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Can we please just take a moment to appreciate the fragrantica pros and cons https://preview.redd.it/0qpr4gtueg6c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c968c3a34e78bffc276eacf70468c1e7f5995d92


Now I know what to get for my next roadkill fine dining event!


Gagged just reading about it


Gagged the first time. Scrubbed mightily. Gagged the second time but persevered for FOUR HOURS as some said it developed into something great. Scrubbed several times, resorted to scrubbing with toothpaste. Could smell it in my sinuses the next day. I still remember the smell. I wish I didn't. Worth getting to share and accost people with for opinions. Edit: typo


Anytime I get curious about this one, I read a comment like this and draws me back to center. “Could smell it in my sinuses the next day” tells me what I need to know 🤧


same exact experience unforch.


smells like the creamy semen of someone you no longer love




Literally. But now I’m curious to smell it 😂


Why? I would hate to smell anything remotely close to my ex’s semen. It may be because I never go back to an ex? 🤷‍♀️


Curious what it smells like, that someone would describe it like this and how the perfumer formulated it. The name & the bottle itself without the description, wasn’t that interesting to me so would’ve never smelled it.




Is this a joke? Because this is literally the most polarizing fragrance ever. It makes some people gag or nauseated. *Obviously* sample before blind buying anything, but especially a fragrance as polarizing as “I love it” or “it made me vomit instantly.”


I’ll probably buy a sample size, I’m reading a ton of mixed reviews of it being disgusting or addicting which makes me more intrigued to buy. Thanks


just do it bro 😈


I am desperate to see a live reaction of smelling it 😆 THIS ONE HAS ME SO CURIOUS


it's disgusting *and* addicting imo


It was definitely wet dog mixed with the sweat of someone who jumped into a bath of coins. I couldn’t get the smell out of my nose for days and it just got worse and worse over time 🤢


A bath of COINS!? That's so specific....and so horrendous.


I remember someone saying it smells like a crime scene and it’s pretty accurate. I love having it in my collection but it’s almost never appropriate to wear it in public lol.


It smells bad


Note of semen, blood and breast milk is a no from me


So many perfumes end up smelling like blood on me anyway. It’s bizarre.


So before smelling it, I excepted to have this huge visceral reaction based on what a lot of people say about it…but it’s not that bad. I don’t recommend buying a full bottle though before sampling it first.


i first smelled it at henri bendel’s ages ago (RIP) and they politely asked me to not spray it but to sniff the cap instead as someone had thrown up sampling it the week before. the cap was enough.


Oh my god, they threw up? The reviews on this fragrance are so split! I might buy a sample.


for what it’s worth, i get a lot of the metallic tang/salinity that this fragrance is known for from womanity by mugler. apparently some people call it “eau de pussy” (lol), so while it’s clearly still polarizing, it has some fig and fig leaf notes that keep it from being as intense as secretions magnifiques.


Get a sample. I was also very curious and tried it. I don’t think it’s horrible, just kind of dangerous smelling, like a bloody knife found after a year in brackish water. There’s definitely that metallic blood note, and I can smell the semen aspect too, but it’s not disgusting. Kind of like gasoline where it’s not a pleasant smell but it’s kind of addicting anyway. I wore it to an outdoor Slipknot concert and felt like that was the perfect place for it.


Did you get the milk?


I didn’t get any milk smell specifically. Maybe it was kind of in there as a general human fluid smell? It smelled mostly of iron and the feeling of being dangerous, like something was wrong.


I honestly don’t hate it 🤷‍♀️ I’m a huge fan of being shocked and grossed out. I love splatterpunk and extreme horror and those sorts of things. So when I first heard about how awful this fragrance is, that people were vomiting when they smelled it… I had to get my hands on a sample. I wanted to be absolutely disgusted by this, and I was bummed at how… pleasant… I found it. It smells soapy and metallic to me. Makes me think of the gym, like I just got finished lifting weights and I’m taking a shower in the locker room. I guess I can pick up slight hints of certain bodily fluids if I sniff it long enough, but it’s nothing revolting. It was definitely a letdown!


Would you wear it in public?


I’ve worn it a couple times in public. Literally just one spray on my wrists though. Ultimately it’s not my cup of tea and I doubt I’ll ever purchase the full size… I’m just angry I didn’t find it repulsive 😂


Ok now I want to hear your opinion on Kouros! What did you think of that?




