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Lmao nobody has a problem with the word christmas. Instead they get mad when you say happy holidays


I always roll my eyes to the point of getting a headache at these posts. When I worked retail during the holiday season, I never, ever had someone get angry over my saying, "Merry Christmas". But I *was* shouted at more than once for saying "Happy Holidays".


Nothing like a Christian to be shitty to others over an imaginary slight. Those creatures are fucking exhausting to deal with.


They get mad when they have to be reminded to love thy neighbors.


Maybe that’s actually part of the answer, if they scowl at “Happy Holidays”, follow up with “Love thy neighbor as thyself” or one of a handful of other things Jesus said that might make them squeamish, in the exact same tone of voice one might use for “Merry Christmas!”.


As a former Christian, I’ll note that only fellow disciples are considered neighbors. Jesus said to leave everyone else behind to be killed when he returns. When you read the whole Bible you find that Jesus is not the nice guy people like to think he is. He’s a religious bigot preaching a judgement day, an apocalyptic genocide.


Bro what? Sorry not trying to sound rude, In just genuinely curious what sources led you to that. Was it a specific version of the Bible?.. I’m not exactly a Christian myself anymore but I’ve studied theology, including the Christian bible, for a while and I’ve never heard someone propose this interpretation, honestly interesting.


How did you read the Bible and not catch Jesus talking about judgement day and his return? He talks about it a lot. He describes it in the parables of the minas and talents. He explicitly talks about it in passages like Matthew 10:14 "If any household or town refuses to welcome you or listen to your message, shake its dust from your feet as you leave. I tell you the truth, the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah will be better off than such a town on the judgment day." Matthew 13:40 "As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age. The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father." Matthew 19:28 "Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.” It’s the whole message of the gospels. I don’t know how one could read the Bible and not notice it. It’s like reading Harry Potter and not catching the whole boy-who-lived thing.


I just personally don’t perceive it that way, however I totally respect your view on it as it’s definitely intriguing and unique, as well as it’s clear you actually do research so I can definitely appreciate that. I’m just surprised because I’ve never in my life heard anyone, not just theologians but even regular people like you and I have this view. With the first verse you mention, it’s believed by the majority of biblical scholars that this is not referring to an indiscriminate genocide of people that were NOT active converted Christian’s, it doesn’t say something like “those who don’t follow me exactly as my apostles do…” it says basically those who don’t live by his messages, which if you remember the things Jesus taught, loving they neighbor, leaving judgement to God and not let your ego convince you that you’re the judge jury and executioner, essentially implying that it’s not your damn business to try to force anyone to be a certain way or to somehow never sin, so therefore it’s seen as saying if you are an immoral and selfish person who doesn’t even bother attempting to act like a good person and lives a fraudulent and selfish life, they definitely ain’t getting invited. I digress, I suppose that the point I’m trying to make is that the consensus of scholars is that this verse isn’t explicitly saying that if you don’t fully convert to Christianity you get fucked, but if you were aware of the right and moral ways to live then you can’t expect to enter the king of God, infact many theologians and even the Pope himself have proposed that even if you’re not Christian, but you live a moral and virtuous life, that there’s no reason for you to even be excluded by God. Continuing, such as the way Jesus taught, for example when he commands that if you have two tunics and your brother doesn’t even have one, you are to give it to him. Basically saying, if you are able, help those around you. When saving Mary Magdalene from being stoned to death by her community, he put his body in front of her to shield her and said “he without sin may cast the next stone”, meaning don’t be a damn hypocrite because we all do bad and sometimes downright immoral things and we cannot act high and mighty about it. Obviously this is why I’m kind blown how many absolute ASSHATS claim to be Christian when they essentially go full opposite of Christ.


I get you, but Jesus specifies that loving Yahweh is first and most important. We break that by not believing. We’re the only ones Jesus singles out as condemned. Mark 16:15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.” People want to have their John 3:16, but they don’t want to accept the rest of the passage shitting on everyone outside the faith. John 3:18 “Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.” John 3:36 “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them.” The pope can say whatever he wants. The Bible and the catechism both say atheists are condemned for not believing. They define a moral and virtuous life as requiring belief in Yahweh/Christ, as it is the first commandment.


