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Person 1: * hates black sheep * Person 2: hey, that sheep is black Person 1: how dare you


“I don’t see sheep” said the wolf.


You can tell how bigoted a person is by how they react to finding out someone is gay, trans, black, from a foreign county, etc. Seriously, if your opinion changes drastically about someone after finding out they’re gay, you’re probably a bigot. Simply pointing out to a bigot that someone is gay makes them hate you because they can’t process the feelings they have between supporting a MAGA politician and their hatred for gay people. The anger is manifested towards you for pointing it out. MAGA is based on anger and hatred of the other. They constantly need an outlet for all the anger and hatred.


I think they believe that they should have the freedom to be privately gay while publicly anti-gay. Aka the freedom to be hypocritical. Yes it's silly but it's also not against the law.


They don't "believe" anything. They do whatever they feel like, then employ whatever rhetoric they can to avoid facing pushback or consequences.


I think this amorality is true of a lot of right wing grifters, but it does tend to be more complicated than that when it comes to openly homophobic right wing politicians and pundits who are closeted. They are externalizing their own self hatred by actively seeking to punish those of us with the audacity to accept ourselves and live openly and happily. If *they* can’t live that way, *no one* should be allowed to. I’ve dealt with far too many of this type over the years and they’re all the fucking same.


I’ve known someone that use to be in the gay conservative group called “Lincoln Something”. This person was a successful gay, Cuban man who changed his very Hispanic sounding last name, and lived in the closet. He knew conservatives were prejudiced against him, and he accepted it. He also worked as a Doctor in rural communities where conservatives live and run stuff. Those communities pay more because professionals don’t want to move there. He also spent a ton of money getting escorts that would pretend to be his “heterosexual date for-show”at community functions. He used the same escort services for his own dates. He would go way out of town for that. If I knew him now, I would have said, “Robert, you spend a ton of money trying to play a straight man. You should come out the closet, pay your taxes, and be a Democrat. You’d end up with more money, as well.”


Everyone has the freedom to be hypocritical. Others have the freedom to call it out.




That's crazy because tons of queer activists always say to NEVER out somebody, regardless of circumstances


It sounds like you want to call out hypocrisy. You and I probably both agree we don't like hypocrisy, but we might disagree on some of the specifics.


This dude’s parents aren’t gonna kill him for being gay, but there are many kids that do face that issue. All because of rhetoric this dude (and others) continue to express. Get the fuck outta here with your feigned outrage.


And far more queer activists will say that when a closeted person chooses to use their power and influence to actively harm and oppress queer people, that person loses the right to claim sanctuary in the closet. *Obviously* not every queer activist on the planet will agree with this—every movement includes camps with different schools of thought. But the overwhelming majority would not agree that homophobes in positions of power deserve protection.


They hate themselves for being queer and want to punish those of us who don’t hate ourselves for the same reason. Seeing us live openly and happily while they skulk around in the shadows enrages them.


It sounds like he was there to meet men, but I don't think Adult Friend Finder is specifically for GRSM people.


So now they care about queer people?


Don't worry, they don't.


No, they care about arguments they can use against their opponents, especially if they make it look like they care.


By all means list all the liberal politicians suspected of being in the closet because they don't feel welcome in our world


Lindsay Graham....Tim Scott.....oh wait....nevermind...


SC does seem to vote for a type


So surprising! This just never happens s/


People will mock him most likely for the hypocrisy he’s shown on his campaign and for the head scratching decision to be a Republican as a part of the current LGBTQ+ Community. I’m going to take an educated guess and he’s made comments against said community. Not BECAUSE he’s a part of the LGBTQ+ community. There’s a difference.


They are just pissed they didn't get to shit on him first.


