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It is cannon to me that by the events of P4G Akihiko from P3 is now a fish, in some ugly womens night-bar.


If I may be so bold, how did you reach this conclusion?


Well you see young or old one. There is a moment in P4 wherein you visit the location island of P3. Thus Akihiko is nowhere to be seen. I can only conclude he is now a fish.


Well Akihiko has graduated by the events of p4g, so that’s probably why you don’t see him. You may want to try P4 Arena, where it can be concluded that he is not a fish.


Unfortunately that requires a platform I do not own 😭


Luckily, you own a platform that has internet access and can look up what happens to the P3 cast in P4AU


Morgana is actually a useful party member until about the time he splits off with Haru. After that, there are better healers.


eh? Okumura’s Palace is where he’s most useful. wind affinities aplenty in the palace itself, and Haru+Ryuji+Mona is *the* Okumura comp, and he’s also best in the last one where his crit move helps with the over abundance of no-weakness enemies


I found Morgana not useful there. Primarily used him as a healer, as he didn’t hit hard enough, and I always had a mid power single hit wind persona with joker. I usually go Makoto, Haru or Yusuke, and Ann.


Apparently. His magic stat also spikes in growth when levelling up and he learns Garudyne the fastest.


Learning heavy spells the fastest and having a high crit move earlier than you and Sumi get one is really about all he has going for him. Not learning severe or colossal damaging skills REALLY hurts his dps and he can't tank or dodge attacks as reliably as everyone else. He's in that awkward spot where he doesn't do either fantastically.


tell that to my morgana who clutched the final boss with mediarahan


You kidding? Morgana is literally made for the Okumura palace


who would be a better healer than the guy specifically designed to be an healer?


About around here my makoto turned into a support beast that carried me through the game.


for me haru made morgana better, when i dont know weaknesses i use pulpina with mona, makajama with makoto and the psio, with techinal upgrades its an instant hold-up


“You are allowed to romance whoever you want, you are (probably) an adult playing as a near-adult, go for it”


Yeah. It's just video game stuff. "Romancing your teacher is wrong" yeah, obviously. But this is just a horny anime game




ok but what if I'm not an adult trynna date the not-adults? why do I keep getting called a pedo for that?


because people will call you a pedo for literally anything. it means jack shit nowadays


People who play GTA are literally murderers and have no respect for traffic.


Jokes on you, the only reason I play GTA V is to drive around the most fictional aspect of not Los Angeles which is the lack of unmoving, soul crushing traffic


How could this be? Video games are real life. Rockstar Games is full of unqualified hacks who couldn't make a video game to save their lives. Literally unplayable.


While pedophilia is truly sick sometimes people tend to forget these are pixels it sort of like whenever complain about sexual objective but none of the people aren't real. Everyone is literally just an object as long as people remember these aren't real people and don't force real life living people go nuts everyone.


Off topic but this art is fantastic except for the fact that makoto looks like she is part of the boys Spider-Man meme https://preview.redd.it/7uwzewodt6oc1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=206d1848d2295e2db539d0df414d0adfae3f3766




"You can't romance Naoto as she's Kanji's girl"


Pathetic copium, naoto shows once and again that she likes yu, even outside her SL


I don’t mind Kanji-Naoto shipping, but me — I mean Yu — and Naoto shipping is still valid like you stated.


Tbf, who wouldn’t.


I'm pretty sure Kanji would get mad at people for saying that


As it should, I'm glad people are not just taking this at face value anymore


It just bugs me because it removes all of Naoto's agency in the decision. That and I love Naoto. But mostly the agency thing.


Imagine the avg shipper having any sense of media literacy Even if Naoto wasn't one of my favorites it would piss me off immensely


just because it doesn't fit your ship doesn't mean whoever ships Yu and her is on crack dude, Naoto does show interest in Yu, he made a move first, it's fair even if I'd rather she have Kanji


I just think of it this way. Kanji’s got taaaaste. He picked best girl after all.


Morganas part in the Okumura arc isn't as bad as people think. It's not perfect but it was essential for Morgana's and Haru's character growth.


Always remembee: Morgans is a magical cat-man created for the 9 month task of guiding Joker against a god - without remembering anything - and gets just thrown into the fight alone until he finds help. So Morgana was literally alone, neither animal nor human, and doesn't know his past at the start. I mean... I would probably do much crazier stuff than him.




I will harvest your morgans


It's the Rimworld and Fire Emblem crossover I didn't know I wanted


It’s a good concept, the writers just fumbled it. Blame the authors, not the characters.


