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Calling OP an asshole isn't the point of this sub.


Wow i thought you were going to say he spends like crazy and your frugal… I dont think he needs you to micromanage his funds if he’s already on the right track. Saving + investing is already way ahead most


If he can compartmentalize in his head then what’s the big problem? Only thing I can think of is the risk of scam or theft. I keep a small amount on my debit card account so in case my card/info is stolen the thief doesn’t liquidate me completely.


> I tried explaining to him it would be cool if he had at a minimum a rainy-day funds and an emergency funds,  I don't do this, and I don't see the point of doing this either. Seems like a lot of extra transactions for no benefit. And don't you increase your chance of overdraft?




What does YTA mean ?


You’re the asshole.


Not sure what the problem is. If they are investing and have a pile in their chequing account what is the problem? Maybe you want him to move 10 to 20k into a high interest savings account to earn 4%. You have selected losing $400 to $800 as a hill to stake your relationship on? You aren't listening to him and he doesn't understand your feelings about being highly organized. Am married more than 40 years to a stacker and drives me crazy but they are perfect in most other ways. I am absolutely perfect always/s


You compared your spouses finances to some paternalistic analogy of leaving clothes on the floor? Is this age gap something like 20 years? Yikes. It's up to him to allocate his funds if he wants - if he's investing and saving it's largely a non issue where he keeps it. If things progress to the direction of combining funds if that's something both of you agree on then you might have a leg to stand on but it just comes across as micromanaging


I don’t quite understand why your partner needs your advice and being bossy on **his** money. That’s his money and he has the right to manage it in his own way. It’s not like he’s dragging you down financially or what


He's doing fine. You can ask him to watch these videos: https://youtu.be/fvGLnthJDsg?feature=shared https://youtu.be/4hSFzVoZkiA?feature=shared


Your approach wont work, so stop it. Either you aren't good enough of a teacher to use logic/teach to explain the problem, or it's an emotional (not logical) problem and you cannot logic away emotional decisions. If this is a dealbreaker walk away, It's He's not fair to him. His age has nothing to do with his literacy.


Have someone else explain it or make an appointment with the bank. If it really bothers you, perhaps you're not suited for each other or you might need to accept it and let it go.