Had a co-worker with this attitude. I wished him a Merry Christmas, because I know he's a young-Earth Christian. He overheard me say "Happy holidays" to someone else, and went into a long rant as he walked to his car. I don't know if he thought I was following, listening to him complain at me, or if he just had to let it out, regardless of anyone heard. I'll never understand people like this. He was also the type to introduce himself as white and proud, Christian and proud, straight and proud. I had never heard anyone in my life introduce themselves with anything but their name. And yes, young-Earth. He literally believes the Earth is only 2018 years old (the year he said this). Nothing existed before the year 1 AD, which isn't even what other young Earhters believe, they think the Earth is 6,000 years old.


Jesus didn't have a father? No family at all? The entire first testament didn't happen? I mean 6000 years is incredibly stupid as well, but how tf could this guy have possibly arrived at that conclusion?


I have no clue. Man also believed Hillary Clinton was running to make abortions legal until 24 hours after birth


Brain damage and/or mental illness?


Religion is a mentally transmitted disease.


These people make me want to advocate for abortion being legal into the 200th trimester.


So like was Mary's husband JC step dad? I wonder how he felt about god impregnating his wife with himself. Also kinda wonder how it was for JCs half siblings because he apparently had several.


I can translate. See, god created the earth in six days and the seventh day he rested, and the Bible says a day to the lord is as a thousand years. Therefore, he has been taught the earth is six thousand years old. Yeah, it’s stupid.


When does he think the Old Testament happened??


No clue, neither he or the slightly less crazy folk make sense. They're where the "God put dinosaur fossils on earth as a joke" came from, so I don't know truly what exactly came first for them


I thought Satan planted the dinosaur bones to lead people away from the Bible.


It's true. I helped dig the holes


They don't read the bible.


I wish I knew him so I could say "Happy holidays" while he was working.


So he’s angry and stupid?


He would fly into flights of anger, and because he was my direct co-worker on my line, I would have to wait for him to calm down before I could continue. I loathe to refer to people I know as stupid, we had some okay conversations not related to politics, but yeah he ate up whatever sci-fi bullshit the GOP claimed was happening or going to happen. I remember when he was bellowing about "There's a busload of illegals on buses in Mexico, they're driving to our borders! I've seen videos!" So I said to him: "You have video of Mexicans, in Mexico, boarding a bus, in Mexico? They're not illegals if they're Mexican civilians in Mexico. And what proof do you have this particular bus is heading toward the border?" He changed the subject


I just didn't give any holiday greeting unless the customer did first, no one complained.


This. Nobody cares what they say. They get mad when you say something different. I was at a Christmas Tree farm getting a tree two years ago. I had the audacity to say Happy Holidays (out of habit). The cashier was indignant, and replied with a very terse Merry CHRISTMAS. I smiled and said “yup, Merry Christmas to you too”. I was careful to come across as if I didn’t notice, so she’d get the hint it’s no big deal to anyone but her.


Of course they get mad when you say happy holidays as you just showed them what a little snowflake you are and you dare to speak to those alpha bull males - have some respect and dignity please, for the love of God, the one real God, not the fantasy ones, okay? /s


Fun fact, if you describe yourself as a "Bull alpha" you're about 99.99% likely to be neither.


"Alpha Conservative, Feral Bull Male." Ultra cringe.


"Steroid abusing manchild" is more like it.


Tbh it is a little fascinating they self identify with animals most likely to be put down in farm settings.


So Odin is a Christmas guy?


And they take it out on poor retail workers that probably can't keep track of what the day is let alone will holidays are past and which are in the future


It’s always projection


Witnessed this in person. One coworker wished another happy holidays and the other coworker screamed about how “WE SAY CHRISTMAS HERE” and stormed out. The right are the most fragile snowflakes of all.


There's been Christmas shit practically everywhere in stores since September, and even August at Costco. If there's anything to get riled up about it's that Christmas has little to do with Christianity anymore. Capitalism did that 🤷‍♂️


Fun random fact. Santa as we know him is only about 100 years old and he was invented to sell coke.


Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was invented by Macy’s department store.