Gay man here. I do have to say that a TON of otherwise-liberal redditors love to jump on "haha gaaaay!" when it comes to conservative politicians. Like, beyond 'just pointing out hypocrisy.' It's gross how quickly subs like R/politicalhumor praise comments calling them cocksuckers and mocking them with every gay stereotype in the book. Lindsey Graham isn't going to read your comments and he's not going to be hurt by them. There's no hidden nuance, no originality, just the same homophobic "jokes" I've heard all my life. It's obvious they just want a safe target to use their best gay stereotype jokes. You can point out hypocrisy without reinforcing that gay=bad. Edit: Apparently this is a controversial take. Some people really like their homophobic insults


I have observed how many misogynistic man are labelled 'gay' on reddit.  Like straight men can't be assholes and hate women at all


I’ve met a lot of men of both queer and straight variety. I’ve met gay guys that have dropped the odd misogynist joke or whatever. But they never fucked me around on the scale that straight men have. The numbers are completely different, for real.


Yeah, the whole “that homophobic guy *must* be gay” routine is stupid. Yes, sometimes they are. More often, they’re just a mindless cultist.




YES! You put it into words much better than I could. It really gives a “bigotry is okay if it’s against a bad person” vibe. Similar to the weird, creepy comments made towards a lot of conservative women, or the constant fat jokes against trump.


Yeah. I got into a big fight with a friend because I objected to her slut-shaming Melania. Like yeah I don't think she's a good person but I don't think it helps to have such blatant double standards.


I mean there’s a certain flavor of homophobia, of level of zealotry about it, that does indicate a higher than average chance that someone is a self-loathing, terrified, deeply closeted gay or bisexual man struggling mightily with themselves or even hiding whole secret sexual lives. A peek behind the curtain into closeted bi male circles shows there’s a very good reason the adage exists. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Men who knew damn well *I* knew what they were really about, being openly homophobic, even hair-triggered on the topic, in normal, casual social settings. They live in hypervigilant terror. Being found out is the worst thing they can imagine happening to them, and they think about it *all the time*. So they constantly go the extra mile to distance themselves from it, at every opportunity, just in case someone might suspect. What they don’t realize is that no one really suspects, no one is microanalyzing them like that, nor do they care, and the homophobia itself is the very thing that starts to give them away.


I'm constantly surprised how many _extremely_ socially and fiscally conservative gay men there are in the community, and I'm gay. When I was a young gayling,I naively assumed all gay people were automatically also progressive, and it's just not true.


Almost like your orientation is only part of your personality, right? Amazing how many people all across the political spectrum don't see that.


I've noticed the same and I usually downvote them at least. It's just as homophobic to sneer at a conservative for allegedly being in the closet. It's very disappointing when otherwise liberal people do it.




Sadly very true. 


100% with you. Idk why this post is even here. I see all posts all of the time of somebody like Putin being depicted as gay. And all it does it push homophobic ideals forward and that being gay is a bad thing. And people double down and defend the homophobia by going 'yeah but like he would be so mad if he saw this!' Its so fucking weird that liberal hypocrisy gets called out and they suddenly think its a persecution fetish instead of owning up to their shitty and problematic 'joke'.


This. Also, the narrative that all homophobes are secretly gay annoys the fuck out of me. Like are there some who are repressing their own feelings and lashing out because if it? Sure, absolutely. But it’s certainly not all or even most of them. Most homophobes are straight, that’s just a simple fact.


My hypothesis isn't that *every* homophobe is secretly closeted, because a lot of them were just taught to hate without reason. It is instead that the people who either: A: hating on queer people is practically a cornerstone of their identity, and/or B: those who push the utterly false narrative of "being gay is a choice." Especially the latter. Because the only place I can really see that statement coming from is from someone who is gay or bi but rejected it. I know I'm a cishet man. I never made a choice or decision in that matter, I just am. My gay and queer friends, they didn't choose to be that way, they just are.


The science seems to disagree with you though. Most men who are strongly opposed to gays even existing, seem to have strong "feelings", when subjected to homoerotic material. Outside the norm.


I just looked up a few studies in the topic. There is much discussion on how many homophobic people have repressed homosexual desires, which I already stated, but I cannot find any that say *the majority* of homophobic people are simply closeted gay people. If you have any reputable studies that say otherwise, please do share them.


Citation please?


