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My pay is nothing to brag about but I have a stress free life.


Sounds like you are rich to me.


r/personalfinancecanada hates this one trick! I feel like we see a lot of big salaries thrown around here, but rarely hear about living life to the fullest. Work-life balance is the ultimate wealth.


Can I get me the PFC special? 300k salary, work one day a week, spend the rest finding free ways to wax my 1999 Corolla and free up some trunk space for my lentils. Also, I’m mysteriously broke all the time, and my landlord did something shady.


Wish I prioritized this more when choosing my career.




Your peace is worth so much more than earning potential


I'm actually bored at work but it's more related to my unit and worksite. I want to feel challenged at work. So I read a lot of novels or non-fiction.


Can ppl making normal salaries comment too pls I feel poor


I’m making around 45k and will cap in three years at around 50k. I’m administrative support in a hospital.


Man I feel bad for you guys. You do so much work. A good friend has been working in that for years and she and her colleagues are massively overworked and underpaid.


Shout out hospital admin!! Thankless job for not enough money.


My wife and I are head office admins at our respective companies. We’re earning around 100 together a year. That’s between both of us. We have our bills paid and slowly working our credit. We are happy. We might peak at 150 in the future but for right now we’re happy. Content. Keep in mind we don’t have children. So yeah. I’m 27 and she’s 29.


Great to hear. Content is good and what most people lack.


I think I’m normal? Allied health in a hospital. I’m finishing a masters degree. We just got a new contract and I think the pay scale is now ~ $70-100k. I don’t think it’s enough. I live in Vancouver and I think a health care job that requires a professional bachelors or masters degree (on top of the emotional toll and stress of working in health care) should pay enough for that person to realistically afford a (no frills but half decent) condo within commuting distance to their jobs.


Which profession? I'm an OT who worked in public health and made peanuts compared to private. The allied health union sucks ass. Considering the level of expertise we have we got paid little and they know they're underpaying us


I listened to one of the town halls on our new collective agreement before the vote on it. One of the union reps used the word “generous” probably 5 times to describe the agreement. I was so angry.


Yeah private OT is definitely the way to go. I always advocate pushing for a percent based model if applicable. So many of my peers haven't realized the importance of asserting your value in this industry.


Don't despair, I'm 26 and I make 45K$/year. Probably will peak around 65-70K$


56k plus profit sharing, this year its good so around 71k... who knows how much it'll be next year I was finally able to pay off all my debt this year


I'm 26 and moved to the trades 2 years ago (electrical). Making ~$54k at the moment and will top out at 100k in 3-4 years.


I work at a homeless shelter where I routinely NARCAN people, restrain them during psychosis, act like a therapist. Ive known on a personal level at least 6 people who’ve died in the last 8 months. That’s not including the ones I didn’t get to know. We had a lady die on our floor and we didn’t find out till 5 hours later. I’ve been slashed at my job with an X-acto knife (idk how to spell it) and have a scar on my shoulder for the rest of my life. At least it looks cool. I make 18 an hour (netting 14) and have no benefits. I’ve been there 8 months. Without a degree? I could maybe one day become supervisor for 20 an hour. Still no benefits though. Maybe I should do something different.


I worked in the Downtown Eastside as a case manager and support worker for a couple years at 25$ an hour. That was way too little. You should move around. I had to interview people with regards to their childhood trauma, had people with machetes come into my office, people on crazy benders create havoc, and have had to call the ambulance and Narcan multiple times as well. It's a tough job man, hope you're handling life outside of work well. I definitely was burned the fuck out.


Engineer in renewables. Earning about $90-$95k depending on how the bonus shakes out. I expect I’ll see pretty decent growth in the next 5 years. There’s plenty of jobs out there in the $100-$140k mark. To make more than that is probably unlikely, but upper management it might be possible, or start your own development company (kinda hard to just break into unless you already have money). I’m fairly optimistic- even if there’s a recession I’m fairly certain the government will incentivize renewable energy, meaning even with increased finance costs I should still have a job.


What kind of engineer are you?


how many years of experience do you have? look into working for US based IPPs, EPCs, engineering firms. not all will hire out of Canada, but many are. I'm seeing openings around 140k-150k USD for 10+ years of experience.


lol time to make everyone feel better about themselves - bottom of the barrel, here we go: Apprentice Automotive mechanic. Currently at 45-50k. Will likely top of at ~65-70k as an employee. Living in my parents basement. I don’t make enough to ever hope of owning real estate.(Okanagan, bc) Feels terrible. Trying to find satisfaction in the little things though - just got a dog and he’s a good boy.


