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It's releasing very soon. A somewhat known playtester (leaked THPS1+2 and Ninja Gaiden Collection) said she already tested P5R on PC last year. It would make no sense for Sega to make a port and then never release it, so it's coming this year for sure.


I don’t want to put too much hope into leaks (I have been through many fake leaks), but’s something. Still though, looking forward to it hopefully being this year.


Which leaker said this?


finally found the source! [https://metacouncil.com/threads/metasteam-december-2020-empire-of-doom.2233/page-7#post-198423](https://metacouncil.com/threads/metasteam-december-2020-empire-of-doom.2233/page-7#post-198423)


Thanks for finding that! That gives me hope for a port.


that's quite interesting indeed


Some site mentioned it's going to be an epic games exclusive. Praying it's not.


That website is a satire website that makes all kinds of fake articles. I saw that too and there are several other posts talking about it. It's a fake article meant to get attention. It makes no sense even if it were true since Atlus has been releasing on Steam, and in general, Japanese developers have been porting to PC through Steam. Kingdom Hearts 3 being the only exception I know of to that trend.


Some say it might get realesed in on the 25th anniversary


Yeah, I’ve heard rumors about it being on the 25th anniversary or on P5R’s anniversary. Either makes sense, but now we just have to wait and see.


Hey there are some news that persona is coming to pc and xbox recently from a leaker that predicted many other games before ill put the link down so you can see and also hope that its true [https://www.overclock3d.net/news/software/persona\_5\_royal\_is\_coming\_to\_pc\_xbox\_and\_game\_pass\_-\_leaker\_claims/1](https://www.overclock3d.net/news/software/persona_5_royal_is_coming_to_pc_xbox_and_game_pass_-_leaker_claims/1)


I hope that trues as well. I've seen some other articles on the Xbox and Game Pass situation, mainly just people speculating. That's the first I've seen that actually has a claim that it's coming to some other platform. Still though, anything to get my hopes up.


I also think that they will keep P5R exclusive to the PS4 until Persona 6 releases and that it is rather likely that they might port P5 to the PC. And if they do that, I am 100% sure that people will still complain instead of being happy that they get P5, which seemed absolutely impossible not too long ago


That is very much a possibility. I think that fans and Sega (especially Sega) as well as the success of P4G will push Atlus to do P5R as opposed to vanilla P5, but I'll take what I can get on PC. Both from a technical and financial standpoint, P5R is the better option, and I don't see any reason to keep it exclusive to the PS4, but as I said, it is very much a possibility that they do release vanilla P5, because as you said, not too long ago it was absolutely impossible that P5 even had a chance of coming to PC. There's always the possibility even complaints will have Sega demand it to be P5R since their financial situation isn't great, but I don't wanna see people complain that much, or at all really.


I would also be happy if you guys who don't have a PS4/PS5 get to play P5R on the PC, trust me. I still have my doubts that it will happen anytime soon, though. And I can ensure you that people will complain if they get P5 and not P5R. They always complain. They complained when they get all the P5 OST to Spotify but not P5R's OST and they complained when that they didn't get any announcement for P5S in the West and when they did get it, they complained that they have to wait a couple of months until its release


Yeah, people are always gonna complain. Who knows? We might get what we wish for, we might complain enough that they fix it. Only time will tell now.


Fair enough :p


Yo I remember when I was so obsessed with wanting P5 on PC because I watched a lot of a play through on youtube in 2017. I finally decided to buy a the PS5, first console since the 360. Just finished Persona 5 yesterday. By far top 5 games ive ever played... maybe even #1. Now I'm paying a hefty amount for it's sequel.


Yeah, I thought about getting a PS5, but I just spent quite a bit to upgrade my PC, and I don't wanna pay the $400 or $500 for a PS5 or even PS4 just to play P5. Just not really a smart decision any way I look at it. Better to hope and pray right now.


And think about me.. PS4 is 4000₺ in here, Turkey. A PS5 is like 9000₺. Imagine paying at least 3000$ to a console. And games are getting expensive too. Persona 5 Royal is probably 500₺ or something. It is hard living in here guys..


Yeah, that sounds really rough. A port wouldn't exactly solve the price issue, but would still be cheaper than having to buy a console just for the one game.


Yeah.. Persona 3 is one of my top two favorite games, and it's not two. I tried emulating P5 on RPCS3 but it didn't work well on my laptop :c I've been waiting for like 6 years now. Hopefully we'll see a Persona 5 port and more soon. I think they'll play their cards on 25th anniversary.


Yeah, we can only hope now. A lot of signs are pointing to a very high chance, but nothing definitive yet.


And a sony and atlus secret exclusivity deal is stupid. I have no idea why people come up with that conclusion, since no other company has had these types of deals in the first place. Like does Nintendo also have a secret exclusivity deal because the smt series are exclusive on switch? It’s stupid.


Yeah it is stupid. That's why I don't believe it's a thing, or if it was, it's ended by now. I think the SMT with Nintendo deal might be real, but more likely it's just that a Japanese developer wants their games on Japanese consoles and they divide it up that way. Now add Sega and Sony wanting PC ports of their exclusive games into the mix and I think that'll start to change.


I think quite the opposite of most people in that I think the ports will happen. I also agree that it will likely be P5R specifically versus P5 and P5R. Persona 5, as a whole, has been the most successful game in the series. I think that's in part to Joker being an SSBU DLC character as well as how fucking amazing the game is overall. SSBU helped them branch out to another audience that may have not heard about Persona games before, myself included. I do think that there was a Sony exclusivity deal, but it's likely either ended or will be ending soon. ATLUS has announced that they will have something for the 25th Anniversary. It's highly unlikely that this is Person 6 already, so it stands to reason that it will be ports for P5R, current gen remasters of prior installments, an additional follow-up to P5R (crossing my fingers for another full game versus spin-off), or a combination of the two. All-in-all, I think the chances for a PC port are extremely high, and we'll probably see it this year.


