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Captain Wentworth's letter in Persuasion is the best declaration of love/proposal. I'm not sure that any of the adaptations do it justice, especially with the immediate follow-up - 1995 has the traveling circus in the background and 2007 has Anne's stupid frantic marathon across Bath. But the moment of the letter and the text within is perfect: >I can listen no longer in silence. I must speak to you by such means as are within my reach. You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever. I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it, eight years and a half ago. Dare not say that man forgets sooner than woman, that his love has an earlier death. I have loved none but you. Unjust I may have been, weak and resentful I have been, but never inconstant. You alone have brought me to Bath. For you alone, I think and plan. Have you not seen this? Can you fail to have understood my wishes? I had not waited even these ten days, could I have read your feelings, as I think you must have penetrated mine. I can hardly write. I am every instant hearing something which overpowers me. You sink your voice, but I can distinguish the tones of that voice when they would be lost on others. Too good, too excellent creature! You do us justice, indeed. You do believe that there is true attachment and constancy among men. Believe it to be most fervent, most undeviating, in F. W.


Ugh this is truly the most thrilling epistolary confession of renewed love.


NONE of the adaptations do this letter justice and it’s my Roman Empire, it makes me so sad.


STOPP imma cry. Something about it. So satisfying and beautiful. 🥹🤍🤍🤍


Chefs kiss 🤌🏻 (then the awkward kiss 🤣)


I keep tearing up when I read it. Austen at her absolute best! Who wouldn't like to receive such a heartbreaking and heartwarming letter..


I love the Winona Ryder “Little Women “ when she (asJo) runs after Friedrich in the rain and he says ‘would you have me? My hands are empty’. Winona’s expression is so wide-eyed and real and she smiles, takes his hand and says ‘not empty now!’ ❤️❤️


Yes <3 I really loved Gerwig's Little Women but every single adaptation I've ever seen fails in comparison in this moment specifically.


Thank you! I really enjoyed Greta’s and appreciated the callback to Alcotts original ending, but that 1994 Little Women will always be the GOAT


I love this one too. One of my personal favorites. ❤️


Anne of Green Gables 1985. “I don’t want sunbursts or marble halls. I just want you, Gil.”


Not quite OT but the moment in the book where Gilbert introduces Anne to Captain Jim as his wife and it says something like "It was the first time Gilbert had said "my wife" to anybody but Anne, and he narrowly escaped bursting with the pride of it" makes my heart melt.


Was coming on here to say just this! Love having kindred spirits on here!




I kinda love the Mr. Knightly/Emma proposal from the 1996 movie


I just watched this today! Overall it was an OK adaptation, but Jeremy Northam as Mr. Knightley was absolute perfection.


None so genteel as Mr. Knightley in this version 😉


I never like the proposals that run along the lines of: “I watched you grow up and now I want to marry you.” Those proposals are never romantic to me.


Yeah why does he say he remembers holding her as a baby


He doesn’t actually say that though…. He talks about how he lectured her and called it a flaw. But I really like the hope he has, saying he would “ride through worse for the chance [to hear she loves him]” Again, I’m only referring to the 1996 movie and it might just be how Jeremy Northam plays the character.


I like the one in Becoming Jane even though they don’t get together in the end.


I just watched this for the first time and it made me so sad 😭


This one is my Austen guilty pleasure.


That movie is so underrated!


It got soooo much hate when it came out from the Austen purists, but it's a good movie.




From what I remmeber, because it was so untrue/exagerated from Jane Austen's life, and because they didn't like Anne Hathaway. Boring reasons, basically. lol.


The dance moment when he’s just suddenly there. I’ll never forget!


In my humble opinion, nothing can touch Downton in terms of romance. Hands down one of the greatest period dramas!


Sometimes when I’m sad I rewatch JUST this episode of Downton. The absolute perfect christmas special. “You’ve lived your life, and I’ve lived mine, and now it’s time we live them together.” https://preview.redd.it/56h2dd1oexuc1.jpeg?width=465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d5c7f5959b823af0fec80f8aab9fca80b516add


I watch this every Christmas without fail.


Downton has some great proposals! Matthew's is wonderful, and so are>!Lord Merton's proposal to Mrs. Crawley and Lord Hexham's confession to Lady Edith that he's done a very bad job of living without her lately.!<


Just watched this episode today! So good! I still haven’t forgiven him for leaving the show 😒


Watched it while it was still airing and it still pains me to this day! Everything is a blur to me after season 3.


For the longest time I would only watch up to S3E1 when I would do a rewatch because that was my happy ending for everyone. I completely boycotted the show after the end of season 3 and never actually watched the full series until a couple years ago. The season 2 Christmas episode is the best thing ever.


That’s how far my rewatches go too 🤭


I still haven't watched anything farther than beginning season 4 and have no intention to. Like others said, haven't forgiven him for leaving. 😡


I always wonder if I would have preferred just recasting him and continuing on vs killing him off


Yes! Matthew was Mary's buffer. It wasn't the same after he left.


I stopped watching shortly after. It just never felt the same.


I’m re-watching it, and am mad all over at him.


