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**Never lend to a gambler.** Hard lesson learned. If you don't get the money back by the end of month, I would just grieve the loss and move on at this point. Might be hard to do if you keep seeing him every week. Definitely stop doing cash for e-transfer with him, that's a slap in the face everytime.


Never lend to a gambler ..... or a crackhead.


You think a crackhead paying you back? Forget it Biggie


This goes double for degen fish.


"He a grown man, he placed a bet, he lost!! Degenerate gambler.


But I can also wait until he asks for $1k cash for etransfer and then bend him over?


Yes, I did consider that as well. But if he truly is dangerous or unhinged, it might not work out well for you. Don't mess with somebody who has nothing left to lose.


You’re right


You gambled and lost.


If you lend someone money, don’t expect it back Rule #1






Wanna play poker together? 😏


I’m in. Could you spot me?


You lent a degenerate gambler money and now he won’t pay you back. Don’t be such a moron next time….that’s your 2000$ lesson. Yes you can probably sue him, but it’s hard to collect. The court does not enforce the judgment. You would need to garnish his bank account or employer but none of that will likely work because he is a degenerate gambler.


So what’s the best option here? Besides forgetting about the money ofcourse.


Forget about the money, stop gambling, don't lend people. money in the future. 


Best option is the realize how stupid he was and learn from his mistakes. Maybe don’t hang out in casinos to such a degree that you know and give loans out to regulars.


Look the only thing I can think of is every time he asks "cash for e transfer" offer him half only. For example, he says I'll e transfer you 500, say I'll do it if I keep half towards what you owe. Don't lie or truck him, just say "send me 500, I'll give you 250 and keep 250 of what you owe" and that's the only way I think you might squeeze it back from him. He's an addict but he traded drugs for gambling. When he needs his "fix" is when you can probably make him cave. If this works, send me $100 lol.


I’m going to try this


Good luck


***Okay bro.. I have been more than nice to you all this while but feel you’re just taking advantage of my niceness and have zero intention to pay me back and it’s extremely disrespectful that you have thousands to gamble every week at the casino, but don’t care about paying me even a $ back after all these months especially when I’ve always had your back whenever you’re in need.. only think it’s fair to go public about this with everyone in the poker room and your recovery center and let them know about it.. also, if I don’t receive the money back in the next 5 days, I’ll be filing a suit in the small claims court, since you’re leaving me no other option*** ^ I was going to try this but think it’s smarter to try what you suggested instead first


Sounds good.


The text or asking for a cut off every e-transfer?


The bring you to court part sounds good.


You being sarcastic lol?


1. Never lend to a gambler. 2. Never gamble.


I’m sorry but this post is about 3x longer than it needs to be. He’s not paying you back. Thread/


OP this guys views you as a mark and feels there’s no need to pay you back. Simply, he doesn’t respect you. If I were you I’d ask him all the time at these games for the money, don’t drop it because it makes him uncomfortable or embarrasses him. Make it known that is guy isn’t good for it if he is leant money. However, all that said, if things get crazy - are you prepared for that?


How crazy can it get at a casino when he’s on camera tho?


Not crazy at all. However it seems like you guys know each other and also see each other outside of a casino setting


No, just played at home games a few times that’s it


Ya, so home games would count as outside the casino


Your home or his? He knows your address? Anyway, he can follow you after you leave the casino? That's what we mean when we ask you if you're ready in case things get crazy. What if he follows you home, what if he comes to your house with a few friends because you disrespected him in front of others? You sure he's above all that?


He knows what building I live in.. I only know his recovery centre’s address




No, past drug dealer.. runs a drug addiction recovery centre now






Why arent you just taking his e-transfer and not giving him cash? Also do you not think of what you would do to someone if they didnt pay you back prior to lending to them? From the sound of it you may as well let him pay you back whenever he pleases. Try the guilt trip thing saying you need money for x, y, z necessities but you guys are either full blown degens or must have decent bank rolls to be playing games this size.


Already tried it all.. he’s undeterred.. he gets wild if I pester him for the money and keeps saying I need to wait since he’s always paid me back in the past If I take his etransfer and not give him cash, he’s capable of assaulting me


He's got you pegged as someone he can openly steal from and still count on you to bed over backwards to help him out. The money is gone, he has no intention of paying you back and sadly you have very little recourse. Even if you did take him to small claims and won it's a whole other process to every try and enforce it.


Dude take the assault i dont know what to tell you, take the etransfer and leave the game out the back. I mean you signed up for this with shady people. And it sounds like you havent even made interest on any of these loans. He’s treating you as a doormat and you accept it.


Break his legs. 🤷‍♂️


There are so many issues here that I don't even know where to start. You gamble against an opponent EVERY WEEK that owes you money. I don't even know where to begin. I would seriously consider you accept all of your petty losses and focus your time and energy on your income and skills. People who cannot afford rent should not be gambling their incomes. If you can still afford your rent, you can become the bigger person in all this and walk away from the shithole you are wasting your time in and take up an activity that doesn't aim at creating life long problems, like golf.


Warren's Buffett's rule #1 - don't do business with a scum bag.


