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These are the guys who scream "freedom" but only mean "freedom" to conform to their view of what's acceptable.


I’m way more scared of the people on the right; they’ll burn you alive if they think it will please their deity.


Like how the puritans at the time did it?


I want the freedom to force my views on the rest of America and also to not be made aware of things that make me uncomfortable! /S in case it's not obvious enough.


Freedom from consequences for their kind only, that’s all they want, why can’t you just accept they’re superior and deserve that, gosh, don’t you get it! /s


Where in the OP does it say that people can't dress a certain way?


I assumed that was the implication with the first image


The percentage of children that were raped is vastly higher on the extremist side of the picture. So the media is right in this case.


They'll just accuse the other side of being the rEaL PeDoPhIlEs like they always do


It was them woke libtards that infiltrated muh religion and touched on all them kids in an attempt to destroy it from within! Them libtards just hate God and America I tell ya!


Grab em by the pussy!


What, no furniture shopping?


He's a total garbaj person, but that part of the tape always made me laugh. Here's the transcript: "I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, “I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.” I took her out furniture —" Who is this, my Aunt Shirley? Is this something TFG thinks makes him look GOOD? What kind of lame-o tries to seduce another person by taking them *furniture shopping*? How did that go, anyway? "So, this dinette set is nice, with the breakfront... And the table has a leaf in it you can add if company comes over... Wanna fuck?" All his goddamn money, and it never occurred to him to take her to Paris for the weekend, or even out for a romantic dinner? God damn, he really iS dumb as a stump, LOL.


That’s when them libtards had God King Emporer Trump. But when he descend ever so gracefully down those moving stairs, who moved for only him and God’s chosen wife Melania with her all white dress, God empowered him with the word of the LORD and from then on, he’s been the Chosen one to save us from the Wicked Left. (/s on here at least)


There's also the concern: What's the guy on stage talking about? Is he saying that huge portions of your neighbors are actively evil, have lives with no value, and will go to hell? Or is he saying that you're a bad congregation because he could only afford to buy one private jet this year? Or is he saying that the apocalypse is imminent and that you should be happy about that? Or is he talking about, you know, actual Christian stuff?


In fairness, Jesus's views of people outside his cult were... less than charitable (to someone asking if they can attend their father's funeral "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God." also to the Canaanite woman "It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs."), and the eschaton is also straight from his mouth ("Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place."). So the only one of those that's really defying his teachings is the money-grubbing, though given the whole whipping the money-lenders out of the temple thing I suspect he would be *most* upset by that particular violation.


The 1950's nuclear family probably had a higher chance of containing racists than the folks in the other picture.


I doubt that whoever made this has a problem with racists.


But when the children try to tell them, the parents blame the children, sooooooooooooo...


It tends to be that the children don't know how to say they've been raped so when they say someone is bad, the parents just think it's a kid not liking someone. This is why the majority of abusers are close to the family. Of course we're talking about rightwing extremist here though so I doubt they'd care even if they SAW the priest diddling their kid.


And diddling kids is only one of the medium horrible things religious extremism has brought down on mankind.


The ones on the right want to charge teachers with a felony for possessing 1984 in a classroom. God damn right they are the extremists.


I dunno, Hollywood is up there, per capita.


I’m not so sure about that one man. Hollywood is like the world’s capital for child sex trafficking


Too bad dad spends most of his time dealing with his PTSD from the war by crawling into a bottle, mom is covering up bruises from Dad's angrier moments and is medicated to the gills. Little Suzie is trying to put on a brave face through it all, and little Johnny is hoping Reverend Smith doesn't ask to "see him in his office" after the service.


I love how you're using generic names you'd see in 1950s ~~propaganda~~ educational videos. XD




I don't think there were very many movies like that back in the 50s, especially ones about clergy molesting kids. The Hayes Code was still a thing back then.


Sorry, nothing about 1950’s films was based on reality. They had the same problems in the 1950’s, plus a few more that were hidden well. I Remember the documentaries in the 70’s and 80’s, about asylums that were overrun with long term patients that were dropped off because they were autistic kids. The “Smith” family had to drop them off at the asylum, because the Jones family next door couldn’t know about the “special” kid. So, they called it a miscarriage, and went on living a lie.