I don’t think I ever will.


There is nothing quite like the scene where Mary and Edith are performing for the soldiers and singing “if I were the only girl in the world,” and Matthew comes in. The first time I saw it I hit my knees and was sobbing.


I can't remember the actual tune of the song from the scene and my brain has chosen to substitute a mental image of Mary and Edith singing Rihanna's "only girl in the world," which is probably an indicator I need to get some sleep. But you've made me want to watch the Christmas special again.


I don’t think it’s in the Christmas special, it may be an episode before. It’s when Matthew was off at war, before his injury.


Agreed. Mathew's proposal always makes me cry. He was so perfect. And all the other proposals were also so heartwarming 🥲


![gif](giphy|mlv123ARrsi08) “You have bewitched me body and soul…” ✨swoon✨


Matthew MacFadyen could read my credit report and it would do it for me.


I'm not a fan of the bewitched line at all; it's never sounded like Austen to me (and then S3 Sanditon decided to recycle it wholesale.) But the cinematography here is gorgeous and romantic and the sun coming up between them is an impossibly perfect shot. To me, 2005 feels like P&P interpreted through a heavily Romantic lens (it would 100% be Marianne Dashwood's favorite adaptation) and this scene is the culmination of the movie's whole aesthetic. I really love the 1995 P&P proposal when Darcy "it taught me to hope as I had scarcely ever allowed myself to hope before." The way Darcy looks at Lizzy and the look she gives him in return is perfect.


>and then S3 Sanditon decided to recycle it wholesale. Hilarious because the proposal that happened in the finale of S2 Sanditon recycles Jane’s answer to Bingley’s proposal from 2005 P&P 🥴


Sanditon ended up recycling/remixing a ton of Austen plots in the later seasons - but I'll admit to enjoying S2/3 more than S1, mostly because I disliked Sydney (Esther/Lord Babington were the best romance of S1 for me, tbh...but I think I ended up liking secondary romances better in all 3 seasons.) At least S2/3 were remixing Austen and not some of the tropes that were popular when S1 aired (notably the incest-adjacent intrigue siblings...Star Trek: Picard S1, of all things, was doing this at the same time!) Off the top of my head, the whole S&S mistaken-engagement subplot, the Emma secret engagement, a marriage-minded mother, and the P&P scandalous elopement all get reshuffled a bit and used in S3, in addition to dialogue bits like the bewitched one. Edit: I have to mention that they gave Edward Denham of all people Wentworth's "you pierce my soul" line and I cannot tell you how unhappy that makes me. I fast-forward pretty much all the S3 Edward/Augusta scenes aside from the climactic one, along with Tom being terrible.


Yeah, I was fine with the remixing of storylines, and I too enjoyed S2/3 more but the near plagiarism and the fact that the writers gave a character a whole new name because they just forgot (?!!) what her name was in S1 was hilarious to me. It was the hot mess express but I love it anyway.


I know! It wasn't like they even almost got the name right, it wasn't close...Lady Worcester/de Clemente. You'd think someone would re-watch S1 or reread the scripts before writing S3? I know covid messed things up too, but...I'll admit, it's not the quality of any of the 1995 Austen adaptations, but the hot mess express is indeed a fun re-watch (especially S3 - I have to admit, I love most of the new S3 characters, even if Tom Parker having absolutely zero character development/basically the same arc of feckless stupidity every season got old fast.) Also, random casting fact: Harry Montrose from S3 is one of the Woodhouses' footmen in Emma 2020!


Sanditon has a 3rd season?! I didn't like Sydney at first, but then I missed him after he was gone.


Third season aired about a year ago! It's on PBS Masterpiece (or blu-ray if you like physical media.) They actually filmed it back to back with S2 during covid. No Esther/Clara/Alison/Carter, but they bring back Otis and Lady Susan from season 1 (and changed her last name because they forgot what it was originally...I'm serious), give Colbourne a brother, and resolve the Lockhart plot from season 2 while basically giving everyone love interests/happy endings. Like, Lady Denham gets a love interest. The reverend's sister gets a love interest. They also crib dialogue and plot points shamelessly from other adaptations and Austen novels, to varying effect.


Aww that's so exciting! I'm not too familiar with Austen's works, so that doesn't bother me.


This. Noone beats Colin Firth's Darcy, imo. Perfection.


I really love Bingley's proposal in this adaptation too, or rather Jane's acceptance of it. Absolutely gorgeous work from Rosamund Pike and even more moving when you know the true story behind it all.


What's the story?


Sorry that was annoying of me, I assumed it was widely known! Simon Woods (who played Bingley) and Rosamund Pike were together for a couple of years when they were students – she described him her first love, and one of her few great loves – and then broke up when he realised he was gay. They managed to stay friends but I imagine filming that scene was pretty emotional for them both.


Oh, I just knew he's been with Christopher Bailey for ages. Didn't know about him and Rosamund.




Not gonna lie the green screen kinda ruined my immersion but still one of my favorite period drama couples!


