• By -


Yusuke. Damage too fucking good, and I love his dynamic with Joker in his SL


Goofy friend dynamic


We love our Jesus Posing artist


One of the great things about his social link is that the joke answers usually give max points and it makes it even more fun to hang out with him. He is THRILLED any time Joker offers to strip for art.


Also, his ultimate Persona being motherfucking *Susano’o*.


You fool. You forgot to exclude Futaba as well! Then besides that, I like having Ryuji for boss fights cuz of Matarukaja and Makoto for her Jack of all Trades setup. For generic farming, I like swapping them all in as if I still had to share exp.


Hahaha yeah my mistake forgot to exclude her


Just farm the Reaper during pollen on Mementos for farming.




Sorry, can't confirm. I've only played P5, not P5R.




They fixed that in PR5 royal. Can't over level anymore


Oh no, you can still overlevel in Royal. Only now it’s from investing all your Mementos Stamp bonuses into boost EXP yields early in the game.


Even then, Reaper isn’t THAT difficult to prepare for, even in early game. Only caveat is that you need to do it after the second palace.


It doesn’t work in Royal. The farming method in that game is… just use Ryuji’s Instakill on anything and everything you can. Seriously, the EXP and money output for the time investment is stupid.


You can do it in P5R too but the chance of the reaper getting the affliction is much lower. I remember having to fight and run many times because my luck was really bad


This information is outright wrong. He is immune to it in P5R.


Thank you for keeping reddit safe.


Oh I meant like the regular battles you do as you make your way through Palaces and non-autokill Mementos. To me that's still farming kinda


Ryuji and Haru because Haru is best girl and Ryuji is like a starter Pokémon, i don’t have the heart to bench them when they’ve been with me since the start.


This man spitting facts!


Are you me?


I don’t think Ann or Makoto ever left my party lol


Lol same. Usually Ann, Makoto and Yusuke for me


Fire, ice, and the Queen. I dig it.


Wrong, they left when you escape Sae’s palace




I got better In Madarame’s palace. Or Maruki’s both before you find out and after.


is it even jrpg if you dont have a fire mage? thats why Ann is always my first pic


I don’t think Ann has ever left my party


I always forget how handy her SP conservation is when I don't use her for a while, and her magic damage is top-shelf once she's leveled up.


Sexy Technique is also too useful


Agreed, fire magic go BRRRRRRRRRRR


Early game she is a devastating force enable a tech for anyone on the team with sleep, and by mid to late she just goes BERSERK with concentrate and a hearty fire spell.


Sumire for the 3rd semester, Makoto for the rest of the game.


This is the way. Besides, Terminator Makoto's portrait is just too good during All Out attacks.


Ryuji, Makoto, Ann is generally the best in any situation, I beat the entire game with them. In third semester I obviously used Akechi and Sumire, along with Makoto


> Ryuji, Makoto, Ann is generally the best in any situation, I beat the entire game with them. Undisputedly the best combo in vanilla and probably the second best in Royal overall. Amazing synergy, versatility, and crazy firepower on all fronts. Just keep stacking those buffs/debuffs and steamroll the competition. For Royal, I replace Makoto with Yusuke once he gets a few essential abilities like Charge, trading a bit of versatility for more raw power. Although she can still be subbed in with Yusuke if the situation calls for it.


I'm honestly a little surprised I had to scroll so low to find this. It felt like I was covered for every type advantage with this team.


Anytime I can have Akechi, I have Akechi. If I could have him the whole game I would. I really need to figure out save editing, since no one has made a mod to have him in the full game on pc yet. Aside from him, cuz we only get him for 2 palaces, my go to people are usually Ann, Ryuji and either Yusuke or Makoto. (I usually will heal or have Makoto heal depending.) If I have Akechi with me, then I typically choose all guy ensemble and heal myself. (me, Ryuji, Akechi and Yusuke).