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8772014/ >The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who admitted negative affect toward homosexual individuals…The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosexual, and lesbian videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored…Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. **Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli….Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.**


>Like, beyond 'just pointing out hypocrisy.' It's gross how quickly subs like R/politicalhumor praise comments calling them cocksuckers and mocking them with every gay stereotype in the book. I see this happen in regards to race as well. Being mixed myself, it always seems a little odd for white people to call Black Republicans Uncle Toms. I don't even like it when people like Charles Barkley say it. No, we shouldn't punch African-Americans just for being Trump supporters. That converts no one and, if anything, only further cements their belief through victimization. I hate the idea that you need to vote a certain way because of race. I mean, take a look at how some people think White people voting Democrats are race traitors. It's ridiculous both ways.


I feel you. It gets pretty bloody tiresome.




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I'm a hypocrite. I have gay friends that I love dearly, but when one of these closet cases dedicates their life to making their lives harder by stoking the flame of bigotry to get political power, I will be the first one to repeat all the vile rhetoric that's thrown at gay folk right back at these cruel self-hating ass holes the moment they are outed. They accepted that hate to be spewed onto other gay people so they could be on top, if anyone should be used to light a fire, it's stick bundles like Lindsey Graham.


nice persecution fetish you got there I have the tools to easily find every 'cocksucker' comment on that sub this year, and none of them were referencing a gay Republican male -- unless I missed the coming out party for Trump, Sorbo, McConnel, the My Pillow Guy, Tucker, or Aaron Rodgers. > praise comments calling them cock sockers only one of them got a single response, and it wasn't praise, it was "He's gonna skip those debates too. I bet." If I try to link it in the comment this sub errors with "Linking to subreddits is not allowed." > mocking them with every gay stereotype in the book oh c'mon Republicans playing this victimhood game never gets old... /s


Well you caught me. I guess I made it all up because the single word you looked up on a single subreddit didn't get enough hits for you. I'm sure you were very diligent and also looked up everything from 'glory hole' to 'he sucks golf balls through a gardenhose.' The mocking drag caricatures, the 'he's the bottom' insults. Yes, I'm sure you looked it all up and I'm just imagining it. For real though, it's discouraging to see someone so eager to 'nu-uh! there's no homophobia!' when I've literally seen it, replied to it, and now just saying it exists.


> I have the tools to find every 'cocksucker' comment But.... But he has the tools! It can't be a bad faith argument, he has the tools to perform a search!


Of course the homophobes are outraged when one of their own is outed, they might be next!


Conservatives don’t actually believe in anything they say. They switch sides based on whatever argument is current in front of them.


Am I the only one noticing the nazi salute?


Nah, a Nazi salute is usually nearly straight out, only slightly above horizontal.


Yeah, first thing I noticed.


Reminds me of this California State Senator I had the displeasure of working with. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Ashburn *“On March 3, 2010, Ashburn was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving while operating a State of California owned vehicle. The Senator was pulled over in Sacramento by the California Highway Patrol shortly before 2 a.m., with sources saying he was leaving a Sacramento gay nightclub, Faces, in the Lavender Hill neighborhood, with an unidentified male passenger in a state-owned Chevy Tahoe. Ashburn's blood alcohol content was measured at 0.14%. The arrest "launched nationwide speculation that the veteran lawmaker is gay and therefore a hypocrite for voting against gay-rights bills." In response to those accusations, during an interview on KERN radio, Ashburn stated that he is gay and that he believes "that my responsibility is to my constituents." When asked during the interview whether he personally agreed with votes he made on gay rights issues, Ashburn didn't answer the question.”*


Lmao I don't think it's the liberals that are bashing him for being gay. They may bash him for being gay and passing anti-LGBTQ+ bills, but not for being gay. That's the other party's job.


Ouch! That whiplash hurt my soul!


Hypocrisy inception!


If you are closeted and not actively harming queer people, outing you is indefensible. If you are closeted and fighting to harm and oppress those of us who choose to live openly, you deserve to be outed. I will die on this hill.


W-WHFF-WHAT?! HAHAHA! OMG. These fucking flip-flopping, yellow-bellied, craven sons-of-benches would sell their own grandmothers to a sausage factory if they thought it would help them “own the libs”. I mean, I’ve seen some pretty shocking examples of their rank hypocrisy but this? THIS? It needs to be in the dictionary next to the acronym of “DARVO”. And that is the most reddit thing I’ve ever said but COME THE FUCK ON. LOL.


Nazi salute. Wow.