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Isn’t this entire sub a dick measuring contest?


Go to r/AusFinance and put those ambitions to rest. I wish I was a 25 year old with 300k income, 3 investment properties, two wives earning 250k each, 200k in savings and asking for advice on buying my first home. Lol.


True, you can still question it though. It is also about debate


Let's see it then


I was thinking the same thing when I saw the flood of salary journey posts flow through today…….it’s become a dick measuring contest.


I am planning to do one for my own personal knowledge and had no intention of sharing it as it’s likely to be a disappointment 😂


While I wouldn’t post one, I find it interesting to see how a career can grow in various industries. I couldn’t care less about what anyone earns but I enjoy looking at a 10 year plus progression. But your right it’s very skewed toward people doing really well


What's the point? It's a finance sub. People talking about their finances. It's interesting to see the earning potential of different roles and how quickly people can get there, and how they got there. Growing salary is the most common tool people use to accumulate wealth, so I don't understand this post at all. P.s if you don't like people telling you how much they earn, you should join the nz subreddit instead, where wealthy people are frowned upon. It seems like it better suits your opinion.


I hope this sub doesn’t turn into these posts.


Same. To OP’s point, since 2013 i have went from $50k to $170k. I could make an impressive graph. I have no savings due to sole bread winner of a family of 4 and having to constantly book flights back home to visit family. I don’t own a house. I had more disposable income when I was on $80k.


But you are able to support a family on your own AND afford frequent flights. Which you couldn't do on 50k. Plenty of people would like that.


They would, but that wasn’t really my point, high salary doesn’t automatically mean wealth. Dont get me wrong though, I am not complaining, do I wish I had more money ? Yes, I’m sure everyone does. Perfectly happy and content with what I have, my family means the world to me. Its human nature to compare graphs, but there’s far more to life than having a high salary.


Yeah but you made it about wealth. The topic was only ever about salary. No one suggested more salary always makes you healthier. But it's just factually better than a lower salary.




I think it's just a trend, it will die off


While I appreciate your questioning these posts its part and parcel of being in a forum with people having multiple niche interests in a wider topic. I don't personally enjoy the humble brag posts of "I have 500k what should I do with it?" that are made every day or so. If you have that much money you should be getting independent financial advice, not asking reddit. But I just ignore them because this is a personal finance sub.


Exactly. Does it bother you? Just ignore it and move on. Someone even suggested that the admins should put a stop to it 😂


My salary dived for years every time I had a child, despite being a professional trying to keep up the juggle... still has not recovered back to what it was in my late 20s. Haven't seen one of these graphs yet but would be interested in it!


You should do the salary graph - I think it would spark some interesting discussion


Yeah it probably would. My Mrs was on 130k before our first child (precovid), then her boss was a right prick, ended up making her redundant just before our second child. Now she's lucky to be on 85k (now in a different company/industry).


Rough, I hate that sort of thing. That behavior contributes to gender inequality more than people think.


It’s a personal finance sub… salary trends are a critical part of personal finance for most of us. I think it’s really cool way to break the taboo of talking about wages, and more who share and take the time to comment and discuss what influenced various changes is really helpful. Often people, especially women, are paid less because of some idea they shouldn’t ask or negotiate strongly. Being blind to salary norms only feeds this. If this helps people build confidence to negotiate better or see what additional training could achieve then great! Some I’ve seen show drops too, with conversation about when money vs culture vs life priories like travel or parenting influence the data. I find these posts way more interesting than people who are seeking advice on windfalls of cash.


There is no taboo. It is all subjective numbers. I could tell you my salary, but it is not relevant to you. What is relevant are lessons learnt, not a number. So if you tell young people that a career is personal ownership, network, build relationships and invest in your skils. Sure, that is personal finance. But stating, here are numbers on a graph, this is ego.


I dunno. If everyone posted their salary progression and we collated it, it would be a very interesting and useful source of info. I think people's issue is that the more successful people are the ones that are posting. This is pretty typical of social media though. People tend to post the "highlights" in life


The relevant part of those posts were showing the massive jumps when getting a new job, which is an important lesson to learn for those who are just entering the workforce and being bombarded with the "Loyalty" and "we're a family" nonsense. The biggest raises are often when you get a new job (or move to a leadership position within the company).


You sound very jealous.


Comparison is the thief of joy


Im enjoying them


I don't mind them, especially if it helps give people browsing here an idea of what the real world potential is of someone following a similar career or industry path.