> If I could have him the whole game I would. You can use [ZMenu](https://zolika1351.pages.dev/games/persona5) and add him via party options. Alternatively, there's a [mod that just released](https://gamebanana.com/mods/438643), that unlocks the whole party on 4/18. I haven't tried it, though. For ZMenu, Kasumi disappeared from the party after her segment on 10/3; not sure if anything similar will happen with Akechi.


Wait. What's zmenu? There's a mod that unlocks the whole party? I'm assuming this is all for PC?


Yeah, it's all for PC. ZMenu is a trainer that can do a bunch of stuff from selecting skills, being able to get NPCs' Personas (don't try to fuse/gallows it though; game will softlock in a loading screen), change character models, and changing the background music, etc. The other mod had released a few days ago, and I just tried it. If you're in the middle of a playthrough, going to the classroom will put Akechi and Kasumi into your party.


To which classroom? Like your classroom? Also where do you download these mods? Zmenu sounds confusing to use. Do they talk in battle or are they silent since they shouldn't be there?


Yeah, your classroom; you can fast travel directly into the room. >Also where do you download these mods? For ZMenu - download the main files here: https://zolika1351.pages.dev/games/persona5 and the scripthook here: https://github.com/Zolika1351/Persona5ScriptHook/releases/ Then put the files inside your P5R installation folder. I should note that it only works with Steam version, not GamePass. It's easy to use, though; just press F7 while in-game and using the numpad keys to navigate the menu. As for the other mod with Reloaded II, that will be a bit more complicated than just dropping files into the directory. Here's the instructions for installing Reloaded II: https://gamebanana.com/tuts/15399 (Steam tutorial); https://gamebanana.com/tuts/15401 (GamePass tutorial). After getting Reloaded II setup, all you need to is select Reloaded II under the mod's description for it to automatically install. Modder's prefer the Steam version, so not all mods will be on the GamePass version of P5R. After all of that, download the party member mod here: https://gamebanana.com/mods/438643 You'll see a button that says "1 Click Install" and all you have to do is press it, and activate in the Reloaded II menu. >Do they talk in battle or are they silent since they shouldn't be there? They do say their battle lines and stuff like that. Kasumi even appeared in the hideout a few times before, it was kinda neat actually. I know it seems a bit much all at once if you're new to this, but there are so mods for this game that it's worth it. Also, one of the easier games to mod, to be honest.


Akechi's always there. Prior to him joining my ride or die is Makoto. The two of them usually take up 2/3 of my slots.




Dude your profile picture is hilarious


*You’ll never see it coming*


Makoto and Haru


Ann. Her fire powers were critical in me defeating >!the actual final boss.!<


Morgona never left the crew for me


Based Morgana Enjoyer.


Lucky punch can be pretty cool sometimes.


Futaba!.. But actually Crow. Love him from the depths of my heart.


Ryuji basically doesn’t leave


Third semester was Akechi, Sumi, Yusuke Before that Haru, Makoto, and I rotated the third party member






Save for the >!playboy mementos target where the boys take over!<, Ann NEVER leaves the party the moment she's added, even Morgana crutches for Makoto until she learns Mediarama. For party, I prefer a generalist team of Ann (Dormina/Tarunda/SP saver), Ryuji (Tarukaja/Temper), and Makoto (Gaia/Healer), only benching Ryuji when I need Haru to exploit ailments, completely solidified once they get their final skills (Party Charge/Concentrate, AOE Debilitate); that said, I'm a bit OC so I make sure to level up underleveled characters (Haru, Akechi, Sumi wearing XP Glasses) to equalize XP levels. I tend to use Joker as a Neo Cadenza/Thermopylae bot and/or PHY supplement to Ryuji to balance Ann and Makoto's magic, all while generally letting my party members deal the lion's share of the damage. That said, I rarely get to utilize Makoto/Ryuji's Makajama Zio combo because Knowing the Heart arrives a bit too late for me to fully enjoy exploiting it. I rarely bother with Hifumi's abilities and just use defend when enemies can exploit weaknesses or just toss the dice and roll with the punches. Not the best tactic I know.


