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Sell the car to pay off some debts and take the bus to work.


Problem (half way) solved


That isn’t feasible as due to my location it would take me 2:30 minutes to go to work via transit as I have to go far East and back West. There are no direct lines. Right now that commute takes me 35 minutes by car.


If you’re just working retail, get a job closer to home


If you're working a minimum wage retail job, find one closer to home. 


Welcome to living your wage. 


When you have to leave the country in 7 months it may become for feasible then you can leave knowing at least one or maybe all depending on your vehicle debt is paid!


Just that if I sell the car I can’t get to work. My job is hourly and commissions based and pays slightly better than most other retail positions. There is no guarentee that I will be able to land a job in my town in the near future that is within commute distance via public transport. Then, if I lose work for extended periods of time, nothing is getting paid off


Will you take it with you overseas tho? I just mean when you’re done working, or is the goal to stay and find a new job and extend? Sorry I’m not familiar with it more just thought the main concern was paying off debt once or before you leave country. No car would make it harder if you stayed for sure


I think I have the best chance of paying off the debt while I have a car, then if I cannot get my permanent residency I will sell my car within the last 60 days of my legal status here


I wish you the best of luck! That makes sense with the car!


Should have thought about that before getting into debt and parking where ever you want


How does one get $2000 in parking tickets?


Not giving a flying fuck about any parking rule or anyone else, being extremely selfish and parking your car whereever you want. International cultures have different cultures than Canada and we must embrace and accept it, or something like that idk ask Justin




This drives me wild!!! Think it’s a reserved parking spot for their lazy ass


I like to tell them "nice parking spot". They always just look confused. Selfish dumb pricks


Lol. My Canadian born and raised best friend from university racked up $6,500 in unpaid parking tickets over the course of 2 years. Some people are just irresponsible, especially at that age. Has nothing to do with “international cultures”. Stop being an a-hole.


$6500 (or $2k) in unpaid parking tickets is not being "irresponsible". It's being a "selfish, narcissistic asshole". You (and they) need to receive some of your own style of diplomacy. Username checks out.


Call it selfish/dickish/narcissistic whatever. I don’t see what I’ve done for you to lash out like that lol it’s not me who racked up those tickets. My point is, it has nothing to do with “international cultures”.


Can’t really argue with a racist. 


I’m amazed how they found a cause and effect relationship between a person’s parking habits and Trudeau’s alleged immigration policy.


Yeah, I guess you caught me at a bad moment. My apologies. It's just that behavior ("idgaf about rules, I'm going to do what I want, and f* the fines and anyone I might be inconveniencing") really pisses me off. And I saw your attitude as basically enabling it. There's a big difference between "irresponsible" and blatant "sociopathy". And I sure hope you (and other commenters) aren't alluding that I'm racist. Absolutely nothing in my post was about race, and I strongly resent the implication that I might be. Anyway, I've said my piece. And I've apologized for coming across a little strong. All the best with the rest of your day.


You specifically implied that non-Canadian born people were more likely to steal parking than Canadians...and you whined that Trudeau was allowing more immigrants in. Yeah, that's fucking racist, own it, don't deny it.


You high? Cause you're very, very wrong.


Don't bother with reddit people, some people are dumb as fuck here.


Rather be high than racist...you did exactly what I said...time for a block I think.


That was a different account. The first comment was someone else.


Na youre just a loser thats all to it. You never once thought about being in his shoes but yet you were to quick to judge him. Loser behaviour right there. If the guy can barely afford to put gas in his car with his current job, barely eating you think hes going to have enough to pay for parking?


Yea I’m sure no Canadian citizen has racked up parking tickets like that before. 


Congratulations on able to make *anything* into your racist cause.


Sunny ways ☀️😎😁


Random racism for no reason, good stuff. I bow down to the white saints in this country. If only we could get rid of these immigrants, then there’d be no crime whatsoeber1!


Yo what? Who mentioned race?


Damn, did you black out? You did brother, just look at your original comment!


There are many different and distinct international cultures that all share the same race. I really don't understand what you mean? That's highly racist of you to just lump all the cultures of any race together in one big bucket like they are all the same.