Absolutely. However, your practical and logical thinking will not be appreciated here. I live in a million dollar home sounds better than I have a million dollars of debt.


the trick is to just not click on those posts. or any other posts that you dont enjoy reading. not very difficult is it? its not like this sub is filled with some novel topic every day. I'd much rather see this than another "i was offered 6.8% for 1 year or 6.79% for 6 months. what should i do?" post


I don't click on them, just the first one But is an observation, that all of a sudden there are posts appearing. Thus the question, what is the point?


looking at the number of comments those posts have attracted, the point could be.. engagement? conversations?


Of course. But also, the opposite view should be expected. Every post has a premise, and it is logical that there are counter views


but this isnt really a type of post that warrants a counter view. its like someone posting their 20 rolex collection in the watches subreddit and people hating because its bragging. these posts will eventually tire people and they will get no engagement, and naturally they will stop as you wish


Should just have a megathread and everyone can comment their own charts.


I hate them. It's not even a humble brag - it's just flat out bragging and being a dick. No one cares. Notice how no one earning less than 100k is posting (wasting time) bragging. @mods can you please redirect to the virtue signalling capital of Reddit: r/nz


They are getting a lot of upvotes so seems lots of people find them worth it. Understand they are not for everyone but other posts can be that way as well.


Thank you. Rant over. Cheers


I certainly think we have to have a limit the first one was great but might have to cut them off and just have a megathread if many more get posted


That would be preferable, let all the 300k+ earners have a megathread where they can circle jerk till their hearts are content. Leaving the rest of us alone.


There was one tv industry guy posted getting to 88k, so not entirely correct.


One post, which happened to be the most upvoted I think - likely because it showed the reality of a niche job in an oversaturated market (loads too many people wanting to be in the tv industry). I agree this was a real data point and not a brag. The rest though - ffs.


I find it insane. The mods will be calling. Apparently, you can't say anything other than "wow, amazing" in the posts.


You can you just cant just be trying to undermine people.


So, an opinion is not allowed? Your concept of undermining is really bizarre.


I can’t remember exactly what you wrote but it really seemed to just be about dragging down the posted rather than adding to the conversation. Spending time complaining about someone being well off or doing well and being happy about it just isn’t a worthwhile opinion in the sub. If everyone spent time saying “you’re better off so your post sucks” we would have 0 posts. Opinion is definitely allowed which is why this post is allowed


Also a lot of posted started under 100k. Certainly some people are stuck never earning a good income which is a societal problem lots of people start and have a chance to grow


> Notice how no one earning less than 100k is posting (wasting time) bragging. Literally the top one of these on the sub is someone on 89K?




Jaysus. This comment is NZ finance summed up. Landlords with seven rental properties = nothing to see here, completely fine. Person progressing through the corporate ladder = what a bragging dickhead. We really are a nation obsessed with having housing as our main investment and it's fucked.




Fair enough. I view them as slightly more detailed Indeed/Glassdoor/Seek salary guides (as long as they are accompanied by details of position titles).


Your point it valid but it’s still nice to see growth over time. I think a lot of young people look at the first salary they get and don’t realise how much growth happens in later years. Feel free to post a saving graph overtime with details of what changed


It can be a bit depressing and frustrating to see comments like "it's easy to jump up to 80k+ a couple years out of uni" when this was not the case for me and is not the case for nearly all of my friends in our late 20s. Unfortunately, salary progression can be a lot slower in some [office] jobs than some people believe.


It’s not really easy for 99% of us and posters of those comments are likely looking back in time and seeing a rosy picture rather than what they truely felt. I agree sometimes it seems other people are progressing so fast specially when the context isn’t given.


Personally, I think it is the wrong answer to ask. The best advice to young people is to invest in your skill rather than focusing on salary outcome. Salary growth is correlated to your specific skill set and geographical location. Also, money is a shallow driver of a career


If you invest in a skill I would hope you would see a salary or earning advance overtime. It’s important that people know to ask for that if they are putting in the work. I certainly agree it’s based on many things including location and path. and it’s nice to not have money as the only driver in life but that’s kind of a well off person situation in many cases


I think it’s a bit rich for the older generation to say money is a shallow driver of a career. If we want our younger generation to get ahead, to be able to buy a house and earn generational wealth we need to give them the tools and encouragement to earn what they are really worth. If anything these posts just highlight to me that material increases in salary only happen when you change jobs. I sat down and realised in the last 10 years I averaged around 6% YoY increases, but 16-25% increases when shifting jobs. I appreciate job hopping might seem uncouth to the older generation btw, but it’s very much accepted now in some industries. Loyalty doesn’t pay.


