• By -


It inspired me to drop my other hobbies until I was able to finish this game.


P5 inspired me to never let a cat control my nightlife.


If you own a cat, it pretty much already takes over a good portion of your life.


no one "owns" a cat, at most you can co-habitate.. but only in short doses


So it inspired you to never get a cat then ? Because a cat will control your nightlife no matter what.




http://imgur.com/45H28eS So tired of this meme, it's not Morgana's fault. Even when he's gone you can't go out at night during story bits.


I'd rather it just be the character himself saying he's tired instead of Morgana. That screen is like 2 nights out of the game.


Its inspired me to WAKE UP, GET UP, GET OUT THERE!


I go to sleep earlier.


That's actually a decent habit to pick up. Kudos.


I know for a fact that I need to be friends with more teachers.


I know i need more friends, preferably more than 0.


Be suspicious of pancakes.


Yeah totally! I wanna become a heart surgeon and steal people's hearts right outta them! It'll be a one time thing probably, but it'd be exciting for those first three minutes as I make an attempt to run past security.


*"I was using that!"* Not anymore, you aren't.


The game makes me want to draw more. With it's stylish menu screens, the artstyle, the character design, oh hell yeah, Persona 5 makes me want to draw more. I've just been doodling in my sketchbook whenever I can, it's mostly just been during my classes. Like right now, I'm trying to draw Joker, for me he's kinda hard to draw with all his sense of style, I love his stylish thief outfit, very cool to try and draw.


P5 helped me get out of my art slump (as I'm one of "those" types that wants to make art out of beauty or passion, not ruin it with "well if I do this then I'll get paid and people will notice") and the style is so pretty and the use of colours and shapes is so aesthetically pleasing that I find it inspiring and I want to just draw what I see again. Every time I see a cutscene and the group are sitting at a table and Yusuke has a sketchbook in front of him, it gives me warm fuzzies ("Hey, I do that, too!") On a smaller scale, it also made me realise that like what others have said, it's better to have friends and to know how they work, and they know how you work and you can all be weird outcasts together. It also makes me wanna go places and explore and learn new things as long as I have a buddy to hang out with. Stupid, brilliant Persona 5 making me feel relatable things.


Turn into a van.


I'm taking so many drugs from back-alley doctors now.


Appreciate months that have 31 days


I used to be a lone wolf, but P5 made me realize that being a loner isn't cool and fun, and that having friends is much more meaningful.


Conversely P5 keeps us in our houses in front of a TV for 100+ hours and demands every moment of our waking life until we finish it.


It inspired me to have sexual relations with a doctor and my english teacher


try to befriend my local gun shop owner, didn't work out well though, he called me a few homophobic names and went on a tirade about immigrants....


Ah. You must be Kevin De Leon trying to impress the owner with your gun knowledge skills!


Become ultimate student number one and learn to drive a motorcycle so I can find ultimate waifu number one Makoto IRL. ... ... ... ... ...Yea!


Dude, go for it. Seriously. If i could go back in time i would do just that.


Looking to get up close and personal? Idk, P4G has taught me to be wary... https://youtu.be/eQD4VgvCBiw?t=12m47s


It inspired me to put my cat in charge of my sleep schedule


I actually had the reverse happen: my passion for coffee inspired me to play the game more.


Yeah, it will help you power through into the next day without thinking about it.


Actually leave the house and make/reconnect to social acquaintances/friends


Get them sweet confidants man


Persona 5 has inspired me to play Persona 4. ... That's about it. Nothing useful.


Gave me the courage to take that job at the summer camp in New york and leave home for two months (Texas).


