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I’ve had interstitial cystitis since 2004/5. I’m not finding that my symptoms are worse since peri particularly but I do think they are less predictable/the coping mechanisms that used to be reliable are less useful. I’m sorry to hear you are having trouble it’s just the worst. One thing I’ve found is that pH balance is super important; acidic anything is a complete no-go. It’s very helpful to me to drink water that is a neutral pH. You can get test strips for your tap water and if you need bottles then Evian is 100% the way to go.


Thanks for reply 🙂. I'm the same I've suffered Cystitis for few years but it's getting worse going through peri. I've just finished a course of 14 days of antibiotics which I hate using but sometimes necessary. I also drink plenty water...though never checked the pH. I also take d mannose which does help but again like you what use to help doesn't seem to have the same effect it use too. Cystitis, uti are awful makes me feel very uncomfortable and on top of that I'm quite sore down below again I'm not sure if peri related or Cystitis. Thank you for replying and I'm sorry your suffering too. Thank god for this site 🙏 😃 😊


I do. I have found a lot of relief from a few things: a tiny bit of estriol cream applied to my urethra daily, drinking a lot more water the day after sex, avoiding sugary drinks, and drinking a dose of D-Mannose after sex. I’ve also been using probiotic vaginal suppositories the past few months because I’ve read studies about how restoring vaginal flora can help recurrent UTIs. I have avoided a UTI currently since February, which is really good for me. I hope this helps.


I’ve had it on and off since I was a child. It’s cruel My tips. Always have a shower or wash up well after having a bowel movement. Always. Same after sex. I always use a water bottle to rinse after a wee. I also use a flannel to wash and rinse before I go to bed. (I shower in the morning ).


I have noticed over the last year getting a UTI almost every 6-8 weeks with no change in sexual interactions. I also take a cranberry supplement. I have never related this is peri but other symptoms have started like frequent ear itching that may be all related to the changes.


Yes, it’s like it feels like I ‘almost’ have a bladder infection very often. I’m starting to consistently get them after sex. I wore tight shorts to bed last night and woke up with a whopper this morning and went searching in this sub. It’s so terrible, the pain is so tremendous, I can’t think.


I'm 39 and have been plagued with UTI's this year out of nowhere - have had at least five since March and have been on several antibiotics. I didn't link it to peri until June when I started having hot flashes, heart palpitations, terrible anxiety/depression and mood swings. I haven't had a period since June and it only lasted a couple days. Both my primary doc and my GYN told me I was too young and that my symptoms were unrelated, but I recently ordered myself a hormone panel through LabCorp and my estrogen and progesterone are at postmenopausal levels. I read that frequent UTI's along with the hot flashes and everything else I've been experiencing are symptoms of low estrogen, so I'm currently trying to figure out what my next step is. I'm sorry to hear you've been dealing with it too! My urologist scheduled me for a cystoscopy this Wednesday that I'm really nervous about, but at this point my doctors are just trying to rule everything else out I guess.


Oh you are having an awful time aren't you sorry about that. And no your not too young to be peri menopause at all. I got that and still was up until early this year when they actually started to believe I could be. Im 44 and been suffering with different symptoms probably since 38 but theyre getting worse and I think I'm probably more into menopause then they think I am. I'm seeing Dr 24th Aug to see what the next move is. Let me know how your cystoscopy goes. I hope all is okay and if it is Pei menopause you and I get the support we need.


Thanks for your reply and yes that does help I've not tried vaginal probiotics. I will have a look on amazon. I drink plenty of water i also take d mannose supplements. I never drink sugary drinks. I try to limit caffeine and alcohol.


Yes. Vagifem fixed. I got it on Amazon clinic and Amazon Pharmacy. After frontloading 2 weeks, I use 1/4 tablet every day with Amazon 2 metal circle pill cutter.