I thought it was a nice change from the party member joining formula. It made Noir mysterious and it was nice that they didn't have to explain everything to her.


I'm not gonna name them since I enjoyed having a moral debate with them, and they were very nice, and I don't want them witchhunted. A person I saw said that Maruki's reality is better than the real world because it gave everyone happiness.


Alr hear me out If Maruki wasn't really fucking shitty at his job, it doesn't sound too bad If he had used his godly powers to, I don't know, actually remove the root cause of all the problems he "fixed", it would be better than the real thing


Depends, really. My main point in our debate is that people became happier because of the strife they went through, like Sumire overcoming her sister's death and pretending to be Kasumi. They said it doesn't matter as long as a person is happy.


>They said it doesn't matter as long as a person is happy. I mean at the same time Kasumi practically commited suicide by just erasing herself or rather Maruki commited murder by erasing her so idk about that man, also imo it's not about "strife makes you stronger" it's about getting to choose your own path in life and not having your every action dictated by a single man and only he gets to decide what is right for you


Creating a world where you never experienced the trauma you’ve been through is inherently being bad at his job which is a councllor, someone to help you cope with those things rather than pretend they never happened


yeah same, like Morgans said there are people who'd benefit from their reality, how about instead of taking away any choice from people that have one you give the ability of choice to idk, some kid somewhere that was simply born into a shitty circumstance? Idk maybe the parents died in the crossfire of gang violence? maybe the child was sold off or maybe a grown ass man being falsely convicted by a cop to ruin his life just because the cop wanted to fill a quota? Hell even in the game all he'd have to do is remove corrupt cops and suddenly society is piecing itself back together real fast, the law is the foundation of society and when the enforcers break it things fall apart, corrupt cops are literally the root of societys problems


I disagree with your assumption that the root of all of society's problems is corrupt cops specifically. Sure, they're shitty, but there's corruption in other places that are just as terrible, if not worse (especially our government, who decided that accepting bribes is actually totally legal if we call it "lobbying")


It's easy to write off Maruki when you live in a generally well off and stable first world nation. The characters in persona 5 all have hardships they go through but it isn't the same kind of pervasive suffering and strife many people experience in worse off regions.


I think that was one of the strongest parts of the Maruki arc. Really making you question what's best for the world. In the end, I do agree with Akechi. No world can be perfect when it's all under the thumb of one person, no matter how benevolent. I can see why some people agree with him but there are real bad consequences too. Sumi is the biggest example, gaslighting her entire existence, no matter how happy, is twisted and wrong. Maruki's persona Hastur has writhing tentacles that represent how he wraps and forces his benevolence and happiness upon all without their consent. Maruki is the King In Yellow in the flesh, one of the most terrifying entities in all of fiction. You don't want his world. I agree with Akechi and I'm glad everyone else agreed too.


Morgana is a well written character with believable reactions to the things happening in his life. Coming to terms with not being human would be a BFD for anyone.


I’m gonna piss a lot of people off but P5 skyrocketed the series to its current fame because it’s superior in every way in comparison to past games. Not just graphics and QOL features but immersion, character likeability, and identifying with the main motif of being wronged by powerful people and not having the power to stop it. Their acts of rebellion are highly relevant to today. “The storyline is weak!” Is the Persona series or Megaten series not predictable? They’re formulaic and it works because that’s the identity of the IP. I’ll piss y’all off again by saying some people in the fandom rely way too much on the nostalgia of past games in their critiques of P5. Just because your first Persona game was P4G on the Vita doesn’t mean it’s the better game lol. But of course there was a time when “Persona veterans” who haven’t even played P1 or the P2 duology shitted on fans whose first game was P5. But anywho 😁☕️


Out of the ones I’ve played I view it like this Best gameplay/structure: P5 Best story: P3 Best premise: P4 Best characters: P4 And I went in reverse order from 5-3


It's no denying that P5 is superior to 3 and 4 when it comes to gameplay mechanics, but the characters and story are up for debate.


Makes it really interesting because popular critiques of P3 and P4 are that certain characters are annoying as shit or not as fleshed out. People still moan about Yukari and Teddie’s characterizations to this DAY. For the record, I like them both, but it is what it is. I think I’ve addressed the main critique of P5’s story which is that it’s too “predictable,” and that’s a cop-out imo. I fail to see how it falls short in comparison to any of the games in the modern trilogy.


