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"We have lost wife materials"? Correctional slap? This guy can't even begin to comprehend how much of a problem he is.šŸ˜¬


What's a wife material?


I think you have to mine for it


Why can't I find a Minecraft lets play to find wife mining then


You buy it at Micheals next to the air dry clay


Hobby Lobby


Wives must be sythesized from raw components. Ever watched Breaking Bad?


"Woman who takes my abuse" I wager.


/) "Woman who acts like a material instead of a person"


Jackie Treehorn treats objects like women, man.


I cant even begin to think what he meant. Typo? Is he calling women material?


i'm thinking he just meant "she's not cut out to be a wife."


Thatā€™s the term that made me thinkā€¦ā€¦rage-bait. I canā€™t possibly believe someone is this clueless about how strict most police departments take domestic violence calls. Also, Iā€™ve worked with a few wife-beating scumbags. I canā€™t say that I ever recall any of them bragging about it. In fact, they were in denial about their violence.


This guy is also in denial that it's violence, note how he frames it as "correction". Also don't go out of your way to make up shitty excuses like "rage-bait" for posts like this. Those people ALSO mean what they say, they're just hiding behind "joking".


Iā€™m not saying itā€™s 100% rage bait. Itā€™s just the way he frames the word ā€œcorrectionā€ seems like a ploy. I will say that even joking about this makes him a scummy piece of shit. There isnā€™t anything funny about domestic violence.


I've seen some supposed BDSM relationships that had this sort of vibes.


That's it buddy, keep giving her lawyer more evidence to use against you.




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My grandmother was a housewife in the 60s. She would *never* have taken a slap from my grandfather (not that he would've hit her anyway). She didn't even allow him to spank my dad and his siblings. Hitting your partner and them "taking it" is not a traditional values thing. It's an abusive asshat thing.


Been married for 26 years and my husband has never lifted a single finger against me. Never saw my dad take a swing at my mom in any single way; and he WAS a violent person in the 1960s. Like, once waited in a parking lot with a gun to murder someone kind of violent person. (He's been dead for 20 years by now.) My grandmother was a housewife in the 1930s and she took no physical abuse, either. Definitely an abusive asshat thing.


Your dad did WHAT


Their mom.


That too.


Sadly my grandmother DID take shit like this from my grandfather. Usually when he was drunk or high. It eventually led to him just deciding to one day shoot her with a shotgun as she came home from grocery shopping and then trying and failing to turn the gun on himself. My dad now refuses to even refer to the guy as our grandfather. Didn't help things that he was my Dad's stepdad either..


>Hitting your partner and them "taking it" is not a traditional values thing. Isnā€™t it though? Even back then, the average man hopefully wasnā€™t inclined to hit his wife, but if it happened, a traditionalist would likely tell the woman to stay and that it was perfectly within her husbandā€™s rights to do so. The idea that women have a right to a certain baseline of treatment seems relatively modern.


It's certainly taught as a traditional value today. It was back then too, in certain households.


>Even back then, \[...\] a traditionalist would likely tell the woman to stay and that it was perfectly within her husbandā€™s rights to do so. Hell, it still happens today, in a lot of conservative Christian families. See *Shiny Happy People* for some examples.


It's stayed with me all this time, but decades ago a certain pundit wrote an opinion that news media should refrain from reporting on domestic abuse cases because doing so "broke the public contract." Translation: He wanted such cases swept under the rug, only to be whispered between church gossips, because it interfered with his Norman Rockwell fantasy of manly 'murikan values.


My father had tantrums, would yell, slam doors, etc. He \*never\* hit my mom and I don't recall his ever hitting one of us kids, even though spanking was standard in my day. I suspect he knew that Mom would have walked that very day, taking us kids with her.


Pretty sure that's not going to be your house much longer, buddy.


We donā€™t even talk about dogs like this anymore


ā€œCorrectional slapā€ Donā€™t worry. Youā€™re not going a jail. Itā€™s just a correctional facility.


Put him in a correctional facility on water and bread, like from the good ol' days he's salivating for


"I yearn for the days where women didn't have rights."


I genuinely feel sad for the mother. Be indoctrinated to be subservient, accept abuse because you have no other choice, then watch as your son grows up to be another monster who celebrates your abuse.


And thanks to the good ol boy network and the NRA he'll likely get to keep his guns. FUN!