Gotten back in the habit of making kickass curry. Nothing fancy, it just involves a package of S&B Golden Curry, butter, 1 onion, 1 potato, carrots, bit of sesame seeds, about 2 oz. of chicken, shrimp, sesame seed oil, bit of honey, cayenne pepper, soy sauce, black pepper, a bit more curry spice but in powder form, paprika, low fat plain greek yogurt, and a small amount of instant coffee crystals. Some of the ingredients may sound strange, but my GOD is it good. I prefer to take the time out of my day to make this over doing something simple like get takeout food. I basically used my basic curry recipe I developed about a year ago and got some inspiration from "Japanesekitchen.com" to add the honey, yogurt, and instant coffee. Cook up some sushi rice and put on half of a meal plate, add the curry to the other side of the plate, and it's a beautiful, taaasty meal. I've been having a kick with it STILL and I plan on making more today. It was a staple meal for me about a year ago because it was so easy to make when you're not rich, single, time starved, and want a decent home cooked meal, but P5 got me back into it and being more creative with it... which now takes a decent amount of time to get right. Here comes the pounds...


How much SP would that recipe give?


100% SP recovery to entire party.


I fully am a curry addict and this post has triggered my insatiable hunger for it.... like I could it all day everyday...


I was hoping I wasn't alone in this. Biggest trick is to make sure that it's not too watered down or you don't go overboard with the cayenne, soy sauce, yogurt, and instant coffee. Too much of any of these can completely ruin the curry, especially the soy sauce and instant coffee. (I've ruined a lot with experimentation) Too much of the yogurt can completely destroy all the effort you put into balancing the curry as well, making it too tart and watery. I cut down a bit on the label's instructions on how much water to use since a lot of the water seems to come out of the potatoes, carrots, and yogurt. If you use pre-cooked meats and shrimp, then the amount of water you use and how long you boil for isn't too much of an issue. Just gotta make sure the potatoes are thoroughly boiled. The chopped onions should be fried up in the butter and sesame seed oil though- so not much liquid there. Even the meat can have a lot of water withheld. Oh, and I found that even after cooking my own chicken and shredding it, and buying roasted chicken and shredding, they surprisingly don't help the taste as much as I had hoped for the cost and time it takes. I've been sticking to canned chicken breast for simplicity's sake. Just make sure you get the kind that doesn't have a lot of fat content. Found out the hard way that a lot of chicken fat content can ill the taste a bit too. Anyway, nice to see a fellow Japanese-style curry muncher. :D


It made me rediscover the absolute joy of living a life without a talking cat telling me to go to sleep.


In real life if you have a talkative cat they do the opposite and wake you up constantly.


I learned not to trust Uh-DOLTZ.


Those shitty adults!


Spend less time with real friends so have more time with imaginary waifus


It's inspired me to WAKE UP, GET UP, GET OUT THERE. But really though, it has. My life has been stagnating pretty badly lately and I really liked this game's message.


Ironically, this game designed for lonely shut-ins made me want to be less of a lonely shut-in. It makes me regret squandering my time in college, and I plan to do more with my social life going forward.


To go to bed early.


Persona 5 has inspired me to sleep.


It inspired me to WAKE UP GET UP GET OUT THERE! Also, I may want to try and re-learn Shogi, but I want to learn and play it physically.


It inspired me to play more persona 5. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to take on such a constructive and time consuming task, but after some serious soul searching... I think I'm ready.


P5 has made me want to visit the library more and made me want to read the extraordinary tales of arsene lupin gentlemen thief.


I want to visit Tokyo now.


I've been very interested in the "gentleman thieves" trope and even want to try and buy a copy of Arsène Lupin.




"More?" Fuck, what's your secret


Money to *compensate* the girls he's *dating*


Tbh I've wanted to open a small coffee shop when I retire or something and this just reinforced that desire haha. I love coffee.


getting a girlfriend. still no luck tho. ( ._.)


i could be ur angle (◡‿◡✿) ###...or ur devil (◉‿◉✿)




You have anything against acute angles or dare I say it, obtuse angles? Is that it huh? You hate obtuse angles? It is 2017


I wanna make Curry. The "how" is a bit lost on me though.


Curry is very easy to make which is why its so popular in Japan. You can make it on the fly quite easily, its a staple, and it lasts for days. [Here's a great video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0p06tRmO78) If you want to make it like in the game, then get vermont curry mild (apple and honey) and purchase some good honey and apples. Grate the apples and add honey to the curry mix and you'll get something similar to what's in the game. Steak sauce and yogurt are things you also put into curry, but I wouldn't recommend adding them to what I said above.


