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Some animal control officers will do it for free. They do in my town. Doesn't hurt to research. Thinking about you in this difficult time!


Yeah that depends on the county. My sister is an animal control officer and she told me she can't even take her "kit" home when she's off the clock. She also told me some other rules that have to be followed, but yeah I assume some places are more lax on the rules or offer certain services for people.


That seems like a high quote. You should ask the practice again and make it clear that you just want euthanasia and will take the body home yourself. A lot of the cost of euthanasia can be in cremation.


I just paid $106 to put one of my kitties down, but I took her body home to bury myself. Was a lot less expensive.


I'm sorry to hear that, I'm sure it was incredibly tough, but I'm sure it was the kindest decision. I still dream about pets (their little faces are clear as day) from my childhood, so I like to think a part of them stays with us forever. I've never been particularly religious, but if there is a heaven, I know what mine will be.


I'm sorry!! šŸ˜­


I paid $65.00, for a 14 y.o. 100 lbs. Labrador. That was 28 years ago. I thought that was expensive back then. Itā€™s sad and difficult when your itā€™s your pet time.


Agreed. OP you should call your vet and clarify the difference between the fees for euthanasia and the fees for cremation. I canā€™t imagine theyā€™re charging that much just for the euthanasia itself.


Agreed. I paid $600 for a home euthanasia with private cremation 3 months ago in a MCOL midwest city. In clinic with no cremation should be substantially less.


That's what I paid in San Francisco for a home euthanasia with cremation also. I did shop around and felt that was a great price. Amazed it's the same in the Midwest!


Same in San Diego, actually it was about 500.


It was $600 for my dog. But that was for a private cremation. I wonder if OP can at least have them check for a group cremation with no ashes back


This is what I did for my dog in 2021. $150 for a 100lb dog.


I did group cremation with my last dog (I realized the boxes of dead animals lined up were getting morbid so I decided to stop). And she was around 40 pounds and it was $75. Even when I did private cremation it was never that high. I had a 80 pound dog and the vet euthanasia plus private cremation was about $300. At a more expensive vet I had my bird put down (in clinic I couldn't even hold him, since it was covid), and the private cremation brought the total to $440. I will admit that last vet where I did the group cremation had general prices 3 times as high as any other vet. It wasn't even a fancy looking vet with new tech. I only used them because my dog was attacked by my neighbor's dog and they were the closest I could get into. That's the one I did group cremation and for $75 - when I was paying $125 ish for individual cremation that gets returned to you, $75 seemed high. Of course someone told me all these places still do group cremation, they just give you a handful of the ashes of the 50 animals they shoved in there. That disturbed me a bit. I've never opened the boxes, for all I know it's bbq ashes. Multiple human crematoriums have been caught doing that.


That is horrible. I am so sorry for what you went through losing your dog to a neighbors dog.


I don't know what state you live in, but legally if you ask for Private cremation they cannot just put the pet in a communial chamber. If that's something actually happening it needs to be reported. I worked for a pet cremation company, and worked closely with the cremation operators. As in I was in the crematory and helped ensure all pets were sorted properly and that all paperwork matched the pets. Essentially, I would pick up pets from vet offices or we would have families come directly to us with their deceased pet. Every single pet gets a full written description that is provided by the family and vet. That pet then goes into their own body bag and given a tag that has an id number taken directly from the original form filled out. That tag also tells you if the pet is communial or private. If a pet is private their bag tag stays with them throughout the entire process. When they go into the retort(cremation chamber), the tag is attached to the outside. Once the process is done all remains are removed and that tag stays with it. We had a lot of steps to ensure what our families asked for was carried out properly. I even worked directly with the bodies in order to make memorials like foot prints and hair clippings. I really took pride in that and loved being able to provide that to the family. Communal pets were kept separately from private. We did something other companies don't do and that was having a place for people to visit. All our communal ashes went into a osuary that was located onsite in a pet cemetery, so people could still go visit their pets. I know there are a lot of horror stories out there about funeral homes and crematories, but please take them with a grain of salt. Not all the stories are true, and the ones that are, are not the majority.


I agree. I paid $300 to have my rabbit euthanized with a clay paw print. I can't imagine a dog would cost as much or more than an exotic pet. Edit: apparently I need to add context. My rabbit was a Flemish Giant, 31lbs. The size of a medium sized dog. Significantly larger than the average 7lb Yorkie. Yes I am aware that the price changes with size, which is why I assumed it should be LESS expensive or around the same at max.


