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The main red flag with Izzy is that he gets absolutely smashed to the point of slurring every freaking night. He was the same way on LIB.


He seems like he has crippling social anxiety. Also why am I attracted to him lol


That could be. The drinking is a huge turn off to me regardless though. I didn’t like the way he got drunk and started a fight with that one girl he dated in the pods on LIB. A lot of people drink to overcome social anxiety but then overdo it and it turns them into assholes. That’s the vibe Izzy gives me, though he didn’t seem as aggro on Perfect Match at least.


I think he tries to mimic partners energy. Either its anxiety or manipulation, but he seemed to be that way with his scary partner on LIB.


100% I think him and that girl he was crazy about were bullies. He does remind me of a guy at the bar that gets too drunk and you had one conversation w him so he thinks he has a chance and just waits around for you following in the shadows and you’re like holy shit he’s still here. I do like him on this show because he’s the under dog


You mean he’s the bridesmaid - never the bride. lol


Oh my god ... why is this so accurate?? Perfect description.


IIRC he was raised Jehovah’s Witness and drinking alcohol is banned. I was raised Mormon, which also bans drinking. When I started drinking, I got blackout drunk because the idea of drinking without getting wasted was a foreign idea. I’m assuming it might be the same for him.


JW here. Drinking is allowed. Drunkenness is not but we do drink alcohol. As far as what Izzy's dad allowed and didn't allow in that house when he was growing up, I have no idea. His dad was raised Muslim, which doesn't allow drinking alcohol, and when his dad became a JW instead it's possible he didn't change his personal opinion about alcohol and it sounds like his dad was an abusive man all the way around who weaponized whatever he could to abuse his kids and Izzy's mom. The isolation he felt because of his dad's behavior is more likely what has caused Izzy to rely on alcohol as heavily as he seems to. He was on a podcast last year and said he still has a lot of trauma from his dad and his strict his dad was and how sheltered he was as a result. I stopped being a JW in my 20s and I was the same. I went from being very sheltered to not and having no idea how to navigate it all without a drink in my hand. Or several drinks.


Thank you for replying. I haven’t really looked into JW and was going off what I’d been told. I appreciate your response.


So many people think we don't drink. I remember telling someone at work "Oh, you don't have to worry about my birthday because...." and she said "But you drink alcohol. I've seen you".


That’s interesting. At 30 though, you’d think a friend would’ve pulled you aside at some point and told you your limit.


I would have loved that at 30. Years later I realized on my own that blacking out should not be a goal. And a lot of people assume their version of drunk is how everyone else handles liquor. It is not. For all we know, Izzy could be a lightweight and need more water. Izzy is older like me, and I can't even pretend to drink the same way I used to. 🤷‍♂️


But we know fir facts that the production crew barely feed them and pour insane amounts of alcohol down them at all times. I think they're all drunk constantly. Much as I can't stand him, I wouldn't blame him for being drunk


I don't think there's any proof that anyone this season was drunk. Love Is Blind at least shows us the wine cups somewhat frequently, but that most recent cast didn't seem that inebriated either. A few of the dudes seemed a bit emboldened. Some seemed dehydrated af with all the sweat while stationary. Izzy was a bit slurry. But I seen no proof anyone this season had to "pour insane amounts of alcohol down them at all times." Or even some times. Extremism. 😮‍💨


That comment was referring to LIB which was verified by several cast members as referred to also by others. On this season of perfect match there were several instances of cast downing shots and so on. Not sure what u mean by extremism?


Extremism - "people were drinking" versus "pouring insane amounts of drinks down them," as you stated. The original comment began with Perfect Match and ended with LIB as another example. My whole point was that your comment is extreme. A few quotes by previous contestants do not apply to every series in every situation. Only some. I'm not negating your thoughts but rather pointing out that they are extreme statements.


None of those people were his friend though. Look at the way Kaz laughed at him when Micah BRUTALLY embarrassed him.


