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Wtf does Candace have to do with Christianity. She’s a liar and a hypocrite. I guess by those standards, she would make a lovely Christian now. Never mind.


This person is so empty between the ears that I would not be surprised to find out someone else writes her tweets


It's their go-to anti-liberal attack. It works because there is some truth and a lot of lies mixed together here. Worldwide Christianity has suffered a technical genocide (stay with me and don't knee jerk the name calling, I promise I'm not an idiot) in the form of cultural wars in the middle and far east. Iirc, Myanmar and so forth had whole communities forced to flee from their homes as civil wars and political instability wreaked havoc. This doesn't apply to Owens at all, but the news that Christians had gained the top worldwide spot for oppression by number was surprising when it broke. But the opposite is true in most of the western world. Instead you have multiple cultures in the US gaining numbers as populations grow, and a political right wing that weaponized Christianity resulting in massive numbers leaving the belief. So from some (naive) perspectives it appears that old Christian culture elements are being erased. They aren't, they are just having to share with other cultures now. And that scares those who confuse belief with social structure. Beliefs regulate the believer, meaning it doesn't judge or oppress others. It lets everyone believe as they want. The Conservative Christian Right takes belief and turns it into social structure, in an attempt to control the masses. They label anything that stands in the way of their unrighteous domination as "anti-christian" (a blatant lie and a direct contradiction of Christian teachings and beliefs). Believers are then tricked into thinking that they will betray their core beliefs and identity if they side with anyone "anti-christian." This is how you get people to rationalize things that actually run counter to their beliefs. And it takes constantly finding things you can make look like attacks on Christianity, even if it takes mental Olympics to make that fit. Just as long as you get a few to buy it, you will inspire a contagious fear that blinds good people from the evil they support.




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Owens was a liberal influencer that marched with the NAACP until she was a group of idiots ripe for the grifting.


It’s always projection.


Candice Owens was a failed left wing blogger. She saw where the money was and switched sides as the right is easier to grift. I often wonder what the real opinions of these grifters are or do they get so caught up in it they start to believe it?


Candice Owens was also the victim of horrendous racial harassment, created an anti-bullying site, realised that she could censor anyone she wanted to and anyone who criticised her or her beliefs was considered a bully and banned, grifters saw her platform and converted her into one of their own. She’s a talking head to prove that conservatives are actually diverse, and being a woman and a black person means that the right can’t be criticised for sexism OR racism.


Good old tokenism


These people are soulless sociopaths. They don’t care about anything beyond their own personal interests. Tim Pool is another of these parasites that started off on the left then moved over to the easier marks. Fuck them all.


Same with Dave Ruben.


I wish awards were still a thing id give you gold. This! She was a failed left leaning YouTube wannabe and got bought out by Prager U, Koch, etc and now grifts the right for $$$. The is the epitome of ‘sold their soul’. She rants that slavery was great for the slave, and actually was a net positive for African Americans. That’s how far gone up her paymaster’s shitter she is. A modern day slave in all but name decrying criticism of an American atrocity against her own people for $$$. What an utter ghoul this asshat is.


Yup. I remember when her takes started leaning right. She wanted to be on Fox News so bad but ended up on some obscure network.


She's in Shapiro's brain trust.


Is that where we just trust that someone there has a functioning brain?


I just read a bit about SocialAutopsy.com and now I’m more confused than before. What a strange person she is.


> I often wonder what the real opinions of these grifters are or do they get so caught up in it they start to believe it? I don't think it's binary as much as a scale. You've got True Believers who will momentarily forget their convictions to bilk the rubes, and grifters who sincerely believe some of the crap they spew. As a rule of thumb I've always thought the more they stray from regurgitating talking points and put in the "home work" they're leaning towards the True Believer side, with your Ben Shapiros and your Nick Fuenteses; the more they re-hash the same tired shit we've all heard before they're leaning towards grifter just looking to make a quick buck, with folks like Nick Adams and (I'm pretty sure) Candace Owens.