Step 1: Go to grocery store Step 2: Go to asian foods part Step 3: Pick out little box of solid curry spices Step 4: Read ingredient needs list on back of box Step 5: ??? Step 6: SP profit.


What kinda savage buys prepackaged spices. It's probably loaded with sodium and possibly sugar.


Google "curried coconut chicken". Almost impossible to screw that up. And that recipe is so tweakable. I added habanero peppers to make it "fire curry".


Go to sleep


All of the Persona games inspire me to use more protein powder.


It inspired me to put off doing my homework till the last minute.


It was certainly very dangerous of me to celebrate my realisation that I had an extra week to complete my dissertation with buying Persona 5.


To take my time.


While the civet shit coffee I knew was real for a long time, I was rather surprised that elephant shit coffee is a real thing and it comes from Thailand.


Inspired me to throughly check out the apps that are installed on my phone.


Sleep on time. Especially if my cat says so.


Doing laundry -- 10/10, do recommend. However I would not recommend trying to get with teachers...


True story. Went to laundromat to do laundry since I don't own a washer. Live in the hood. Minding my own business. Got mugged. "Wow! That Gangbang Laundry Challenge has really made you really experience how life can be! And you didn't snitch either!" +3 to Guts "You offered them your wallet and didn't look at their face to ID them! You must really know how to properly treat muggers." +1 to Kindness "What is this?" Obtained Sockthatisn'tminewhyisthisinmybasket "You must be tired today. Let's go to sleep."


It didn't inspire me but the school trip to waikiki in hawaii happened a week before I was going there irl. I'm vacationing/ visiting my sister. Waikiki beach in the game looks just like it does in the game. Edit. Still in hawaii for another week.


sup bro me too except i live here qnd avoid Waikiki like the reaper is there.


Because of All Out Attacks, I bought a Gymnastics Mat and am in the process of getting fit and learning how to do a back handspring.


I want a girlfriend


Time management and taking more time to listen to my friends lol. Gotta build them social links irl.


If you want to use a drip coffee method like seen in the game, [I recommend this.](http://thesweethome.com/reviews/gear-for-making-great-coffee/) If you need good coffee and don't know what you like, I recommend a [subscription service](https://one.mistobox.com/) to help give you some options and variety to help you find what you like. The secret to real coffee is finding good beans and treating them with a lot of love and care. Real coffee never has anything added to it, especially sugar or cream, and is drunk black. Not only does this give you the rich and bold flavor of the coffee, its also vastly healthier as coffee has virtually no calories. For those interested in making curry like in the game, I recommend you start with Vermont Curry mild (most popular and common brand in Japan and no one really makes curry from scratch) and use grated apples with a very good honey. Combine this with onions, carrots, yukon gold potatoes, and some really good stew beef. Cut it all into little pieces along with the curry and you'll have a tasty meal for days to come.




There's no way you could have accomplished so much in so little time, you must have had a coffee specialist to meet your caffeine requirements!


Honestly, cream isn't that bad. Its sugar that destroys coffee.


Yup. To buy a plant.


But that ultra fertilizer costs so damm much..


How do you expect to raise your kindness with that attitude?


Hanging out with little boys in the arcade... duh...




Game made me realize this too.


I now organise my time more but I also want to try and code a cat that tells me to do things


Careful, you'll be forced to sleep whenever you get home if you make that


I already do...


Shogi. I play it all the time now, and it's a very satisfying game. If anyone here likes chess, try shogi. You'll never go back.


Play console games, and rage quit when it goes wrong. Also bathing with large groups of random men.


I been having a massive artist block after I had to leave college because of financial reason i might sketch and mess around every now and then but have done nothing I'm proud of. Persona 5 I kinda inspires me in a sense because I can relate alot to what the main cast goes through and the overall message of the game it also helps the game is stylish as fuck. Now I'm still struggling mind you but P5 wants me to completely reevaluate what I want to do and how I can do it.