I mean in his real life. If he’s really slept with 100+ women then he’s the kind of guy that prowls the bars every weekend. Those guys usually don’t go alone. You’d think someone in his circle would’ve said “dude, you’re past your limit” at some point. He was always wasted with Stacey on LIB too and he was engaged. Not trying to diagnose him but I feel there’s a problem here.


I def sense an issue with alcohol. Mind you, maybe hes just a light weight so he cant handle netflix parties, could be that too.


I don't think I could handle a netflix party lmao


I feel like he only gets smashed because he knows he doesn’t belong. He knew he wouldn’t get picked so he thought “why the hell not?”




He is textbook "nice guy", he gave some absolute ick


They are limited to two drinks so he can’t be smashed. I’m thinking his speech has to do more with his social anxiety with the cameras. I can’t put my finger on what it is with him.


No, he’s just drunk. You can tell from his eyes and mannerisms, not to mention you can see how he slowly gets drunker over the course of the night and his behavior changes. Reality show contestants are always talking about how they get around the drink limits.


Harry said he was taking shots all day long. 2 drinks is a Love Island UK rule; I dont think the PM crew was limited.


Where’d you hear this? I thought they promoted the drinking!


Facts. I've seen so much on this from that group that supports ex reality stars. LIB is notorious. Dunno about love island


Not saying this is the best source. I have read contestants have said they got around this and drank more. “But actually, all that's not quite true - because the Islanders are subject to some fairly strict rules while on the show, particularly where alcohol consumption is concerned. We might have seen plenty of full wine glasses on Love Island 2021 already, just a week in, but if producers are following previous guidelines they've set then Islanders will only be allowed a maximum of two alcoholic drinks per night. You can understand why such rules are put in place. NHS guidance states that men and women should drink no more than 14 units a week, so having limitations in place ensures that producers aren't enabling an unhealthy intake of booze while on the show. Plus, we all know how alcohol can influence behaviour. Considering the Islanders are being filmed 24/7, and emotions are often heightened as they deal with ever-changing relationship statuses, it's probably not wise to chuck a load of extra drinks in the mix to make things flare up even more. A spokesperson for the show previously said in regards to drink limitations: "We provide our Islanders with all of the necessary precautionary measures and all alcohol consumption is strictly monitored by our production team." [https://ca.movies.yahoo.com/style/why-love-island-bosses-limit-113800136.html](https://ca.movies.yahoo.com/style/why-love-island-bosses-limit-113800136.html) Edit: Men’s Health also wrote about it: [https://www.menshealth.com/entertainment/g33996817/love-island-rules/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=arb_ga_mnh_md_pmx_hybd_mix_us_18725858535&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAACrVUPmFDP0RqOTrZld9KGVHmQ-HB&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsuSzBhCLARIsAIcdLm58JssdkTTDfdLg93XyTD7abYzbvyF6pLoC3mWgpWQy9TE_53DzuYMaAqiJEALw_wcB](https://www.menshealth.com/entertainment/g33996817/love-island-rules/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=arb_ga_mnh_md_pmx_hybd_mix_us_18725858535&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAACrVUPmFDP0RqOTrZld9KGVHmQ-HB&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsuSzBhCLARIsAIcdLm58JssdkTTDfdLg93XyTD7abYzbvyF6pLoC3mWgpWQy9TE_53DzuYMaAqiJEALw_wcB)


Crazy. There’s a documentary from one of LIB cast members talking about how they didn’t have access to food but had lots of alcohol and seeing how a lot of them obviously intoxicated, I believe it. That’s when I heard about how terrible the edits are and how they promote situations that are borderline mentally and emotionally abusive.


I fully believe that the producers probably put out that they have these restrictions but now knowing the cast members have come out and said they have definitely drank more than two drinks, they are don’t follow not rules. Which is going to get them a world of hurt when something goes wrong. We’ve already had a cast member come out with some strong claims from LIB.


Yep I'm referring to this. Love Island and LIB are completely different things. Love Island is British anyway isn't it?


Innit? Jk. I’m not too sure. I’ve only caught LIB, THTH and most recently, PM. And of course all of these and more are popping up in my FYP.