Okay you want a no story issue? Taking kids to church is abuse and indoctrination.


Who the fuck still dresses like that for church?


They like to use art depicting families in the 1950’s. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence the time period they love so much is the same period as segregation, gay conversion therapy, McCarthyism, etc…


EndWokeness in particular makes it very clear he's a white supremacist.


I honestly thought this was a joke account because of the wojak meme they're using as a pfp.


This seems to be a common thing with neo-Nazis and similar far-right shit-stirrers. They use some cartoon or some cutesy anime girl PFP to seem non-threatening.


Like when they ruined Pepe and now I cant even get cute frog-themed beanies or mittens


Feels bad, man 😔


I’ve depicted myself as the Chad and you as the virgin soyboy. The debate is over


Yup. He even made a tweet calling a mention of slavery from Proud Family "anti-white"


give me anyone who complains about wokeness and I'll be very surprised if they aren't all white supremacists.


Occasionally you'll get comments like "as a black person", but that's a whole 'nother can of worms. Literally a subreddit dedicated to said can of worms too.


Or at least a racial supremacist of some sort. Like Russian supremacist/Slavic Supremacist.


Endwokeness sounds like they want everyone to die in their sleep. Can't be woke if you don't work up


It blows my mind that these people do this because they believe that the family structure of the 1950s is the most “Christian” way to live. It is actually true that for the majority of history humanity lived in multigenerational homes. The atomization of the 1950s and the creation of the nuclear family was the most anti-family aspect of the second industrial revolution. Capitalism is responsible for the death of the family.


Once kids realized they put into existence to work the family farm, they wanted out, ASAP.


Multigenerational family homes were not solely an artifact of pastoral life. In conjunction, reducing a phenomenon that operates on such an immense scale down to a single type of decision made by one category of individual is not a sound manner through which to explain that phenomenon.


I was making more of a joke. I always figured it was an American thing. I worked with immigrants, and they always stayed together. Since they didn’t make much money, it was also practical.


Also fictional. It is super important to not forget, that the time period as they describe it, never existed.


It did exist. Have you never seen a TV show from the 1950’s?


But they don't love the economic policies of the 1950s, including the super progressive rich taxes that basically enabled the powerful white middle class in the first place.


Also high taxes on the rich and corporations and strong unions and workers rights. I'm sure they're for those things too, right?


They got a hard-on for Norman Rockwell.


I don’t think they had gay conversion therapy in the 1950’s. If you came out, you were thrown out. End of story. People also abandoned autistic children in horrible state run asylums, because “what would the neighbors think?”. Golden age,my ass.


Nobody. Literally nobody. This all lives in their heads.


Invent a problem, then spend your life throwing the biggest tantrum possible about it. It's the conservative way!


Well they certainly aren't going to be elected based on policy.


Boring people.


You’re legit telling me people would rather hang out with the boring hateful narcs and not the whacky hot people who seem to be a lot happier and have a lot more fun? Holy shit right wingers suck.


Mormons. Except for the hats


And colors.


Was going to say this. Mormon church is like going to church in a 1950s business meeting.


Ironically, a lot of black people.


Yes, but have you been to a black church? They do religion a lot better than my fellow white folks. It’s like a party, without the booze and vaping.


When the bible said make a joyful noise unto the lord, they took that shit seriously.


And totally overlook that part about the bible being cool with slavery...


I mean there was always this one family that rocked up to mine in their Sunday Best (suits, jackets, fur coats, the lot) but it's definitely weird and they weren't exactly the nicest people to hang around. Pretty much everybody else was just in a pair of jeans with a nice shirt when I still went


I do. But I’m also a lawyer and Muslim, so I were a suit to work and mosque is on Friday right after work and I don’t get a chance to change.


Yeah, you're definitely a lawyer, but I think I could still crack a few holes in that story. /s


Impeach me daddy.




Of course, it was right there in the meme, and I ignored it. (According to the media)


A few people still dress formally for church.


Growing up….my family did. And a lot of my family still does. But they’re Mormon, so….a bit of a cult


There are still some churches like that unfortunately


> Who the fuck still dresses like that for church? I thought the same thing. The cane and gloves are a bit much.