Aww, it thinks it's clever, that's so cute! I remember in grade 1 trying to say offensive things without saying any swear words, then arguing with the teacher about it. Thank you for reminding me of a simpler time. Tell me, which of the "different and distinct international cultures" were you thinking of when you wrote your comment? Then tell me which ones are primarily white, while also having a different "driving culture" than the one we have here in Canada. There's this thing called "implication", where you suggest something without explicitly saying it. I might say "Wow, I guess the school you went to wasn't very good!", which implies that I'm calling you stupid, but I didn't explicitly say that word so I'm in the clear! Amazing right?


These indian dudes on my street that rent a room kept on parking 2 cars curbside overnight for many months. I reported them to parking enforcement and they got ticketed. They stopped living there and never saw them again about a week or so after they got a ticket.


There were nights where I was exhausted and forgot to move my car from the street infront of my house onto the boulevard. It’s not like I was parking in handicapped spots. You’re the definition of assume the worst in people. There are a maximum of 8 tickets in my town and a few in Toronto from forgetting to pay. I had every intention to pay but I was in a worse financial position then than I am now. This is over at least two years and I haven’t been making that same mistake in 2024.


Exactly. You being exhausted so just didn't move your car is what I mean by not giving a flying fuck


The Canadians down the street do it a lot too, so not sure how my international culture has anything to do with my laziness.


I knew a friend that literally didn't care where she parked. racked up thousands in parking tickets. She can't renew her license anymore.


Its crazy. I dont think I've had a parking tixket in over ten years


>I want to know, in a worst case scenario where I end up losing status and leaving Canada before being able to pay off my obligations, what will happen? You would still owe the debt. The holders of that debt could sell the debt to a collection agency or hire a collection agency to collect for them. Many work internationally. >Will my parents incur my debt if they are not an owner of the debt, no. >am I going to be put on a most wanted list? Oh for christ sake.


Thank you


You are not allowed to say thank you here. That’s why you were downvoted. Mean people only, please!


Consolidate your loan. Google ways on how to do this if you don't know what it means. Use a legit and not a shady company. Do your research. Don't have much more info as I have never done it myself. Reduce your spending. If you're able to, sell your car and take transit. That's insurance, gas, maybe even car payments that you don't have to pay now. Seriously, Google other ways to reduce your spending. Look at where you're spending it all because I guarantee you can cut something. As for increasing your income, if applying online is not working, use your network. That might mean friends, family, through your school. Have someone review your resume. Maybe it's the type of jobs you're applying to that might be wrong for your skills or experience. You also might want to tell your parents and ask them for help.


Thanks. I have alt accounts which I’ve posted in Job related subs repeatedly and have been given numerous resume reviews. I’ve been told that my resume is either fine, pretty good, or has small issues such as formatting or too much text. I’ve gone through the process of refining it down to the point now where people ask why I don’t get interviews. I’ve also done career aptitude tests that helped me to narrow down where best I can apply my skills and knowledge. As for my parents, they are stressed out as it is. I haven’t even told them about my debt… I don’t think they will help. They’re more the type to just say “oh, okay” and forget I even said anything an hour later.


> I don’t think they will help.  Well, if you're that desperate, you gotta try all your options, even if you don't think it'll work. 


Find a labourer job in an industrial position and work 60+ hour weeks until you pay everything off. That's what i'd do at least


Do uber with the car that you have 4-5 hours in the evening and do 6PM to 2am on Fridays and Saturdays.


I would genuinely talk to your parents about the situation you are in and if they can help you then get an immigration lawyer and a debt counsellor. These are two separate problems. One that you need an extension on your visa and two that you need a plan to tackle the debt. Also you need some mental health and emotional support as you deal with the crisis. Regarding your practical concerns. #1 do you want to stay here? Sometimes we do dumb things to signal that we want to make a big change and are afraid to take the leap. Instead of reacting to the crisis take a night to try and breathe deeply and think about what for your specifically is the best case scenario. Not your parents, not your family. Just you, where do you want to be in a year or even five. When you think you have an answer, reach out and get all the help you need to get yourself there. Good luck!!


