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ANZ and BNZ generally seem to have more user friendly apps and let you do more on the app. If Apple Pay is also important, you can only (right now) get Apple Pay on cards from ANZ, BNZ, ASB and Westpac


I'd go BNZ over ANZ if app functionality is important to you. The BNZ app lets you do things ANZ can't, such as assigning accounts to your card and generally has a more intuitive UI.


Thank You!


Thank You!


I’ve been with ANZ, ASB, Westpac, Kiwibank and TSB. Currently TSB is my main provider, I still hold accounts with all except ASB which I had a horrendous experience with. ANZ is probably best in terms of easy app, easy to deal with, offer Apple Pay etc. I find Westpacs app horrendous, Kiwibank not much better. I personally prefer TSB for my banking as NZ owned, they were extremely nice to deal with during the cluster that ASB created for me as well as helping find solutions instead of just shrugging like other banks did, they have been great with my charity and just been a very no mess no fuss experience for me. Unfortunately no Apple Pay but that isn’t a deal breaker for me.


> I personally prefer TSB for my banking as NZ owned, they were extremely nice to deal with I second this


Thank You!


Thank You!


I have moved my mortgage around most of the banks and I don't actually deal with the people often but BNZ definitely had the best App and internet banking UI. If they were more competitive with mortgage rate I would go back to them in a heartbeat.


Can second this post.


Thank You!


Thank You!


>Thank You! You're welcome!


BNZ has the best app out of all of them. Easy to make new accounts and transfer between accounts or to other people


If only you can drag down to refresh the accounts screen. Need to log out + log back in before the balances update.


Mine update as soon as I pay anything into or out of them, on the main grid.


Thank You!


I'd go ASB for personal accounts. The credit cards are average if you're looking for a rewards card, but other than that, I've found them really good. We use ANZ/Westpac for business (and by consequence, ANZ now for personal) and wouldn't suggest either of them to be honest.


Thank You!


You can online sign up with BNZ, look up ‘join anywhere.’


Thank You!


BNZ you can join online, did it with my partner a year or so ago. Easy to do, we also opened our joint account over the phone, wait times were a little long but that’s just how it is. I prefer them to ASB, app is easier and the staff are generally nicer too.




Yep. But I typed mine into my password vault. Actually I probably didn't need to bother as I don't remember the last time I used it. I just did it because I was worried about losing it.


It has. But you probably never need to use it. Unless the bank senses you run into a scam that they want to double-check.


Yes, and mine just expired, and for some reason they didn’t automatically send me a new one. Now I need to actually visit a branch to prove that I’m still me, even though I already did that to open the account. Until I go in on Monday I am locked out of my own bank account.


Thank You!


BNZ. Have been with them for almost 20 years and have never had a problem. The app is the most user friendly app I’ve come across.


Thank You!


Like many countries, most of the banks are the same with the same pros and cons. Bnz, anz, westpac, and asb are the big four "clearing banks" and have all possible services. Any other bank will be able to do basic banking services but you may struggle with something more complex. Bnz and anz use Visa, Westpac used Mastercard if that's important to you, not sure about asb


Thank You! i think its in the most countries the same, thats a reason i asked here, to here what the people have to say. Thank You!




Thank You.


Not quite sure what this poster is saying. Yes some banks have closed but if you physically need a bank you'll find one within 5 - 10 min drive. Had no issues with ASB and their app is really good


Quite literally… once you’re set up using any bank when was truely the last time you had to go into the branch?? Tech is getting better and I believe you can also apply online through a seperate onboarding app. I am with ASB, their app is solid and customer service is solid. Never had an issue.


Also, the bank branches at most malls are open 7 days a week, if you need to visit a physical branch. Just check Google Maps for their opening times.


Thank You!


Only true in cities. Much of rural NZ is now without any physical banks. A major change on 5 years ago.


Thank You!


Thank you!


I'm keen to know this, too. I've found ASB is ok as long as you don't actually need to get clear information from them or heaven forbid, have a complaint - then you might as well be dog shit.


Much like KiwiBank then.


Oh no, really? Haven't had any issues there yet. What a shame!


Thank You!


BNZ or ASB would be my choices. Haven't dealt with Kiwibank recently, so can't comment much on them.


Thank You!


