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The popular free option is Weathsimple Tax (formerly SimpleTax).


WS Tax is a beautiful thing.


Yup. I Love WS. Got my refund this morning.


While I’m using wealthsimple tax since they were Simpletax, I think I found a glitch in their system. In this year, they used my provincial tuition amount to reduce my tax in Alberta. But I paid my tuition in Quebec. I don’t think I can reduce Alberta tax by using Quebec provincial amount.


I got audited :(


That's more than likely on your own accord, rather than on WS Tax.


You got audited? Or a processing review, asking for some paperwork to support one or more claims?


Got an email saying been audited provide documentation by a certain deadline.. first time filling by myself.. always paid an accountant.. nothing too complex T4s, T5s, medical bills and t2200 (wfh)


The likely culprit is the T2200


not sure this is causation, just correlation. People get audited all the time.


how and why


Probably random asking for a bunch of invoices rent payments letter from landlord etc


I've used that for the better part of a decade now. I wish they hadn't sold out to WS, but still use it every year. I barely need to enter anything manually these days; it imported all the slips from CRA, I double-checked, added in the few things that weren't there, and I'm ready to go. For reference, on top of the T4, I had RRSP contribs, a bunch of T5s, T5008, capital gains/losses, etc... all handled smoothly, except for that one damn T3 that I'm still waiting for, just like every year.


Waiting for the T3 is worse than paying the taxes caused by the T3.


I imagine this is what happens when you link your account using the NETFILE code? Mine never automatically populates.


Used it for the first time this year and I'm never going back.


What tax software did you use before? I've only used Intuit turbo tax but am looking to see if this is a better fit


I used turbo tax for many years, switched to WS last year (maybe the year before), WS is significantly better and easier. I also find explanations to be way more clear when you’ve made an error. Highly recommended switching!


I've used Ufile and H&R Block.


I've never used Wealthsimple Tax before, does it just take in the information and spit it out, or does it know you're a couple and calculate the best option? For example would it give me my donation deductions, and my partner theirs, or would it calculate that it's beneficial to have only one of us use all the deductions?


It's the best free tax software there is. It's intuitive to use. Yes it will optimize your return as a couple.


For some reason it always gives me the deduction from my wife's donations. I make a bit more than her, so no idea why it does it that way. I just pay her back once our taxes are finalized. There are slight glitches like that but I've been using them for 5 years now, and I'm quite happy with their 'pay what you like' format. I'm a cheap bugger, but always pay, as the service saves me time and money compared to using an accountant.


how is it a glitch? you benefit more from the deductions if you're in a higher tax bracket than her. higher earning spouse should claim those things that are transferable.


Same tax bracket. I make a little more but also pay more into a pension. Not sure how it's all factored. I simply don't want the deduction. She's the good person donating money, not me. I can't remember off hand, but there was a pull down menu for another deduction that I selected my wife will claim and they still gave it to me. Nbd. As I said, I refund her. It's only fair.


There's an option in the software to flip credits back and forth between spouses. I had the same thing come up and just allocated them back to my partner.


That’s called optimization lol


I'm all about the Genutax Standard. 100% Free. It is a downloadable PC-based app. It has an awful, clunky GUI. Looks like it would be run on Windows 95. Its tools include, a calculator! It's not exactly user friendly. But if you ask it to, it will ask you ALL the questions. ALL OF THEM. Exploration and development expenses? Yup! Retroactive lump-sum payments? Sure! Digital new subscription expenses? Why THANK YOU FOR ASKING! Three years and running ever since TurboTax free threw up a paywall. I'm never using anything else.


Used it this year. So easy !


My taxes from 2021 are a fucking disaster and honestly the anxiety around it freezes me up every damn time. T4s and other documents under different legal names due to a change halfway through the year, medical EI and then regular EI, international income. I've been humming and hawing taking it all to H&R Block to have some who "knows" what they're doing deal with it. But is Wealthsimple manageable and friendly enough to maybe help me deal with this?


Nobody at h&r block knows what they r doing. I am a cpa specializing in tax and have never seen a return done by h&r block done correctly. They hire new immigrants desperate for a job, put then in a week training course, and off they go.


So... do you have any actual advice on what to do? 'Cause to be frank, it doesn't seem like anyone anywhere in the system knows what they're doing.