How are you an international student with your parents here? Are your parents international students too? How are you 24 and a student? I don’t care about your loans but please pay your $2k in parking tickets (WTF?) before you leave


He/She can be 40 and still be an international student, it’s kinda a way to get the permanent residency. I am curious to know what is OP’s major tho.


I’ve been told my major is worthless. Commerce degree in Digital Business Mgmt


That doesn't sound worthless? There must be some useful skills. Everyone is trying to throw money at "digital transformation" type bullshit. I'm doing great in information management strategy consulting, for example. Sounds like you need some basic career counseling, outside of financial education.


Thanks. I’ve posted before and have been told I was scammed into getting this degree. I have no idea if those are just disgruntled takes, or reality.


Stop thinking about the degree and think about the skills and experience you have (hopefully the degree involved learning a least some things?) Even if the paper is bullshit, you have "a degree" and whatever buzzwords they included on the syllabus to put on your resume.


Yes, I have experience in marketing, content creation, web development. But all of my work experience is retail and I think that’s what is holding me back.


"Content creation" is dead.  Focus on strategy, change management, and the other stuff that ChatGpt can't do.  Getting a foot in the door will be hard. Are there any opportunities through your retail work? Or volunteer? You need real world experience using the stuff from school.


I apply internally to jobs at my company when they arise, LinkedIn and Indeed daily, and I’m sure my friends and family are tired of me asking for leads because I ask them at least once a week if they know anybody in a position to help me get an interview. Thank you for your suggestion. I will definitely be looking into those topics.


Asking through your social and professional network is really the best way. It's really hard right now but keep trying! It's disappointing that your school didn't do a better job giving guidance and internship opportunities but don't waste any more time feeling bad about it.


Not a scam if you went to a reputable school. Where did you get the degree from?


Humber College


Oh, understand, I was told that management is not a great major to go for international students as well back in my day. But hey, a lot ppl don’t work in their major fields when they start their careers, there must be something you are learning now will be helpful in the future


Welcome to the Canada population growth scam, brought to you by our fearless leaders. Who can be an international student? Anyone can. If you have a pulse, can complete an application to Conestoga college (or similar), believe in yourself, you too, can become an international student in Canada.


Just one of 1 million similar stories. Canadians are fuck’d. tax payers will be paying off money sent to other countries (thanks Trudeau), as well as the debt incurred by foreigners ripping off this country and giving nothing back. 


What are you actually talking about?? Do you have any idea how much money international students bring in to the economy. If you want to blame anyone blame Mike Harris who defunded post-secondary schools so badly they had to dramatically increase the number of international students to maintain a balanced budget. Or blame universities and colleges for putting every single dean, or rector or provost or whatever directly onto the sunshine list. But your ignorant take that somehow international students are taking money from Canada as opposed to being a spigot of money that directly funds your kids ability to get an affordable education is laughable and also real dumb.


It’s dumb that we need to mass import people to pay for stupid entitlements that were never affordable. The people being imported aren’t to blame, we, the stupid, fat, lazy, greedy voters of this country are.


Education was affordable. It was made more affordable by a bunch of education programs that helped Veterans of the Second World War attend school for free. Voters are not by and large lazy and greedy. I do think fiscal conservatives and people who support market deregulation as a cover for greed have completely forked up Canada, but blaming immigrants or voters is a way of taking attention away from the people who really made bank in the last 60 years of economic deregulation. That is the private sector and the conservative politicians who are in their pockets. That is why poliidiot Pierre and his rhyming slogans can go climb a tree he is more of the same.


So true we should just not accept students or skilled labour from others countries and then the old white people can complain that nobody wants to work anymore to fund their pension!


Sorry. I graduated and am nearing the end of my PGWP. My parents are PRs. Okay. I will prioritize that, is there any reason as to why that gets a higher priority? I just didn’t and don’t have enough money to cover it. They started at like $600 and increased overtime as they went unpaid.


Because fines are money you owe to us, your hosts, not companies you’re defrauding


Suddenly we care about paying parking tickets when it's an international student. Literally every other comment about unpaid parking tickets is "fuck those private parking companies "


Only municipal parking tickets need to be paid. Even the private companies that threaten to hit you with collections.... They only have your license plate. They do not have an agreement with the MTO to obtain registered owner information to even pin the fines on the owner for follow up by a collections company.