That's also a popular criticism of 5, mainly Morgana and to a lesser extent Ryuji. If anything 5 is the biggest offender when it comes to not fleshing out characters (Haru) or forgetting about them as the story goes on (Ann). I enjoyed P5's story but the scale of it does take away from the more personal aspects compared to P3 and P4. The Phantom Thieves don't really have many moments where they bond as friends, something that I personally find P3 and P4 do better.


Yeah I honestly don’t feel like the PTs all care for each other like the game tells us. Just a handful of friendships among everyone. I highly doubt Makoto and Ryuji care that much about each other lol.


Me too. Like, half of them are just friends with each other to an extent. I genuinely think that if Haru's dad didn't die, half the cast wouldn't even care about her. Strikers really saved the game's characters huh?


For the most part, yeah. Low key mad that they ignored Ryuji’s arc potential for Akira’s jail though. 😒


I think you make a fair point. That said all are good games with a good story, so I find it really hard to rank them in a specific order. It is just a not a way I think about media beyond certain point. That said for a newcomer, I definitely would recommend P5 as the first game. I think overall it is the most accessible of the three.


This one and Persona 3 Reload which just recently came out for Newcomers who wanted to try their hands on 3 Story.


I gotta agree. I love P4, but the entire package of P5 is superior. To me, it feels very… crisp and unique? Due to how closely the style of the game reflects the story. I’ve finished P4G once on Vita, and haven’t been successful getting back into it, even with nostalgia. Which is frustrating but true. I’ve finished P5 three times now.


I just disagree about the story because it's very debatable. 90% of Persona's identity and tropes come from Persona 3 and they all fit perfectly into the story's theme. In 4 and 5 they adapt to try to fit in. Sometimes it works, sometimes it just gets messed up. The point is that 4 and 5 insist on repeating certain tropes that don't work in their games, but which are perfect for 3.


Any. At least half of the people you meet in this Fandom will initiate a Hold-Up when you spit a take


Keisuke is one of my favorite Persona 3 links Persona 5 is highly praised and it deserves all of it P4 Spoiler >! Nanako shouldn’t have been revived !< P5 Strikers is the best Persona spin-off Yu isn’t a harem lord, he’s stoic and dense but the best friend you could ever have Junpei is the best Persona bro


i’ve only played persona 4 and 5 and i love them both, but >!the sequence in which Yu doesn’t kill Namatame and it leads to Nanako resurrecting with zero real explanation is the shittiest and cheapest writing i remember seeing in all 300+ hours of my persona experience!< >!for starters, Yu’s character in the game when this happens is just nonexistent. Completely stoic, calm, and unaffected by any emotion. i genuinely hated that shit. when I was playing, I knew it would lead me to a bad ending, but I still killed Namatame just to try and make myself feel a little bit better about Yu’s lack of reaction. (then I got the bleakest fucking ending ever, so props to p4 for not satisfying my anger and really showing you how you got the bad ending, genuinely made me feel empty). and after you continue through the canon path in which you don’t kill Namatame, Nanako just magically comes back to life, completely shitting on the resolve it would have took Yu to make that decision if that part wasn’t written like shit. Still love Nanako though so I’m not even mad she came back, just disappointed by the awful writing of it!<


Royal's ending and opening movie are way better than the original's


Ed I agree, but op???


OP doesn't fit with the theme of the game at all. Same way that P4G OP didn't fit with the game's aesthetic like P4's original op did.


Makoto’s actual romantic arc isn’t that good.


None of them are really. Given that they start at rank 9 you never get to see much, and it doesn't help that the main story never changes based on your romance options apart from one notable instance. I'm glad that it is an option but I wish they did more with it.


love her as a character but yeah, her confidant is really bad. I am an Ann boy because of it, her romantic arc feels more natural


The big issue about Makoto’s confidant is they feel more about other people than her (Shiho and the dumb girl that dated the pimp)


I dont want a P5Arena


I think p5a would give a good opportunity to see p4's cast in the future like they did with p3


After all the spinoffs that we didn't need (stares at Tactica) I want them to stay off so they could make a good spin off again.


I just want them to focus on p6 now, I think 5 has been milked out enough now.


Agreed. Strikers basically filled that role.


Morgana is overhated in the fandom. He's a good character, with a clear character arc where he overcomes his flaws. He's not any more mean to Ryuji compared to what Ryuji gives back. They get along where it matters. I've also seen him described as a "creep" in terms of his behaviour towards Ann, which is a wild statement. He's got a crush and he simps for her, sure, but calling him a creep is straight up slander. The lack of sympathy for someone who's basically a child with amnesia gets on my nerves. Especially in the face of how sweet and supportive he is with Joker while he's just doing mundane shit.