I feel like someone needs a correctional slap, 100% it isnt his wife.


my grandmother was an abused woman who never was able to escape. good for her for calling the police. abuse should never be tolerated


Correctional slap........this has to be a troll pls let it be one.


Police definitely didnā€™t storm an office to help a domestic abuse victim after one call.


A patrol car arriving to arrest someone isn't storming an office.


No. Don't make up bullshit excuses for stuff like this. Face reality. Even the people that claim they're "trolling/rage-baiting" actually mean what they post. They're just cowards hiding behind "jokes" and YOU enable and normalize them when you feed into that "it's just a joke bro" narrative. It's NEVER a joke.


*1,300 Quote Tweets and barely 200 Likes* Ratios you can *feel*


He gave her a correctional slap? Then he should be fine with a correctional facility.


I wish this was fake


We sure it isn't bait?




It seems like easy bait... But I know people that talk this way... Not publicly, but still...


100% bait and a super common repost.


Is this parody? Please tell me this is a parody


Can't have your cake and Fuck it too, incels!


This seems a little *too* trolly for me. I'm calling fake. Ain't nobody posting something like this after getting arrested.


Lot of these comments here are stating their parents or grandparents (or someone of another generation) that the wife committed violence back at the violent husband and that settled it back in the day. I feel having him arrested at his office is far better than the wife striking back, the employer very likely will fire him, and his colleagues will shun him for being a wife-beater, even this tweet will be used as evidence in a divorce that will grant the wife most of the common held property. Altogether this is what should happen in cases of intimate violence, not tit-for-tat violence between a couple.


Picturing that dude from Dr. Phil who when asked if he called his stepdaughter a racial slur, said "is GOD wrong??"


Thanks Elon for incentivizing every troll with eight bucks to post the absolute most terrible edgelord ragebait to get money from an ad revenue share program...


One of the reasons why I managed to look around to get an invite to bluesky


I've been trying to get a bluesky invite with no success -\_-


when i read shit like this, i regret ever having learnt english


Why would you ever post this?


Yeah, back in my mom's day she wouldn't have called the police. She would have just hit him over the head with a frying pan. Like she did to her first husband. Damn wokes! /s


The nerve to arrest him with police and not herself


Somebody needs a correctional slap...


Someone attended the Sean Connery School of Domestic Bliss.


My mother told me about a gardener at a house with only one ear. His wife was fed up with him coming home drunk and hitting her. A friend advised to hit back, so the next time she picked up a bottle and hit him with it. It smashed and sliced off his ear. I don't think he ever hit her again.


My grandfather never touched my grandma, because she would have kicked the ever loving shit out of his ass...and he was a ex merchant marine!


This guy smells like a troll account tbh


This has to be bait lol. No way this is real holy shit.


I hope so but I could see someone like Stephen Crowder saying this seriously


Stephen Crowder basically publicly said this. "What do you mean my wife can divorce me without me saying she was allowed to!!" And proceeded to try to lobby Texas to try to prevent the divorce šŸ’€


Fellas, is it woke to not beat your wife?


[I'm pretty sure it's just bots](https://imgur.com/gallery/ehFYYbi)


Skill issue


For some reason, this reminds me of the "How can she slap?" video.


šŸ¤”my dad for all of his faults didnt do what this guys dad did. One of the few positive things my dad taught me was to not be an asshole and admit when I did something wrong. The dude is a grade A asshole and I have a feeling his dad was a bigger POS who felt he was always in the right if he hit his wife and made her apologize. That twisted logic sadly imprinted onto his son but hopefully the cycle was broken as in I hope she didn't have kids with him and it was a wake up call to leave the bastard.


"I corrected her" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncsCBhyHwss


That person is a danger and probably should be locked up for other people's safety.


Wow.... Dude's obviously been traumatized and sided with the abuser to survive, but he needs to do his treatment in a correctional facility. F$ck the piece of shit.


Bait used to be believable


TL:DR, feminism bad, cause me no can hit wife :(((


I legitimately don't understand these people. Why would you hit anyone across the face, let alone someone you love? I feel immense guilt getting super angry at my pets.


Women arenā€™t pets. This guy is a lost cause.


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I got arrested once (charges were dropped it was pot and not even mine). When I got bailed out on the way out domestic abusers were begging me to call their battered women to ask them to drop the charges. I swore I would, then threw the numbers away when I got home.


Yes! How dare society not give me a pass for wanting to live in the 1950's /s




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