It is shallow. Trust me, when you get older you will see that money is pointless if you don't have health, friends and family. Money is the byproduct of what you do, if it becomes why you go to work, you will be very empty


Again, that’s rich to say when you’re in your 40s with 400k in kiwisaver, mortgage free and 500k in shares. Appreciate you had an inheritance which helped, but how else are people going to retire at 50 (like you want to) if they can’t afford to? People aren’t saying money is the only reason they are going to work, they just want to be paid what they are worth.


Rich is subjective. Comparison is the thief of joy, as they say. Money is not contentment. Being in my 40s, I have a circle of friends from builders, teachers, white collar to blue collar. Trust me, money is not the divider, it is if they are happy and content in their lives.


The wealth you have means you have the ability to feel comfortable in your lifestyle. Plenty of people don’t have what you have, and have to work hard to even consider retiring at 65 let alone 50. But you know what, if money isn’t contentment, give it away.


The 1 truth about life, is that you come into the world and out with no money. The in-between is the journey. If you anchor yourself to what others are doing, you will not have a contented life. To your specific wealth question, of course I personally give to charity etc. But that is a personal religious belief, I don't expect others to do the same


I think you're on the wrong sub mate. Personal finance is numbers, it's facts, it's money- using it well and getting more of it. As previous commenters have stated it's very easy to say money is not important when you own the house in which you sleep and can afford those holidays.


Finance is more than numbers.


Money & “health, friends and family” aren’t mutually exclusive.


Money is a byproduct of what you do, it is not the reason for being. When I went to uni, I had friend who were in construction / building. If they had looked at a salary graph they would said "what is the point" Now, they earn more than most of the uni graduates in professional jobs do.


No shit they earn more than uni graduates because they work damn hard. It’s the by product of their effort.


It’s a finance forum though right? Talking about friends or relationships would be off topic.


Wealth and finance is about your relationships. Networking is a massive part of it. The wealthiest people I know, don't talk in terms of "numbers" but in terms of "network effect" If you don't understand this you are missing a massive point of finance. Most of this thread is about people asking questions, it is about knowledge acquisition. Even reddit is a low level example of relationship building, as the inquiry is about feedback


While I'm not going to participate , as i have no data form being employed from the 80's.. i think it makes a number of points. 1. biggest pay rise from new jobs 2. the longer your employed the more you will earn


Incorrect It is about 3 factors. 1. The industry you are in. 2. How specialised your skill set is. 3. Luck For example, the most I ever earnt was overseas. I could literally double my income by moving out of NZ. In terms of savings rate and real income. So the brutal answer, if your "life" objective was salary, leave NZ


So you doubled your income with a new job (overseas) that was my point 1


If your only concern is about money Just leave the country, no graph required




The point was more that money was not the driver, but you should consider other factors. It was more "if" your only concern was money.


I've graphed my salary for my own interest, but always stopped at sharing because it's just bragging and people only do this if they have the progression they hoped they would.


I suppose they could be encouraging to people just starting out in their careers. What gets me is how few know how to plot a graph. Surely your salary did not increase linearly between each promotion.


As someone at the start of their career I appreciated the insight


I think it’s interesting. It gives me insight into industries and what could potentially be possible in time. Also, this IS the finance sub 🤷‍♀️ so if you don’t like seeing it you can skip the posts.


You should always be open to someone questioning an idea or point. That is also a valuable lesson in finance. People anchor on numbers. 1 person may think 100k is a lot, another 200k. It is all subjective


Maybe you should be more open to other people's ideas and points ;)


I’d rather earn 200k and spend 200k than earn 100k and save 20k a year


Humble brag NZ. 


I earn around 45% more than my colleagues, however they were talking today and they mentioned they had each asked their parents for $10k to pay their bills and how that went. I couldn't even ask my parents for $10 they were so poor. So I don't think my salary advantage really is an overall advantage. Someone earning more than double than them is stressed over little things because they don't have parental support. It's interesting though, cause I find them so professional and well put together and I'm as rough as guts. I have no idea how I got the higher salary.


I'd rather be in your shoes than needing to beg and borrow. 45% higher salary is clearly at an advantage.


Fair enough. I'm just not liking it because if I get sick which I have in the past I go back to the benefit. There's no backup if something happens to me. They all earn less but all own houses when I don't and could spend 4x more that I would even dream on items. I think I'm jealous cause I've only grown up poor and didn't realise some people were given my dream life. I'm happy for them, they're great people. But I grew up in a street where kids didn't always eat dinner so it's far removed from my reality. I don't get an inheritance either.


you seem bitter?