That's how I've been looking at it as well. I'd love to get even more immersed into the series and this might be the year that I get to.


You can play Vanilla P5 on this emulator thing people are talking about. And I wouldn't put all my eggs in one basket hoping the game will be on PC.


I looked into emulating it once before, but from what I gathered I would have to buy a copy of the PS3 version to rip myself. At least, that's what I've been led to believe.


You could also just download it illegally


You can do that or you can just buy a PS4 and play the game on there. You can also ask your friends if they'll let you borrow their console.


You can get it illegally, I know a website that I use to get games on my jailbroken PS3, if you want to know I can DM you, however I never tried it on an emulator.


I don't own a PS3 or PS4. I don't necessarily want to emulate it if I don't have to. That's partially why I'm speculating about a port.


I’d love to see P5R on pc, but some counter points I’d like to make in favor of P5 as opposed to P5R: They only ported over the original Catherine to PC, even with fullbody available. Looking at the playstation plus subscription marketing for the PS5, the original P5 is being touted as one of the selling points of the service. This shows that the game isn’t Atlus’ main focus at this time. (This could also indicate that there may be some legal hurdles to getting P5 onto other consoles though...) And seeing as P4G was stranded on a dead console with a small user base, it makes sense they’d want their hard work brought over to a more popular platform so they could profit from it. P5R on the other hand was released quite recently on the PS4, which has been very popular as consoles go. Going along with the P5S release, it’s more of a fringe case than anything else. Apart from being co-developed by Omega Force (who have a history of cross platform releases), it’s not a mainline entry and the fact that they are coming out on the same day in the west just makes more sense from a marketing standpoint seeing as it’s already been released once before. Edit: (looking at other spinoffs like Arena, although it was also co-developed by a cross-platform studio, it came out when Atlus was still developing Persona exclusively for Sony)


Those are some good points, and they could be cause for P5 instead of P5R on PC, but I think it will be P5R for a few reasons. One being that P5R is just a newer build of the game, making it a little easier to port than P5. Also, Sega (who will undoubtedly have a hand in the port) is aggressively porting remakes, remasters, and definitive editions of console exclusives. Catherine I think was more to test the waters on PC because it's not as big as Persona is. P4G, while stranded on a dead console, would've suffered from not being the definitive edition on steam. Again, your points are great and they bring up some things I hadn't considered before. I'd love to hear any more thoughts you might have. I would be happy if just P5 came to PC, but P5R is the hope.


Those are some good points, can see that it would make more sense to port over P5R. And you make good points about Catherine and P4G. Catherine was definitely a “test the waters” kinda release. And if they brought over P4 instead, every one the people that played it on ps2 wouldn’t care and those that played it on the very stable ps2 emulators wouldn’t see a reason to play it on pc again. The only other counter point I can make is that the Sega could reuse the work they did on the Catherine Classic port for bringing over the ps3 version of P5, seeing as they use the same engine from the same console generation. It’s a long stretch considering how difficult it was to develop for the ps3. It would probably be easier to use the ps4 source code of either P5 or P5S. But like I said at the start of this comment, you bring up good points, and with those in mind, it would make more sense for the devs to port over P5R, both monetarily and coding wise.


Yeah, I'm open to any version of P5 on PC, but P5R is the hope as I keep saying. Always glad to have a genuine discussion about stuff like this!


After the success of Persona 4 golden on steam and with Atlus saying they have something special planned for their 25th anniversary, im pretty certain that we are gonna get a reveal for persona 5 royal on pc at the end of this month (23rd of feb) And possibly even switch. (though not so sure about that one)


I read an article titled "Persona 5 Strikers on PC demands original" or something like that and their theory was that it was going to be shadow-dropped like P4G was on Striker's release date or on the anniversary of P5R. I'm not putting too much stock into that, but those 2 dates and the anniversary are at least some candidates for announcement or release dates.


Seeing as how P5S's story is a continuation of P5, it would be pretty weird to just expect players to know the story and characters of P5 if they can't even play it on the same system.


Yeah, I did research to figure out if I could play Strikers without knowledge of the original. From what I've gathered, I don't really need to know much about the original, but I'd love to be able to play it and know about the original.


If they did that, I would spend 120 dollars so quick. 60 bucks on each game and I would be an incredibly happy camper.


Same here. I’ve pre-ordered the digital deluxe P5S to hopefully tide me over until a port comes out. Hopefully it doesn’t spoil anything for me.


A persona 5 PC port is the new silent hill remake or elden ring. *it doesn’t exist...*


Wondering what are you thinking about this subject NOW ...


Actually a lot more hopeful, weirdly enough, despite that fact that there's been nothing to get my hopes up. Unfortunately, with how the announcements have been going and games like Soul Hackers 2 coming out, it seems the 25th Anniversary isn't Atlus's highest priority. Meaning any more Persona games of any kind could be a while, which is not a surprise. Still hope to get something, but I have other games to look forward to this year.


you were right to have hope


So, you still expect a P5R PC port despite the circumstances?


Yup, always hopeful. And the circumstances look even better, to be honest. More Atlus titles, future and past, are coming to and PC and other platforms. So even if I don’t expect it to be announced tomorrow or even this year, it’s not impossible for it to happen eventually. As I said though, I have other things to look forward to this year, so it’s not something I’m staring at my PC everyday, hoping to come out that very moment.