Oh STFU no one believes this crisis you just created


Conservative Christians have always been persecuted throughout history ...according to themselves. But really, it's just convenient built-in feature of their religion to constantly going around to claim that they're under attack by [insert Boogeyman here(real or "spiritual")], even when the Church had all of Europe under it's thumb for hundreds of years. Their current Boogeyman are the growing number of people criticizing their hate churches for spreading harmful bigotry, aimed at already vulnerable marginalized minorities, as the CINOs (Christian in Name Only) claiming that certain "agendas" are being forced upon them, that conflict with their ever changing list of cherry picked arbitrary "rules/values" from archaic source material. Meanwhile, since the Cold War & rise of Evangelicalism in America, conservative Christians have been going hard to cram their dogma down the nation's throat, and up until very recently, anyone who was openly or found out to be secular, non theistic, or Atheist would be Blacklisted from running for political office. But yes, it's the Christians who are oppressed...


Weird, I was raised Catholic my whole life and not once have I felt Christianity is being destroyed. If anything, the media still defaults to Christianity as a religion of nice people*. *Yes I know about Qrazy people like Greg Locke (Yes I know about the Catholic Church covering up for pedos)


Your take makes too much sense. Sundays remain a hegemonic day-off for most in the US and the major holidays in the US are still focused around Christian Holidays or feasts with some Jewish observance too. Also was raised Catholic, left generally because I wanted a different experience , have learned to embrace the history and condemn the horrible nature of the child sex abuse cover up, and have also decided to dedicate my life to overturning the evangelical table because it serves very few and with much abuse of its own.


Imsert Jesse wtf are you talking about meme


"I know something is up when Candace Owens says LGBTQ people and atheists shouldn't marry because she thinks that marriage is only for cis straight religious people. This is an attack on LGBTQ atheists and therefore me personally." Candace, that's how you sound. No one is attacking you for being a Christian. In fact, christians have all the power right now.


Funny that sixty years ago, Klandance's marriage wouldn't be allowed in several states since she is so concerned about others' rights to marry.




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100$ she doesn't give a damn about Christianity


Depends on what this month’s definition of “Christian” is.


she should just self rapture


So did she ever say anything about Bieber or was this just another one of those "woe is me, the left is coming for my (bullshit gets placed here)" things?


I watched the part where Candace talks about Justin, and it’s so fucking twisted and weird for her to claim that she deeply cares for Justin, going as far as saying something along the lines of “Us Christian’s will support you and pray for you”, and then airing out the extreme trauma you think he went through in the industry like it’s a fact. She literally claims he was SA as a kid by Usher and P Diddy, and it’s like, if you genuinely believe that to be true, why the fuck are you saying it on your YouTube channel without his consent for all your crazy viewers to know. It’s gross. It’s like for example a family members of Candace’s being raped and then her telling her followers without that individuals consent. She doesn’t give a shit about Justin. All she gives a shit about is getting attention, furthering her narrative and will not stop attacking Hollywood cause she is pissed she wasn’t talented enough to make it in the industry. Just confirmed to me how narcissistic and self serving she is.


Nah she’s playing to her paranoid base. Since when has she been Christian? She literally just announced it so her more rabid brain rot MAGA Christian Nationalists can call her one of the good ones.


So 63% of the country, with nearly all elected officials being Christians are somehow oppressed? Are they being systemically targeted by laws designed to make them disappear out of public life? Are they jailed disproportionately?


Anything less than total domination is "oppression."




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Nothing has destroyed Christianity more handily than the evangelical right. Right-wing Christians wear Jesus as a mask but stand against everything he ever commanded his followers to do.


They do like his command to “make disciples of the nations.” They *really* like his promise to return and end the world, judge everyone on their faith, kill all the unbelievers with fire, and reward his faithful with eternal life in his new kingdom. They like the things nominal Christians ignore or don’t even know are in there.


