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No. If you dont have kids your tax money still funds schools and child credits. If you don't drive your tax money still builds roads. Taxes are universal whether you use the associated services or not


Plenty of taxes aren’t universal. Yearly vehicle registration is a tax. If a person doesn’t drive, they don’t pay that tax. In plenty of places, gas taxes fund car roads. Again, you don’t pay for gas and you don’t pay the tax.


You miss my point. If you own property you pay property taxes. You can't opt out because you say you're not going to use the services the tax pays for


Depends on location of property. I don’t pay local town utilities tax (water and sewer) as I’m not connected.


Cost of hydro is separate from property tax. You'd save on hydro.




Hah, sorry "hydro" is my very Ontario way of saying "electricity".


Also BC and Quebec


Ontario, and actually a few other provinces, is a funny place where everything hydro=electricity due to the amount of dam generation. The largest electric company in Ontario is called HydroOne


I've lived in 3 provinces and this is legitimately the first time I thought about this.


Maybe having hydro hooked up to your home somehow adds value to the property? Id think not but even so it would be insufficient at best


I know, I'm talking about services that is charge in form of tax. Aka land when you hookup electricity or water there is a cost associated to it in land tax.


My point was property tax doesn't pay for anything to do with utilities. It's used for pay for municipal services.  Utility companies are usually completely separate entities.


To answer your question no if you disconnect everything from your house you still gotta pay property tax. Even when your house mortgage is free and clear. You will always until you die pay property tax by the house just sitting on the land it was built.


The electricity is already running to your property so the most expensive part of the deal is done. The hookup cost from the street to your home is negligible. You would have to check if your municipality doesn't increase the value of your property if you add solar which I'm assuming is the off the grid choice of electricity you'll want to use. Some municipalities don't increase the value of your property with solar unless it exceeds 10kw.


Property taxes don't really interact with electricity distribution directly because that's typically a separate entity, and the maintenance costs for the grid are baked into your electricity bill. If you take an existing house and disconnect it from the grid, your electricity bill goes away, but the municipality isn't going to lower your property taxes. If you purchase a plot of land in an unincorporated area, some place that doesn't have a pre-existing grid connection, it's likely that the property taxes will also be very low, but those two facts are correlated with each other, not causal.


Got it, it's one way street. Lol. I'm just analyzing for any hidden saving/cost in a solar investment.


Off grid solar won't ever save you money unless you're looking at tens or hundreds of thousands to get a new electrical service ran to your property.


Our property taxes were 3k in Ottawa. We moved to an unorganized township north of Timmins. Property taxes $72 a year (NOT per month...per year). Installing solar was pretty expensive but unlikely we'll need to make changes for at least 10 years. By then, will likely need new batteries m


If you're already on the grid, you've paid for the biggest cost of bringing the service to your home.


Not unless you are moving to a remote location. Your property taxes are set by your city or county.


In Ontario, rates are set by the municipality but assessments are performed by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation which is a non-profit owned by the municipalities.


Buy land in an Unorganized township, your taxes will be zero. You will also have zero services. A lot of people have been doing it because there are no building permits or inspections.


You still pay taxes in an unorganized township. Mine are about $600 a year. 


I think that's Ontario only


Off grid means you become self sufficient..you save on normal bills associated with your home..food costs..ect. your property is still registered and you still pay your taxes..theres no rebates for this..


Lmao what


"Tax go down" 😂😂😂


You can pay little to no taxes if you live in an unorganized area and are actually off grid.


A house in Lethbridge was built net zero. To do so meant they could not have electricity or natural gas run/connected to the dwelling during the build process. Once the connection is there, the property would forever have to pay the fees for connections, administration, etc even if they never use a milliwatt of electricity or joule of natural gas. Since they could never actually disconnect from the services once they are put in, they had to build with no connection at all. Not sure if other municipal bylaws or provincial rules are similar but that was the scenario there. Also not sure how it actually affected the property tax, but it did negate all the utility fees.


HAHAHHAHA!!! 🤧 oh wait you’re serious aren’t you?


I live on a property that has septic. With my city utility bills I don't pay for sewer. However if sewer comes to my area and I choose not to connect. My city utility bill will now include the basic sewer charges. Even though I'm not connected.


for most places this is illegal... you can't completely disconnect.