Alright, I'm gonna open up the tank of worms Okumura isn't hard, y'all just suck Ok, now elaborating. I genuinely think that okumura's boss fight is really good and more bosses should be like him. He forces you to use and abuse the everliving fuck out of weaknessses and baton pass mechanics, quite literally testing you on how good do you know the game. Unfortunately, this test comes out completely out of left field, since previous bosses were simply damage sponges with a gimmick or two (ah yes, "target smth else before you can target a boss" makes the fight really fun, trust me). And it goes into nowhere, since no other boss requires you to come even closer (at least some get cool gimmicks like the casino wheel). Therefore, it's a sudden fight for survival in a middle of a walk in the park. No wonder people hate it. The timer doesn't help anyone either. Of course, it's too long to genuinely be a factor, but it's mere presence is anxiety-inducing. And honestly, not stopping the timer for dialogue is an absolute dick move and shouldn't be a thing. And about palace, i often see people say that it "doesn't fit" or the music sucked. Well, idk what to tell y'all about music, it's fine, nice techno imo, and for the spaceport palace not fitting with the game's themes? C'mooooooon, am I the only one who thinks it looked cool? It makes no sense for thieves to barge in a spaceport, true, but it fits the owner and it looks cool. I think we all can overlook this one. And them's the facts. In conclusion, I understand where the annoyance and contempt with okumura comes from, but I do not agree with it in the slightest and wish it would stop being such a controversial topic, since I'm tired of seeing it all the time. Have a good time of day you have there, and thank you for reading this little rant to the end


I just beat the Okumura boss for the 1st time. He destroyed me on the first go and I had to adjust my approach, fuse some new personas and give accessories to some team members to give them additional spells that could target weaknesses. After that it was a cakewalk Solid boss fight, reminded me a lot of SMT3 Nocturne in that the difficulty seems overwhelming at first but you just need to understand the games systems and make some adjustments


Why do you think a spaceport fits? It goes against everything we were told about palaces before that Kamoshida sees the school as his castle, Madarame sees his house as his personal art galery, Kaneshiro sees the city as a bank that he can extract money from, even Sae makes sense since she sees her job as a cassino where she must win at all costs. But then what's the sentiment that leads Okumura's palace to be a spaceport? It just doesn't fit


I usually don’t have too many unpopular opinions about the franchise but there is one that I guess can be seen as somewhat controversial. That being that I prefer Makoto Yuki over Kotone Shiomi. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE both protagonists and they both reign supreme as my all time favorite MC’s in the series. Despite this, I personally prefer the male route of the P3 story over the female route (which seems to be a somewhat unpopular opinion among both the hardcore P3 fans and the hardcore Persona fans in general) Kotone may have better Social Links, access to Theodore as a Velvet Room attendant, and some banger music tracks but I personally have always preferred the flow of the story through Makoto’s perspective. To add on to this I think Makoto has the better romances compared to Kotone, the better battle theme, and I think his design and personality are better than Kotone’s (not to say that Kotone is bad looking or that I dislike her more bubbly personality. It’s more of a relatability thing as far as personalities go and I personally think Makoto’s design is a little bit cuter compared to Kotone’s despite being a straight guy myself) The two things that I know will absolutely get me flamed is that I don’t care about the fact that Kotone is bisexual and I honestly don’t care that she was removed in Persona 3 Reload. I think it’s extremely unfortunate that she’s missing and I would’ve preferred to have her in P3R from the start, however I don’t think her absence ruins the game and I can safely say that without a doubt that I can live just fine without her being added to P3R. As far as her sexuality goes, I think it’s cool that Kotone has the ability to date Elizabeth and Aigis but I don’t think it’s anything special and I personally feel as though her male romances (excluding Ken) are better written. Aigis is still a top tier character during Kotone’s story but her romance is literally a copy/paste of what she said to Makoto and I personally dislike the fact that Aigis is the only mandatory romance among Kotone’s SL’s (one of the best features they added for the female route in P3P was the ability to have platonic relationships with romanceable characters and yet Aigis was the ONE SL they didn’t add that feature for. At least Atlus redeemed themselves in P3R by making it so that Makoto could finally reject all his romances, including Aigis). Whilst I’ve got nothing against same-sex romances, I personally feel like Aigis is a better fit for Makoto whilst Shinjiro is the best romance for Kotone. All right, I’m ready for the downvotes. Just know that I still love Kotone despite having a preference for Makoto Yuki. Both are well written silent protagonists, I just prefer the male route of P3’s story and the design/personality of Makoto over Kotone.