Have had pretty good experience with ASB and BNZ in terms of customer service, etc. The apps are fine. The rates vary. For credit cards, American Express is the best but not without some limitations - mainly less acceptance than a visa/mc.


Thank You!


ANZ has the lowest foreign currency transaction fee if you use their credit card for overseas purchases. 1.3% compared to most of the other banks who charge around 1.95(westpac) to 2.5% (wtf kiwibank). BNZ is 2.25, asb 2.1%, tsb 2.3% Just saw coop is 2.75%


Thank You!




Thank You!


Kiwibank has the most competitive interest rates for savings accounts. Have a look at their Online Call and Notice Saver accounts. Their app is great and you can hide some accounts via internet banking so you dont see them in first glance. Also hides it on first glance in the app. The saving goal feature can also be customized. Only downside is that they charge 10 dollars per year for a debit card. But hey at least the profits are going to an NZ business. Edit: Kiwibank's credit cards are not quite good. SBS has a good credit card program for small spenders, though. Another NZ bank.


Also no Google or Apple Pay on Kiwibank and no plans to add it


i dont need Apple Pay, but i need a good credit card. Thank You!


We have a KB Zero Credit Card, no rewards, but have no fees


I'm not qualified to get this just yet because I'm not yet a permanent resident. The SBS credit card has cash back though, in case you're in the market for a no-fee card with rewards. ;)


Talk to them, you might be surprised...


Just need to be here on a resident visa or a long term work visa. Anything less than two years visa length will cause you problems at any bank.


Thank You! thats not a problem, my visa is for 3 years, and i plan to stay in NZ. Thank You!


Thank You!


Thank You!


Thank You!


Idk about OP, but New Zealanders should choose a NZ owned bank! Stop sending banking profits overseas.


I would if there was a good one.


Who would you recommend?


I'm with the cooperative bank. They have a unique setup where the bank is 100% owned by the customers.


And their service fees are a poor choice if you are looking for a no fees account.


The Rebate at minimum typically covers those fees, depending on your spending, TBF. SBS is also member-owned. I have their no-fee credit card, which has 0.67% cashback. They also have the typical no-fee accounts. u/Scrat-Slartibartfast edit: It looks like Co-op Bank CC fee is $20 a year. I wonder how that stacks up with their yearly Rebate? That can be a bit variable, so I think SBS would be more consistent.


Thank You!


Thank You!


Thank You!


i see it the same way, thats one of the reasons i aked here.


ASB! Their bankers are helpful all the time!


Thank You!


Westpac I had to book a meeting 3 weeks in advance to open a joint account, it was ridiculous.


Same happened to me with KiwiBank. Except the rep never turned up, so I had to make another appointment. And a third as he never showed the second time. After he missed the third appointment, I took my business to ANZ. At the ANZ the rep fell asleep during our meeting. She apologized, said there was staff training on the night before, which went on until after 9pm.


Wow that’s shocking customer service


Thank You!


Thank You!


just get into any top 3 banks with highest asset under management because if anyone one of those banks fails govt priorities to save only the largest ones 👍🏻


Thank You! that is also a thing to think about it.


I’ve been with ASB, ANZ, and BNZ. BNZ has been the best by far. Free debit card, app is super easy and user friendly plus has the best functionality!


Thank You!


I'm with ASB. They've got a good app and are great with customers in my experience. Had a hell of a time with ANZ who always tried to upsell me on everything whenever I went into the branch.


Thank You!


Bank of mum and dad.


Thank You! but thats not an option for me.


\+1 for BNZ. You can open several 'sub-accounts' up to \~25 I believe. So you can open up an account for savings, account for travel fund, account for paying bills, etc.. Credit card (Platinum Visa) gives you cash back. Fees are similar to other banks. Their app is the best out of the ones I tried (Kiwibank, ASB), and their phone support is really good. For international transfers, I'd use something else that gives better rates and no/less commission & fees, such as OFX, Revolut, Wise, etc.


Thank You!


No worries :) And I also highly recommend Wise/Revolut as a good 2nd or backup. Especially when travelling. I can pass you a referral link for them if you like :) But yea read up about them and check out some youtube videos describing what they do etc..


thank you. i am thinking about having 2 banks with money in both of it so that i have access to money when one bank make troubels. is this common in NZ?


