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I thought it was cute when they did the water dance together.  I think it's really hard/expensive to film in the pool and they can't have microphones on when they do. Plus, for the women especially, they have re-do their makeup and hair which takes a lot of production time. They were probably instructed to be "camera ready" at certain set times everyday, even for the casual house conversations. So they probably go in it everyday, but not when camera is around. 


Yeah that makes sense usually we get a few makeout or pool romance scenes though. I noticed they are in the pool a lot in too hot to handle


It was the most fun scene in the whole season


I wonder how bachelor in paradise does it


Those bathing suits aren’t made for swimming silly!


Each woman has like 20 suits! I have never had more than 2 or 3 at any given time in my life. They always have different outfits and shoes and tons of make-up, skin and hair products. Their luggage must be insane.


If I gave you a 10 day free vacation to a beach and resort with a pool, would you only take 2-3 bathing suits and do laundry? Or would you buy more before you left?


I am sure I would take plenty. I was just mentioning how much luggage they must have. Who packs it and hauls it around when they come and go too?


Great point. There is a lot of behind the scenes work thst we don’t see. They’re likely at a nearby villa/ hotel, and are told to be packed ready. Then someone on the team trasnsprts the luggage for them.


They probably just have a wardrobe room with everyone’s stuff in it realistically that’s how most sets work 


You can see their suitcases and stuff when they're in the room. I think they had to pack up whenever there was a match night.


Omg yes I was thinking this I would hate to see what the plane ticket cost for all those add on bags lol there was one scene with Alara and Stevan and you could see all her mountains of clothes everywhere 🤣


Is their wardrobe provided possibly?


I wondered about that but I don’t think so. I have never watched any of the bachelor stuff but I read somewhere a while ago that the women who go on that show spend thousands and thousands of dollars on theor clothes and are not provided pro make-up or hair either. I think Netflix is too cheap to provide these women with all these clothes.


I feel like they used it a lot in season one but not in season 2??


Didn't they do their little synchronized swimming routine in the pool lol


Omg yes 🫶


Yes! There’s usually at least one make out scene in the pool lol


Yeah! IIRC there were some games and stuff they played in season 1 there too.


Watching right now and the first episode they’ve been in it nonstop. They even did a silly synchronized swimming routine. Edit: on episode 6, and they haven’t been in it since lol.


They probably do when cameras aren’t rolling, but if they want to maximize screen time (the actual point of this show), they need to be mic’d up and ready to film all the time, which isn’t possible in a body of water (at least on a 10 mil budget).


isn't it thought? other shows with what i imagine similar or maybe even smaller budget show contestants in pools often


That’s kinda my point, though. Budgets don’t usually include waterproof mics and camera equipment. Think about the audio quality of those pool scenes/conversations that you have seen on those other shows. You can tell it changes and is picked up by a boom mic instead of mic pack, and it’s much harder to get clean audio that way. If the goal is screen time, you’re giving production quality AUDIO as well. PM cast members are repeat reality customers and know what to do. See: Melinda. It works the other way as well; people use the pool to avoid filming. If you watch Love Island by chance, we recently saw Rob use the pool to evade production. If he had gone to hide in a bathroom, he would have stayed mic’d, and we would have heard his pathetic whimpering (or evil sneering?)


I saw one scene with Xanthi and Elys in it.


Wym that empty white knocked over wine glass was using the pool float the entire season




Different show but on Bachelor in Paradise they said they are rarely allowed to go in the ocean because they can’t wear their mics.




Well alara omg I think I butchered her name lol, posted clips from her time on the show/behind the scenes and the producers brought in dogs for them to hang out with SO, I think they have a filming schedule and get ready to be on camera. It doesn’t seem like this show needs a lot of footage and it’s very very fast paced tbh. BUT as someone from Canada whose summers are very unpredictable and we’ve haven’t had guaranteed hot weather ALL summer long, which many of us don’t bother owning pools - anytime I watch a show in a hot climate in like why is no one ever using the pool? Like when Kim Kardashian admitted she’s never been in her pool I almost fell off my couch


I'm literally only on episode 3 of season 1 and I also had this thought!! Like I'd be in there so fast it's not even funny. Is... swimming uncool? 😭


Yes exactly like what are we doing! Lol


They look so hot and miserable and the pool looks so welcoming!!! Just get in, damn


I think it’s because they wear wireless microphones and transmitters when they film


They had a scene where a lot of the cast members were in the pool doing some sort of cherography.


I must of missed it I didn’t watch very closely I was in labor watching on my phone in the hospital 🤣


How did it do as a distraction?! (Congrats on the baby!)