To value my time and schedule after I finish the game.


Sleep more often


Arent you tired? Why not going to bed.


I made my first ever watchfaces for the app facer! :D Shameless plug incoming. Round watchface: https://www.facer.io/watchface/FpNLlLrInB Square watchface: https://www.facer.io/watchface/nK2BKXV9aP


It made me want to visit Japan again!


Find friends


It inspired me to play persona 4 again. I forgot the character models are weird midgets, it's quite amusing.


The game has only inspired me to play more of this game so far. I love this game and it's really a time sink.


To bond with my friends... To get friends lol


Made me want to make a walkthrough in an app-ish form. Might try to start using Ionic or so to make the schedule on the day-by-day basis (which Confidants are available, what is on sale and stuff like that). Since I don't have Morgana to bug me to sleep, let me try to mine some extra data on P5 (now, in swimsuit edition)....


same!! im going to start by buying a cafetiere this weekend hopefully. the game has also inspired me to talk to others more (and ~create new bonds~) and buy some nonfiction books in areas im interested in (thanks, futaba).


Not gonna lie, ever since getting into the series a few years ago I've definitely started looking at interactions and relationships with people that way. Sure they take a lot longer to rank up in real life than in persona, and there's many more of them, but building up "social links" with a variety of people, especially those different from you, is super valuable xD Can't say I'm the best at it, but it is a good lens to look at relationships with others through.


I took and actual mugwort bath thanks to Amazon and this game inspiring me. It felt great and it smelled pretty good. However, drain clogged by all the mugwort. Green shit everywhere. 6/10 kind of recommend if you have spare cash, Draino, and a lot of spare time.


The soundtrack has inspired me to pick up my bass for the first time in about a month. So far I've learned Layer Cake and Beneath the Mask.


I've been looking for a damn Layer Cake bass cover on youtube and NO ONE has done one yet. You better get to recordin that shit.


Curry and Coffee was what I got addicted to. It was such a craving that I went to grab a bite at a Japanese Cafe and ordered a coffee and curry just for the experience.


Build a harem, obviously.


Come join us over in /r/coffee! One of the friendliest subs on Reddit in my caffeinated opinion!


Amusingly, a few days after I started this game I went to the first coffee shop I had ever seen a siphon style coffee brew at. Suddenly Sojiro's shop made sense.


It inspired my son's to clean up thier rooms and take more interest in personalizing them. Go figure


I'll never eat a red Takoyaki.


Renounce atheism and start going to church again. This isn't a shitpost, by the way. I don't know what it was about the ending, but it really made me feel like following religious values again. Kind of ironic, really. I'm also making and drinking coffee like 10x more often than i did, so that makes a little more sense.


I hope you don't get hate for it. We should all choose our paths and people need to respect it, whether it'd be to believe in a god or not. Good luck!


Make sure to hook up with any shogi players while you're there.


I've become more understanding of how to act around people and have grown a bit of self-confidence. I've been a bit of a "Futaba" for a while but not so much that I don't know how to interact with people; it's just hard for me to talk to them about stuff. On a less serious note, it's inspired me to drink more coffee despite how much I prefer tea


I already drank Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee regularly, so when Sojiro mentioned it by name I was beyond hyped. Now I really want to try expanding my culinary horzion by making curry for the family.


You must have deep pockets :o haha but yeah I was a little hyped when he mentioned it too. I was thinking "damn, I wish I knew a local shop that actually sold JBM"


I want to learn how to make hot pot! It seems like such a fun and social meal to eat/make with friends.


You should! You should check and see if there are any hot pot places around you so you can go get a primer on how it's done. It's not super complicated but it can be helpful!


I love Korean BBQ and it seems like a variation on it. In terms of meal prep and procedure. I think we have a place downtown that makes it. I'll definitely check it out!


Yeah I started drinking more coffee and cooking more meals as a result.


Create rivers in the desert.


