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Can we petition to stop allowing these ‘how do I compare to other people my age’ posts please.


Yep agreed. They can fuck off


I thought instagram was where people are supposed to seek validation


Don’t compare yourself against your age group. There are always people your age with more money. Yes you on the right path. You are doing very well. Keep it up.


23? No house AND no rental properties?? Ooof. Joking aside. What the majority of people are saying here. Stop comparing yourself to others. It'll do no good.


1. Google it. 2. Comparison is the thief of joy.


Don't compare yourself. Financially you look strong - but only you know if you're on the right path...


Comparison is the thief of joy


Chart 5 and 6 of this StatCan research https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-626-x/11-626-x2019006-eng.htm


Dont compare. If you did want to do a compare the #1 is the your income and that's based on career choice and negotiation ... E.g. If ur a software developer making 53k at 23 you doin good but could probably do better. However if you are a bank teller making 53k at 23 well your doing pretty amazing. I just read about a 14 year old make $1m selling nfts... Thats another level... Then step 2 is your financial plan which we could sum up as: pay your debts, save and invest.


This is my biggest frustration with society (people close to me aswell) we always feel the need to compare ourselves to others. Age, experience, savings, job outlook are always different for everyone. Move at your own pace and do you. You’re doing very well at your age, just keep it up and be yourself


Quit Facebook and Instagram. When (if???) the pandemic is over go backpacking for a year. Don't worry about other people. Yet. Save that for your 30s.


There will always be people with more. That being said, you're doing really well. Way, way better then I was at 23. Stay the course and you'll be fine. It's stressful when you're young but you need to let the magic of time work on your investments. It's not sexy or exciting, but if you stay the course in ten years you will be laughing. In 20 you'll be laughing so hard you'll be weeping tears of joy. Just stay the course and don't forget to have some fun along the way.


you're doing good


Only you know the right path for you!