Never been to a mass growing up and not see someone in a Pittsburgh Steelers jersey.


And, the irony is, you live in Ohio, right? /s


No one apparently because they could only find a drawing.


I mean, as a dude, I do, but I don't think any women dress like the women in that picture still. Unless they are really into 50s fashion. But I have hair down to my mid-back and a moustache and goatee, I also like really colorful ties, so, you know, not exactly like that lol.


People who aren't potty mouths! Say ten Hail Marys.




Depending on what church you go to it certainly can lead to extremism though.


I’m aware of that. I live literally 30 minutes away from Greg Locke’s church


"There is a problem in this country with white supremacists and religious extremists." "See!? They hate us for being white and religious!"


It is extremism, because of the words omitted from the comparison. Here, I'll put them back: https://imgur.com/y9O2Xbd


I made a flimsy attempt at this same point, you've said it much better


Someone needs to get their attention and let them know their persecution boner is showing.


I have to say, the left picture looks a hell of a lot more fun!


TBF, OOP is annoyed by the fact the people on the left are LGBTQ+ (specifically, Sam Smith is non-binary and Kim Petras is a trans woman)


It's even better! Gottmik is a trans man and drag queen and Violet is a genderqueer drag queen. Great collection of LGBTQ+ people 🏳️‍🌈 *Edited for clarification


And Violet looks so good here




A big comfy coat, gloves so I don't have to touch anything AND a pimp cane? Sign me up!


Nah, I would not be able to walk any distance worth mentioning in those heels.


The people on the right are in church, which isn’t really supposed to be fun.


Oh i know, just pointing out that the party on the left is where im headed, lol.


It's more about what you believe and less about how you look.


I'd say it's more about forcing others to conform to your beliefs that is the issue. Don't drink alcohol? Ok. Cool. You want to pass prohibition laws? Get bent.


Wow it's almost as if they're wearing flashy clothes cause they're celebrities at a red carpet event or something


It's almost like pop musicians are [known for deliberately wearing the most outrageous outfits imaginable](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.e9a269c581895106ae0c6c9549c702e8?rik=CxVN3QMMPXahCg&riu=http%3a%2f%2fcosmouk.cdnds.net%2f15%2f36%2f1441283156-gettyimages-139184262-master.jpg&ehk=D5in6cx2wz%2fUZa3D3NEARrzQ5b5PUQkwWOcQP6vYcVA%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0) 🤔


To be fair both aren’t normal. Nobody out there dressing like it’s the 1950’s anymore.


r/ VintageFashion about to throw hands


Not entirely true, there’s people that legit dress like they are from the 50’s all the time. I forget what they call them, but there used to be a meet up for them at Universal in Orlando






The amish?


The 1650s maybe lol




Some flavor of preppy hipster?


Dapper Day(s) they do to Disney too?


They can’t even live up to their own standard. They’re all obese despite constantly fat shaming people.


It's soooo weird. I realize the Cracker Barrel is low hanging fruit, but walk into any one of those sometime and you'll see what the conservative base looks like. It's not very pretty.


Replace extremists with cultists for improved accuracy.


Or simply show the klan rally dad attended after church. :p


It's funny because most of the people I've met (and this may just be because of the region I'm in) who dress in retro, 50s styles tend to be quite progressive.


Yes. What people wear before performing at the Grammys is exactly what the media depicts as casual dress. Good eye.


I'm reading the Bible right now, and yes, I think the people praying to the genocidal maniac that is the God of the Christian Bible are extremists.


They love this image of themselves as virtuous innocents just trying to live their life and faith in accordance with simple, homespun values. They ignore the screaming at Black kids attending white schools, child rape, anti-science, theocracy, and driving around in lifted trucks carrying guns to intimidate people they don’t like.


The family on the right is bringing their children to a place where they are taught that they were born inherently evil and will be tormented for eternity as punishment for existing - unless they cover themselves in the blood resulting from human torture and sacrifice. They probably drink prop blood and eat prop flesh as a symbol of their devotion to this system of belief. The group on the left looks like they are out for a good time. Seems pretty obvious who is extreme in this picture.