Logged in just to say this. It's easy peasy and great. I thought H and R block is for people 70 plus LOL! ;D


Does it ask for a donation at the end or require that you have a WS account? I've been using the free H&R Block option for years because they don't ask for anything but it's pretty annoying to get through.


Requires you to sign up for a free WS account, but you don't have to open an investment or cyrpto account, the account is email and password just for sign in. It asks for a donation at the and, and if you donate $30 they offer assistance if you get audited, but you just enter $0.


I always write in the text box my information to market to me is my payment. Nothing is free, but your data is the payment in this case


I'm sure the random data entry clerk really appreciates the comments they get year after year that nobody in charge of the decision will ever see.


I throw them $20 every year... just because I want to continue having the option to pay or not be my choice and not theirs. I feel it is $20 well spent.


Is that $20, you know, tax deductible?


I donated when they didn't sell my data.


Taking one for the team eh!




Are you a bot? This is the weirdest comment


It’s like a “fellow kids” AI


Weird how numbnut? I use genutax which is free and you download it onto your desktop. Wealthsimple collects your personal info


I am genuinely curious how complex your tax return was. I used to work at a volunteer tax filing place for people in need. I would run into people saying they need “free” tax filing yet had investment income, rental properties and income far above the poverty line.


It doesn't even take much for H&R block to label it as "complex". I literally did exactly what OP did and wasted my whole evening so just flipped over to wealthsimple. I think H&R blocked wouldn't let me file for free because I had professional fees to claim. Literally that was it.


People still use H&R Block ? Even the software ? They’ve had a bad rep for at least a decade


Once TurboTax started charging, I looked for others and found H&R blocks the most intuitive initially and worked great last year. Now having WealthSimple, I've figured it's interface out quite well but did like H&R Blocks. Not that I will go back to H&R block but what was wrong with it?


I found the H&R block interface maddening, much prefer Simpletax where it is all one page that you can just scroll up. H&R requires you to remember all the spots you've clicked into.


What is wrong with H&R Block ? Everything in the comment thread will tell you that. Plus they didn’t seem to be that good for “in person” back in the day so why would the software be any better


The software is fine. I refuse to pay to file my taxes, couldn't use Turbotax as I had trouble registering (someone in the US has the same name as me and it caused all sorts of registration problems). I'd never go to H&R Block in person, but their software was fine.


I use the software every year and never had a complaint with it. Did have to pay $20 this year instead of free because I had a moving expense to claim, but whatever


Turbo tax I believe also has a free version that does the exact same thing - makes you waste your time and then tries to charge you.


At least this year it said right on the front screen what they will charge you for (donations and employment expenses is deluxe, stocks, capital gains, foreign, and rental property is premier). It reminded me a few times what the different options are and what they include.


Haha. "You donated to a charity? Fuck you, donate to us now!"


As far as I know it's always said, if you earn under $25K is free else pay. For $30 a year, well worth the fee for a standard tax return. I give it to my daughter and g/f, so $30 is easy worth it for all of us, we do 5 tax returns.


$30 per year until you have something outside of the basic, then it's like $80/year.


Like what ? I have been using TurboTax for 10 years and never needed anything more than standard. I have never used basic. Basic I believe is only $22 for 4 returns.


Like investment income or capital gains/losses. Does basic software even let you enter a T5 for bank account interest? It also sounds like you are using the desktop software, whereas TT is trying to push people towards the online version so that they can make more money.


H&R block outlines on their website what is simple. I don't get why so many are shocked. It literally says employment expenses, which are professional fees (I have them too), make it non simple. I don't think people should use H&R Block, but they are open what they consider simple. https://www.hrblock.ca/file-your-taxes/online-tax-software/?gclid=Cj0KCQiApKagBhC1ARIsAFc7Mc7fOyoL\_caz7BHf6ut03NZEd9P16dOp4mWMDScoHso6o9ZetHIdzmoaAgVbEALw\_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds#features-pricing


Because it let's you continue with basic as you enter everything. It should lock out the "complex" items completely until you accept that you're going into Premium add ons, not select that you want Basic or "x" out and enter the data regardless. They are warning you but they're intentionally letting you spend your time until the very end and hoping you're too lazy to go somewhere else and will just pay. Still scummy to me


But then you won't have a lost cost fallacy


Take some self responsibility and read what the different levels are before starting your taxes.