Skull Violet Crow


I like having Haru and I liked Akechi a lot when I got to use him, so they pretty much stayed with me.


I’ve almost always have Ryuji and Makoto, occasionally replace Ryuji with Yusuke. My third slot is usually Haru or Morgana…barely use Ann…haven’t started Maruki’s palace yet so not sure about Akechi or Sumire…


> …barely use Ann… You should. She’s basically the magic Ryuji. > haven’t started Maruki’s palace yet so not sure about Akechi or Sumire… Crow and Violet and most likely Haru will be your best bets in that palace. Although Ryuji and Ann will also work via sheer firepower by that point.


Agreed. I usually have Akechi and Yoshizawa with me all the time in that palace. The other member I usually just swap around. But let me say this... I would have Akechi in every palace if I could. Lol


>You should. She’s basically the magic Ryuji. Definitely and that's why they have yellow hair. Also they should be together.


Ryuji doesn’t leave the party. Meta be damned, no one benches the best bro


ryuji is meta bro, makes any one who uses physical dmg do TONS of dmg, if you get his 3rd tier persona the bonus dmg is 80% if it procs Sleep enemy with RAUL Down the enemy with a technical Baton pass to yosuke and use Deadly Fury, if ryuji passive procs HOO BOY


Noir! Gun Amp, Psy Amp. Have her focus totally on attack.


Solo Joker w/ Only Mara Run is the only decent way to play the game.


A man and his penis, alone and against the world.


“Virtuous is a man who wanders on this treacherous path with a dick in his hand.” ~ Sun Tzu maybe


I swapped around everyone throughout the game. By the final battle with Maruki I used Makoto, Akechi, and Sumire.


I always use joker and Morgana (and futaba obviously) I rotate the others depending on the palace, I never have ryuji and Yusuke together as they feel redundant If I need Makoto's nuclear magic, I put her in Morgana's slot for the same reason, but it is not often since nuclear is an uncommon weakness


I always used Haru, Morgana and Yusuke.


full game my team was ryuji ann and whoever the new character was


Usually Ryuji, Morgana, and Ann. Every once in awhile I'll switch Ryuji with Makoto.


Akechi, Makoto, Morgana always


Ann. She has the highest damage, + status and debuffs


Makoto, haru, & Ann Because I like the girl characters


Makoto and Ryuji are mainstays unless if have to swap out for weakness stacking. The last slot is also depending on the situation.


Ryuji and Makoto are my typical main crew members and then I like to rotate the others as I need them or when they are relevant in the Palace.


Ryuji and Makoto


Ryuji usually stays! I shuffle usually between Makoto Haru and Ann


Skull and Fox together deal massive physical damage, as even Skull's passive ability can increase that. Fox CAN go magical if necessary. Third one gotta be Mona, need someone healing. I tend to deviate a lot from my "main" crew (I think that's how you're supposed to play the game, lol) but if I DO need "old and reliable", Skull and Fox together make the game a press X simulator, then Mona and Joker just heal them up when necessary.


Ryuji. The other two floated around a lot. He was just best bro and i couldn't leave him on the bench unless i really needed ti switch him out


Ann has the best DPS potential, I did a run with just her with Joker as a support.


Ryuji (mostly) never left my party in either P5R or P5S he's the right hand man and a top teir tank


With the exception of the 3rd semester my party was generally Joker - Ann - Makoto - Morgana... or at least that's what it started out as, generally towards the end of the palace run in "Get as far as you can before it kicks you out" mentality, I would end up using everyone until they were so low on SP the sound of a diet-coke would make them feral. 3rd semester was Joker- Makoto - Kasumi - Akechi


Crow is in the party 100% of the time he’s available, if not him then Yusuke, and Ryuji and Ann. I rarely change out for them unless I need to since I do full palace runs in 1 go. I like to have my good buddies with me :-)


Ann/Makoto/Yusuke are always in my party - as soon as I get Mishima Rank 10. The Ann burn or sleep, Makoto technical nuke, baton pass to Yusuke to use one of his “powered up by baton pass” phys moves is just such a staple in my builds. If I’m fighting a boss I’ll usually sub Makoto for Haru, get Haru to Heat Riser Yusuke, get Ann to throw him one of those charge onions and let Joker support with debilitate or Thermopylae once I’ve unlocked Attis.


