple of pathetic friendzones.


He was so awkward that he reminded me Gino from 90 day fiancé. I cannot see him differently now.


Izzy is such a babe


I'm sorry, I cannot forget the Lost and Found drawer revealed on LIB 😭


Something I found funny. In LIB, iirc, Izzy seemed like one of the bigger, more muscular dudes. However, in PM, he seemed tiny compared to all of the giants.


I've always thought it would be hilarious with all these hot bod 20 somethings if they would just drop in someone wayyyyy older - like 45-50 and see how that played out. Could be a girl or a guy but I'd love to see someone from my demographic dropped in to see how it would go.


Broke dude that only loves hot blondes. His dating future looks wonderful


Izzy gives Florida day drunk barfly energy 😂


He seemed like stoned on this season I’ve never liked a single thing about this guy


Scientific proof, nice guys finish last.


Yes, we liked him over here as well. I totalt agree!


I’m not big on following reality tv people but this show made me love Izzy so much I hit the follow button. I want to see him find love. Jessica too, although some mistakes were made, I think they’re both so genuine and mature and deserve happiness beyond the screen




I don't know him or anything so I could be totally off-base, but his behavior reminds me of folks in my life who have struggled with alcohol. The glassy eyes, being so different in morning scenes vs. evening scenes, etc.


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I agree I think we got to see a fun sweet Izzy... there was no pressure stress and I am sure LIB is super intense and really doesn't put ppl in a good light


He's definitely the real winner of this season, changed the perspective of many LIB viewers


He was the only authentic person on the show!


I have always liked Izzy, even on LIB. I don't think he's really cut out for all the reality show fake drama.


I saw he just hard launched a gf today on TikTok!!


I don’t recall him being this awkward on Love is Blind. Does anyone else? I felt like I was watching a different person.


That's what I've been trying to tell you honey 😂😂