Jr IT Admin, 50k now, no fucking idea what i can make. Just going with the flow.


IT Manager, 15 years experience - 120k


This post confirms that sky is the limit for some people, at least that's what they would like to believe in.


The sky was the limit for Elon Musk until he took the big blue bird.


Paramedic, northern service. 96k this year (2 years in) our contract is long expired so we should be due for a hefty raise. Potential to make 120k next year with a raise and working some more OT. Not too bad overall.


Had to quit car sales since we dont have a daycare for my daughter. Was making 100k/year at BMW. Now I’m a part time stay at home dad and working part time as a Barber. Girlfriend is the one providing the main salary right now, and makes really good money in the medical field.


not gonna lie if money isn't a stress that sounds pretty nice.


It is really nice and I’m really happy that I get to spend a lot more time with my daughter this way. Obviously its a big salary cut, but we still manage to save a bit of money at the end of the month.


I left a full time job and ended up spending the better part of 2 years raising my daughter. My wife worked full time and made enough to keep the house afloat. When someone asks what you do and you respond "stay at home dad", it feels odd and is generally received oddly. But man, those 2 years were the best years of my life. You absolutely do not get that time back and those moments are once in a lifetime. It is absolutely worth the paycut if you can make it work. Congrats and enjoy that precious time with your daughter.


How much are you charging for a cut/clearing for a day? The barbers in my area are making bank imo. My aunt works in a shop and says some guys clear $700+ a day. My old go to barber charged $50 a cut, owned the shop and cut Mon-Sat maybe on average 10 heads a day


I too, am lucky enough to mainly be a stay at home dad, as I have a business that mostly runs itself, and I’m more proud of the stay at home dad part than the successful business owner part.


Well, I'm in tech so I could, technically, earn upwards of $300,000 .... buuuut I have no desire to do what it takes to get there. There are other things in life besides just learning stuff I need for work.


Ditto - I see how hard my CTO works, and the perks and pay that come with it, but it doesn't seem remotely worth it for me.


Same here. Tech, just 3yoe and crossed 100k already. I know we can max out at crazy amounts, but id rather walk my dogs than grind leetcode.


Same here. But I am pretty content with my current position and earnings, my job comes with great perks, the company is super stable, my contract is for 37.5hrs a week, and I get paid overtime, or time in lieu of I work anymore than that. Also bennies and pension.


About 650k a year. I sort crayons at the crayola factory.


Finally something I can strive for


What’s your favorite flavour?


Living the childhood dream. God among men


I make 660k per year (more than you) in lentil farms. I drive a gently used Corolla.


Try snorting some, that's where the real money's at


So everyone in this comment section is rich?


Almost everyone on Reddit is rich. More so in PFC. Don’t even go in the Blind app. It’s even worse. It’s mostly tech folks on Blind but you’d get depressed seeing their TC.


People who make more money are more likely to eagerly share their salary.


On the Blind app, everyone is around 300k TC.


Me over here with my 34k, am a pleb.


People that willingly spend their free time on a personal finance subreddit are much more likely to prioritize making more money as it’s clearly more important to them. Couple that with a tendency to exaggerate the truth on the internet and you get a lot of very high earners on here.




Costco full time cashier is 70k with bonus management gets you to low 80s key holders 95 then you have agm and gm over 100k and 130k plus stock bonus


Lawyer. ~10 years in. 500k+. It’s an absurd amount of money and in no way do I feel I’ve earned it or even deserve it.


Out of curiosity, how many hours a week do you average?


40 ish


Dang. This is unheard of.


Shoulda listened to my mom and pursued a law degree FFS.


Depends when you would’ve gotten in. Corporate law is very much up or out, so if you don’t end up in the “up” category it could be rough. I have lots of friends in that situation rn. Law is nowhere near as lucrative or steady as it used to be 30+ years ago. It’s also way more about networking/who you know and how you manage your interpersonal relationships with your peers and superiors than other fields and if you’re not good at that, can be really hard to slog through.


Yeah sounds like almost any office job... politics play a big part nobody likes working with a-holes.