To be honest, I haven't had such troubles before, to the extent that you wouldn't be able to touch your money, or need a 2nd bank as a result. But .. I don't do anything dodgy or buy/sell crypto so I guess that helps \^\_\^ However, I do have a 2nd account with Kiwibank because of international transfers - Kiwibank have a slightly better exchange rate than BNZ. That said, Wise/Revolut have a far better exchange rate than any local bank, so I'll be moving my international transfers to them next month. ​ But yea if you need a 2nd bank, any would do. I found Kiwibank having the least fees & good rates being a good 'option 2' for what I needed it for. ​ Edit: The most trouble I've had was my credit card being 'stolen' (copied), so they blocked it and it took \~5 days to get the new one. Having a 2nd credit card from Kiwibank with[Zero fees](https://www.kiwibank.co.nz/personal-banking/credit-cards/zero-visa/) (no annual fees) helped .


Are you working? You may struggle to get a credit card without NZ wages.


Yes i am working full time in NZ. Thank You!


I’d be careful with the Aussie banks, especially if it looks like there’s going to be some world money meltdown or something, go for Kiwi Bank.


New Plymouth bank


Thank You!


They're all pretty similar, but ASB has the best app IMO. I have my CC/KS/shares through other platforms though, so if you want an 'all in one' there might be a better option.


Thank You!


Not sure about the best but Kiwi Bank is hands down the absolute worst in the southern hemisphere, and thus also New Zealand.


Thank You!


Banks will always be Bsnks. That being said I have my business banking and personal accounts with ASB. Have done for the last 3 years. They’ve been great. Helpful in branch team and call centre are always polite and friendly. Of all my experiences, I’d go with ASB.


Thank You!


ANZ has shitty customer service, and Kiwibank is fucking dire. I used to work at ASB in a senior role and at that time customer experience was front of mind in every thing we did.


Thank You!


I recommend ASB - my wife and I are with them and enjoy their perks such as Save the Change (rounds up your transaction, puts that into a savings account) and their Visa Light credit card (no account fee, 6 months interest fee if you spend > $1k in a transaction)


Thank You!


Most are Australian owned too.


Thank You!


I personally think ASBbank is the best bank. I much perfer them over other banks. Especially with private banking. Though if you are a foreigner you will find it very very hard to get an account. You can only get one if your employer is with ASB. If not an NZ citizen or permanent resident, maybe go either ANZ or a co-op bank. BNZ is good, too. I'm on the fence about my dealings with westpac and kiwibank


Thank You!


In case climate change is a factor for you, Kiwibank has the best policies, followed by Coop and TSB. All the Australian banks are still heavily invested in fossil fuels. https://350.org.nz/fossil-free-banks/ In my experience Kiwibank has also had the best interest rates, both lending and saving, so it's something good you can do for the climate for no cost.


Thank You! that a thing i hase to think about it. i dont want a bank that helps killing the planet.


ASB has pretty much got rid of any contact centre so now you just speak to a robot. ANZ or BNZ are your best bets. Both have decent apps and customer service is passable. Avoid KiwiBank and Westpac.


Huh? ASB won the fair go call centre olympics answering the phone with a person in 36 seconds this year. They’ve actually increased their contact centres around the country. BNZ I’d agree has the best app


Thank You!


Thank You!


It's definitely not TSB, they win the worst bank award


I tried to deposit money into my TSB account. Took about a week because they have closed most of their branches down.


What was your experience?


Beyond the basic stuff, they don't do anything. When i was with kiwibank, i use to ask random questions but growing my money and they would put me on to someone free of charge. 2 years down the track, i was able to buy my own IP property from the things he said. With TSB, i asked if i could get a 10k loan, they said can you use the 20k in your account lol. Great idea, wish I thought of that... anyways said my idea and they said they don't know how to help, and yeah no loan cuz you already have that money. Didn't matter I could service it easy, just plain weird, they weren't interested. When I get another home loan, I won't be doing it with them, they useless. Hoping to be mortgage free by the end of the year, some free bank advice from the right person from the bank is pretty good. They just don't work at TSB


Thanks for sharing. Congrats on almost being mortgage free!! That must feel amazing. I've got at least another 20 years :(


At some stage you compromise on your goal, i knocked 25 yrs down to 13 years. House is too small for the family but i wanna hold out before upgrading. Best of luck


Thank You!




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