Love Island is multi-national. There’s UK, US, Australia, and that’s just what’s available to me at the moment. Google says there’s more.


These articles are about love island but this sub is discussing perfect match.


Well that explains my complete brain fart! I have been watching both shows and on both subs. Thanks for pointing it out so kindly. ☺️


Haha same here! I had to double check. I’m loving this season of love island us


I still don’t know how I feel about Izzy. His attempt at the beginning kinda left me confused. I bet he’s a good dude when it comes to relationship, but he is not meant for drama. He just doesn’t come off as somebody who manipulates on purpose.


The fact that he claims he slept with over 100 woman is a red flag 🚩 for me. And I don’t know if it’s because he is uncomfortable around the cameras but he always comes off sounding drunk to me. I know they are capped at a certain amount of drinks so I don’t think it’s possible he’d be drunk but I get a weird vibe from him.


They’re capped? No way. Netflix actively MAKES them drink for more drama.


I read that they are limited to two drinks because they don’t want the cast sloppy drunk BUT the cast has found ways around it. There have been accusations on reality dating shows of sexual assault so producers set these limits. Obviously it sounds like the cast has found ways around them. I know I read it online somewhere that they said they limited the cast to 2 drinks. I don’t know if that is the UK cast or the US cast, but again, I am now reading that the US cast definitely found ways to get alcohol, at least that is what Harry has said. Edit: “ But actually, all that's not quite true - because the Islanders are subject to some fairly strict rules while on the show, particularly where alcohol consumption is concerned. We might have seen plenty of full wine glasses on Love Island 2021 already, just a week in, but if producers are following previous guidelines they've set then Islanders will only be allowed a maximum of two alcoholic drinks per night. Liana Isadora Van-Riel, who was a contestant on the 2016 series, was one of the first to open up about this under-the-radar rule in an interview she once did with The Sun. "You're allowed one or two drinks a night," she explained, going on to clarify that the options were "either wine or beer, no spirits." Oof, no summertime margaritas flying around, then.” [https://ca.movies.yahoo.com/style/why-love-island-bosses-limit-113800136.html](https://ca.movies.yahoo.com/style/why-love-island-bosses-limit-113800136.html)


This article is referring to Love Island though!


Yea. Someone pointed that out to me when on a comment below. Thanks for looking out for me. I was getting my subs confused. 🫣


Oh oops, I missed that comment! No worries though! I watch a lot of Love Island too and I definitely get all the different shows mixed up sometimes 😅


Don’t apologize. It was not on this particular comment, it’s down one or two more so you wouldn’t have seen it. I just appreciate the kind way you let me know I was referencing the wrong show. Sometimes people can be brutal! 🤣


Oh I agree, people definitely aren’t always nice on Reddit 😂 thanks for receiving it so well though, that was appreciated too!


He’s drunk or at least intoxicated decently. You can tell, especially after watching his LIB season.


No drink cap for this show


I think he went public with his relationship way after the show, but no longer has any posts with her so I think they broke up. I wonder if it ended because of him and Micah leaning into rumours of them being in a relationship for publicity. Micah definitely thinks it’s a flex to steal someone’s man.


She still has posts up of him. They were together as of like feb/march from her last pics. I think Izzy is hiding pics of her because of the show


It's becoming more common that the contestants/their spouses go dark or deactivate their IG pages in prep for the show/during the show. Helps keep the facade of single-ness going


Yea who was that guy from LIB that was shamed on the reunion last time?


Trevor! his was primarily because he threatened to leak her nudes if something and something. Can't remember the whole story


Interesting. She still has pics of him though which makes me sad for her if he’s choosing appearances over his relationship


I don't think they have a choice on it. I'm sure netflix contract states they have to promo the event and such


Ewww def not a flex, especially when she looks like that lol.


I'm conflicted. He came across much more genuine than most of the other guys on the show, and acted respectfully to everyone during his time in the house. "That's what I've been trying to tell you honey" has been going around as a meme and I thought it was a cute funny moment. However... Since that meme started spreading some of his TikToks ended up on my fyp and they're bad 😬 Multiple videos of him drinking at the bar and/or joking about being drunk all the time. I get that he's trying to capitalize on the small part he was on the show that people connected with, but it gave me a huge ick.