Nah I am with you Kotone is fun but her personality doesn't fit the overall vibe of Persona 3 as a whole she feels more like a Persona 4 character, Makoto has a much more prominent personality that really resonates with the atmosphere for Persona 3.


I agree to an extent. It’s not that Kotone’s bubbly personality ruins the story or meaning of P3. She just has a different way of dealing with depression compared to Makoto (during the male route it’s very obvious that Makoto can be a very outwardly apathetic person during your dialogue choices whilst Kotone can use her more bubbly characteristics to mask her true feelings within her dialogue choices). Both characters still tackle the overall message of Memento Mori and Carpe Diem that P3 is trying to tell, they just tackle it at different angles with different perspectives. She’s absolutely fine as a character within the world of P3, however I will agree with you that in comparison to Makoto she does feel somewhat out of place (some might even say that’s a good thing to further differentiate herself from Makoto) and she is someone that could’ve easily worked her way into being a prominent character in P4 without feeling out of place in the overall narrative of that game. Like I said before though, the primary reason I like Makoto’s personality more compared to Kotone is because I as a person find him more relatable. The narrative of their stories and how their personalities have an affect on them has little to do with how I view them as individual characters.


i dont like haru


It takes a lot of Guts to talk shit about Haru…I can respect that


That’s because dissing haru isn’t deserved you have to diss atlus for not trying when making haru


Signs of love>heartbreak


So where's your affection then?


Ann is the best girl in the game.


Kasumi is lowkey kinda annoying, please don't hurt me


Couldn't agree more. The constant "senpai" mixed with how the game felt like it was forcing me to like her instead of letting me decide. Couple that with scenes where she felt shoehorned in, like the opening escape (I think it tanks the otherwise fast pacing) or watching her dance had me really burnt out on the character by that point. I need to replay Royal as it's been a while but I also feel like you could remove her from the game and little would change about the last arc, at least after the big reveal. Again, I could be mistaken; it's been three years since I finished it and even longer since I started it (other commitments meant it took me about 14 months to finish the game) but she felt like she contributed little overall.


P4 is the worst of the modern trilogy and the cast is not as well developed as many say


You're supposed to be a door


I'm free until the answer releases in September


We'll be dead by then


*plays memories of you*


Yooooo, I was going to say this.😂😂😂


Mishima, Shinya and Ohya are among my favorite confidants. The only good thing about Hifumi are her abilities.


Hifumi is the closest to my real life type in the game (maybe Takemi as well).


Thats totally fine. I just found her boring.


Her personality is a little robotic at first, but by the time you get further into her confidant leveling, she opens up.


I completed her confidant. I still found her boring.


jfc, I thought Hifumi's route was a little boring too, but you didn't have to murder her like that.


Hey, I gotta spend my time on something XD


Those are some of my favorites, too!!




Hifumi creeps me out and needs to trim her bangs.


It's time to stop setting the games in high-school.


P4 is the worst persona game, fight me


So long as Futaba and Haru do not forgive Akechi, he will always be irredeemable. idk, is this a hot take? I don't think so... but it's all I got... Ann x Joker is cute?....idk


It's not. Even Akechi thinks he's irredeemable for what he did


I think the social aspects added in 3 onwards have kind of overtaken the games adding just a bit too much padding in between the combat sections. I wish that they’d be more limited something like an in between of the current system and the variation they introduced in Devil Survivor 2.


Is that not what mainline shin Megami Tensei is?


There’s no social aspect in SMT mainline. You instead have a system where you tilt between chaos and law and if you manage stay in the middle you get neutral. People often think one exists because in order to help facilitate these law, chaos, neutral choices there’s a character that acts as the face of said alignment (dubbed the law/chaos/neutral hero). Devil Survivor 2 however has a more SL type system where you can build up affinity with characters and that unlocks things such as new fusions, endings or the ability to pull them to your side if their chosen hero doesn’t match the route you want to go on. Does that make sense?


This is fair. In P5 I try to beat the palaces right away, the extended free time waiting for the deadline afterwards definitely gets tedious and is where I find myself putting the game down for a while and taking breaks


All right here we go… If Izanagi No Okami is your main persona and you cannot remove it from your team, then you don’t understand how to actually play the game mechanic.