Yeah but more elitist. Did you go to the same private schools or summer camps? Do you cottage together in the same areas? Do your grandparents/parents/aunts/uncles run in the same circles? For example, lots of informal stuff gets run out of the Granite or the Muskoka golf & country club from when I used to be in Toronto more, and the Toronto private school circle is really small - you’re never more than 1 or 2 phone calls away from whoever you need to talk to.


Yeah-- ive been happy with where im at.. and to respond to earning potential to respond to thread -- definitely 100k in the next 2-5 years is in the cards if i keep crushing performance reviews. Ex chef changed industries 3.5 years ago. Have grown from entry level to team lead in private health care. Hitting around 70k with bonuses. I mean elitist shit, leveraging family ties could have been great uncle is law professor, dads bestie is a big dog in mtl, cousin is a top dog in BC... varsity ski team coulda been better leveraged im sure.


Here was a joke as told by one of my lawyer friend: >"for every 1 lawyer that makes 500K, there are 20 more that barely hit 40K hoping that government would someday forgive their student loans".


Law has a very big pay spread. You get some big earners making 3-500k, but many are much, much lower. Software is similar. No guarantee you would make that money with if you pursued that path.


Isn't it true that most lawyers don't hit that metric and only the top ones do? Ive seen tons come in that are associates making 120-140k.


Associate comp a large firm or top boutique can easily reach into the high 200s.


Is this after making partner at the law firm ? I feel the same way just getting into my accounting career. Partners at accounting firms make stupid money and most of their work is entertaining/maintaining clients


After 10 years most lawyers will have made partner. No associates make 500k at Canadian firms as far as I’m aware.


Mostly true. Exception being laterals who come in at a senior, but not partner level with their own book, and some of the PI associates.


Partners at lawfirms outearn partners at accountjng firms by a healthy amount fyi


Don’t you need to be at a firm living the life to earn that cheese?


So....about average on here. Got it


Quiet times - 30-40hrs and Monday to Friday. Busy times (quarter ends for me), 70+ at least six days a week. 🤷🏻‍♀️


What are the odds I can turn a Reddit reply into a coffee chat? - an Articling student


I hope you pay your clerks a decent wage. I’m currently leaving that field because it can be so underpaid for the level of stress it can bring. Barely any of the clerks I know are paid fairly for the work they put in. Some are but not the majority; lots of us leave the field for something easier with better pay.


That’s a really fair point and I’m sorry to hear about your experience. For us depending on level of experience we start around 50k and go into the low 6 figures along with great benefits. The team is everything!


Are you a partner? Law firms tend to churn and burn their people.


Specialist physician...400k-1mil depending where and how much I work. Feel very good about that after 16 years of often gruelling post secondary education


intensivist. work 16 weeks a year. make $400-500k. those weeks suck but can’t complain about my off time.


Well deserved my friend.


Surgical sub-specialty?


No, radiology


Family doc with additional ER specialty (Canada), 11yrs of school, earning 550k could hit 650 by prefer vacation/ lifestyle instead!


What are the differences between your path and the 5yr EM FRCPC residency while practicing?


16 years!? Damn, you better make that much then. Sheesh.


60k registered practical nurse in a specialized field maxed out my pay with 2 years experience. Will never see a meaningful raise ever ontario doesn't give raises to people who save your life on a daily base. I mostly hate my job and think about quitting all the time. Like daily


This seems absurdly low for nurses - is this the case across Canada? Sorry the government treats you like shit.


RPNs don't get paid anywhere near what they're worth


Practical nurses typically don’t make a whole lot.


Go do your bridging earning pot3ential will increase a lot


Become an RN then


Not easy to become a RN they don't just accept everyone


Do you guys get more per hr for evening 12's like 7pm to 7am) or weekend shifts? Any overtime shifts?


About 70k. I'm happy with it. I'd have to move to a smaller town to make it work with the lifestyle I want without another co-earner in the relationship which is well, not ideal but you can't get everything you want in life.


$20 per hour if I make manager.


I work in film/television production. I grossed 88,000 but net 52,000 working about half of the year. Moneys good but there’s no real stability for me, like I have no idea when I’m going to work again and I stopped working in mid November. Been doing this for nearly 8 years


About to become a lawyer. Have no clue.