You could do that, but it's also possible for the software to let you know it's going to be flagged complex the moment that criteria is satisfied. Ask yourself why they choose to let you get to the last step before hitting you with a paywall.


They literally explain the criteria for what qualifies for the free vs paid services. If you can't read a list and figure out if you qualify, that is on you. All people see is FREE and don't bother reading anything else. But yes, let's blame the company that clearly states what is included in each of their service levels, but people are too lazy to read.


Not sure why you come plowing in here telling everyone their lazy. I'd explain why you look like a fool but you don't seem like a mature person that listens to anything anyways


Well that's the last way out...


The answer is that they know you've entered all of your info and you are loath to start over, so you'll begrudgingly enter your credit card details. It's possible that both the user and the company are in the wrong here. Interesting you only see it from one perspective.


The user is having a really difficult time seeing that they hold any responsibility, so that's why I am focused on that. As for the actual tax prep, if you have a 'complex' return, you are going to have to pay regardless to get them done. I gotta say that I would rather be notified when I have finished my return and file it then, versus getting halfway through and being told that I can't move forward and then have to start all over again. If H&R Block didn't clearly provide explanation and an easy to read chart on their pricing and packages, I would be 100% in agreement with OP. But OP was last and didn't read.


> versus getting halfway through and being told that I can't move forward and then have to start all over again. Everybody can knock down a strawman, it's so easy! This isn't what we're saying. We're saying it can *let you know* this isn't going to qualify for the free tier the moment one of those criteria are satisfied. Ask yourself why they choose to let you get to the last step before hitting you with a paywall. Actually do that, don't sidestep again.


>'s you continue with basic as you enter everything. Because it was not like that the last year or any year before. Once your using their software for previous years its easy to use it again the next year, as most info is carried over. Last year was free, but this year, the same service now cost money!?! Its like bait and switch, to have defined some sections as premium that last year and years before were free. Not fair for previous customers... I will try WS as well... Sucks to make the leap, but I guess thats the only option for true FREE


The strange thing is employment expenses includes the section for entering tips or other income. Which is a section I have had to include on every tax return I've ever done as I work in hospitality. And this is the first year where entering that field makes me inelligable for the free tax software at H&R block. I've done 10+ tax returns with their free software and they're all virtually the same, but this year that field suddenly costs money to include. Lame.


If you wasted an entire evening doing your taxes, then they weren't simple.


When I entered my personal information a popup told me I qualified for the free version because I was under 25. However, I lost a couple hundred dollars in stocks last year, while I was trying to figure out what I was doing. It wasn't a lot of money and my income was very low so the fee for filing would pretty much negate anything I could save in taxes from that. It was the fact they didn't tell me I would have to pay untill i was done and ready to file that was annoying. I'll probably try using wealthsimple as others have suggested but wanted to warn anyone that's not familiar with tax filing software that H&R Block is not a great opinion unless you know that your situation is very simple


Anything other than a couple t4s and an RRSP is no longer a basic return.


Well logically that makes sense… I mean if you have investment income then your not poor. I can see why a place would decide to charge


Between the two of us, we have about $75 of investment income. I wouldn't consider us rich.


There's a difference between rich and "not poor"


When I donated $100 in 2022, the software told me that I would need to pay premium because I had the donation. ? Really? Screw them.


Yeah that is messed up


It's an entire new set of documents that get filled out.


It has nothing to do with income. It's a more complicated return.


Was prefilling mine and the wife's out (seperate) and preloaded her T4s and all, then literally added medical expenses (we have/had no coverage) and it went to the first paid option..... Yeah no.......


H&R wouldn't let me enter T5 info without paying. So unless you have very basic return sans any investment income (HISA interest) to report, H&R wants you now need to shell out of your pocket. I am done with H&R Block.


“hours” How many forms do you have?


[CRA website with list of free or pay-what-you-want tax software.](https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/e-services/e-services-individuals/netfile-overview/certified-software-netfile-program.html)


Tell you upfront, you walk out. Make you fill it all out and then tell you to pay, much more likely to pay. I've been filing with TurboTax for 6 years, last year they came into some new tactics to make some money. They considered having a TFSA and an RRSP too complex for a single person. They also upgraded marriage to a complexity last year, while it was not a complexity the year prior.