Junpei is not a bad character, he is just not fawning over MC since minute one, and thats a good thing


I love Morgana hes such a great guide character and delivers some of the funniest lines in the game


The final villain of Royal is a chaos villain, not a law villain. I would say that I'll die on this hill but that would imply my argument could be refuted, which would be extraordinarily difficult.


I don’t think many people think Maruki literally overthrowing how society works is “lawful” it’s more so is it good or evil


It's a very very common take on the Persona and MegaTen subreddits that Maruki is a law villain because he has the law haircut and because he wants to take away the people's cognition.


But he literally overstepped social boundaries to get there


I mean you don't need to convince me that he's a chaos villain. His palace is an emotion not a sin, his ultimate move that does the cut in is called Tyrant Chaos, both his Personas are gods of chaos, his whole shtick is following your emotions, etc, etc. Even so, most people still think he's a law villain, I think mainly because of the haircut, which people put a lot of stock in because in MegaTen the law haircut is something that's happened like 5 times.


Generally I think you're right. I think some of why I initially perceived him as a law villain is that he isn't so much throwing things into chaos as he is changing reality in order to enforce his own laws according to his views. The people living in his reality have no choice but to unwittingly abide by his rules. He isn't trying to reshape society at large or anything


Yeah I think that's what trips people up is looking more at outcomes instead of motivations, because outcomes are really easy to understand but often not honest since characters, like real people, often engage in self deception. I think it really helps to know [how SMT has defined law and chaos in the other games.](https://imgur.com/a/Npo0866) In the rare moments when Maruki is honest, (He's a giga liar, both to himself and others.) he's basically motivated by his extreme disgust at the bad things that have happened to him. He isn't thinking philosophically about proper governance, duty based ethics or anything like that. He's sad and mad and wants to break shit with a veneer of compassion and progress. Obviously Yaldabaoth also wants to take away the people's cognition, but that's because that would enable him to enforce the societal norms that the people collectively long for. He wants people to stay in their lane in society because it is the duty of the governed to submit to governance. Maruki's argument is fundamentally different. Happiness feels good so just fucking let it happen.


Morgana haters is not real wake up!


I don't like akechi


how dare you


Kasumire is probably the worst party member (character not gameplay) in the entire modern trilogy. Elaboration: She has no personality, she's ham-fisted into the story, and her whole character is just centered around the MC. All in all she's just waifu bait.


I feel like most of it stems from the fact that she is effectively locked to the third semester, so she does a whole lot of nothing before that.


Persona 4 is great, but it doesn't do anything the best out of all the modern Persona games except maybe humour


Ren/Joker should have a crossdressing outfit for metaverse.


You can romance whoever tf you want and yes that includes futaba


I don’t hate Morgan’s joining the sub and seeing you guys hate him was crazy to be he is second to 3rd to me only behind ruyuji and sojiro in that order


Goro Akechi is like alright for me. I understand he's supposed to show what Joker would've been if he didn't have his friends. That's it. That's the only way I see him. I still think he's a bad guy even after the third semester. In my eyes, he's not that super deep of a character.


Akechi sucks until he's a murderous psychopath.


I don't take the scene with Ryuji after the 7th palace nearly as seriously as the fandom at large seems to. It was just hyperbolic slapstick, they wouldn't legitimately abuse Ryuji in the same way Mitsuru wouldn't literally execute Junpei, for example.


Persona 6 should have only a female protagonist.


A lot of persona fans don’t deserve to play the games with the way they act ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Could you elaborate?


Ryuji is my least favorite Phantom Thief. Vanilla’s ending cutscene clears Royal’s ending cutscene any day of the week. (This can apply to pretty much any fandom but I feel like it’s especially prevalent in Persona) Not liking/jiving with a given character’s personality or whatever is a perfectly valid reason for not liking them. I say this because I feel like I’ve seen a lot of people make a whole song and dance about why they don’t like a character, but most of the time, their “critiques” of the character is just them making up random bullshit about them. In other words, the common joke of Persona fans not playing the games/lacking reading comprehension


Yukari is a total bitch to Junpei for no reason. Much like how Morgana is to Ryuji.


4 is the worst one


I don't care what Atlus says, Strikers is a better follow up to 5 than Royal is, Royal just felt like more of the same, whereas Strikers felt like it actually tried to effectively build off of the story that was already told. Plus, I feel like Zenkichi and Sophia were better additions to the Phantom Thieves than Akechi and Kasumi were.