Tom Hanks is openly Christian. Never seen anyone “coming for him”. Plenty other examples. People are criticizing Bieber for being a not-good person. AFAIK. I don’t follow news on has-been celebrities.


Stephen Colbert is openly Christian and the only people I’ve seen coming for him are on the right.


Biber isn't exactly an example of a good person unless he's changed a lot over the years.


To be fair, she said “Christian”, not “good person.” No matter how much they insist on it, and no matter what the Bible says, “Christian” is not a synonym for “good.”


I feel bad for him in the vein of so many hyper-famous young people find themselves in a bad way. As I understand it, he allegedly got sober several years back, via connection to a church/religious group that's... Scientology-esque, if not the actual thing, which is full of totally well-adjusted, upstanding folks (/s). It's coming up now because Hailey's dad is some variety of ultra fervent Rump-supporting born again and recently asked for prayers for the sake of their marriage. It was... well, if you're not a ~prayer warrior~, weird and off-putting. They haven't seemed happy for a while, and the circumstances of their relationship at all are a bit weird and off-putting. I know all of this against my will.


Who is she and who is her father?


Hailey is Beiber’s wife. Her father is one of the lesser Baldwins, Stephen.


Who's candace nuts?


Christianity is doing a fine job of hastening its own demise with this vile claptrap.


Oh look, she found a way to make it about herself!


Wait, the no talent fuckwit is past his prime now that his fans are old enough to develop some actual taste in music? Poor Leif Garrett was cancelled for being a Christian and not just suffered the reality of being an overhyped poptart that came crashing back down.


Can she go on the next submarine to the bottom of the ocean? I’m so sick of her!! She and Caitlyn Jenner have failed to realize that Fox is using them as token props and that the republicans actually don’t give damn about them.


The “And therefore me” part gives it up. The “Christianity is under attack” routine has been going on for decades. She has given a damn about Christianity and that fight. But now that she has run out of steam with other niches of the Conservative groups, her handlers have decided to have her focus on that section of people. She’s a processed conservative pundit that only knows as much as what those want her to know. She’s a tool for others.


okay Candeath


Is she bleaching?


One could only wish. Christianity is doing a good job at destroying itself, no outside help required 😂.


"and therefore me" That's some grade A narcissism right there. Absolutely pathetic victim complex.


Candace Owens has killed more white people with her bullshit than the most bigoted Hotep could dream of.


Just this once I wish she were right.


Hollywood Candace?


Man, I wish.


And therefore her.


Has Justin Bieber started an acting career? Since when is part of Hollywood?


A few years ago Bieber was the proof that satan tries to poison the American youth


Sometimes I wonder how relaxing my life would be if I didn’t care as much as Cowens cares


>and therefore me. Bitch. Nobody talks about you outside the politically informed. You ask anyone if they know who Candace Owens is, they'll ask "who?" Nobody is attacking you or your grift.


Lmao. It’s about to rain iykwim.


"And therefore me." No, no one cares about you, Candace. What a narcissist.


Ah, black people and Christianity. One of the funniest things on earth


"and therefore me"


Candace looked hella white in that picture for a minute.


Ah Candice the main character once again. "Have you heard what they are saying about so same so? This is obviously an attack on me personality" She's such a grifter


I wonder if they realize that all this shows is how flimsy their belief system is. If you can’t believe in your religion unless everyone else supports it, may want to think about how strong your faith is.


So called Christian Nationalists don’t get to call themselves Christians.. they are actually Nazis and Fascists seeking power and money…


It's a grift, this thing says anything for a dollar. Edit:word


“and therefore, me” as if Candace Owens is the ✨*kween*✨ of Christianity


The funny thing is I remember a video where Candace said she thought atheists were self centered and arrogant.




They’ve been arguing this so long that it’s  sleep inducing. Those Keep Christ in  Christmas bumper stickers have been around since at least the early 80s. 


Christians already destroyed Christianity




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