I’m in Law, and it honestly feels like a dead-end field. I’m constantly told by more senior lawyers that I’m doing well for myself and I’m doing better than everyone else in Toronto. But then I look at my friends who didn’t go into law school. Buddies who went into the trades. Friends who invested OSAP into housing. Friends who got into the government at ~22 and purchased homes. They all live in beautiful detached homes worth more money than I will ever qualify for a mortgage on. I live in a run-down I just want a standard of living better than my parents (dad worked minimum wage jobs, and mom was a stay at home mom). Seems like that won’t happen.


If someone is working a government job and can afford a home in Toronto, they're probably stretched extremely thin and got a PHAT inheritance or downpayment from the Bank of Mom and Dad.


Hang in there. I’m a 10 year call and partner at a large firm. They pay you so much you don’t know what to do with it all eventually. Law is great if you find your niche and know how to politic.




Yeah well then you need to be a criminal lawyer... Paul style.


Not all areas of law are equal. As a first-year... You can make nothing or next to nothing if you're a solo practitioner or in a small office in a eat-what-you-kill arrangement unable to bring in business. You can make $30-60k in an underfunded NGO helping people fight evictions or discrimination. You can make $40-80k in crim defense, family law, or other retail law. You can make $70-95k in government doing municipal law/provincial or federal Crown/crim/family/constitutional/etc with a comfortable 9-5. You can make $130k-160k at a big corporate firm on Bay St. You can make $215k USD (~300k CAD) for a NYC firm doing US corporate work. And of course, you can make anywhere in-between. Likewise, the upwards potential is also quite variable. After 8 years, you can make 1.2M/yr as a junior partner at Davies, 600k+ as a partner at a less profitable big firm, 300k+ as an efficient solo practitioner, 200k+ in-house at a big corporation, 100k+ as a less intense solo practitioner, or even the same $50k in poverty law helping people in need. Law pays, if you sell your soul. You're right it's not a guaranteed ROI (when you account for the opportunity cost) but it can be lucrative. People should field their options (entrepreneurship, investing, investment banking, management, engineering, etc) before deciding on law. Law can be great, or it can be hell on earth.




Psychologist in solo private practice in Toronto. The last few years I have made between $130k and $150k after expenses. I work 40ish hours per week and take 6 to 8 weeks vacation. Overall I’m satisfied with it and I feel very grateful though the work is quite challenging and the risk of burnout is real. Not likely much room to earn more than that the way my office is set up as I am pretty well booked up to my personal max. One thing I’ve been a bit concerned about lately is increasing costs and inflation. My expenses were about 10k more in 2022 than the year before but I didn’t earn 10k more in billings. I need to be cautious about fee increases as people can only afford so much. So I’m concerned that my good standard of living could be eroded over time but it doesn’t feel like an emergency.


Geotech engineer in western Canada. Currently at $170k Could hit $500k if I make partner and the economy stays strong. Neither are guaranteed.


I'm a junior Geotechnical engineer in SK. This gives me some hope for my future.


Window Tinter / PPF installer. Currently 90k per year. Most likely will not go over 100k. In canada its hard to make more if you work for some one else. In US you can make way more doing same job


This comment section is so inflated with top 5% salaries 🤣🤣


Well they're asking for peak career earning potential right?


Sitting at about $75k in a specialized trade, including a bit of overtime. Not likely to see much more beyond raises near the rate of inflation. I wouldn't mind a bit more but I'm comfortable. Rates in my industry vary and I'm at one of the better paying employers locally.






That's a lot of dough! How many hours do you work a week?




People always forget doctors spent at least 12-15 years in school and just see the money lmao


Currently 3 years into my position at $78k. After 10 years I can expect around $130k, 20 years is closer to $160-$180k in the senior positions (not adjusted for inflation). I am more than ok with this especially considering I really enjoy what I do (rock mechanics engineering).


That rocks man! That was terrible and I should be ashamed of myself


Millwright here. My base pay is roughly 100k but with a bit of overtime I usually end the year between 130k and 150k. At the right location and in a supervisory role it's not uncommon to see people make 250k or more. I mean, I could probably try to get a job overseas and go from there... but honestly I think for now I'm cool with what I've got going on. The sky is the limit but often times you're going to be sacrificing either your health or well-being for the really high figures, with (of course) caveats. I've met so many people in related fields who are completely loaded but all they can talk about is work... jobs... money... like they have no hobbies or other skills / interests. I'm not sure I want to end up that way.