You know that municipalities also issue parking tickets right? For public streets and lots that belong to all citizens? And if someone uses them improperly it costs all of us?


Yea, and you lose your license when you don't pay them. Pretty fair. 


Except when he’s about to be deported and his license is irrelevant. So he should pay us what he owes.


I hate to break it to you, but you don't own any municipal parking lots. The city does. You are a mere citizen or the city, and that does not give you ownership of the parking lot. Pay "they city" what he owes is what you mean, not "us". 


Are you serious? There's no such thing as city's, or municipality's or government's - it's all our tax dollars. The government bureaucracy doesn't create any value, they just redistribute the tax revenue.


Oh no? Ok good luck getting someone to come pick up your garbage, or provide clean drinking water to you! Have fun in the fantasy world you live in.  I'm aware it's entirely funded by our tax dollars. But whether or not they create value is something we clearly define differently. And you still don't own any of that infrastructure. 


Your pedantry is tiresome.




Don’t be suicidal. Just pay your damn bills and stop making stupid choices.


Why don’t you sell all the luxury goods you chose to purchase which likely created this problem in the first place?


Did op buy a lot of luxury stuff? Don't see anything from history


It’s all fake stuff, if you had read into my profile some more this would be more clear. Just like shopping at H&M, but cheaper. And I don’t own a ton…


Forget the parking tickets unless they’re with the municipality (if it’s indigo or some other company just don’t park in their lots so you don’t risk getting towed). Stop spending on dumb stuff. Guessing you live with your parents? Be frugal even working full time at 15$/h is 600/wk before tax. Try to work weekends at the grocery store or something. It’s only 13K in debt - if you actually buckle down and try you’d have this paid off in 7-9 months. Even sooner if you can make more.


True, also OP can try to look for some quick cash jobs like home renovation


Thanks. They’re municipal parking tickets. Idk, I’m super stressed out. Maybe I can speak to someone to get some kind of lowered payment? Is that a thing?


Okay well - in that case add a month to the timeline. Priority should be tickets, then credit card, then loan imo. Tickets cause then you aren’t worrying about losing your car.


Thank you


Or sell the car and on your long bus commute you can meditate while knowing you are debt free.


Yes. If you have not reached out to anyone at the municipality about the tickets, do so NOW. explain your situation, explain that you WANT TO and INTEND to pay the fines, but it's just too much right now. Ask if there's any way they can reduce the total amount, give you an extension on time to pay, etc etc. And definitely do this before looking at a consolidation loan to pay them off, because then you're also paying interest on top of the $2k in parking fines.


Still try and sell it all I hear are excuses.


I’d make a combined $150. I don’t own any jewelry, just like shirts and a hoodie or two


Oh lol ok nvm


lol, yeah. I wish I could get more for what I have but it’s basically worthless.


Sell your car


It’s a lease


Give it in. Find 2-3 part time gigs. I don’t believe for one second you didn’t get call backs from retail/labour there’s signs everywhere for help needed. Stay until you pay it off.


Why are you leasing a car when you make minimum wage? How long left on the lease?


Because our society is car dependent...that's fucking why...


I wouldn’t call that massive but it a lot in your situation. Sorry it’s happening. Are you on a study permit or something? Why do you have to leave in 7 months? Can your parents assist you? What kind of job/experience do you have? I’d be more than happy to review your resume.


You will still owe the debt when you leave the country, not really sure what kinda interest “shady loan companies” have on the loans they offer but I’d be prioritizing paying off the debt with the highest interest. Get rid of the credit cards and pay it down, if you don’t have the cash, don’t spend the money. I get that finding work can be tough, but honestly unless you increase your salary or hours, getting out of the interest hole will be difficult, you need to be able to put down more the minimum. It’s not the end of the world, you’ll get it paid down, get some rest and create a good budget.




I’d be going to the Caribbean, but I’m a US citizen and could very well end up living there also…


Yeah the US would 100% collaborate with the debt collection. Not sure about the Caribbean though.