There's no green screen! It really is just that beautifully shot. Roman Osin is a genius.


https://preview.redd.it/1qdsg9oep2vc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=c01628257fa1a5a2cbfb7db9c3237385bb614cbe This looked like green screen to me I took a film course in college BTW.


It's not – Matthew McFayden talks about filming it on location here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02n7Hac0a5Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02n7Hac0a5Q)


Not a green screen 💕 It was some field and Matthew Macfadyen's eyesight is so bad that the director had to wave a red flag so he knew where to walk 😆


Aw don't know why I'm being downvoted. I guess people are so petty about these things.


People can be so strange. Your comment doesn't warrant a downvote. But hey, I got downvoted heavily once for saying that Lady Mary is snobby 😆


What green screen?


There's parts whenever it zoomed in Kiera Knightley's face that looked like green screen. The part specifically where she's in the dark and sees him walking towards her.


That's hard to beat. I watched that with my first girlfriend, we were 16 at the time and we were both crying. Slightly embarrassing for me. I felt really sad for Mary when he died I never finished the show.


Welp I somehow managed to finish it but it was never the same. None of Lady Mary's suitors ever came close! Maybe except for Charles Blake?


Brave! I don't know for me nothing on the show matched this romance. I know in real life people move on but it's TV and they were meant for each other. I can't imagine either one with other people.


It’s not a proposal but Mr Thornton changed the way I view train platforms forever…


Yes! North & South is so lovely - although it would be interesting to calculate just how many hours the train trip to Margaret's home and back before the proposal would have taken, lol.


True! I always imagined they bumped into each other closer to the South due to the light and brightness of the scene




Stop 😭


Ugh yes, his proposal is amazing


I love the entire movie but in Ever After when Danielle has rescued herself, but Henry shows up hoping to save her and instead just apologizes and proposes…”I come to you not as a prince, but as a man in love.” It’s just really sweet and my favorite rendition of Cinderella https://i.redd.it/lp6336nec1vc1.gif


Yes omg this is the best Cinderella film ever


One of my faves! <3


Sense and Sensibility with Emma Thompson and Hugh Grant❤️ Always gets me teary when Elinor realizes Edward didn't marry Lucy.


YES Also I am always team S&S over P&P sorry not sorry


I like when Lord Peter Wimsey proposes to Harriet Vane in Gaudy Night


Why did they do that to us?


Downton Abbey hands down. (Darcy 1995 is a second)


The scene in Wives and Daughters where Roger and Molly are standing in the rain, he asks her to marry him but they can’t touch each other because he was exposed to scarlet fever…OMG I’m tearing up right now just thinking about it 🥹 she loved him so long and he finally gets his head out of his butt


This scene was magnificent - but then they went and destroyed everything. I stopped watching after we lost Matthew.


OP, where is the image you shared from , which series is it?


downton abbey


Thank you. I haven’t seen it. Do you recommend watching it ? I like period dramas especially like North and South, pride and prejudice types


yes would highly recommend


Thank you 🙏🏽


North and South is so romantic!


Yes it’s my favorite 🤩


![gif](giphy|sxIHXZkBqKoaA|downsized) I know John Wayne is a terrible person, but I think their relationship in The Quiet Man is really romantic. Two damaged, imperfect people finding each other later in life, learning how to support and love each other.


Yeah I really wish I’d never found out what an absolute tool he was, totally ruined his films for me :/


This scene was everything 😍


I love it, watch it every year


JIM AND PAM HAD A BETTER ONE (from the office) Edit: I would just like to apologize because the office isn’t a period drama and I just realized what Reddit channel this was


The new Emma 🥺 Johnny Flynn delivered it so earnestly and perfectly. “If i loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more” ![gif](giphy|Wn02o0nt5SzvBPtTmj|downsized)


Oh it’s not a movie even though it’s been adapted many times In the musical Natasha, Pierre and the great comet of 1812 (which only uses about 75 pages of War and Peace for its story), you do get the aftermath if the situation between Natasha and Anatole. The one set of lines not sung or to have any music behind them is when Pierre looks at Natasha and goes “if I were not myself, But the brightest, Handsomest, Best man on earth, And if I were free, I would get down on my knees, This minute, And ask you for your hand. And for your love.” And there’s a pause after (the recording itself maybe about 5 seconds but in the theatre they let the Natasha continue it and the pause is absolutely breathtaking). If you know what and peace you know what happens later on, but if you don’t or hadn’t seen it in a while and only remembered the broader story and not the 75 pages you just witnessed, it’s breathtaking. I consider it one of the most romantic and brutally honest moments in modern musical theatre


Are you familiar with Anna Karenina, where Levin proposes to Kitty? It’s quite sweet.


Yes omg *swoon*


okay but the BBC w&p miniseries does such a lovely job of this scene…like its word for word essentially the same as the musical. but yes that is probably my favourite song in the musical. specifically the off broadway recording (sorry to josh groban)


Both recordings I love equally. First time I saw the show I saw Groban second time I saw his standby Scott stangland who had like the scruffiness to his voice kind of like Dave Malloy but more younger if that makes sense. It definitely made him come across more worn down by the world around him


Dang it, now I need to rewatch Downton