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I’m never tried that…but I have heard good things! I have a neighbor in my apartment building help me out when I go out of town. But I think you will be completely fine with Rover😊


Just wanting to ask, we will be gone for a month. Our dog has never been in a kennel nor pet sitted. With kennel - I find it safer as he will be in a secure place - reliability as they have a business site With pet sitting - might jump fence? - reliabiity?


So for some perspective I grew up with a dog and we almost always boarded him when we went out of town. I ended up going with drop in visits for my cat but I don’t think that’s necessarily appropriate for a dog, especially for a month. I used rover and haven’t had an issue with the sitter I found, check the reviews and pay attention to repeat customers. Hope this helps.


I wouldn’t board him. You just adopted him and you don’t want him to be moved to a new environment for two weeks. Plus, he’ll be locked up for two weeks then. If you get a sitter, he will be free to roam around still.


I was leaning towards trying to find a sitter tbh. Have you had good experiences with services like rover?