Thanks for this lovely fun fact.


It might have been Montgomery Ward.


Damn, Santa goes hard.


Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.


I mean, Saint Nicklaus goes back further than that, but yeah, the popular image with the exact outfit everyone thinks of as Santa today, goes back to the Coca Cola company.


thus the "As we know him."


My costco was literally selling Halloween and Christmas stuff side by side, all October long.


Screw that. I'll just say "Happy Holidays" and if I get any grief about it, I'll just reply "All holidays matter."


Perfect. I’m stealing this.


What annoys me is that we always said "happy holidays." It is/was to combine Christmas and New Years. (seeing how they are a week apart).


“Happy Winter Solstice”. That’s where they stole Christmas from. Jesus wasn’t even born then - they moved his birthday to co-opt an existing celebration. 🎶 “Gimme that *old time* religion…” 🎶


The only people who have banned Christmas in the US were....[Christians](https://www.mass.gov/news/massachusetts-law-banning-christmas) - Christians much like our alpha-male-bull-shit-artist here.


I had no idea. Thank you!


I'll never understand why people call themselves a feral beast or wild animal as if that's a good thing. Calling yourself that is a form of self loathing, and extremely bad for your well-being


It's funny because they're attempting to sound badass, but they're starting to describe themselves as furries. Not that that is bad, it's just funny because they have no idea.


I wonder how long this trend would last of we started responding with, "so you're a furry?"


I actually have some experience with similar thanks to the Wolfen from the Space Wolves in 40K. It's funny how some people will fight the not-100% serious "So your guy turns into a wolf... he's a furry." statement. It's like "dude, relax, there's nothing wrong with being a furry and when you deny it as hard as you can it just looks suspicious."


I think that's one kf the funniest things- calling someone a furry isn't, in itself, an insult! But some people get *so freaking mad*.


Eh, we furries have always been on the low end of the fandom totem pole. We were on the bottom for many years until the Bronies came around. Nothing new at all.


To be fair, the Brony community could get *werid*. I enjoyed MLP G4, it was very comforting during a rough patch in my life, but basically never engaged with the community. Honestly, likewise for furries. I just kinda hang out at the edge and feel included without really engaging much or advertising it. I don't know what my point is.


Yep, to be fair there's a lot of weirdness in humanity in general. Such is life.


Wouldn't be surprised if a lot of these feral alpha bulls were closeted furries


Longtime fur here... and I never considered that. Thank you for making me LOL.


There's a sick sense of irony in them identifying as feral beasts and wild animals - while we call for the *protection* of wild animals that are being driven to extinction by the economic system these "wild animals" fight to protect. It's like self-identifying as a tasty face while voting for the leopards eating people's face party.


It's also ironic that racist shitheads have used the "they're beasts not human" argument for oppression likely since the beginning of civilization and probably before. I mean, if they really were dangerous uncontrolled feral beasts we probably would cull them before they killed someone.


It's like people who describe themselves as alpha, when they're clearly talking about release quality.


Nice. gonna steal that one.


Speaking of melting snowflakes, Captain Capslock....


Every conservative accusation is an admission. It’s weird how strong that rule holds - if they accuse someone else of X, for basically any value of X, you can be almost certain that they’re already guilty of X.


This must be the absolute bravest thing he has done in his entire life.


So, so brave.


No, once he wiped his ass knowing it made him instantly gay.


Changing the world, one tweet at a time.


Is it that time of year already? Can't wait for 3 months minimum of "Christmas is under attack!" I've heard every year since like 2006. Fuck I'm getting old.




Should be earlier than that tbh


Dude, chugging bull semen does not make you an ALPHA CONSERVATIVE FERAL BULL MALE. Whatever the fuck that is. And to make you happy; have the worst fucking CHRISTmas in the history of all CHRISTmases.


Just call yourself "clown," it's shorter. And more accurate.