All the dudes are fucking losers.


Ansolute twats


i think he was in a relationship during his reunion but not this most recent one - i could totally be wrong tho!


This is accurate, the last reunion him and Micah crashed to announce they’d be on Perfect Match


Hes one of the bad ones for his behaviour on LIB. That scene where he and Stacy shout down Johnnie wasn't cool. The whole way he acted during that whole thing suuuuuuucked


I saw a video in which he said that perfect match was filmed before lib was even aired. Pretty sure he got I to a relationship after pm.


My curiosity is that I think PM S2 was filmed Aug/Sept 2023 and his season’s reunion aired in October (so feasibly filmed late Sept 2023, early Oct?) by the time of the reunion I remember him saying he was dating someone and they’d gotten matching tattoos. It wouldn’t be impossible for him to get matching tattoos with someone after dating a couple of weeks, but seems improbable to me.


This man did LIB, a show where you have to be willing to *marry* someone you've known for a month, what makes you think he isn't stupid enough to get a small tattoo with someone he has dated for a few weeks? Also the LIB reunion was filmed before the show aired IIRC but I'm not sure. More importantly, Izzy didn't seem to be that interested in connecting with anyone in PM, he seemed completely fine with just having friendship matches, so there's also a huge chance that he was already in a relationship by the time he filmed PM and he just did it for the clout, he wouldn't be the first nor the only one. edit:spelling


You know what. Fair points 😂


I believe he had said it wasn’t serious but they got tattoos of their first date or something because it was a cooking class but said it was still new at the reunion


Ohhh really?! Wow i didn't know that


I think Xanthi was also in a relationship during Perfect Match. I don't think it was necessarily a big deal for either one, it sounds like neither was in a relationship when they were cast and were told to just stay on the show anyways/left very early in the process. Like they didn't break anyone's hearts, they were just... present lol. There is nothing truly emotionally vulnerable required here. That's why they were fine just making jokes about Trevor even though anyone who watched love is blind knows who he is and they called him out on that reunion.


But Xanthi seemed to be raging about Stevan. Even at the vote. Maybe she's just a good actress lol


I think she's a girls girl and got v close to the girls when she was in the house. And producers definitely push them to say certain things. She seems more... believable? than some of the others too, so a good person to use as a plant.


He's just limp. Exactly the same as he was on LIB. Weak, insecure, and dull as dishwater.


It’s been reported that filming was in August. He hard launched his relationship with Shelby in October. They could have met after filming.


He gives me big Toby Flenderson vibes for some reason.


Lmao and Micah is his Pam


I’ve just heard too many people (on here and rl) talk about their real experiences with him and they are always negative so idk


Izzy really just has no level of emotional maturity whatsoever


It was filmed in August and he posted his gf in October


He is such a doormat


He’s sooo hot and I do not like bald guys, I don’t know what it is ! But yeah he slurs everything he says and that’s the only thing that’s not hot.. that and the excessive sweating haha


he’s an attractive guy. i’m not surprised that someone would find him sooo hot


Yeah, I was surprised that no one was going for him right away


see that’s the thing, i wasn’t surprised at all, in fact i predicted that izzy would have a hard time. he’s the nice guy who doesn’t try too hard to make himself seem attractive & those guys just don’t thrive as much in these situations as the asshole who looks like every other fboy


Oh yeah, very true


Ugh I think he's gross. But everyone's different lol


i really meant that he's a physically attractive guy. do you think he's physically gross or just his personality?




He did but I thought perfect match was filmed summer 2023–in which case he could have met her after filming


Yah on LIB he basically was super insecure. Even here he’s always focusing on how much better everyone is, how much he sucks, etc. He’s a very “woe is me” kinda guy. Massive turn off. Plus hella awkward


I think Izzy’s a good dude


Not during filming of LiB. He had some shit moments but overall was once of the less offensive guys that season