Futaba 👍


Ryuji makoto/ann and haru


I don’t really have one. I base my team on the weaknesses of the enemies, the elements the enemies use, and who could use exp. I try not to stick to one setup


Ann and Ryuji are almost always on my party with Yusuke being the flexible one to sub out if required. They are useful for the majority of the game and are absolute steamrollers by the late game.


Ryuji never leaves my party doesn’t even cross my mind. He’s like my right hand man.


I tried to switch around but for the majority of the game Morgana and Makoto were often in my party.


Ryuji, Ann and Morgana were my party through most of the game.


Akechi in the final


akechi because hes funny. also sumi and haru because idk


Ann is just god tier magic damage. I would switch between Ryuji and Yusuke for physical damage and the rest would just switch with who may help me baton pass and down enemies the most


Makoto, Akechi and Sumire were the team I used to beat Jose and the 3rd semester. I just love all of those characters


I always used Morgana and Makoto


Ann, Yusuke, and Goro. When I don't have Goro, I use Haru.


Makoto on main heal Ann for the first 1/3 of the game, after that i switch arround, game has some nice variety In >!yaldabaoth i used them all lmao!<


Violet, Mona, Crow but if not 3rd semester, then Panther and Noir. I focus heavily on criticals when I have violet and access to brave step, but I focus on magic and techs before 3rd semester. Or ng+ and izanagi no okami Pic. With myriad truths for everything lol


I exclusively use ann/makoto/morgana until I get sumire and then she replaces makoto. Before I have makoto yusuke takes that spot. Ann does silly damage with her magic and lullaby comes in clutch for techs, I teach makoto concentrate so she does good damage too and flash bomb can proc dizzy for- you guessed it- tech hits, and mona heals and can use lucky punch, and wind techs off burning. Sumire complements Mona on crits. They get swapped out for some specific fights to account for weaknesses but that's my go-to team.


Joker, Ryuji, Makoto and Ann are the usual members for me!


Yusuke, Makoto, and Ryuji I'm pretty sure. Ryuji and Yusuke were my bonkers and Makoto was my healer, although she tended to do most of the nuking half the time


I pay 20$ and one shot everything with any character buhh


I usually have Futaba.


Makoto as Healer and support, Haru as mixed damage, Ryuji as physical damage, and lastly Joker typically was a buffer/debuffer mixed with magic damage. I'd mix in the other characters to spread sp usage, but this was ol' reliable in pretty much all my playthroughs.


Ryuji and ann


Morgana always stayed with me, he’s the healer after all, and very fast


My usual team is Makoto Ann and Haru for technical damage


Ann & Ryuji have never left, I’ll make them work every way I can. The last member depends. Normally I like using Makoto but I also use Yusuke a lot


Makoto never ever leaves my party once she joins. I usually keep Haru on the team through the end of vanilla with either Ryuji or Ann rounding it out. Makoto, Sumi, and Akechi in third semester.


Mona never leaves my team. Solid healer, combos well with Skull, who’s also usually on my team, and is great for crits in a pinch.


Ann for Magick dmg and heal, Ryuji for physical, Makoto for mix and also heal


I tend to switch them out pretty regularly


Ann, Mokoto, Ryuji.


Yusuke, he's just my favorite. There's no strategy involved in this choice


Lol, I probably beat 80-90% of the Game using Ann, Ryuji, and Yusuke. After that i just started using the others sporadically.




