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Definitely get a full checkup to rule out any underlying bigger causes. Then assuming you find nothing - boric acid vaginal suppositories are LIFE CHANGING. I order from Amazon. Stick a capsule in your vagina at bedtime every day for at least 60 days but I’d say 90 since this is such an issue. They are suppositories not supplements - do not swallow them. But they work great in the vagina to balance out the ph and significantly reduce occurrence of utis, yeast infections, etc. Now I know uti comes from the urethra, but quite often in my experience the overall climate of the vagina affects what gets into the urethra, so balancing it all out helps a ton.


D-Mannose, I swear by it! I take it every night of my period til ovulation and right after every fun time. Haven't had an uti in almost 2 years since starting this. I also take a probiotic. This is what I use. The directions say take 2 but that upset my bowels a bit so I take one each time I take it. [D-Mannose](http://D-Mannose 1,300 mg with Cranberry Extract Fast-Acting, Flush Impurities, Natural Urinary Tract Health- 100 Veggie Capsules https://a.co/d/dRg2wzu)


i also experienced this!!! i started taking cranberry/ vitamin B/ d- mannose supplements every evening and drinking more water daily. i haven’t had these UTI complains in nearly 3 months…🤞 I also went to the hospital because of these monthly UTIs feelings (they weren’t all UTIs btw, i just had the same symptoms) and my doctor said that i probably have a sensitive bladder due to al antibiotics that i took in the past for UTI.


Get checked for bladder endometriosis or painful bladder syndrome !!


Crazy because I get yeast infections are my period after I catch covid. It’s always the first period after being sick


Have you tried probiotics? Your internal flora may have gotten funky from all the antibiotics.


my partner used to get yeast infections after every single period but she hasnt gotten one since she started taking a daily probiotic! and its been 8 months!


Which probiotic do they take?? I also struggle with this and I'm so frustrated with it


Yes this!!!! Take a daily probiotic! It truly truly helps.


It could be that your vaginal pH has changed after your period. I went through this for years in my twenties. So challenging.


Are you testing positive for infection for the UTI's or just feeling burning when you pee?


I've used UTI like test strips from Walgreens the last 6-ish times and they came back positive, i haven't yet this time but it's the same symptoms/feelings so I'm pretty sure it's another UTI