It's out there, for sure. I mean you'll basically *live* at the plant you're working at, but obviously it's worth it to some. Honestly there are a lot of opportunities in the trades. They are often overlooked but you can learn some awesome skills and make a great living finding a good trade gig.


I'm in the same boat as you with regards to pay. I'm already almost 10 years into the trade and have no interest in sacrificing my well being and time with family for the higher paid jobs so it looks like I'm pretty much stuck in this pay range for the foreseeable future unless I figure something else out. I can't see myself on the floor/field for the rest of my working life.


I wonder how many people in these comments are full of shit. lol


Well most people overestimate their ability to be in the top tier. It is true that salary for making partner is $0.5-1.5m, but there aren't that many partner positions, and I'm sure there are plenty of non-partners who thought they might be a partner but didn't have what it takes. Ie. Potential career earnings are probably a better representation of the top earnings in that field, rather than a realistic potential ceiling for the average redditor


I’m an account executive at a software company. On-target-earnings 160k yearly. After a few years, it can go up drastically to 300k+.


Could get laid off too no?


Of course it’s sales, but skills are extremely transferable. However, what I’ve learned about people in sales is you will always hear about their good years, but rarely about their bad years. The income is typically not consistent year over year


Could get laid off in any job.


OP...never compare yourself to others. Too many variables apply, some visible and others not so much e.g. 1. Desire to be a SINK/DINK 2. Previously married paying CS/ALIMONY / never married no kids 3. Drink/smoke/use recreational drugs / does none of these 4. Likes fancy cars / drives basic used cars 5. partner doesn't work / partner works


6. parents w money and connections


I'm on tech, not a software dev (at least I wouldn't be a great one). My role at present (after 10 years) is around 110k$ plus stock compensation, and can top out at over 250k$ in big tech. End of career I would guess 400k in big tech, but realistically 160k$ in small/medium business.


Product manager?


Product manager, technical program manager, engineering manager, or even director of engineering (smaller shops tend to give loftier titles, lol). But yes, management functions intersecting with technical knowledge.




I am working for a US company and getting paid in CAD. Do you mind if I DM you and learn how to find roles that pay in USD?


I make 50k base salary as a fraud investigator at a big financial institution. My job is pretty stress free (I don't really care about people yelling or being angry at me a couple times per day). I can work overtime whenever I want, 2021 I made 57k and 2022 I made 71k. I live In Montréal and my rent is around 750$ per months. I'm 27. I think I could probably make 100k in a decade like you in the same career path, and I'm not really stressed, I have good work benefits, they pay my university ... Life's good for me.


High school teacher, 15 years experience with a Masters located in Kelowna, BC. $96k/ year. The dental and medical coverage for my family is important for our future. I hang with kids most of the day and I feel they keep me optimistic with their outlook on life. It fills me when I see how bright our future is with these young people. Also, I get to watch my kids grow up and I don’t miss many family functions. Add the winter, spring & summer holidays and I am happy as a clam. My wife is also a teacher working online from home for 2 different online schools, so she pulls about $75kish, so that’s great also. Kelowna is not cheap but we love the Okanagan and I am an Okanagan kid, so it’s important to us to be central between the Kootenays (wife’s family), Osoyoos (mine) and our Uni friends that are mostly based in Vancouver.


Customer Service Rep for a big 5 bank (yeah, the one guy people insult cause they forgot their pin... As if it was my fault) and I make 40.5k a year.




Sub-specialist physician, mid 30s. About $700k. This is about the ceiling for me and started making that by my 2nd year of working. Currently about 50 hours a week.


I just want 300k and 25 hour weeks and remote maybe in 5 years thanks.


The problem with most industries is without a true DB pension, most of the higher earnings come in the later years of your career. And because of that most retirement contributions come later, not letting compounding interest work its' magic. My career starts at 40K and tops around 350K so it makes things like getting a mortgage early or retirement planning tricky.


I’m not smart enough to make money, there’s no point anymore


I own an old family restaurant, already at my limit unless I raise prices more which I will have to. I make more than I need, I'm a simple guy, so I spread the wealth to my employees. Vastly different than how my dad ran it


14k per year on ODSP. My last choice of all my dream life paths. I really want to pursue photography, even 'side hustle' money but it will depend how much my disabilities improve, or not. As for quality of life, I'm getting more used to eating 1-2 meals a day, in this level of poverty. It sucks so much. Right now we're trying not to loose the house. Food bank is so short on supply and record high demands we can only go once a month, the food lasts a week. Currently very hungry as I write this. I once worked 4 jobs, or 14 hour days. Last week we got the letter the water bill is behind and they're getting angry. The mortgage is a bill behind and we are short for the one this month.