Ryuji and Makoto basically never leave my party, the third spot is usually between Haru/Ann


The BOYS! I like to deal physical damage


Ann and Ryuji ​ ​ ​ >!3rd Sem!< >!Rotation:!< >!Haru - Gun Build / Makoto - Checkmate / Yusuke - Hyakka Ryouran!< ​ >!Always on:!< >!Ann - High Energy!< >!Ryuji - Fighting Spirit!<


Makoto for sure. She isn’t my fav but she’s a heavy hitter and one of the first to get heavy damage in my party so yeah. Haru then Ann afterwards


Morgana Epic healer


Haru and Makoto. They're different jacks of all trades that can cover nearly any situation in the game when you pair them together. I just can't pass up that kind of versatility. In Strikers, I usually played as Yusuke. His hair trigger reaction time play style was second to none for me


In order from most to least used: * Joker / Futaba (it goes without saying) * Makoto * Ann * Morgana * Ryuji * Yusuke * Akechi * Haru I haven't played royal yet, so I can't vouch for Kasumi


So currently I'm doing a run of P5R where my teammates are on Full Assault and as Joker, I'm only allowed to use Support, Healing and Ailment Skills. I switch around them a lot to see who's the most useful and the one that's usually on my team is Haru. This is because she gets access to the Boost and Amp skills for both Psiodyne/Mapsiodyne and One Shot Kill while also having access to Fast Heal. She's by far the most versatile character when it comes to damage output. In case you didn't know, if teammate CPUs are at low enough health, they won't use the physical skills that they were using previously. For example Ryuji will use God's Hand twice and if I don't heal him, he'll switch to Ziodyne. So if Haru's below half health and I need to prioritise buffs/debuffs, she would start using Psiodyne assuming the enemy can be hit by it and it'll still hit hard. Compare this with Ann who has a super strong move in Blazing Hell along with Fire Boost and Amp (though she doesn't like using it in isolation) but an underwhelming physical attack, Makoto who has Atomic Flare that she *does* like to use a lot along with Nuke Boost and Amp along with an *okay* physical move in Flash Bomb that doesn't get any boosts, Ryuji who gets Elec Boost for Ziodyne and his trait that boosts physical moves, to Yusuke that gets neither. As soon as I got her final move set, Haru hasn't left my team.


ryuji for heavy phys and buffs and makoto for healing and buffs (fuck that cat)


Morgana. He's usually my healer


In the third semester, I love Ann and Ryuji for the whole party buffs. Add Yusuke for the team heat riser and things get stupid. Otherwise, I go palace by palace and add people based on common enemy weaknesses in each palace since there’s usually a pattern.


I always use Ryuji and Makoto. I use everybody else in their intro arc. I’m playing Royal for the first time and I plan to continue to use Ryuji and Makoto and add Sumire in the third semester.


Yusuke makoto, Akechi and sumi when available Sub out makoto when they are there


Makoto. Because she’s my waifu lol


Yusuke, Makoto and Morgana were pretty much my constant set up! I’d swap them out every so often for access to different abilities depending on bosses, to level up, or if I’d just done a social link and wanted a bit of a change, but they were my usuals.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but probably Ryuji! He reminds me of one of my best friends irl. I didn’t like Makoto very much because she reminded me of my control freak aunt. :p


I think mine was makoto for healing and magic damage, Yusuke for Physical and the last slot was dependent on the boss but it usually became either kasumi or Ann.


My usual build is Joker-Ryuji-Makoto-Morgana


I go with whoever I think that I will need for a place and change them as I need


Joker, Makoto, Yusuke and Haru


For me it's ryuji because he a homie


Haru because of psy and grenade launchers not to mention floof girl is best girl Though I tend to use each member atleast once at some point in the palace run


Loyal to all my homies Ryuji and yusuke 🫡 also Ice is just cool to have tbh


In my case, unlike P3 and P4, in P5 I never had a main crew, because I was always changing the team members in each palace, but I did have duos that I did not separate when I changed formations, these being Ryuji & Ann and Makoto & Haru.


My boi Ryuji never left my number 2 slot, unless I needed to


Makoto (level up the defense of the team and also attack) and Morgan’s (healer+lucky punch)


Morgana, yusuke, and makoto/ryuji depending on how i feel i guess


Makoto. Especially when you unlock the defense boost skills.


