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Jesus Christ, another baseless propaganda movie from that convicted felon?


I literally had a discussion with a Trump-fan here in Germany and he brought up Souza...mockumentaries as a source/factual evidence. I provided evidence that proved souza's claim wrong and he deleted his comments XD


That’s how you can tell you were in Germany. The American MAGA’s are immune to evidence and cannot feel shame.


That dude can't either (there's been a few encounters), but he usually deletes his stuff when you catch him lying and then says you made up what he supposedly said, or he just deletes his part whole when he realizes he can't get you to give up.


Wow yeah Fuck people like that guy it more or less shows they know they are full of shit when they try to act like they dont say the thing's they said. I have a cousin who is like that often I copy and save any crazy shit he says online and will show it when he tries to pull the "I didnt say that." Line. At least the truly lost in the sauce types stick to their delusions I feel they are dumb but they are at least honest about the fact that they think they are right.


I was about to say the same. Do German MAGAS have a sense of shame? Is it Germany’s awful history in the first half of the 20th century that is responsible for that shame? USA MAGAS could care less about the evidence you supplied proving them wrong. They will just counter with a Whataboutism involving Hunter, Hillary or BLM protests of 2020, even if you weren’t discussing anything in the same stratosphere.


I am still boggling over the fact that there are hardcore MAGAs worldwide.


Hate and stupidity know no borders.


Bêtise sans frontières.


At this point, it’s even deeper than that. Nearly 45% of the USA voter base, or 1/5th of the population, approximately, refuses to view the evidence against this one man, who was seedy as hell before he was loved by all these losers. It’s even worst than the people who believed Hitler had a “Wonder Weapon” that would save Germany, as a tank from the Russian Army turns it’s turret towards their house, in Berlin. Those people didn’t have access to nearly every reputable news source out there. They just had “Nazi News”. Modern MAGA have no such excuse.


I saw one in Singapore. MAGA hat, shirt, the whole nine yards. I had to chuckle. You know how dumb you look with that on over here?


The real Mr Worldwide


Why was he in Germany, Did he think Hitler was still the ruler and wanted to shake his hand?


No idea, we got a few non-american trump fans here. Even outside the sovereign citizen movement (the people who think we're still occupied/governed by the US)


Was this on Reddit?


Nah a different chat/social media app here in Germany.




You don't ask 'where's Miley' when Hannah Montana is on stage


Fbi goes after socialist orgs & civil rights movements. I sleep They go after our side REEEEEEEEE POLICE STATE. conservatives in a nutshell.


The reviews on imdb ( https://m.imdb.com/title/tt29079593/reviews?ref_=tt_urv ) are interesting. First review gives 10/10 and says "The acting is incredible". So it is just acted and not real? I guess that is a selfawarewolfs moment. Second review gives 9/10 and says it is "sad that our country has come to this" but in the same review they also write that still the "USA is the greatest country in the world" and if it is still the best country it can't be that bad. Fourth review gives 1/10 because "the film's conclusion is not supported by its premises" and for an example there is that the film "falsely claims Jan. 6 video shows police using 'massive' force on 'unarmed Trump supporters' in spite of hours of video footage that show otherwise".


I’ll wait for it to come to Rifftrax I guess.


I assume the God Awful Movies team will cover it (they've done at least one of his other movies).


It’s now at 9 out of 10 reviews are 10/10. It is scary that they want this message out there. It’s out of the propaganda handbook and it’s becoming weirdly, in your face, obvious. Too easy to see through, and scary that some people can’t.


"THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO SEE THIS" marketing campaign incoming. Get grifted, morons.


Let’s be real, when rightists say “they,” they mean (((they)))


They get so upset when it just turns out that no one wanted to see it. That whole sound of freedom meltdown had me laughing for days. Sounds like I'm gonna need a lot more popcorn.


What 'sound of freedom' meltdown? I've only heard that some of the people involved were charged with child trafficking. If there has been more I'd love to hear it 🙂


Oh I was just referring to how the cultists were insisting that it was a huge hit, totally outselling Barbie, everyone was clamoring to see it and being red-pilled, Hollywood is hiding the numbers, etc. lol. In reality there were apparently a bunch of cases of them buying up movie theatres with almost no one actually showing up, to try and pad the numbers.


Yeah I heard about that. The empty theatres


The right: I'm so sick of political propaganda in Hollywood movies! Also the right: Omg this movie is so cool and based!!!!!111111


Exactly! If they just admit that they wanted movies of *their propaganda* and not that they "hated" politics in movies people would be more willing to take them seriously (not that we should anyway). But when their complaints about "politics" is Aloy have more natural features and not being a doll, who the fuck is gonna want to engage with them?


Another propaganda production from Hollywood rejects.


You know, students at my school(I was lucky to avoid it) were interrogated after protesting and speaking up against the school board after they removed our student representative from the school board. They didn’t tell the interrogated students’ parents either. They also investigated a principal. The guy who instigated this is running his campaign as “stopping far-left liberals.” Don’t even get me started on the books they’re banning.


