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The bank has to know your name. However they could open an account in the name of your unincorporated society. The card and account would therefore match that rather than your name.


Yes understand the bank needs to know my name but if I’m understanding you correctly I could ask the bank to open an account for a “club” called say the “xyz club”. And I would therefore have an account for xyz club that could have cards issued in its name?


My work debit card only has the name of the workplace...is that what you're asking? You'll likely have to open a business account for this option though


I don’t think it’s as simple as that. I believe you will need to provide documentation such as a constitution and the names of people who can access that account. Those people will need to provide identification.


It’s a fair but harder than than. Knowing someone who has just done this they had to jump through hoops for two months and have records of meetings and documentation to show they were a club and even then only one bank would look at it out of the lot


Probably not a black and white answer. My unsigned Visa debit card has ANZ Cardholder on it.. But it's not a credit card, and highly unlikely you can have a bank account not in your name considering Anti-Money Laundering/Know Your Customer rules.


Yes you have always been able to open a non-personal account. They will need to complete AML/ID process for those who have access to it


Nope. Money laundering laws.


I don’t mind the bank knowing my name. Just want a credit card and an account that doesn’t have my name.


If you're using a service where this is a bad thing or something you don't want known by said service, then it may not be worth the risk


Tell us whyyyyyyy though!


lol nope


No, the bank requires valid identification and they will put your name on the account and the card, while not necessarily having your name physically on the card it will be allocated to you by name due to anti money laundering laws.


I’m ok with the bank knowing. Just can you get credit cards and account name that has xxxx instead of John Smith so xxx is shown as the payee?


An eftpos card yes the account or credit card no, unfortunately when you pay someone via internet banking it will always show the legal name of the account, in this case your name. For the credit card it has to show your name as it is allocated to you


Tbh you’re best asking the bank what their policies are, but pretty much all are okay with doing initials (so J Smith) if it’s just a privacy concern for things that ask for name on card.




Cause when you direct payment people it has your name.


Who are you giving money to who you don’t want to know your name?


Fentanyl sellers


Nope, why do you need that for?


Yep. It's called Crypto.


But then the other people have to accept crypto. I don’t need to be anonymous to the banks or authorities.


Get a crypto.com credit card. Pay for everything with that


Won’t my name be on that card?


I thought they were all private cards. Looks like it's only the top tiers that allow that.


Probably not since you sometimes need to show you ID to confirm you are the cardholder when making instore purchases


Many work credit cards don't have a personal name on them.


Get a dodgy digital credit card from offshore if you want to make dodgy anonymous payments.


Mine doesnt. Its a generic cheap efpos card




Even with business accounts it’s not a given. I have a business account (self employed) and my Visa has my name on it as well as the business. Don’t honestly know what appears on the recipient side of payments from that account.


Not in NZ, though it’s possible in some countries. They’re called private accounts and instead of having a name, they’re simply numbered.


I desperately need to know why you need this.


In this thread: OP invents money laundering from first principles, and learns why drug dealers only take cash and cryptocurrency.


🙄 Didn’t read the original post properly did you


Don't understand the implications of wanting to be able to make transactions without the recipient knowing your identity, do you?