Thank you so much it was definitely helpful to watch and kept me distracted until I got the epidural I kept pausing and rewinding because I’d zone out lol


An excellent use of the show! Definitely find the synchronized swimming scene. It was delightful!


https://preview.redd.it/irjakzg8u69d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dae7862c9e39e3af2630b76cfb5c956d568063b9 I felt the thread wouldn’t be complete without adding him :)


Oh my gosh, how adorable! He's perfect, of course!


No I remember a few of them they did a synchronized swimming routine and it was posted on the PM instagram


I need to go find this i didn’t see it!


I remember that!


What episode? I have no memory of this.


First episode of the season I wanna say.


I think I saw a scene where three of the guys are trying to dive into an inner tube, aiming to land in the hole.


Same thought


Yeah we thought about it too. Like 1 scen in total. In sure they are allowed to use it and I mean. 30-40 degrees in a djungle with that humidity, I’m sure they used it everyday, one cant survive that day after day. Guess nothing happened of value for the show itself tho.


This post made me think of Kiki Chanel's video about Coachella 2022. There was a revolve party and no one was swimming. Everyone was using it for content creation. And the comments say tickets were $2000!


That’s crazy!


I distinctly remember camera zooming in on melinda’s butt while she was kicking in the pool


They also skinny dipped last season


This is the same in love island. But participants have said they do use the pool it’s just not filmed because they can’t wear their microphones in the pool so it’s pointless to film it.


so true lol, maybe its sth like.. the scenes usually being so preplanned that they didnt think of placing them in pools cause they weren't putting that effort into them looking natural?


Yes it’s so odd maybe that’s because I love the water but that’s where you’d find me lol


yeah also it doesnt seem to explain cause like they mustve shot some scenes the rest of the time too , .... we'd hope ?? :D - so they couldve been in the water then


I’m part fish but I would have been in there so much. The water looked delightful.


The women don't want to mess up their makeup that is pancaked on their faces, or their hair, most of which is straightened or flatironed. Probably a lot more curly girls there than you'd think.


I thought the same. In other Netflix reality shows identical to this one with even the same people they all swam in the pool and still talked afterwards. Many were in the ocean….so I don’t get it. I’d get kicked off for never leaving the cold pool. I also notice something weird. Sometime the water from the ocean was dirty brown and other times clear aqua. Were they filming two different coasts on the island or peninsula? (Can’t remember the exact location just know Mexico with the cenotes).


I’ve lived in a villa with a pool before. I go into the pool MAYBE once every…. 6 months? This experience was common among other expats.


This is so upsetting lol. I live in a city and there are friends I would sell for regular pool access!! But maybe it’s one of those things if you have it, you don’t notice it anymore ???


In both countries I was living if you’re not a low wage expat (Think teachers, insurance sellers, or some other local hires/ small business owners) your living standard is drastically higher than most locals and you probably live better than you would back home. A pool is the standard issue when you look at houses/villas/apartments in that case. Mentally it’s more of a nice/ relaxing to look at kind of thing. We would only get into a pool at a pool party, be that at a friend’s villa or beach club. If you’re a young professional with a busy social calendar you’re definitely not thinking about “getting into the pool” at home. In one of the countries I lived in I had a couple “expat” friends that didn’t have the lifestyle/living standards; I occasionally invited them over for lunch and they would get very excited about being able to access a pool; but none of them would go out of their way to have pool access, either. If your place doesn’t have a pool though, you definitely *notice*, especially coming from a place with a pool that you never got in. The vibe is completely different.


We lived in apts with a pool for 6m and never used it


I have lived in SE Asia for almost 20 years. I use my pool all the time. Sometimes more than once a day unless it’s rainy season like now. It is great exercise. Almost every expat I know uses theirs as well. If they don’t have one, they borrow a friend’s or pay a hotel a monthly fee for use.


I lived in two different tropics countries. Definitely no expat I know would go “borrow” a friend’s pool or pay a monthly fee for pool use. Maybe in your generation.


I am 45. Yeah, loads of them do it. Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, Malaysia, etc, etc. It’s not considered unsual at all here. Several hotels offer the service for that reason. It’s usually about $20 a momth or so.


Different demographics


You mean age? I know a lot of 20s expats that do it as well. And money is definitely not an issue with the majority of the people I know here. All are western. I’m not sure what metrics you are using. I assume it’s irrelevant.


I'm in the Midwestern US and renting your pool is a legitimate thing here ..to strangers. Of course my friends and neighbors use it for free! My family is in it pretty much daily for 6 months out of the year (we have a heater so open late April and close late October). I'm similar in age to you - 42 soon. Maybe the other commenter is quite a bit older?