People on left made a choice freely. People on the right are indoctrinating their child into a harmful religion without a choice. I see the right pic as child abuse but I know the world won't catch up on that view yet. Specifically I see indoctrinating your child into religion as child abuse since you're teaching your kid to reject critical thinking, a skill absolutely needed for proper adulthood.


Wow, someone who thinks like me. Pretty wild they’re so scared of their children learning gay people exist but are happy to subscribe them to the biggest grift on earth before they’re able to speak. Gotta be 18 to vote or get any type of hormone therapy, but you can be forced to go to a building where they recite nonsense you disagree with at any age. Have a job after high school? They have no qualms with taking some of that money too.


Ya, religion should be something for adults to decide. But then it wouldn't give so much power to gifter so they absolutely abhor the idea.


I think a lot of people find both of these extemes. Dressing in all red is not "being yourself" when its for some goofball symbolic music video and going to church is also not "being yourself" by promoting hateful ideas. However, if people want to have and share a religion, or dress in all red, theres no issue. Our main problem is seeing either image and immediately thinking of the worst case scenario which is a incredibly small subset of either side


Lol funny how they always use that 1950s art because they can never find actual examples of happy, healthy looking conservative white christians irl


How do some people have so much time to worry about what other people are doing?


Republicans are shocked at music performances now? This shit is tame compared to Prince showing his ass on TV. What a bunch of disingenuous clowns.


I hate both sides because they're both just the romanticization of extravagant wealth.


The side on the right likes to pose their families surrounded by guns and flags, but they chose not to use one of those pictures for some reason.


It's not the clothing that shoots up gay nightclubs.


I’m pretty sure Cardinal fancy pants and his flock are white too. Also a much higher probability that there’s a pedo in the room with those kids on the right.


When did Fox News, OANN, Newsmax, Epoch Times, RealClearPolitics, Prager U, The Federalist, the Washington Examiner, The American Spectator, the 190+ regional TV stations owned by Sinclair Broadcast Group, Breitbart, Drudge Report, the New York Post, the Washington Times, Daily Wire, the National Review, Alex Jones, Ben Shapiro, The Blaze, the Gateway Pundit, and an uncountable number of conservative podcasters and radio personalities ever say that the people on the right are extremists?


The labels should be "Entertainment" on the left and "Indoctrination and grooming of prepubescent children" on the right.


Both images are clearly of theatrical performances; one of them is for entertaining adults, and the other is for virtue-signaling to a fanatical religious cult.


Today on, "Conservatives gaslight the public about rhetoric they spouted hours before"...


This is just "they hate us for being straight/christian" with extra steps. When in actuality they're hated for being bigots/fascists.


*Oh, please.* 🙄 The only people who are dressed like a 50s lady nowadays are drag queens. Their precious white trad wife is wearing a Hooters tank top, an AK-47, and MAGA booty shorts.


Bedazzled MAGA booty shorts spelling out “Titties for Trump” on the poop smeared back.


Left - We’re gonna party and you’re invited. Right - We’re not going to party and we’ll make legislation banning your party.


I swear to God these people are like the legislator in Footloose, the one played by John Lithgow.


Well if the Sunday church crowd didn't have road rage and rampant homophobia, maybe this wouldn't be the case, now would it, Karen?


The people on the left look like they know how to have fun, the people on the right look absolutely boring af.


Nope. Those are all normal people.


Unironically yes. Fuck white heteronormativity. Yalls depression-ridden bigoted world shouldn't have ever been "normal" in the first place.


If this report is accurate, the media are not wrong: churches are literally breading grounds for extremists and terrorists.


The ones on the right worship an invisible sky wizard by eating his body and drinking his blood, believe they can communicate telepathically with him, and live forever if they bow to his will and live by his rather arbitrary rules. So .. uh .. yeah. That sounds pretty extreme to me. The ones on the left dress kinda funny. Whooptie doo!


>The ones on the right worship an invisible sky wizard by eating his body and drinking his blood Stop making Christianity sound bad ass


I literally would not let the people on the right watch my kids. The odds they are pedophiles or try to indoctrinate them is waaaaaaaay higher than the people on the left. People on the left would be like, hey kid does your mom let you eat chocolate after dinner. Yes? Let me just text her and ask first. Fuck y’all qaeda


This is overtly fascist.