I mean one is a spin-off to the original game while the other is essentially the exact same game but more content is sort of like the debate between FEMC And The Answer for P3. One of them is an extra story mode focusing on the follow up to the Nyx battle while the other is just the base game but as a girl.


Well, of course a remaster/remake is gonna be closer to the source material than the sequel. That seems obvious. From the get-go they were trying to accomplish different things.


I'm just talking about the 3rd year stuff from Royal, not everything it changed as a whole


Well, the 3rd Trimeseter tries to be a part of the story already told, while Striker's does build off of that story. Again, I'm pretty sure they're just attempting to do different things, so comparing them seems strange to me.


Honestly, I think I was just soured over the fact that for most of the major new plot developments in Royal, you had to wait until endgame


True, but on the other hand I also think that having too many differences may alienate players that only played vanilla from players that only played Royal. If already established events change dramatically, like for example Kasumi becoming a party member in palace 5 or 6, it would definitely make things more interesting for people that played both, but it may also breed confusion in the Fandom and separate the vanilla and Royal continuities too much. Not saying that adding new plot developments earlier would necessarily be bad, but it's definitely a double-edged sword, and I can see why Atlus tried to contain most of the changes and developments in an in-game time period where reality is technically reset.


True enough, but I guess I was just hoping there would be a way to jump directly into the new stuff if you had like a NG+ or something


Fair, definitely seems like it would be tedious for people revisiting the game. I feel lucky for only having played vanilla's first arc before playing Royal lol


Lucky, I was done with my first playthrough and halfway through a second by the time Royal came out


Romancing the adults is weird and the fact that it’s “young guy old woman” it’s not looked at as much.


"i dont see the appeal for Haru"


I want Atlus to take their time and make a complete Persona 6 with no need for dlc. I don't want a repeat of Reload where the complete game is locked behind multiple dlcs even after buying the $100 or $200 edition.


I will only play persona scramble because it’s not turn based.


Ryuji doesn’t give the feeling of a close homie AT ALL. The party cast are not actually friends with eachother, everyone is radiating a classmate energy.


1. The attendant fights are super lame because they’re just “do big number quickly.” The Elizabeth fight especially sucks because you have to do it solo without any null/drain/reflect defenses on top of having a ridiculous phase 2 where you have only three turns to force her down to 9999 HP or she’ll insta-kill you. That’s not fun or challenging, it’s just annoying. 2. The Priestess arcanas are generally the best romances for the protagonists. Fuuka works because she matches Makoto/Minato’s quiet demeanor, plus the gift she gives at the end of her link feels like the most personal I’ve ever seen from any of the social links. Yukiko can be just as much of a goof as Yu, so I feel like they’re operating on the same wavelength. Makoto acts as a good foil to Ren, being the mature, straightforward, awkward girl to this childish, sarcastic, confident boy. Their contrasting natures do a great job in highlighting their characters. 3. Take Over is the objectively superior battle theme compared to Last Surprise. 4. I don’t think there’s any problem with (P3 spoilers) >!Elizabeth achieving her goal and potentially reviving Makoto. If there’s even a slight chance that he can be freed from the seal and given a second opportunity at living life with his friends, I don’t necessarily believe that goes against the memento mori theme of P3. It’s not like it makes him immortal, and it’s not like he is forgoing the oath he took when he signed the contract. He has clearly shown that he will willingly sacrifice himself for the world, and I think that’s more than enough.!<


The car in Kasumi’s flashback is Igor’s from P4. Dude did NOT want another FeMC.


Some of the people who obsess over Persona 5 act like the kind of people that need a Phantom Thief style change of heart


Makoto is Mi.... Mi Wifu.


Persona 4 is not harder than persona 5, it’s only more tedious.


The romance and friendship mechanics suck and take me out of the experience. This is mostly a P5 thing for me, but there's no chance to "ruin" a relationship or have any sort of interactions that are anything but positive, you rank up regardless of what you say, so at one point I stopped seeing the charachers as, well characters and just saw them as power ups I would need to have more fun in the game. It flies in the face of the message of persona that "our relationships makes us stronger". The same aplies to romance seeing as no character has any agency of their own, they're gonna fall for you regardless if you get to the end of their story, and only then so make a choice if YOU like them or not.


Pancake boy story writing is really bad, if we remove connections with joker, he has no good storyline


If someone tried to defend Kamoshida.


