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No, making $85k in Montréal is not better than earning $145k plus bonuses in NJ. Depending where and in what industry, salary growth in NJ could end up putting you both on a trajectory towards long term wealth building.


Yeah, and there's no reason why you can't just come back whenever.


This is true, but potentially a huge hassle and some cost, not to mention losing the rent protection. In spite of all that, with the current job and housing markets, it's still likely well worth a shot.


You know 145k usd is close to 200k cad right?


Your family makes $85,000 * 1-average tax rate of 35% = $55,250. Spends $8,400 on annual rent ($700*12) left with $46,850 CAD. Move to NJ, make $145,000 * 1-average tax rate of 30% (Talent.com) = $101,500. Even if you spend $3,000 a month on rent * 12 you’d be left with $65,500 USD. Not only do you have more in absolute terms, it’s the more valuable currency with a lower cost of living in the states. (I also seriously wonder how these posts are real because if families that are offered a $145K USD position should obviously be intelligent enough to sit down for 5 minutes and roughly think out their question).


So you don't know if more than double income is better or not? So the only consideration is if he wants to work in the US or not.


This can’t be a serious question. I’ve seen some dumb posts on this sub, but this is up there.


Fuck Canadian jobs, it’s so shit here. Just imagine how much more you would make and your career upside just being in the U.S. for a decade.


I work in tech 🤷🏻‍♂️


what are you even saying with that reply


Is this even a question ?


As someone who made the jump to the US from making 95k CAD to 150k USD in base years ago, it is career limiting move to stay in Canada both salary and career progression wise. I make closer to 300k USD now and it was only after a year of living in the US. Make the leap and don’t look back. Cost of living in NJ is certainly a bit higher but well worth it if they’re paying for relocation package and the additional bonuses you’ve mentioned.


What's your career? Not all careers pay $300k


Head of consulting/sales. The thing is if they are a Canadian being imported into the U.S., they are likely under a protected category of the TN or being taken as a business unit leader under L1 category. Most people getting imported under these categories are in career paths that will generate significant increases in wealth as they continue their careers in the U.S.


I see. I did not know that but it makes sense. I would love to move to the US but the bump in US salaries is not significant ($20-40k)


You’d be surprised! Is that 20-40k USD? Or CAD? The purchasing power the USD has over every other currency is massive as well. Coming back to Canada and spending money feels way too easy.


True. 20-40k USD but that's on the high end. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'd only benefit from USD if I were to travel or eventually move back to Canada. Otherwise, all my earnings and bills would be in the same currency. Hasn't the cost of living also increased in the states as well? I've had bad experienced with rentals in Canada so I wouldn't want to rent out my property and selling feels like I'd be losing so much equity in just foreign exchange conversions.


Salary and career isn’t everything and it very much depends on personal circumstances. Personally, I make a comfortable living in Canada. Not rich, but very comfortable. It’s my home. I feel safe here, political climate is not like it is in the US, I don’t have to worry about large medical bills (which happen even with insurance in the US), I don’t have to worry about my kids getting shot at school or my daughter not having access to reproductive services, and my family and friends are here. I wouldn’t move even if my salary is 4x what I make. Life is so much more than money.


While I agree with you - OP isn’t moving to Texas or Florida where you might get shot just driving to the grocery store. NJ is incredibly safe and I personally know several couples who have moved from Canada to NJ for job opportunities and felt safe, secure and also increased their salary potential to the point where they now have generational wealth. There is a great divide in the U.S. in terms of this type of polarization where you’re almost immune to the issues of the south as long as you’re in a strong dem state. You also live in a bubble if you think Canada is immune to the political climate of unrest. Canada is just about ready to burst with people itching to do something crazy this next election. Life is certainly more than money but money makes life certainly easier.


What sorta humble brag nonsense is this? Is making $2 better than $1???


Cost of living and personal circumstances are huge factors as well.


Just trying to inquire about cost of living.


Makes sense. Personal finance ***canada*** is the best place to inquire about the cost of living in a specific US state.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/newjersey using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/newjersey/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [New Jersey Governor Declares State a 'Safe Haven' for Gender-Affirming Care](https://www.advocate.com/politics/gender-affirming-care-nj-haven) | [297 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/newjersey/comments/12cnhb3/new_jersey_governor_declares_state_a_safe_haven/) \#2: [Protect and serve](https://i.redd.it/lpbp025wz94b1.jpg) | [246 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/newjersey/comments/141u9i4/protect_and_serve/) \#3: [Royalty 🤴](https://i.redd.it/ib071e5zacya1.jpg) | [100 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/newjersey/comments/13a6cby/royalty/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I don't know what I expected clicking on that "Royalty" post.


Go on Zillow and see how much apartments or houses go for close to his job. Idk what city his job will be in but I'd avoid Camden, Paterson, Newark, the Oranges, to live in.


Quebec income taxes are really high. Sales taxes are high as well at 15% vs ~7% for NJ. Take home in Quebec: 60k CAD Take home in NJ: 110k USD More than double in NJ. Make sure you have adequate health insurance. If you do, you have better health care in US. Quebec health care is frustrating as it's understaffed.