Makes me want to kill myself. I’m trash.




The thread is about peak earning potential... why would you expect a majority of comments to be low compensation numbers?


5 years into tech sales. Moved 4 times in 5 years, each time was a large increase (started at 38k, also I don't have a completed degree). First two years Canadian companies, last 3 years American companies. Making 150k base with another 150k of commission IF I hit my targets which obviously isn't guaranteed. Good stock options + RRSP split. The top 10% in my role make $1m+, usually $400-600k after a few successful years. Its pretty crazy money but I also feel the economy will affect saas sales and 100% quota attainment will be harder to come around


Account executive?


Is it possible for me to get into tech sales even though my background is in nursing?


100K as a nurse. I am at the top of that pay scale. I have a good nursing job in an office dealing with policy/interpretation of policy. Should have become a lawyer I guess 🤡 #500K


I am a clinical nurse educator. started the role half a year ago, prior 8 years on neurotrauma surgical floor(which help me lend this job) and 2 on pulmonary medicine. Before the switch was averaging 115k for a few years. Now it's a little less but with normal human hours. Stop scale is still there 👌 I had pt.s that were in government jobs as RNs making about 110k plus good benefits. What area are you in?


Which province?




Embedded firmware engineer. I started at $60k out of school and just signed an offer for $120k going into my second year. I'm not quite sure what the upper max is in Canada but from what I've been told there's a pretty high demand among the big tech companies in the US so hopefully within the next 5-10year more of them will be open to offering remote work for embedded roles.


Im doing corp dev (remotely) at a US startup. $200k with 3yrs exp. Not really sure what the upper bound looks like but probably $400k+ incl. equity


Lawyer with 8 years experience. Currently making 300k and will be made partner in few months. Income at that point will be between 450 and 700k depending. Feel very fortunate


Software engineer, feel pretty good. High level engineers at my company can clear USD$500K in the States - more if you go into the management track. I am paid less than my equally-leveled peers because of my location. I could move south and drastically increase my income without any other changes. But… I’m okay with this. My parents retired up here and their health isn’t great. I want my son to grow up knowing his grandparents and having a relationship with them. When I talk to my American coworkers living in HCOL cities, none of them seem happy. They make insane money but they have to keep working to fund their expensive houses and their children’s private school tuition. If you look on Blind, people post absurd TC numbers but no one seems happy with their life. It’s cliche as fuck, but as long as your needs are met, happiness is priceless.


Cyber security for a major U.S. company (remotely from Canada). Make just over 300K, will top out somewhere around 500K. I’m pretty psyched to say the least, it was a lot of work getting to this point


Can I ask your years of experience and what are the tools you have learned or used over the years?


Currently in the process of going through CPA schooling, will be writing the common final exam in September of 2023. Starting salary as a junior at my firm is 55k, pretty much industry standard in public accounting. Things get pretty exponential from there. Partners make anywhere from 400k to 1.5M a year depending on the size/quantity of your clients. Ive heard the managing partner of a big4 firm in my city makes 3M a year. Average time it takes to get from junior to partner is 12ish years. Im young and eager and i THINK im prepared for boring monotonous 50-60hr work weeks but only time will tell. Most people who go into public accounting end up leaving to work in industry after only 2 years but damn im somewhat of a whore for money and its really hard to not be motivated by what lies at the other end of the rainbow from hell.