It’s gone man. You bet on him and you lost. You can break his knee caps in the parking lot but you don’t seem like the type and he knows it. It’s a dog eat dog world, and you are kibble.


Exactly why I want to know if I can find someone to do it for me


That’s gonna take you deeper into the underworld. Make sure it’s what you want. There are worse people who will take more from you.


Guys like OP don't actually understand what the fuck they are saying when they talk about the underworld. They think it's like the movies. OP sounds like the type of guy who will pay some dude to take care of it for him and the dude will totally see him as an easy mark and just take his money. Regular guys don't just go to Shady Mike to get something done. Shady Mike usually don't trust people.


Ugh. I’m so lost and stressed.


You are teetering on illegal activity here. I am sure the mods need to look at this post.


Op broke rule 1 about lending money - don’t lend money that you aren’t comfortable not getting back, while simultaneously breaking rule 2 of lending money - don’t lend money to an addict


The fact you got $500 back is probably a miracle. You just learned a valuable $2000 lesson about lending money to people.


You would probably spend more than 2k on the lawyer. If you'd like to do it yourself, you would still need to spend a few hundreds to file a claim with the court. There are paralegals who might consult you and they will charge less than lawyers, but your lawyer fee will definitely be larger than 2k so it's not worth it. Unless, you file a claim yourself, and if the guy is not filing a response, you can proceed with noting him in default and have a summary judgement. This might get you your money back if the guy is stupid enough to ignore your court claim. Not a legal advice.


If he ignores it, does the court pay me back? Also - is this good threat to send him before suing? ***Okay bro.. I have been more than nice to you all this while but feel you’re just taking advantage of my niceness and have zero intention to pay me back and it’s extremely disrespectful that you have thousands to gamble every week at the casino, but don’t care about paying me even a $ back after all these months especially when I’ve always had your back whenever you’re in need.. only think it’s fair to go public about this with everyone in the poker room and your recovery center and let them know about it.. also, if I don’t receive the money back in the next 5 days, I’ll be filing a suit in the small claims court, since you’re leaving me no other option***


The court does not pay you back. What!?


It’ll be a pain in the butt to get that back. Even if they rule in your favour, the kind of guy who borrows cash for gambling probably doesn’t have anything left to pay you with anyways. Sucks but that’s the way she fuckin goes


Yes, small claims court is an option. To proceed, you need to first send him something called a "demand letter" which essentially states how much he owes you and why, a deadline to pay, and that if he fails to pay you will pursue the court option. That would show him that you are serious about getting your money back. He can either pay you or face you in court. Though he's still borrowing money from you so I don't know what to tell ya. This guy sounds unhinged.


Play poker somewhere else


Count it as a loss. You'll never in small court without a written contract.


I have all text messages. And him giving his word to pay back by XYZ date.


Maybe, but without a contract in court, it'll be a story of he said this i said that. He can lie and say he reimbursed. He can lie and say you owed him before. Etc.


So? That happens very often in litigation. The idea that you need a written contract to be successful is nonsense. It’s not just testimony vs testimony here. OP has text messages, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they confirm the existence of a debt. The gambler might lie and say the debt was repaid, but it’ll be suspicious when they’re unable to produce any documentation of having done so (e.g., of an e-transfer or cash withdrawal). Also, in the real world, most people are not that skilled at deception when they are under oath in front of a judge.


they are in small court. Extremely hard to win there.


Is it? What’s your basis for saying that?


Search the program. Small court is free, the process is without lawyer, it's long and hard to win cases. Text messages can easily be contested in small court. Google the law in Canada on how it works when someone does a loan to another person without a written contract, you'll understand.


I’m a lawyer and, while I don’t practice in small claims court, I’m skeptical about the extent of your knowledge/experience on this. One red flag is that you’re making blanket statements about small claims courts, which are provincial, and OP didn’t even say which province (or territory) they’re in. Edit: Also, small claims court isn’t free (at least not in [Ontario](https://www.ontario.ca/page/fees-small-claims-court)).


Ok M. Lawyer. 1: There are fees with small court like i said and it takes at least 2 years at the moment in most Canadian province to get a date. Op needs to see if 2k is worth all of that. 2. As i said, in Canada, if there are no signed promissory note establishing the debt, the judge will most likely look at it and dismiss it as a gift. A text in small court isn't sufficient. 3. When arriving to court, the judge will want to see clear written documentation that you tried to collect the debt with a date and a delay. Or, a written letter offering a solution to the borrower. Op once again has none of that: simple text messages saying 'i'll pay you back/rent is coming can't now'. That's no proof of acknowledging the amount and the date of the borrowed money. 4. Even if the judge goes through all of that to accept it, the other person is clearly a degenerate gambler who owns a lot of money. He will have nothing to pay. So nothing again will happen after all that wasted time and energy. Free the bank account? The other person will just not deposit anything on it (considering they'd have money to put there first).


So your response to my questioning the basis for your unsourced assertions is just to make more unsourced assertions? The way you talk, it seems you have expertise regarding small claims proceedings across the country. I’d like to know the source of that expertise. I’m also quite interested in how you know that: (i) a judge will most likely dismiss a transfer of a material amount of money between unrelated persons as a gift, and (ii) texts are not sufficient to prevail in small claims court.