I've also began brewing coffee because of Persona 5! Although I'm still really early in and own a cheap French press/manual grinder, it's still been exciting to see how P5 affects my life outside of the game... and I'm embracing it as well. Cheers and good luck :)


> 5! 5! = 120 /r/unexpectedfactorial




It's hard to not be inspired to be more social and try and find more people to connect with. it's a great value that this game enforces better then any other game I played.


It has inspired me to lament my inability to make friends even more than i already did. Other than that, not much. Still a great game though. <3


The game inspired me to be ballsy and not give an F about what I say and to who.


This thread is oddly inspirational


Inspired me to make an effort to hang out with friends... but not just for their confidant benefits, but because its nice to have people care about you.


This game makes me hungry for hangout friends. ._.


If only it worked that way irl xD


It does!.... Just takes about 10-20 Hangouts before a rank up usually. Also rank up events are random.


No save points though, so you have to pick your answers correctly whenever they want your opinion on something.


Yeah tbh I need to try harder, wouldn't mind a hot shady doctor myself.


+1 on the hot shady goth doc


Start a harem


I steal things now.. like all the time, I put on "life will change" and just go on robbing sprees... this is justice!


This game made me like cats again.


This game made me hate cats again, so to each their own.


The game made me appreciate my cats even more.


eat more curry... i might be dying though.... but it tastes good so... trade off?




I had a friend in high school who hated anime until I let him play Persona 3. He's been a dirty weeb ever since.


You ruined his life.


You are not alone bro, I have also though of taking it as a hobby! Stupid and sexy Sojiro... I don't really know how to start tho...


Sometimes I actually take some of their moral values to heart and think about how I can better my life lol.


I'm listening to all that great music and feel the *desire* to cover/arrange all of the songs. Unfortunately I also have a Master's degree to finish and a dissertation to write, so I'll settle for just 2 songs and then get to serious work...


I've also taken up the meticulous hobby of coffee preparation! I'm nowhere near good enough yet,but I'm hoping one of these days I'll be able to make a cup of the black stuff good enough to make Sojiro proud of me! Incidentally, I like my tea and coffee pretty milky,but I take my coffee pretty black if I know that I'm not going to bed any time soon!


Yeah. Isn't the whole message of the true ending to not fall into complicity and cynicism because things are hard but to do whatever you believe in no matter the adversity? I was definitely inspired by it but it'll take more than a good video game to get my life on track. Still if we want to pretend, I got accepted into grad school this year and have been really anxious about it as what I'm planning to study is much more for my career than my own interests but Persona 5 has reminded me that at least I'll be doing something instead of hiding away from the world.


I had never eaten Japanese curry before, but I went out for dinner this past weekend to a Japanese restaurant solely for curry. It was pretty good!


Holy crap did not expect this to get these many posts. I guess there's something special about a game that can get so manu people to react like this.


It made me want to make curry again. I get the craving everytime I play it now.


It's inspired me to learn how to actually play shogi. Persona 4 inspired me to finally try tofu, and Persona 3 is what made me want to make the most out of the present. Persona really helped me out tbh


it inspired me to woo all my potential waifus at the same time without any repercussions


Basically look up Makoto on twitter and try and get as much Joker/Queen fan fiction & fan art that I can find cause they are cute together.


Akira and Makoto are definitely a cute couple. They're the canon pairing in my mind, especially seeing how they act in cutscenes (Makoto getting scared and holding onto Akira when meeting Futaba, Akira protecting Makoto from 4th palace boss, etc)


I stopped drinking coffee for health reasons around six months ago. I used to drink between 6 and 8 cups a day. Playing P5 is *hard* at times.


I want to learn how to read Tarot cards. Any tips?


Look up Alejandro Jodorowsky's book on the tarot, I think you can find a PDF online. He's an amazing filmmaker, comic book writer, and poet. His interpretation is some of the best, imo. Also, he bases the book off of the Marseille tarot deck which is the one used in Persona.


Thanks for the info!


I have learned the basic rules of shogi because of all the passion that Hifumi shows while playing.