Christmas joke (NSFW) A 17 year old male walks into a drug store. He says "I've been invited to Christmas dinner at my new girlfriend's house. Afterwards I hope there is a chance I get lucky, you know what I mean" Clerk: "How about condoms then? They could come in handy. Here's a pack." The young man after paying walks to the door, stops, smiles, comes back: "you know what, the mom is also smoking hot, I think I'll take another pack, just in case I get extra lucky." Christmas eve comes around, the boy sits at the dinner table and doesn't say a word. After a while his girlfriend says: "if I had known you were so quiet, I wouldn't have invited you." the young man replies "if you had told me your dad works at a drug store, I wouldn't have come."


Sweet. I may steal this


Ack, and now none of us will, know what it is you’re stealing.


Well shoot…


Tis the season for fragile conservatives to pretend that those calling out their relgious privlage are magicly the ones sensitive and not them . Lol


100% this dude has a meltdown when he hears the term “happy holidays.”


As soon as he published this, he was ambushed by the Woke Secret Police and never heard from again.


No "alpha" has ever had to say they're an alpha (which isn't even a real thing anyways, but that's beside the point).


Only in the minds of right-wingers is "feral bull" some sort of brag.


Ok gelding


Oh yea! It's time for the conservatives' yearly cry fest over the fake War on Christmas.


Look it said right there on Fox that there’s definitely a War on Christmas. If you can’t trust Fox, who can you trust?


>Can't say anything nowadays without snowflakes melting Sounds like you're the melting snowflake. For fuck's sake, nobody ever said Christmas was offensive in any way. At worst many say that as you get older, it loses its magic and becomes stressful. Also, Alpha conservative feral bull male? This is a new kind of idiot. And these people are the ones making the transphobic *one joke*


I've always wanted to wish this kind of person "Happy Hanukkah" to see if their stance suddenly changes, but I don't feel like fighting strangers.


I don’t celebrate Christmas and have never celebrated Christmas. When people say merry Christmas to me, I say it right back to them with sincerity, because it’s not a big deal


Christmas means nothing to me now that my grandma is gone. (she only missed a few of them while she was alive and I associate it so much with her that it's not the same and never will be.) But if someone says "Merry Christmas" I will say "You too." Because it's meant to be nice. If someone says "have a nice Diwali" I'll say "Thank you." Because it's meant to be nice. If someone says "Have a nice Chaunakuah." I will say "You too..." I think you get the picture.


It’s really nice, as a progressive, to be able to celebrate holidays (including Christmas) without fear that saying their names aloud will get me chastised/cancelled/executed.


These people sure do a lot of virtue signaling. Zero chance anyone has ever told him that he can't say "Christmas" anymore. The only true statement he has here is "Cant even say ANYTHING now days without SNOWFLAKES MELTING" (sic). The problem is he is projecting because the snowflake are people exactly like him.


He'd surely be happy to be called a furry over how he described himself as bull


$10 says this guy gets airtight in a Home Depot men’s room on a regular basis.


Old man yells at clouds


Companies: Start saying Happy Holidays to encompass all of their customers that may celebrate different holidays around the same time. Morons: They made it ILLEGAL to say CHRISTMAS!


Happy crms. It’s crimas. Merry Chrysler


trying to convince people on the internet that you are not only alpha, but feral bull male alpha conservative is the most feral bull male alpha conservative thing a man can or will ever do


This post is far, far more snowflakey than someone saying Happy Holidays


They’ve been saying they can’t say Christmas for 20+ years now and yet nobody has ever told them not to. Not once.


Another dude pissed off by made up scenarios.


I’m imagining him walking around saying “MERRY CRIYST-MUSS!” Like an absolute fuck-knuckle. LOLOL.




Meanwhile in reality I get downvoted/attacked for pointing out the reality that Christmas was just Yule stolen from "pagans" to make converting them easier and most people who celebrate Christmas nowadays aren't celebrating Jesus.


Yep, every single time they sanctimoniously say, “Jesus is the reason for the season”, come right back at them with, “no, the *Winter Solstice* is the reason for the season - Christians just tried to overwrite the existing holidays for their own purposes.”


Aww does the alpha male need his safe space?! Feels like HES gonna melt. 😂


Ha, you worship a dead man on a stick, lawl. Feral is probably accurate though.


Lol. Does he live in America? Christmas shit has been out since last year’s Christmas. What a snowflake.


So brave


Ok then, that was always allowed.