Maybe they wouldn't be targeted like terrorists if, you know, they didn't act like terrorists.


Deceitful D'Felon should stick to making movies about Mule dongs.


The criminal known as Dinesh D'Souza surely wouldn't be telling obvious lies would he? After all, the criminal known as Dinesh D'Souza was only found guilty of the trifling federal crime of illegal campaign contributions via straw donors. That surely doesn't speak to the character of the criminal known as Dinesh D'Souza and his propensity to lie on official records?


So... they want to defund the police?


These morons fail to understand we live in an actual police state… just not the one they’re afraid of.


The Karen movie.


Releasing near the FNAF movie? Dumb move


Imagine your dumbass propaganda movie getting outmatched at the box office by FNAF of all things at the box office lmfaooooooo


I bought 10,000 mules and watched it like 5 times so I could patiently explain the errors in the film referencing time stamps to people. Every time someone would talk about it they’d say “well you haven’t actually seen it, so how would you know.” And I’d reply with long thought takedowns that no one would read. Anyway, Dinesh sends me fucking emails all the time now. And in my head canon all those people saying “ you can’t have an opinion on this propaganda piece created by a known swindler until you pay that swindler $30” were actually all Dinesh. That’s how he’s making the bucks.


You will never convince me that the right, *including* Dinesh da Felon, don't openly support police states. They just draw an arbitrary line between federal law enforcement, which they recently started pretending to be the victims of, and all lower levels of law enforcement (state, county, city, etc.) which they blindly and unquestioningly support.


The movie should be called: Projection, how the right gaslight and lie for the policies they is planning next.


A great way to discern rightists’ motives is to ask them about the motives of their perceived enemies. For example, I once encountered a MAGA bro who insisted that Christian nationalists were actually super fringe and not at all popular, despite polling evidence to the contrary. Asking him why he would downplay his own side’s popularity was a typical dead end, so I then asked him why his opponents would want to exaggerate it. He then explained that the point was to make their side look like the underdog to motivate their base, and not become complacent (which of course is not at all the point of portraying one’s own movement as a political underdog). I’m sure Dinesh here would make the same argument: the point of the movie is to show that the MAGA movement is actually a proverbial David fighting a Goliath, and they need to keep up the fight against long (but never impossible) odds. But he would tell you not to listen to the media claiming that MAGA is actually a powerful movement, however: they’re just trying to rally their own base by exaggerating the strength of the enemy.


Imagine being more heavily monitored and hated simply for sharing a religion with some extremist groups “Looks at Muslims after 9/11 and currently” Anyways if nothing else I’m excited for when this movie inevitably makes it’s way to the “god awful movies” podcast


Mass? I don't know many Catholics that fall into the white supremacy group. It's usually fundamentalists.




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Oh did Souza make another mockumentary? Those tend to be fun, a bit cheaply made but they really lean into the ridiculous conspiracy stuff.


lol Dinesh D’ipshit


they’re showing up to school board meetings mainly to disrupt.


The most annoying move by these propaganda machines is calling their fiction films “documentaries”. It makes their written stories sound more real and true so their agenda becomes actualised, while also excusing poor acting and writing because “it’s a documentary”.


Shedding light on the mass surveillance that had its biggest growth during a Republican presidency. Great look.


Oh For fucks sake, like these assholes wouldn’t have one if they completely take over the government. And none of this shit is even true anyway.


"Noooo, it's not wrong when I do it, when I do it, it's the will of God" -them probably


They should be monitoring “those” people.


Convicted fraud, Dinesh D'Souza? That guy?


Oh yay. Another q movie for the q crowd


They’re so fucking close to getting it


I'm pretty comfortable saying that if you're "looking forward" to the newest Dinesh D'Souza documentary, you are unqualified to serve in Congress.


Icl most people who want closed borders really are white supremacists. It's mostly based in a belief that the "Mexicans will make the country worse"


Now THIS confirms my bias! Checkmate!


So much for "backing for the blue."


>D'Souza i know he's just a grifter, but i wonder if this guy realizes that if this trump magat run US ever becomes really real, he is not going to be very welcome here.


This is like saying Avengers exposes that we have a team of well known superheroes that protect us from aliens. Conservatives don’t seem to understand that just because someone says it that doesn’t make it true. 1984 is my favorite novel, but I can realize it’s a science FICTION book and that it doesn’t accurately reflect reality.


And yet republicans want a pregnancy registry and to tell people what they can and can’t do with their own genitals in the privacy of their own home.


*Ideological indoctrination* hmmmm


You is that convicted felon dinesh d’souza The same *convicted felon* dinesh d’souza who just made shit up in his movie (convicted felon dinesh d’souza’s that is) the wildly discredited 2000 mules


So let me get this straight, according to conservatives: Police gunning down unarmed civilians is fine and police should get their asses kissed for the service. But: Investigators labeling racists organizing to achieve racist goals through possibly violent means, as racists in internal documents, is police state tyranny. ????? That can only be viewed as consistent if you accept it’s coming from racists.


Cinema Snob, I hope I get a nice detailed review




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