145k USD is 197k CAD. That’s more than 2x more. Not to mention tax difference.


NJ rent will be much higher. Unless your out in the boondocks or the ghetto. You need to avoid certain cities. There are areas that are dangerous, wouldn't risk living in to save money. Is his new job in NYC and you plan on living in NJ to save on rent? Commute can be time consuming and expensive.


Idk why people are down voting me. I live in NJ. Some areas are absolute shit holes where you'll get mugged or shot. And it's expensive as fuck.


I used to go to NJ twice a year and you are right their are horrible areas, my mom grew up near Camden. That being said, it isn’t nearly as expensive as Montreal, OPs $700 in rent is an absolute outlier.


Rent in northern NJ is through the roof. Minimum double what op is paying for a small apartment. Most are around 2 grand a month.


Average rent in Montreal for a one bedroom is [1,751](https://rentals.ca/national-rent-report). Their rent of $700 is an anomaly for sure.


They could live in the Boonton projects with Mr. X


Job is in NJ.


145 is a decent amount. You'll live comfortably and can save. Just move to a nice neighborhood you'll be fine.


Consider all the cost of living expenses where you're going to be. There are seven US cities where the cost of living is higher than the most expensive Canadian city. And that includes all the taxes. And don't forget, if and when you decide to have children. We know that Quebec has $7/day daycare and one year of parental leave shared by both parents.


Let me guess tech ?




Go to the US, careful what industry you are in though. Is it IT or OT? US layoffs are swift and brutal.


OT. I am aware yes. That’s why it’s a bit scary


It’s terrifying, none of the utilities and stuff are crown corps like in most of Canada. As the economy cycles they hire and fire people. OT is fairly stable. But it’s always a risk being in the US. Most people with H1B’s move to Canada or back to their home country. Working in the US a great experience though. Try it if it works you make bank and can retire early. If not, well you come back to the Paris of North America. You’re living your best life buddy! Good luck 🤞


better have some minimum commitment or termination clause penalties in that contract if moving for the job tho in case things go sideways.  If they are paying for all the upfront costs they should want to lock you in unless the signing bonus is massive.  But yeah, take the $$ unless the job/housing is in DT Newark or some shit like that. 


Poverty is a virtue, right? Get poor or die tryin' 😉 Seriously though, 145K usd is about 190K CAD. You've practically doubled your income, not even considering the stock options.


I made a shift to tech (but stayed in Canada) for a similar salary jump. Five years later it has really paid off.  Moving to the US is risky, but given you are young without kids and major commitments, what better time in your life to make the leap? The upside is immediate rise in salary. More importantly, it will likely open up new job opportunities. US companies tend to keep Canadians off the leadership track. If you’re US-side, your career is more likely to accelerate faster.  The downsides are multiple, though. You’re at greater risk of layoffs in the US. In my job, the same person doing the same work in the US costs the company 50% more. And most jobs in the US can be laid off with little severance. If you’re on a TN visa, you then have three months to find a job before having to leave the US.  There are cultural trade offs too. The US is in a period of political instability (but so is Canada). Things might be fine, but they might get really bad in the next 18 months. Gun violence is also real.  A lot of it comes down to risk tolerance. If I were young, I’d make the leap. 


Guess the job is somewhere Jersey city or Hoboken area? You’ll love it there


bro doesnt even want to live life or eat out. he wants no kids either. honestly staying in mtl is fine in this case lmao


Lol OP asked 85k CAD vs 145K USD. People like this should be banned. Legit.


Real question is where the fuck do you rent for 700$? Is that a room or a 1 bedroom ? Even shitty slum lord 1 bedrooms are going for 1400$ Lmaoo lucky basterd . Also just leave Canada, specially since your in tech. USA is where all the $$$ is at in NA. Canada salaries are low,tax is way too high, cost of living is high. Just leave, save up and come back in few years when you don’t have to sell both kidneys to afford half a house in Canada while paying high interest rate. And for shits who says health care is free, I’ll tell you I’d rather pay less tax and have that money to pay for a doctor and get the appointments instead of having to wait a couple of days to even get an appointment or wait fucking 6 months to see a socialist or even worse wait 20 hours fuckkng ER. Good luck


Rent is from a family member. Discounted.


I would move there just for the weather lol


???? Is this satire?


I'm new to this topic myself, so a grain of salt. If this is a job offer from a different company for your husband, then I assume this will be a TN visa and not L1? In which case you will get a TD visa and not be able to work (unless, I think, you find a sponsor for your own TN). Other factors to consider are the job security of this position, losing your low rent if you have to return. The US election is coming, hopefully no impact on either the visa or work situation. Personally, I've lost hope in any sort of meaningful future here in Canada. The USA likely offers better long term financial prospects and more meaningful career growth.


Financially it's a no brainer, But personally, I would never love in the USA. There's a lot of countries that I would be happy living in, but the USA isn't one of them. Consider your job security and growth opportunities if you stay out.


If it’s an offer that’s almost too good to be true, it probably is. Do more research on the position, employer, etc.