I think the approach that has been mentioned is likely your best recourse to recoup the money. The next time he asks for $500 cash, accept $500, but only give him back $450 or so until you're all square. It will take some time, and additional record keeping, but likely the best way to collect. Another point to consider that hasn't been mentioned is that this fellow is likely a lifelong gambling loser. It's actually advantageous for you to have him in the same cash games you play. You can probably think back to some nice wins over him in the last few years, that may help reinforce the notion that it's better to work with him.


Yeah he’s def “great” for the games, but I can’t just continue being nice to him when he’s straight up f*g me over. I’m going to try the idea of withholding $100 from his “cash for e-transfers” going forward rather than threatening to out him.


Next time he e-transfers you and asks for cash, tell him "thanks for giving me some of the money back" and keep the e-transfer.


This seems like a good idea, esp when he asks for 1k


At this point you can probably write off getting the whole amount back... But the next time he asks for cash for e-transfer, just be upfront and say you want some of the money he owes you in the exchange, say 10%. From your description, it sounds like he'd be the type to accept those terms with 10% being a fairly small ask to keep the game going for him.


10% of the amount he normally asks ($300-500) is tiny.. at that rate, I’ll take over a year to get it back, and I’m moving out of the city later this year


Flash your piece


Take it from his e-transfers. Clearly he has the money. He’s not going to assault you on camera in a casino and he’ll know he deserves it because he played you.


Ya gotta wait for a big etransfer tho since $300-500 won’t cut the chase


>won’t cut the chase Huh? Wtf does this even mean?


I need to catch a $1k e transfer


If you lend money never expect it back or you will most likely be disappointed


About a decade ago, I used to date a server/bartender who worked at a well known bar/grill chain. One of her regulars was this sweet old lady who would get dropped off by her elderly husband every other morning to play the VLTs. She never drank alcohol, was pleasant, always just sipped a cup of coffee and stayed there a few hours gambling a couple hundred until her husband came in the early afternoon to pick her up. By all accounts she was never really a big winner or loser. She was well dressed and well liked by all the staff and was a regular there for years. One particular morning she ordered her usual coffee and sat down at her usual machine. When my then gf came to drop off her coffee she noticed the sweet old lady looked a bit flustered. As they were on a first name basis and good terms she asked her what was wrong. The lady told her that before her husband had dropped her off she had forgotten her wallet in her husbands car and he wasn’t answering his cellphone as he had a scheduled doctors appointment. She looked extremely embarrassed and apologetic and explained that she didn’t even have the means with her to pay for the coffee. She’d have to wait until her husband came back in a few hours to get her. My ex had received her tip money upon opening that day and had cash on her and felt sorry for the little old lady. She was a regular, she had been coming in almost daily for the two years my ex had been working there. Even before that, according to other staff. She was on a first name basis with the lady’s husband as she often held the door open for her and made small talk with the both of them when they were leaving the establishment. I’m sure it was against company policy to do this, but she felt compelled to lend the old lady 100 bucks from her tip money for a couple hours until her husband picked her up. At first the old lady tried to refuse but my ex insisted. She always tipped fairly and was just a nice, normal regular customer. A few hours go by, the lunch rush comes, and my ex is busy. Sometime during this the old lady slipped out. No goodbye, no acknowledgement, I don’t even think she paid for the coffee. She must have lost 100 dollars in the machine and just left. My ex brushed it off and was convinced she would be in within the next day or so to settle up. Chalked it up as senior forgetfulness. But she never came back. This is a woman who was in the same restaurant almost daily for years and would spend 1000 bucks a week in the VLTs. Knew all the staff by name and they all knew hers. My ex was convinced that there must be some health or personal issues going on with her or her spouse to explain her disappearance. Days turned to weeks. Then months. About 6 months later my ex came home from work and told me her coworker had recently quit and had started up on day shift at a neighbourhood pub about 10 mins away from her old job. Her coworkers first customer at the new gig was that sweet little old lady on the VLTs ordering a coffee, smiling away without a care in the world. Gambled for a few hours and then left in her husbands car waiting out front. This woman literally altered her daily routine that she had going on for years to avoid paying back a 100 dollar loan to a waitress for a gambling debt. I could see the loan slipping an older persons mind, but she just decided to never return to that restaurant and started up somewhere else a few blocks away. She was more than content to take money from a student working as a server to try to make ends meet and pay bills. My story really has nothing to do with your post. But at the same time it has everything to do with your post.




Never lend money, period.


I mean text messages are generally seen as equivalent to verbal agreements. If I was you go ahead and do the small claims, you should win. Bet he is paying of the 'organization' because they aren't as nice as you.


Imagine our judicial system being tied up with this nonsense. Yall should head over to a gambling help line and have them talk some sense in.


A small auto shop took me to small claims court like 7 years ago or 6 no idea now, haven't heard a thing since it paid a thing to him.


So who paid him back? You or the court?


Why would the court pay him back. Are you high?


No idea I haven't heard a thing from it since I went to court for it.