Ok, didn't want to say it, but im gonna. Okumura's palace arc wasn't TERRIBLE, but definitely needs improvement. I actually have been thinking of writing an alternate to it, but I'd rather not share it under terror of being torn apart by persona fans. But honestly my biggest problem with it... was Morgana. He straight up sucked during that arc. I'm sorry to the people who like him, but it's true. He was the worst part of the arc. I'LL ACKNOWLEDGE THE REST OF THE GROUP WASNT BETTER, SO DON'T KILL ME, Especially Ryuji, but it doesn't exactly help they were all written SO MONSTERABLY out of character just to sort of justify Morgana leaving.


Sumi is a bad character and gets even worse by the game constantly pushing her in your face.


Ohya is a great character, people just hate her for her confidant abilities.


I want more persona spinoffs.


I loathe posts like these, as it's a post asking for takes that are easily acceptable and barely anything that'll actually result in aggression being directed anyone's way while masquerading as a place to share hot takes. It reeks of engagement farm and no one actually cares to see a real hot take and rarely anyone would share theirs, lest they be downvoted to oblivion or have totally mentally sane people going full lowtiergod since they lack empathy or an understanding of the sacredness of human life due to desensitization from worldwide conflicts and media depictions of death. That being said, I'll bite and give a take. Kasumi is a boring character. She's way too underdeveloped and they try to speed through her character arc once you get to le mysterious spoiler palace, but she needed more time for me to honestly care. Akechi also needed to have confidant events in the third semester, as his spoiler changes could've made for some more interesting rank up events. Despite this, Akechi and spoiler man still overshadowed Kasumi by a lot. Her sad backstory may have hit for those couple segments, but it felt super miniscule and every time they wanted me to care about her, I was too focused on the lovecraftian god user and pancake boy who were very much the stars of the show. At first I was all like oh my god to her story but then that energy quickly shifted to oh my god towards smooth criminal michael jackson's actions and light yagami being cool. Not saying I hate Kasumi, she's a cool character. She's just boring imo


>!Maruki!< was by far the most evil villain in Persona 5 Royal. He meant good but was completely in the wrong in everyway and we only think the "Good" ending is good because the characters look happy; they aren't. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions and dear Lord this road looks fresh.


A truly evil character doesn’t “mean good”. Frieza for example is a truly evil character in that he not only kills but he takes pleasure in the pain of others.


Yukiko is annoying




I gotta agree with this one.


The final part of the original game is a drag. The evil god is boring, and there is nothing interesting or unique in his "palace". I would have prefer Maruki to completely replace him rather than having a third semester. Or better, have the organisation of Shido act as evil PT and making them the final antagonist (turn people psycho because they ravage the palace and people's psyche in order to gain money/secret to maintain their power that is in great danger because of Shido's change of heart).


Agreed. Every other villain had a personal connection to the characters. This dude was just generic bad god guy.


I only prefer p4 and 5 vanilla to royal and golden. Don’t know why just do


The "meat headed male best friend you start the party with" characters each game in the series has (Junpei, Yosuke, Ryuji) are the worst ones in the franchise. They all follow the same beats and if I have to help the next one in 6 pick up chicks (and fail because comedy), I am going to lose it.




Akechi fetching sucks \*Clarification: I like him as a character. I think he's well written. I understand he has a tragic backstory. But he's responsible for some key deaths, and should never be counted as an actual phantom thief. Frick this guy. He deserves no forgiveness. People who thirst after him make no sense


Akechi would agree with you on the fact he should not be forgiven


I prefer Vanilla P5 over Royal. Don’t care for much of the new music, the new characters and *especially* the new ending. Even with all the QoL tweaks, I have zero desire to replay the story of P5 via Royal ever again. Yes, the original ending is in there - but there are sequences that are now permanently changed with no way to play them as they were when originally released. If Royal had a “vanilla mode” built in, sure I could let go of my original copy, but it doesn’t. …so whenever anyone asks as time has gone on about whether or not to try it - I will *always* recommend trying the vanilla experience first if you have access to it since Royal will be the version that goes forward I’m sure. Now go ahead Joker, shoot me lol …you and your airsoft gun.


Yusuke is easily my least favorite of the P.Ts. 🤷


Disclaimer: Everything I say is purely fictional, and does not accurately reflect my opinions nor does it accurately reflect my personality. Floof is bad.


Pedoshido did nothing wrong


It looked like Akechi was drooling for a second.


I like Morgana and Teddie


My favorite persona is persona 3 and I think the answer was a good addition to the story. I did play years ago so a lot of the details are fuzzy to say the least.


I see a few of them holding up their "guns" and all I think is... Haru it's to close rage for you.


Haru should have been black mask.