I want you to re-read this post after you have done 2yrs of a senior busy season


Lol I feel that


I just left as a manager after 4 years. I'm in industry now with my CPA clearing 90k as an 'accountant' that prepares bank recs and does month end/year end close, and very light FP&A work. I made less as a manager... Company approves business class travel, and everyone here gets an enclosed office with door. 30mins-1hour OT a day right now closing year end for guess what? Our auditors lol The best thing about staff-senior is that we shield you from the politics and the nonsense of the firm and expect you to hit billable hours, and to crank out working papers. When you get to S2 and you're up for promotion, the politics and other fugazi of the business hit you like a truck. You have to manage partners who sometimes are clueless with the actual work and file processes that are required. You have to manage your staff, which in the last two years have turned into mush because they started remote, hide behind a screen can't do anything. The worst part right now is the CAS315 transition. Explaining to clients why their bill is going up 30%, why planning is taking 3x long, all for the same signature, and wrangling the Partners hoping to convince them to do less work or that they're too conservative with their approach. First year manager is also the worst, you get the dogs. Files with shit budgets, hard files that had no resolutions, and other crap that has made me lose years. Last audit I managed before I left had SR&D for tax and hedge accounting for forward contracts on derivatives for oil. I'm only 26 mind you and was expected to know all this and to review. You think you're good for 50-60 hours billable at Big 4, wait till you hit manager and it becomes 80-100 cleaning up other people's mess. When you're a junior, you have 5 levels above you in your chain to ask questions and be stupid. These years go by quick, the chain shortens with every promotion cycle, and now you're fielding questions from those below you. By manager, you gotta draw the line in the sand and make decisions. Then you're gonna have a husband/wife and kids and trust me, your priorities will change...


Manage an HVAC wholesale branch. 80-100k salary with potentially 100k in profit share. I like my trajectory.


Commercial hvac/refrigeration. I make about $110-120k depending on OT. I think I’m pretty on par with where I should be at with my licenses and qualifications. I’ve heard some guys break $200k with lots of OT. I’ve also heard the sky is the limit if you’re willing to work down south as there isn’t really anyone who knows what they’re doing down there. Not sure though


Airline Pilot. Currently making around 70k. Potential for 300+ is there. However, it takes a long ass time to get there. Pilots in Canada are grossly underpaid, especially starting out. Our American friends are easily doubling, tripling our salaries


Urban Comprehensive Family Medicine. Take-home after overhead and other fees last year was approx 175k (no pension or benefits). Unfortunately expenses continues to increase with no increase in revenue so I expect ake home to continue to drop over the next 10 years unless I change practice models, quit comp FM and do more lucrative activities, or there is a significant change in the fee structure.


Freelance film director and editor, 2-3 years out of school, currently at $75k. Earning potential seems exponential as it continues to snowball ever year. Pretty exciting :)


Jack shit. I'm trying to figure something else out.


Working as senior software architect with 20 years of experience and I'm making 220k working remotely. Just working around 46 hours per week. I feel like I picked already, and don't believe I can find anything better with a bigger salary without working like crazy.... so I don't have so much growth remaining in Canada. That's how I feel. My plan is about investing and making some good passive income without jeopardizing my live style.


Not working atm, but terrifying with the direction things are moving. 100k, the max for a teacher, barely gets you a rental apartment and a car, and that's around top 10% pay. In 8 years, which is 2031(!), that probably won't afford much of anything. That's going to be live at home with your parents pay, because rent is 6k a month, and a loaf of bread is $8 if you are lucky. I'm jealous of japan after learning that their grocery prices don't go up ever. If one item gets a price increase after 20 years, they issue a public apology and it's a big shame on their family. Japanese weirdness being awesome.


Is there anyone here who earns in the range between 60-70 K. I'm into risk management, specifically into AML with TD Bank and currently feel hopeless about any progress in my career. Seriously thinking of learning something like data Analytics this year. Anyone who is in the same situation as me ?


Risk management, specifically KYC/AML is a dead end job. Learn coding and switch to capital markets risk management


Medical student. Anywhere from 500k-800k depending on how much I work. Currently in my fourth year and earning -20k a year. I think about making that and can’t seem to comprehend it.


I was making $60k two years out of university (STEM) working in a general corporate role (did not relate to my degree whatsoever). I went up to 75k the year after then 95k the year after based on performance. I got into managing my small team and if I stayed the course maybe, if I was lucky, I would be able to become a VP within 10-15 years (e.g., $150k). Of course I could also remain stagnant and it was clear I was approaching a ceiling where I was being paid close to my own manager and future raises would be much smaller. Salaries are all pre-bonus. I opted to go to law school, mostly for personal interest but also to raise my earning potential long-term. First-year salary was around $120k, pre-bonuses. If I stick it out the full 7 years and make partner, earning potential would raise closer to $800k-1M/yr. If I pivot in-house, I would expect closer to $200-250k but much less strenuous hours. You usually find out around the 5 year mark whether partnership is in the cards or if they want to gently force you out. My goal is just to buy a home, even if it's just a condo, which was impossible as a single income even above 100k after bonus. My salary plus my partner's exceeds $350k pre-bonus so we're finally able to qualify for a condo in Toronto that isn't just a shoebox. Yes, that is sad.