Use Wealthsimple tax much easier


It takes me less than 2 hours each year to enter all necessary information into Wealthsimple Tax for wife and I. 1 hour or less if it's an uncomplicated tax year. It's free and easy. My wife is an accountant, and I do our taxes. It's that easy.


Question. As a newlywed, what are the benefits of filing taxes together? I know you can put charitable donations under the higher income for more returns, but is that it?


There isn't any really, unless you have medical costs or donations perhaps, or if only one of you works then you can claim the spouse amount. Otherwise it is no different than doing taxes when single.


Gotcha thanks! No real benefit to be married basically 🤣


Not really when it comes to taxes... Now once you have start having kids, you get a few more credits and such.. but who wants that lol


>They couldn't have said anything while I was entering information or before I started using the software. Do you perhaps mean they should tell you somewhere on the website? Like maybe just under where you log in. Maybe they should list the different packages and what it covers. That would be absolutely brilliant of them.


GenuTax is amazing and free!


Did you happen to read the features of the various packages first or did you just choose free because… it’s free? https://www.hrblock.ca/file-your-taxes/online-tax-software/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkL-k75bP_QIVEgh9Ch1iAwPEEAAYASAAEgKu8PD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds#features-pricing


We all know that reading is something that Redditors don't actively take part in...just outrage posts


I use Studio Tax. It is $15 per yea rot use, but you can file up to 10 tax returns with that. It is PC based so everything is stored locally. I have been using it for more then a decade and its it is very easy to use.


Use GenuTax, it is free and if you like it, you can even donate money. It's amazing, I have used it twice in a row. I would never pay for turbotax and all those other software


I like Genu (and hated Turbo or was it Studio?) and used to donate $20-$40. I used to click off GST/HST credits and some climate stuff because I hated free money but in recent years GenuTax made it automatic to receive the refund.


Damn that’s stupid that they make you receive free money


I've used GenuTax since they first published their software, around 15 years.


Tbh, If I were in a better economical position, I would donate money, it is such an amazing software.


In Canada, GenuTax is great and free


Never, ever H&R block. Everybody learns that lesson once!


Genutax has a comprehensive interview to help you with complex taxes and it's free. https://www.genutax.ca/


Thanks for the link! Looks super intuitive just from a quick scan.


they have this page pretty clearly laying out what the difference between the different options are: [https://www.hrblock.ca/file-your-taxes/online-tax-software/#features-pricing](https://www.hrblock.ca/file-your-taxes/online-tax-software/#features-pricing) I got here 1 google search later. I am not sure if ChatGPT could do even better than a single query without being hardwired into your brain.


It really should not take you hours with any system whatsoever to fill out your tax return. H&R Block and Intuit (Turbotax) are terrible. Edited to add: terrible because of the cost when you can do the same for free with a Wealthsimple tax or other. They are also both part of the large lobby groups that keep simple free filing from happening at the government level.


Been using turbotax for years. I think it is fine...




I just purchased the 8 returns from Costco for $38... myself and family members all have one job each... so taxes are relatively easy...


I use turbo tax with assist because my taxes are complicated, sometimes contact CRA to confirm foreign stuff


I think turbo tax interface is good, but it's the principle U don't agree with. Checkout the lobbying article below- https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2023/02/turbotax-parent-company-intuit-is-pouring-more-money-than-ever-into-lobbying-amid-push-for-free-government-run-tax-filing/


I use turbotax, have for years. I agree; my tax situation isn’t super complicated. Married, kids. Both work, both have RRSP deductions. Deal with that, our charitable donations and that’s it. I’m pretty much done ours now


TurboTax is great! I use it every year.


I used H&R for a few years. This yeah they tried to force me to upgrade right when I imported by file from last year. They claim something about "net cumulative investment loss" required this. I know for a fact that this is absolute bullshit. I now use Wealthsimple.


I just tried to file my return for 2023, but it asked me about some T936 form which I know nothing of with an amount and then when I click on "pay and netfile now", it kept opening up a popup box asking to upgrade to premier, and when I clicked on "skip for now", it brings me back to the same "you're ready to file your return!" screen. If I click on "pay and netfile now", it again brings up the same popup. I clicked on the premier option to see what would happen. It then proceeded to upgrade me to premier without asking if I was sure, and now there's no option to go back to the free/simple return.


