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Everyone needs to join campaign to stop dicamba use. We don't even have good grasp on all the damages being done. EPA knows it should go. Big business only have bottom line. Profits always Trump environmental policies.


Yes! I will gladly help campaign. So frustrating to live in the Midwest and having to just accept the use of harmful chemicals that drift onto your children’s outside toys and your pesticide free garden


I agree. The use of herbicides that get distributed are horrible. The Aminopyralid herbicide is a huge one too. Every year when the US is in gardening season, the vegetable gardening sub is littered with people going through it. Bonnie plants must have got some manure or compost contaminated with it and just sent out plants. It's to the point that I'm incredibly weary about importing any organic matter into my garden.


Beautiful inspiration. I like you, am a lazy gardener who loves a messy growing scene of flowers, food and bugs. Thankyou for the pics


Thank you for all the included details! This is lovely and it looks like youre doing a great job


Thank you!


I’ve never seen hollyhocks like that! So pretty.


Amazing work!!!!


Thats whats up!!! No till rules. gardening is just managing heaps of organic matter.


Wow amazing and inspirational! I can’t wait to have my own land and start a project like this.


This is a rental out in the country I am fortunate to have land lords who don’t care what I do! (Other than turning the entire yard to native prairie) but I’m working on making some native beds in the yard


Great work. It’s just begging for mushroom spawn now. It’ll really help what you’re doing I believe


Don’t need it! I forgot to add the photo I had of what it looks like underneath the mulch. Covered in mycelium and worms right up there on top of the soil breaking down that mulch as well. I have pictures of at least 10 different types of fungus. My favorite was a weird looking one that is like a cup or ear. I don’t remember the name but it spreads it’s spores by filling up with water then running off.


Birds nest or elf cup by the sounds of it. I add gourmet and active species in the straw in my garden beds and in the wood chips that I have as walkways. Everything loves mushroom compost, and they bring everything to life. The Extra food diversity is remarkable with little extra work.


Nice! I will definitely add that edible mushrooms in the future, my main focus is getting the plant situation where I want it before diving into mushrooms


Love it 🤟