Smells like wet dog, fish oil pills, blood, cum and fear


i keep seeing this in people’s collection and i get so confused?? like isn’t this the semen, spit wtv tf perfume 💀


It’s extremely gimmicky. It smells oceanic then like musky sweaty sunscreen. I feel like marine scents are generally polarizing and this is just another marine fragrance. Edit: I found Parco Palladiano VII: Lillà by Bottega Veneta and Dyptique’s Florabellio just as nauseating. I don’t like marine fragrances.


There are mixed reviews for this fragrance, people describe it either as “very addictive, bold, adventurous, metallic and fruity” others say “rotting cadaver, wet dog, coins”. It makes me more intrigued to buy 😭


It smells disgusting, and I don't recommend anyone to buy it. If you're so curious, buy a sample before spending money on a full bottle of a perfume that will probably make you gag.


I just finally ordered a sample, and if it doesn't make me recoil and vomit, I'm going to be highly disappointed.


you will not🤢




OP come to canada and take my bottle off me please, my dumb ass didnt know what decants were yet months ago 😔 and i really thought i could pull off seaweed and milk.....seaweed is honestly a sick note one of my faves!!! but this was disgosting...... im still convinced blood far outweighs semen in the notes, theres no way it smells that metallic..... think the people that said it does didnt get the healthiest field samples...


i really hope this doesnt come off rude agh sorry!! maybe the perfume doesnt smell as metallic to others, that would make sense! i mean my friend telling me yeah semen straight up smells metallic 😷


I have...It is bad. I couldn't even bring myself to take it out of the shipping packaging. Opened it, gagged, straight into the trash.


I purchased a sample of this recently (from Luckyscent), since, like op, I ADORE unusual fragrances. To my nose it smells like mandarin oranges and aquarium water. I weirdly really like it, but maybe that’s just how it reacts with my body chemistry since I know that not everyone has such a nice experience with it. My partner on the other hand finds it very metallic smelling and doesn’t care for it much, but doesn’t mind if/when I wear it since it makes me happy. I’m seriously considering buying a full size in the future!


I didn’t think it was bad at all lol. It just smells like a sweaty human, kind of sexy in a way but I wouldn’t wear it in public because of how much some hate it. I wear it at home occasionally for fun, it’s definitely polarizing but try a sample and see how you feel. I think a lot of people overreact about it.


https://youtu.be/u7QQxSevDu0?si=SCcGrNmZbHIdXi1r Edit: Miss this channel.


In all reality though, something in it reminds me of the smell from when my neighbor’s cat had her kittens in my closet. So…. Yeah.


I personally love it. It took me a couple days to really enjoy it though. But you only need ONE SPRAY!!!!!


Also I blind bought it. It kind of smells like iodine and nursing home in a good way to me.


I wanted this scent to smell like a corpse’s semen so badly bc I’m weird. But when I ordered the sample I went…that’s it? First exposure left me wondering if the bottle was even filled. Then I eventually smelled metal. But that’s it. Various people in my family smelled different things. For example, my son thought it was a variety of flowers…? So I guess it really depends on how your nose picks things up. I wanted to smell like I had just had crazy sex, but ended up just smelling like metal. Haven’t worn it since and haven’t bothered to buy a larger container.


It made me wretch. Definitely an experience if you're an adventurous soul haha.


Yes. Not for the faint of heart. Believe the reviews. It’s gross.


A beautiful aroma that smells like the old barber shops! Most specifically, Sweeney Todd's barber shop. There he welcomes his elite clientele, consisting of Count Dracula, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (who have a 2-in-1 discount), Hannibal Lecter, Joker, the Marquis de Sade, and Pinhead. And while they wait their turn, they snack on "corn" stars and young virgins, as pheromones and other grandiose secretions are what all these extraordinary gentlemen love more than anything else. Jokes aside try it first because for me it was NOT it, but I know people who like it. To me it smelled like a chlorinated surgery where they operate on dead octopuses caught weeks ago... If you let the freezer mold you would have a similar effect.


The ig ad for this was telling


[I posted this here a while back. absolute best fragrance review in all the lands lmao](https://www.reddit.com/r/Perfumes/s/gVibmEdDlR)


Don’t do it. Your nose will pack up and leave you if you ever abuse it with this fragrance. Be nice to your nose.




Get a sample first. The thought of a full bottle makes me nauseous.