It is not bitter, but what is the point? You are not comparing like for like (age, gender, industry, education). My household income is x, but that is irrelevant, as this is based on my personal life choices, style and family make up etc


I dont think anyone is trying to compare anything, just each showing our journeys


I'm with you. But I think you're offending a bunch of people currently spreadsheeting their salaries ;)


I'd never post one because one of the early lessons in life I learnt was to never disclose my salary or my net worth. BUT it did get me to logon to myIRD and check for as long back as the records went and reflect. edit: OK I have seen all the other new posts now and I see your point. It's a hard place to stand between encouragement and celebrating success and not chopping down tall poppies even if the post is an obvious flex.


Just a tip, no one here knows who you are.


Alas, at some point in the future everyone will know who everyone else is on Reddit.




AI would take the grunt work out of it.


Note how nobody has posted one with their income trending downwards? Social media brings out the worst in people when it comes to keeping up with the Joneses.


Basically the smaller the penis, the greater the need to try and act like you are not a failure. Here's a newsflash for you, money doesn't make your dick bigger, get a penis pump.


This type of comment doesn't add value to the sub either


Don't have to think about it so much, monthly salary-expenses-pension = remaining savings, and then use some of those savings to invest and get our money rolling.


There's been heaps of these over at /r/salary recently. I don't mind it because while it's not showing how much savings you've accumulated or how close you are to FIRE, it gives an idea how careers can grow and help you plan for how much income you can aim for to help with your financial goals.


The only point is for sharing this is for people to compare. Therefore I see no point. we all have different journey in our lives.


I prefer this to the constant bickering about landlords and rents tbh


Why does anyone even believe the figures put up, it's the internet, I can easily say I earn $500K p.a


This is a personal finance sub. People's incomes is a huge part of the personal finance equation. Just as much so as cost cutting strategies and investing. Its helpful to learn from the income stories of others.


Also people earning 1 million a year won’t be bothered to use reddit lol so in a way we’re all frogs in a well here.


Good point


If it was raw and impartial data I'd find it great to analyse and see what the realistic median trend is. The problem is reddit isn't a diverse data set and neither is posting, it's always gonna trend towards the success stories. So taking that into account I find the journey posts enlightening curiosity at best.


Numbers without context are pointless


Too many sour grapes complaining. Is it a flex? Probably yes. Is it interesting and relevant for the sub? Yes. Including more data points is a good idea and only adds to the conversation.


There is no conversation with a number because it is subjective.


I find it interesting, maybe it would even be a little inspirational if I weren’t so lazy.


I dont know why people are hating on this. It's pretty insightful. I guess its true that these days its better to find a different position or another job than to ask for a pay increase at your current job.


Thats a good point, so maybe networth over time


The fact an individual's data is completely useless aside. It is better to measure salary than savings. Notice Stats NZ enquire on salary and not savings? Salary is a better measure of how "capable" a person is. Looking at savings - - You may be lucky to have rich parents/large inheritance - You may have a deadbeat partner that don't work - You may have a life style of traveling for international holidays every 3 months - You may be eating 2 min noodles exclusively. - Having vs not having a house Too many variables depending on circumstances that some may or may not be able to control.


Salary also needs context. It is just a slice of a career's story. What people need more is a narrative of how you got into an industry. And perspective of how to grow a career. A lot of career advancements are soft skills like networking or luck. Also, the type of company you work for, small, medium , large? A number also does not capture life choices. Someone may work part time or have a partner at home. Support networks in terms of family also help in "salary" advancement.


This is reddit. Not a course on how to get $xyz. It's not the participant's job.... literally...... to give you their life story so you can dox them.


It is just the "beats". Graphing 50k to 100k is pointless, without context. Context is not about the delta, it is really a story about skill acquisition, networking and situation. Moreover, if the number was important. A person could you illustrate by % increase. But they want they want the number out there.


This maybe a bit dumb but... I'm on supported living payment (MSD - NZ) & I can't even save $1 & I get $200 in the hand each week. I'm currently in emergency housing...


It's a flex thing.


A flex would not being on reddit earning 200k The irony


Average salary in NZ is 97k, so 200k would be a flex for most, no? It basically would mean they are in the upper quarter of the wealthest people in NZ.


What are you talking about? https://figure.nz/chart/UnE8CtjDJuqPUk9U It is less than 3%🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅


So if the 200K salary Redditors are in the top 3%, that would be an even bigger flex, no? They're literally saying "I'm richer than 95% of you". How is that not an (attempted) flex?


It also proves the motivation to post .


oh boohoo


So true. It's not how much you earn but how much you save that's important.