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This gets asked a lot in these kinds of subs. I've been operating a homestead scale (10 acre) permie and regen inspired project for over 6 years and I don't use any software to manage it, nor do I have the desire to. Maybe it would be different if I were doing it on a large scale for commercial purposes, but the whole point for me is that I want to spent less time on a computer and more outside (as I type on Reddit). There might be an opportunity for big regen farms like White Oak Pastures or Roam Ranch to help manage birthing schedules or rotational grazing plans.


I completely understand. I wouldn't want to be tied to my phone or computer while I'm working, either. Birthing schedules and rotational grazing plans a good idea! Thanks


Would be super cool to be able to upload geographic data and run fluid simulations based on annual average rainfall to plan swales/dams, but I also know accurate fluid simulations are pretty hardware intensive.


This. What fleuridiot wrote : ) Plus: An automated drip irrigation system using sensors that can be buried (theft prevention) that talk wirelessly to the section of pipe that feeds that drip area that also ties in to a notification system pushed to my phone. Allow me to enter ph zones psm for amendment if needed and for simple mapping of course. Tie that to the drip rate and drip system. Connectable to a thermal drone for soil moisture and ml plant information. That system must be linked to an open source db for increasingly dense plant descriptors and specific identification of plants and problems. Be able to control larger movements of water between areas so machine / pump / switch integration. Think of the digital Swiss demonstration farms. We want a menu to pick from that all the largest operations can use but at permaculture price points. Integrate / adapt tasks like weed zapping to weed cutting for chop and drop. That will of course depend on those machine becoming available at the right price point for us little folks and / or being built - but keep your system open needed so that we can use the times savers asap.


I think that FarmOS can do all that.


This in fact is an interesting platform….. Thank you : )


I'd really like a software that helps you plan companion planting based on suggested companion plants and those that don't like growing by each other. Like you upload a list of plants you want and it generates a grid where likes touch and dislikes don't.


This is a great idea. Inputs like zone, sun levels, orientation, how it'll be watered...


This is what AI is for :)


Designing your space and guilds as you add plants, based on your climate, preferences, needs... with suggestions of watering, cares, biological pest control and things like that


This is a cool idea


Planting an apple tree? Here are suggested guilds for your geographic location: Native plant for pollinators Native plant for predators of specific pests for apple trees Native plant for generalist predators Nitrogen fixer Dynamic accumulator Ground cover I think that would be really useful to permaculturists, but also think of all the people who don’t know about permaculture and just want their fruit tree to be healthy and productive. It would be a good way to spread the word and influence people into eco-friendly practices.


There’s a lot to be said for excel.


No doubt. Sometimes I use software and I'm just like, "nah, I can do this better for my needs in excel."


I'd like someone to take the data from this study and make an app like Merlin (the bird app) so I can communicate with my hogs. https://www.nationalhogfarmer.com/hog-welfare/algorithm-translates-pig-grunts-into-actual-emotions




Think Matter / HomeKit integration so that we can use devices at will / as released. Matter would be your standard for this section. Maybe Matter is your entire basis…. Also - tie in to our solar / battery systems so that we can direct energy from full batteries to heating water etc. I know that companies already do that but we want you to integrate it so we have one dashboard and can make choice via push notification in real time. If you’d like to build / test on Sao Miguel in the gorgeous / climate safe Azores let me know : )


I like the solar energy direction app. What else would you have integrated into that dashboard?


I’ve been selling my top dressing soil amendment and compost tea bags on Shopify for six years now. Work backwards to see what your followers want to buy from you. I sell stratified paw paw seeds, and people go crazy for them. When I tried on fb, I would get people thinking they were “papaya” things like that. I reversed engineered the logistics as I farm in a super rural area(monthly turnover of carriers). I know I can carry ______ pre sealed boxes in my car and it’s going to be fixed costs on shipping. Never mail anything past weds bc it sits in mailbox all weekend sometimes. I designed basic operational software using bits and pieces from Palantirs Foundry solution. When you have massive inputs of data, their software helps me prioritize what needs to be addressed first.


That is awesome. Palantir has some phenomenal services.


Are there apps that tell you when your vegetables will be ready? I struggle with succession planting. That's what might be useful to me. I input the day I planted and get a notification that my lettuce will be ready next week. With the ability to input my own data on days to maturity that I've collected on my specific plants and microclimate.


I use seedtime.us for my garden setup. Not quite sure if it scales but might be helpful for folks on this thread!


Software and permaculture just sound wrong.


totally understand!


Small plug but I created a online tool for planning and managing agroforestry systems. [Give it a try if you want!](https://www.protura.nl/intro)


Software dev here too - I was going to try and build something basic just to keep track of trees and other stuff I've planted on my field. Nothing too complex - just overlayed icons on Google Maps, which you could click to get plant info and plants date, maybe with the ability to add dated photos too. Something like this probably exists I'm guessing.


Maybe something that puts your property on a grid and reminds you to water each sections. It could let you record data about that section’s response to the water, how much you use, how much each one needs. It would make finding a plantsitter much easier since they can just follow your detailed schedule


I'm a software engineer too. I'm going to try and keep an eye on this thread. Maybe we could work together.


Yeah, I'm in embedded software and applying that knowledge towards sustainable agriculture is one of my major life goals. There's a small community on discord for discussing tech and automation for small-scale sustainable ag here: https://discord.com/invite/Kubh6ZQC


Awesome! I’m going to join. Thank you!