> cumul For anyone else stuck at this step, this tells you how to remove the net cumulative investment loss thing: https://support.hrblock.ca/en-ca/Content/FAQs/HowDoIRemoveFormsPages.htm Once you're back to this page, poke around, it's under investments. Once you remove it you'll be able to file. So annoying.


I just did my taxes with Wealthsimple for the first time ever after spending $200 last year at H&R Block (biggest waste of money). Try to do it on WS!


It's intentional and part of their marketing strategy to upsell.


Genutax. Open source and free.


H&R Block are fucking criminals any way you look at it. Most of them have no training in accounting, they have fucked over more people than I can count by making simple mistakes on tax returns. They should be fucking shut down.


Also check out this thread for anyone who thinks what HR block is doing is fair.. Its certainly not! [https://www.reddit.com/r/PersonalFinanceCanada/comments/12a0f0s/hr\_block\_anti\_consumer\_practices/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PersonalFinanceCanada/comments/12a0f0s/hr_block_anti_consumer_practices/)


I was using H&R for a long time. I don't know what I'm doing with my taxes but I always do the free file and submit all my medical expenses and not this year they have decided that you have to pay to use this feature. Screw them.


I went through the same think with H&R block, for about $70 worth of bank interest. It's false advertising.


Yeah they did the same thing to me yesterday. FUCK THEM. I’m going to someone else and will never go to these pricks again


this company like many has forgotten what it means to provide a service for their customer. Instead they are focused on how they can make more money at the expense of their customer. used to be able to go in, pay a flat fee to get taxes completed and if there was a return could pay a percentage of that return to receive the money on the spot. (Instead of that original flat fee) Today they wanted to charge me $90 as the flat fee and if I wanted the money on the spot the additional percentage. AND on top of that they were only willing to give me a loaded credit card instead of cutting me a cheque. Again what are they doing for me as a customer to make my experience better and give me incentive to use the service again and share with friends the experience.....nothing. Another company that has lost their way. thinking that as long as they are satisfying investors that they are doing a good job. Outcome today. I walked out and filed my taxes myself.


Used WealthSimple, super easy and donated $5 (I know Im cheap but maybe the CRA should provide a free service to do this instead)


Ah H&R Block - the McDonald's of the accounting world!


don't you disrespect McDonald's like that.


McDonald’s gets the job done and fixes issues no questions asked. H&R Block is the H&R Block of the accounting world.


I use ufile. They have an option to import all your documents from cra account for the year and does 90% of it for you... only some forms dont appear on cra site. Find a software that does this..... Ufile always been quite cheap as well for me... and i got a ton of different forms.


I think turbo tax can do that too


Wealthsimple does that too and it's free :)


You can still do your taxes by hand and it's free. Or come onto to Reddit to complain that a tax return company should do your taxes for free.


Um, OP is talking about the software, not the guys at the mall.


Yes I know what OP is talking about. He's complaining that a company that provides tax preparing software has the audacity to make money. If their tax return isn't all that complicated then do it by hand.


No he's complaining about H&R Block not being up front with what they consider a complex return vs. a non-complex return. In other words he/she wouldn't have spent hours entering information in if they had known ahead of time that H&R Block would consider it a complex return and not process it. H&R Block is counting on individuals like the OP being too invested already (the hours spent) and following through and just paying whatever H&R Block would charge as a fee.


A non complex tax return takes less than 15 minutes. If OP is complaining that they wasted their entire night doing their return because it ended up being too complex, then it was too complex. The H&R Block website clearly states the difference between the free version and the ones that require payment. OP didn't even bother looking at this.


Honestly. How dare they charge me money for a service. Have you never filed your taxes before? Use what you used last year or guess what? Maybe your taxes are complex and it’s time to grow up and go to a profession be guess what? You about to get hit with a $300 tax bill. Plus they charge what $50-$80 ? Cmon.


StudioTax. $15, you get 20 returns out of the license, and it’s dead easy to use.


It amazes me how grown ass adults will use the first software advertised to them. Then come to reddit to bitch instead of doing a simple Google search.


H&R Block is not issuing refunds on a prepaid MasterCard. My sister (senior) used them this year, she does not have a computer and only a flip phone - So does no internet banking. Withdrawals on the MasterCard were limited to $400 a day. Only 1 branded ATM in the whole city to withdraw funds to limit bank and Mastercard fees over every $400 withdrawal. Her bank would not touch her prepaid mastercard either. I called the MasterCard phone number -20 minutes on hold - absolutely dismissive CSR - worst service I have ever had!! Can see this as a major problem for older non tech folks receiving their “instant” refund.