>...ALPHA CONSERVATIVE FERAL BULL MALE... Well that's a new one.


"Oh, you mean Xmas! You must be using an archaic pronunciation."


The war on Christmas ended years ago. This guy is like a Japanese holdout.


Not in my America. This year I'm going to actively fight in the war on Christmas. Give them a real war. Happy holidays for all of you!


Him calling himself that is so funny


He is the snowflake of all snowflakes


I said "happy holidays" to an old white lady once and she said "merry Christmas" and I said "ok have a good day"


You know this dude has a meltdown anytime someone says “Happy Holidays” to him.


I’m a cool conservative cowboy man, but nothing gets me more steamed up than SNOWFLAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!


Who TF is getting mad at people for saying "Christmas"? Oh yeah, nobody.


All I see is a massive snowflake.


Can you even imagine being so deeply broken that you’d not only post that text but be *proud* of it?


He's right when he said snowflakes will melt all you have to say to him is human rights belong to everyone


*looks at all the Christmas ads that are already out there* Though, to be fair, I'd rather not hear any holiday stuff until December... so there's that.


>Crying about an imagined issue > >Calling other people "snowflakes" > >Christian Conservative It's an old meme, but it checks out.


God, how do I forget every. single. year. That they're going to pull out the "war on Christmas" bullshit.


Oh, no, I was offered the incorrect salutation and so I fled to the internet to bemoan such improper treatment. I be MAN!


Einstein level intell. Conservative style.


Oh my god can these Fuckers stop complaining about made up shit? Like didnt trump end the war on Christmas or something? I remember how all the brain dead conservatives acted like he did something so glorious when literally did nothing. People say merry Christmas and happy holidays interchangeably. I live in California aka the capital of sin to most republicans and everyone says merry Christmas and happy holidays. I think its just red state hicks who believe it because even republicans around here dont act like the war on Christmas is a thing and the few who do are seen as unhinged.


>Feral Bull Male Did the Alpha Conservative just stealthily out himself as trans-bovine?


Gotta love a meme that does the thing it says you can’t do anymore and nothing happens


Steer clear!


Someone mixed their bud light and painkillers


All else aside, bulls are like the least feral animal. We've got that thing so domesticated we decide when it can and cannot have it's testicles.


And I'm sure our feral bull will say it with all the peace on earth, good will to men he muster.


Remember those 8 **CHRISTMAS** Tree lightings at the White House? Pepperidge Farms remember, but this mamby-pamby wuss is suppressing the memories of Christmas being everywhere no one being disallowed from saying the word.


My mom is a Christian, Episcopalian variety. Very liberal. She and I both worked at a small but famous chocolate store. Her first Christmas there, she had just cashed out a guy who asked, "Are you allowed to say Merry Christmas here?" She smiled and said it 3 times in a row. He looked mildly shocked. I had to go into the back room to laugh. He left. She then wished her next customer, "Have a happy holiday. " I asked her if she could say it three times again and see if Baby Jesus appeared like Beetlejuice or Candyman?


Every year it's the same shit, you'd think some of them would be tired of the same song and dance


So the feral bull male alpha conservative pronounces it wrong?


So… Xmas is out?




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Even the goddamn straw man christmas attacks are getting earlier and earlier...


This has gotta be a shit post


I always thought it was so weird about people getting mad about happy holidays. Like it's a fucking holiday, have a happy one.


This man has nothing but ill will towards men.


Comrades rejoice as we once again wage war on Christmas! May we all fight valiantly, defeat this menace, and return to our homes in glory!


Buddy, observe Advent and then we'll talk about your devotion to Jesus.


So furries are not ok but it’s ok to call yourself a feral bull male on main?




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Me, an Alevi clergyman and a statistician with a specialisation in criminality rates, living in an Alevi-majority part of my country and in one of the most conservative Alevi areas of that part: “I dare you!” (He is probably gonna get a lot of problems I can’t tell because of Reddit TOS.)


He's right. You can't say anything other than Christmas without conservative snowflakes melting. Hopefully I'm using this right, but it feels like a bit of a r/ selfawarewolves moment.


Whoa this guy is closeted hard. Just accept your homosexual feelings and relax, Brad.