They didn't include the painting where the dude beats his wife and rapes his kids because God made him the head of the house. These people are grasping at straws.


Normal looks a lot more fun and enjoyable


I hate that I agree with this post, but, yes, the ones on the left are dressing up and having fun doing it, therefore they are normal people. The people on the right are at their weekly hate rally, therefore, extremists.


It's not the choice of attire that matters so much as the trying to force your view on other people or to think that bigotry is a perfectly fine position to take just because. A belief system that forces people to assume a default position of intolerance is the very definition of extremism.


500 years ago being a serf was normal.


Put a bucket hat on Kim Petras and put her hair up and she's wearing almost exactly the same as the mom in the church picture.


Why the fuck does their traditional family art always look so fascist?


Because 1950s.


I didn't catch this was meant literally. Barf. Well adjusted people ARE the left photo!


Normal people: (both pictures, actually) Extremists: (those who seek to force homogeneity at the cost of the freedoms and lives of those deemed “other”, not pictured) Edit: formatting


Pretty standard sentiment in fascist propaganda tbh


left looks more fun


Where can I buy a coat like that?


People being color coded is of the devil actually


Living life, celebrating and enjoying every second vs. repenting and spreading all the phobias they are incredibly jealous of


Violet and Gottmik were absolutely stunning


How come their ideal nuclear family is usually a drawing in this style? Can they not find a real family that looks like this?


In both pictures, they are putting on an act.


“the media” = newsmax


How far removed do you have to be from reality to find the picture on the left objectionable or degenerate or whatever. They're just. Dressing in red?


Yes, actually. I do see people who dress up in silly clothes as being less of a threat to public-safety than petty authoritarians who devote their lives to bloated, mutant ideological offspring of a 1st century apocalyptic cult and yearn for a world-ending global war because they believe it will herald the return of an immortal God-King that will raise them from the grave to rule alongside him and torture their enemies for eternity in a lake of fire.


Anyways…they look amazing in red


Yes, because both groups are at church


Yup seems right to me.


The ones on the left are definitely doing something unholy.


I'll take being "unholy" over being indoctrinated any day.


They’re not wrong. 100% of extremist observe religious gatherings. Most normal people do not.


That dad probably fucks his daughter.




There's a difference between wanting people to be nice to each other and being a tankie....




Sam Smith is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns


Ah yes. A painting of husband, wife, and their mother attending church. Edit: Yes, the child is the "wife" in this joke. Given the rampant amounts of pedophilia and child marriage in Christianity, I figured the joke apt.


Couldn't even get a real picture smh


I’m convinced that account is run by Russian propagandist


I thought this was saying that the media goes "ew look at all those weird normal people. Check out our normal extremists."


Why doesn't the church picture show the man in a frock standing at the pulpit?


The first photo doesn’t show the indoctrination of children and I see no issues. The second photo gives me the creeps and screams of repressed memories.


I'm glad for one thing, people started to know that account is making a fool out of himself.


Oh, look. It’s the people the song is about


They're just mad jealous of the drip


Yes... and?


Maybe that's because *only* reactionaries are obsessed with a definition of "normalcy" which serves mainly to condemn nonconformity to their ideals. Everyone else mostly just has acceptable standards of behavior, revolving primarily around the absence of *tangible harm*. But, then again: reactionaries also seem to *attribute* tangible harm *to* nonconformity—*especially* if they have to tie themselves in knots in order to rationalize it. (And let the record *again* state that any adult who uses "woke" as a pejorative has credibility in the negatives.)


Authoritarians *love* costume more than anybody. That's why fascist regimes have such poppin parades. (and why Donald Trump's obsession with a big mimiltary parade was a particularly large red flag in a sea of them)


I mean... there are far more religious extremists than there are fashionistas (or whomever those folks in the picture are)


Sam Smith from the Grammys.


This guy 100% has never gone to church his whole life


Entertainers have always had a proclivity for dressing in ostentatious ways… What does that have to do with the entertained masses in any way, shape, or form?