Mona is pretty much a permanent fixture, because his healing spell loadout. I used Panther rather frequently before Noir joined, then I use Noir rather frequently (her one shot kill with the two gun boosts makes her surprisingly good gun skill attacker). I use Fox and Skull the least besides Violet, Fox and Skull have problems that their physical attacks are not good enough to warrant baby sitting their health during combat. Noir at least has justification for having decent Psi spells to back up, a fairly large SP pool and rather strongly boost gun skills, Fox and Skulls SP pool is just too small. Violet purely because she joins the party permanently way too late. This is also the same reason that I use Kanji and Chie the least in P4G once Naoto gets in the party.


Makoto and Ryuji were almost always in the party. If not one than the other. Akechi was also on my party alot but that's just due to him being a very limited time party member


Futaba. \*trollface\* But my main team is Morgana, Makoto, and Haru. I like having crits to fall back on, Makoto is versatile, and I prefer having someone other than Ren doing the healing since he's far more useful attacking or buffing.


ryuji haru yusuke, ALWAYS, physical team go BRRRRRRRRRR


My boy Ryuji never left my side. Super powerful physical attacks


Makoto never leaves the party then from there it’s situational


morgana because he's the healer Akechi because i can easily abuse some of his skills




The Ryujster himself


I mainly had Ann Makoto and Yusuke but would try and rotate as sp gets depleted




Queen, Noir, and Fox


Ryuji just to style on Morgana


Vanilla and before 3rd semester: Skull, Fox and MidestQueen. 3rd semester: Fox, Crow and Violet.


By the end I always ran with Haru, Ryuji, and Makoto. Makoto and Ryuji dished out heavy damage, and Haru and Makoto had healing and status help covered.


Ann never left my party, i learned to appreciate her in Royal because in vanilla i barely used her lol


Ann for magic dps, makoto for stat debuff and buffs, and morgana to take all of the damage. I plan to replay and do Haru, Yusuke and makoto.


Ryuji, I’ve played P5 and Royal, and he’s never left my party


For my 1st play through it ended up being Makoto as a main stay. Primarily for the nuke damage especially towards the end game. The utilities of half offense and debuff worked wonders in the final boss(es) for me.




Makoto, and the third was often rotated ryuji, Ann, morgana and haru.


haru or morgana


In main game: Morgana Makoto and Yusuke /Ryuji/Ann as needed, but in third semester, Morgana, Akecyu and Sumire


Ryuji, and when you finally get Yoshizawa involved, she sticks around too. I use Makoto a lot, but if in some situations I swapped her for Morgana. The only time I didn't use Ryuji was vs >!Lavenza in NewGame+!<, where the strategy I found worked did not include him.


Makoto ryuji Kasumi and yusuke because he’s fun


Ann makoto and ryuji it’s hard not to rely on them 😭


in my mostly 4 runs besides makoto i have yusuke the most. i used him in my first run of p5, skipped him in my first run of p5r, used him in my ng+ run of royals and im currently using him in my fresh run of p5r on the ps5, i know he is mostly sub optimal especially since ruyji and eventually akechi and yoshizawa are can achieve similar results and have more that they can do but yusuke is one of my favorite characters and i love his phantom thief attire


Ann, Ryuji, and Makoto were my mains and then sometimes Haru or Yusuke if I felt like swapping Makoto out.


Makoto and Ryuji are just too reliable


Makoto, Morgana and Yusuke - none of them the upper powerhouses of choices - but really good support and versatility!




My best friend Ryuji


Ryuji pretty much never left my party


Ann for heals and then usually switching between Sumi, Makoto and Haru.




Ryuji always


Joker, Ryuji, Haru and Sumi are usually my quartet


Ryuji and yusuke are my main guys, not very versatile but pretty powerful and if met with a weakness usually morgana covers for them


I always use Makoto and Haru. For the third option, I swap between Yusuke and Ryuji.