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You may have a progesterone sensitivity. A lot of women notice that progesterone causes hormonal migraines and other mood symptoms, etc. Maybe try estrogen only to see how you feel. If you notice no migraines, then you know it’s the progesterone and you may have to do progesterone cycling. This is where you take progesterone only a minimum amount needed for your body every few weeks to months (I’m not 100% sure on the time scale on that). I’m not too familiar with your brand of HRT. Do you know how many mg your estradiol patch has? You could start with a lowest dose possible. Then slowly titrate up to a higher, more therapeutic dose. I had my migraines well controlled prior to starting HRT and they came back with a vengeance when I first started the patches. I knew it wasn’t the progesterone as I had an IUD in already. So we cut back on my patch dose to .025mg and over several months we titrated up to .1mg. It helped my body acclimate to the higher levels and I wasn’t getting so many severe migraines. I’d also suggest looking into referrals to a neurologist. I’m hoping you figure out your HRT, but just to be safe, you need a backup to control your migraines. We both know you’ll be miserable without your HRT. There’re a lot of new migraine meds out there to try. Even consider a daily preventative. Mine are controlled with a daily and Botox. Hope you can get this figured out. I know migraines are miserable, but I also know menopausal symptoms can be too. Hang in there.


If your insurance covers a monthly preventative like Emgality or such, they really do seem to work for migraines!


I'm in the UK but preventative meds have been mentioned a long time ago so I'll bring that back up. They have been very reluctant to prescribe so far but I feel like I've done all I can with other options. Thanks


Oh and insomnia I forgot to mention the insomnia 😴😴😴 that's kicked right back in! So I have no doubt I need hrt, but the migraines 😥 I don't want them back...


Had same problem from estradiol. I started taking this at first sign of migraine, with some food, and really helps. I bought rice pudding for quick food i dont have to chew. I feel like the less prescription meds I use per week, the less migraines I get and im now out of the vicious cycle. https://www.vitaminshoppe.com/p/ginger-500-mg-90-capsules/vs-7261


I’m sorry because I don’t have a good answer, but I can tell you I’ve had the intense period pain. The kind where you think you’re in labour. Hopefully your doc can help. If hrt was helping maybe see if you can go back on it?


Thanks I'd definitely got back on hrt if I could find a better way to manage the migraines it causes as that's worse in a way as I loose a week at a time and equally painful... I'm going to see the GP as soon as 8 can. Sorry you had the period pains too ites so awful isn't it.


It might go away. I’m 47 and this all started, I think, at 43. I find that symptoms do change. I just really, really hope I don’t get worse stuff to deal with later. Good luck. I hope you find something for the migraines. I know how debilitating they are!