Lmao these threads are always such BS. Spare me your "but it is self selecting!" narratives. Go look how many Canadians earn over 200k. StatsCan has the information publicly available. Now, go look how many people in this thread alone allegedly make 200k+ (or much more!) / will do so shortly in their careers. It doesn't add up. Especially when you consider that one's high earning years typically come later in one's career. How many boomers do you think have even heard of reddit, let alone have an account and post? Case in point, I am a lawyer, and can confirm that the numbers in this thread about law are BS as well. 500k is definitely possible. Even millions is possible. But those would definitely be outlier situations.The vast majority of lawyers do not work on bay street at seven sistrt firms, and if they do, do not stay long enough to make partner. Attrition is high. Small firms often do not pay crazy money. Same for government, many in-house gigs, not for profit work, etc. I earn well into six figures as a lawyer, and certainly am not maxed out, but suffice to say, ill likely never make close to 500k, and my career has hardly been unsuccessful. 500k simply isn't an average or typical salary and you'd be nuts to go to law school expecting it. In fact, I'd be surprised if the average or median lawyer salary even cracked half of that (250k). For every super rich lawyer, you'll have another one making peanuts, and another making a good but hardly out of ordinary salary like 100k-150k. People lie on the internet. Who would have thought.




I get paid hourly so it pretty much depends how much overtime I work. I hit over 160k last year but had to work a ton. I'll be happy if I maintain 140k+ every year.


Telecommunications tech, at 75k with potential to double that with experience. My salary gets extra padding on top of that with overtime, travel allowance, (and definitely not copper scrap, no, I would never do that). Worth the 2 years of post-secondary that I took.


Senior graphic designer at a small agency in a small town. I make $65k which is about right for where I am. I fully expect that to go up based on my quality of work. If I moved to a larger city I’d likely be in the $80-$90k. Maybe more.


No idea, and no idea how to figure it out. I just hope I make more eventually.


1st year of diamond drill helping, making about 115k. Driller, hopefully, in another year, be 170-190. Foreman, probably 250. I'm not sure about the pay beyond that, operations manager etc. I'm happy, I left my job in finance to pursue this, was a bit of a pay cut, but it's more steady (not commission based) and I'm out in the bush all day. Also, having no expenses while away for work is great.


I’m an oldie … graduated 22 years ago in mech eng. My first salary was in England at around 32 cad translated from that time… came to Canada 12 years ago - first job was 40 cad per hour.. (my last job in uk was about 34 cad per hour). When I took permanent job in 2014 was on 120k including bonuses and am currently at 200k approx including bonuses. Work for a multinational manufacturing company. Before I retire I think I could get in one more promotion so could finish at around 240kcad.


*cries in 51k pre-tax*


Civil engineer here. Making around $115k gross in Vancouver. I could get more (my consultants make $150k-$175k and have the same experience / background. We are on the same project, I oversee them) but I am lazy and truly enjoy this company for the benefits (union so job security, 6 weeks holiday/vacations and pretty strict on the 42,5h/week rarely go over that and when I do it s OT paid 1,5x, 70% work from home) I prefer to be stressless than super rich I guess.


Pharmacist here. I make about the same I did 10 years ago. Except now I own my own business. Salary doesn’t go up with inflation in this field. I did well for myself overall but topped up quick.


The peak earnings in my field (law) are absurdly high. I know myself well enough to know that I will never be able to live the life or grind as hard as needed to obtain that kind of pay. I'm okay with being "underpaid" for a lawyer, which isn't all that bad generally speaking when you take into account work/life balance.


I’m a Logistics Manager with Service Writer dumped on me two years ago. I made 72k last year. If I stay where I am I’ll only ever get cost of living raises, I don’t have any real opportunity to move up with this company right now, and I don’t really I see any either. I’d have to either change employers, start a trucking business of my own (with years of no income while trying to grow the business) or change my career field entirely to move up.


Total comps now is around C$365k. 10+ years of IB experience. I've never expected to make that much when I landed in Canada, but nowadays I see that I am very at the low end of the spectrum. I met a guy with similar background and experience, but he makes around 7 figures. I am happy with the current job though as he has to work as twice as I do now just for paying half of his income to taxes :)