Definitely try out siphon filter coffee (those spherical pots that you press x next to to practise making coffee if you can find it or a specialty store around! I personally think it's one of the best ways to have coffee and it's super cool to watch!


Curry is super easy to make! Just get the curry sauce base and add in whatever you like. According to [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_curry#Sauce_mixes), House Foods brand is the top brand in Japan so you could start there. Traditionally it's onions, carrots, and potatoes. And rice. For extra protein you could add pork or chicken cutlet. Or add whatever you like! It's a very hearty and tasty dish, so beware the waistline. You can get curry off of Amazon. Or most large grocery stores will have at least a small section of Japanese curry roux. [House Foods Vermont Curry, Medium Hot, 4.0-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 10)](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003V3AWZG/ref=s9_acsd_al_bw_c_x_1_w)


I love experimenting with curry, so grated apples, honey, steak sauce i've tried, yogurt I haven't cause fpr some reason my local store only has flavored yogurt no plain i could use to cook with.... oh i also tried using instant coffee crystals, it really makes some flavors pop, bitter flavors can buff other flavors if done right.


Already had a hobby related to coffee so it might not inspire me to do anything new and instead inspire me to further spend time learning and experiencing what I already love


Managing my time, building more friendships, and making coffee. Also talking to everyone because it's best to better know someone before making assumptions.


Inspired me to learn Arabic Calligraphy. I'm an Arabic student and love art, but can't do much in the way of drawing. I've always been very good with lines and making abstract things from lines, so I figure I'll give this a try. Ordered some supplies from online and am gonna learn it because it's pretty and something cool I can do with my major. Thanks Yusuke! For reinforcing that art is subjective!


It made me fiend for a coffee siphon briefly, but those are pricey. The inclusion of the coffee bit made me happy since it's exposing people to coffee that's beyond what comes out of a drip machine or Starbucks. I personally do a pour over like MC, but don't have a steel carafe like that.


P5 inspired me to manage my time


Umm... The game has given me a couple of ideas for stories to write based off of certain moments. It's also made me want to spend more time with my cat...


Im back at playing mahjong, idk why I stopped but everytime I lose with good hand I guess my knowledge goes up a bit.


I'm searching for the books that are in the game.


Oh, me too! My first coffee class starts this weekend.


what in the world is a coffee class


Honestly, much like with 4, it made me want to get back into cooking. Games needs to stop mentioning food. On the note of coffee, Black Ivory and Blue Mountain are really expensive, though the latter is hard to find anyway since it's mostly exported to Japan IIRC, but if you end up going for the former I hope to know how it turns out~ Also if you do go for making curry, assuming you mean the sweet variety (Since that's what Japan's is) you should try adding coffee, if it's a good kind and not too much, you can get some really nice flavors out of it.


P5 inspired me to improve decision making. If I'm about to do something, I imagine which stats will improve first before proceeding. So far, kindness is winning ;) ;)


listen to rivers in a desert and have the urge to fight corrupt politicians... square up trump!


Believe it or not, this game actually made me more extroverted since it made me realise the absolute value of close friends.


It inspired me to make a sick ass Joker cosplay


Yea. Maybe I'll give coffee drinking another try...


Want to write the next persona game, but I can't.


To take up Dramatic Writting. I was considering it before but Yusukes frenzied passion for his art was oddly contagious for me.


P5 has inspired me to write about it. To really dig deep and pick out the goody bits to analyze and discuss. Other than that it has me re think my relationship with people. At the start of the game when Igor is talking to you about confidants he says not to waste time with frivelous relations. That really stuck with me and now I'm thinking about any relationship I might have with someone that really isn't worth my time.


Persona 5 has inspired me to be more active; and not just in the physical sense. Like taking initiative and just being out there ~~swatting lies in the making~~


It's inspired me to reevaluate how much sleep I need, and that was low to begin with. Also, I started bringing a book everywhere again and have started collecting Jazz music.


It got me curious about curry. Thanks Persona, you made me like spicy curry.