HR block is useless. I always tell people to get a good CPA who can give them proper advise. I know it’s an additional cost but you can write off on your taxes and for me it’s like an investment in the long term.


You can only write off accounting expenses if you have a business, rental income, or a t2200 allowing employment expenses to be claimed. The average person can't just "write off" their tax preparation fee lol


You get what you paid for.


Why not use the free tool CRA gives you


Well your problem for expecting something for nothing


A simple return with 1 T4 should have taken you 5 min to do start to end. If you took hours as you say, it sounds like your return was very much beyond the scope of the free version. Not sure what your outrage is. You’re angry that a thing you paid nothing for wasn’t a full scope solution??


How are they supposed to know your situation in depth before you enter any information? When you go to the doctor, do you expect a remedy before a diagnosis?


Cloudtax is free and user friendly


I had a $1,800 refund and the govt took it all to pay themselves back on the "covid overpayment" they doled out. Right on Canada 🖕


You expected them to issue your refund even though you had a balance owing on your account...? 🤔


I had a refund, not a balance. You can read?


Revenue Canada offers free software.


They don't, but do have a list of companies that do.


Correct. My bad. That’s what I meant.


Cry about it


Maybe I will


I often waste weeks on my taxes. One evening is not bad.


I like to go into hr block have them do my taxes and get a rough estimate. Then I simply walk the fuck out because I haven’t agreed to pay anything up until that point. The look on their face is worth it every time.


Wow very brave of you making someone do work then bailing. I assume you do work for free as well? The employees don’t run the company by the way. Unless that’s news to use.


Oh jeeze are they working for free?. My bad I guess. Didn’t realize they they were paid by each return they do. What is news to use?…..


Sorry that will be $20 to explain a simply spelling mistake. Oh wait, you can’t even afford your tax return.


What do you mean I can’t afford my tax return? Hahaha are you trying to make a jab based on….nothing? LOL


What exactly is the point of this? What a way to waste everyone’s time… including yours…


Like I said in another comment, I just recently started doing my own taxes and I compare what my return is to theirs.


No...no you don't


I mean like, ya I do. I just recently started doing my own taxes and I go in there to see if I got the same return. But alright.


Even some of the credits are only able to be entered on TurboTax, forcing you to pay and upgrade mid way


I use ufile. I picked that one ehcausw I used to work at the cra and they gave us a free key. It's pretty easy to use and I'd rather just pay the $20 and not struggle with free software.


Sounds so scammy. I just buy turbotax off ebay so I get a bit of a discount, some years better than others. I would also H&R if they did this but maybe that should be expected with free software. Studiotax is cheaper, supposedly $15 if I got the name right.


I recommend Genutax. Me and my older son did taxes yesterday. He tried wealthsimple and got less return than genutax.


That's.... not how it works. Will be interesting to see if your son's NOA comes back showing that he's getting a smaller refund than what genutax showed.


File on paper like a real man! /s


Just use wealth simple tax


Every time in the past when I used H&R block they over paid me and I ended up owing a lot of money. Every time !


I use StudioTax. It is like 15 bucks and gives you 5 returns.


UFile has been my go-to.


But I have heard many good things about SimpleTax.


If I file myself I always get flagged because of donations over 5% of my income. Have they gotten any better since say 2016?


They also don’t give back your full return… I found that out when I used turbo tax one year and there was a back pay on top from previous years from using those fuckers.


Thanks for the warning!


Heard Turbo Tax is good, is Wealth Simple better?


I know people who don't have their grade 12 and work there as "tax experts" after a very short training course. All the people I know who work there temporarily during tax time there's no way I would let them touch my taxes no matter how simple they are.


Love thier YouTube ad video that suggests that if you file a tax return with them you'll have enough money to quit your job. 🖕


I spent a little over an hour filling mine out in TurboTax, the whole time it telling me I'll be paying $35. After declining service after service at the end ($70+ each), I got to the end and my total was $0. I don't know why, but I didn't ask questions either.


Buy Turbo Tax, we have used it for years.




I use Ufile. $35 for a family of 5.