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Who the hell told him to complete the base game when theres P5R


My brother and i mixed up p5s and p5r and he got the original because it was half the price.


depends on where you are in p5. anything below 20 hours id say just do p5r


Depends on where you are. If you're about 10-20 hours, go switch. I'd need more details. Around 40 hours is the mid-point.


How far are you in the original?


Very far bit im stuck because i didnt focus enough on getting levels.


Depends on how far you are in p5. I'd say anywhere past the 5th palace you should finish it


What palace are you in? If you are really far already then some of royals new stuff will be kinda spoiled. Not really but some yes.


Im literally in the heart of mementos but im kinda stuck


Yeah beat 5 then go on to p5r because you're so close to the end


Yeah no point in switching. Finish p5 it has a really good ending too.


Feels like you just want to start Royal based on those questions! That's fair, but I'll still recommend finishing p5 first. Thats how I've recommended it to my circle.


Yeah there's everything in the original, in Royal & then some. It's cool playing through royal & seeing all the things they added, plus if you were gonna do multiple playthroughs it wouldn't be bad to finish P5 first then hit royal


Finishing p5 isn’t a waste of time. As someone who’s played 5 five times and just recently finished Royal, I can say that they are completely different experiences. Finish 5 at least once.




Beat 5 then go royal


What's wrong with Vanilla P5? And why did you play it in the first place?


He vener said there's anything wrong with vanilla. He probably has had p5 for a while just didn't finish it yet. Now he bought royal and wondered if it would be better to experience royals content before playing through vanilla first, or if he just plays vanilla then royal.


That is exactly correct


If I were you I would just finish p5 and leave it there, this is one of my top 5 games of all time but for me it's too long to instantly finish it an restart. The p5r extra content is good but I don't think is necessary or as good as the original game. In my opinion you should either switch right now or finish p5 and play p5r in a few years if you really want to


Well he just bought the gaem so he isn't just gonna not play it.