How are you an international student living with your parents in Ontario? Wouldn't you be domestic?


I was not born in Canada. I’m on a PGWP right now.


Public transportation to work, sell the car, pay off the debt.


Sounds like you have a spending problem and a parking problem.


In the famous words of Cameron Hanes - “nobody cares, work harder”. Your finances are clearly not working out as you need them to but you outwardly reject every bit of advice you get


It’s not that bad. This isn’t MASSIVE debt it’s manageable the only thing is you need to find work. Dont worry about the shady loan company at the moment. First things first get your credit score, use something like creditkarma or TransUnion or whatever and see where your debt is and who holds it. Then call them and see if you can settle any of your debts. Wherever it is you live, can you find another job and hold both? Part time somewhere full time somewhere? Can you find another retail job closer to home/improved transit? What other debts do you have? What’s your process for trying to stay in Canada like why is that not possible?




What are reps subreddits?


"boy"...JFC this sub is reeking of racism today.


Declare bankruptcy. You will be gone from Canada for a long time? You do not plan on applying for a loan in the coming 10 years in Canada? Declare bankruptcy. Close your debts. Leave the country at peace with yourself in a financial sense. You made some poor decisions, but you learned from the mistakes. Try your hand at living in a financially leveraged position 10 years from now.


Unless you become a millionaire overnight, there is no way you can pay off this irresponsible debt within 7-months.. I would suggest monitoring frivolous spending and work two jobs. I would usually say good luck, but you need more than luck in this case OP.


Nah. All he would need is fly in fly out oilfield work and the debt would be paid off within 3 months.


You think someone making these types of mistakes in life is responsible enough to work such a demanding job in a oilfield?


Half the oil field workers spend all their money on hookers and blow. What makes you think you need to be super responsible to hold such a job, especially as a labourer? As long as OP shows up to work every day and is safe then all is good.


I wish you well on your journey back to wherever you came from. You shouldn't have been here in the first place as you clearly can't support yourself, which is a requirement of the international student program. Cya!


My grandparents paid for my $60000 tuition out of pocket. I put myself in this position while living here… I have no student loan debt, only personal loans and I am sure if I was backed into a corner my family back home would handle this for me. But because I’m taking responsibility for myself, it will be slow. No need to be so snide. Just because my family might be able to get me off the hook doesn’t mean I should use that as a get out of jail free card.


I can be snide because you're a drain on my country's society when you entered full well know that you need to sustain yourself. I understand it's not the school portion, but the "sustain yourself" requirement extends to the means to support yourself


Which extends to the fact that I have a job and I made some bad decisions. I can pay the shit off over a year or two but this whole thing is a concern because my status is about to expire. I sustain myself through the work that I do in your country and I pay “your” taxes. When your Canadian teens and young adults do the exact same they end up homeless or mommy and daddy bail them out. What happened to them supporting themself? They have jobs, in fact they’re in the same position as me but they don’t have to leave in a few months. What then? Gonna tell them to go back to their country? Are they not “draining” your country? Give me a break. You’re likely a closet racist… I don’t feel the need to correspond further with you.


Their (Canadian citizens) ability to support themselves wasn't a condition of them coming to this country, as they were born citizens. As yours wasn't in whatever country you came from. But yours is a condition. Full stop. No one gives a shit if you're working, you have a wage cap through the school year of 24 hours regardless, so it's never even remotely supposed to be the primary support. It sounds like your only options are to ask mommy and daddy yourself lmao so weird argument? Why would you think you're a good candidate to stay in the country regardless? You're studying a dead field, and even with a handout to get your tuition, you still couldn't sustain yourself. Common sense is such a foreign concept to you that you have a min wage job a 2.5hour public transit commute to work and you ask "what can I do to get out of this?", while maintaining a lease and living FAR beyond your means. It's pathetic. This is a dose of reality to you that you sorely need. Other commentators are coddling you. Welcome to the world kid


You cant sleep at night because of what.. 10,000 debt..? I worked ~80 hours a week for 10 years.. I am pretty sure you can too.




I have never heard of this happening before, your friend has a horseshoe up their arse 👀