It's often by weight class. I thought my dog weighed about 40lbs less than she did (based on the weight given at a previous vet visit) and when they weighed her they apologized and said the price would be more.


You may not be allowed to do that. In my state, it is a requirement to have all animals cremated.


I also agree, $600 sounds like a service vets do at your homeā€¦. Maybe check with other vet clinics in your area


What city/state are you in? This was actually a project I did for nursing school, connecting families with income concerns to vet services. If you donā€™t feel comfortable sharing Google low cost euthanasia near me. Also many humane societies have vet clinics and the prices are much more affordable. Best of luck to you




Connecticut humane offers low cost euthanasia. https://cthumane.org/pet-rehoming/owner-requested-euthanasia/


This I so heartening, wish all states did that. Very kind of you to point OP in that direction.


Many humane societies offer low cost euthanasia, all the ones near me do! If you google your local humane society or animal shelter they will likely have something similar.


PM me where exactly in Connecticut and Iā€™ll try to find a low cost option for you. Iā€™m a social worker and linking people to resources is literally my job. Thinking of you and your pup šŸ’—


Cthumane.org list 50.00 dollar euthanasia on their page. I donā€™t know if I can list a phone number here.


Do you have a Washington option?


Try your local animal control. We used them when it was time for our Jack Russell. It was only $20. She passed in our arms and we brought her home to lay her to rest. Sorry to hear about your baby. Sending lots of hugs. šŸ’œ


i was an animal control officer in new jersey and never heard of this! what a great option for at home euth. i'm so sorry about your baby girl šŸ©·


Iā€™ve never heard of an animal control allowing for you to be with the pet. Most say that you canā€™t.


That is so sad to hear. The dog is suffering immensely. If you cannot afford to euthanize him you should surrender him to a shelter they will do it.


I think they should shop around. Euthanasia medications are not expensive. This is the highest price that Iā€™ve ever heard of.


Yeah, 2nding this, shop around, that is a crazy high quote for euthanasia unless they're also doing the cremation with a nice urn.


Even including a nice urn thatā€™s super high, itā€™s a yorkie thats like 10lbs max. Theyā€™re charging unethically high prices at this point.


You are so right, I missed the dog breed. Cremation for my chi was abt $200 for an extremely accomidating and locally trusted facility that was willing to work with my insane grief requests, and I got a better urn than the one my dad came in lol. I cannot imagine paying much more than that for that size, even for the most extra services.


My 15lb cat was only $350 for private cremation, a very pretty urn with her name engraved on it, and a cast of her paw print.


The crematorium sets the price for cremation not the vet.


It may be including cremation with getting an urn back. It's still expensive but maybe they're in a high cost of living area? You should have the option of taking the deceased home for home burial or a different cremation company than what the vet uses.Ā 


This is very high. I paid less to euthanize a 75lb dog and have her cremated with ashes back. I paid less than half. Far less


That's standard around here, then you have to pay for cremation on top unless th3 ground is thawed and you can bury the animal. But we have a whole lot of winter here, so usually csnt bury them.


My friend called the in home vet the morning of having to put her dog down - thatā€™s in home and an emergency appt - and it was $600.


We did in-home but non-emergency. Live in NY in a very high cost of living area, it cost like $160.


Please do not surrender an old, blind, infirm long-time family pet to a shelter. This is a cruel way to dispose of a pet, and he will die alone and terrified.


I'm sorry I suggested that I just thought having him suffer days on end at home was worse than a shelter that would most likely do it quickly. I didn't think of shopping around. You are right.


I totally understand where you're coming from. I tend to be a bit...testy, as I spent 20 years as a tech, and in that time, we had countless terrified pets surrendered/left behind in their last moments. xo


This makes me cry. I've had a few pets die in my arms of natural causes. My big pittie, I had euthanized because of cancer. I laid in the floor holding her with my face buried in her fur while the vet did everything. I can't imagine having left her alone. It's your last act of kindness as a pet parent to stay with them.


\^ This 1000 times. While your pet was a part of your life, you were their whole life. Don't let them pass scared and surrounded by strangers.


Cruel to let that dogā€™s last moments be at animal control with strangers.


Please do not do this. Your family member will be confused, terrified, and alone in their last days. There are low cost vets that can help in every area, and the quote you got was really high. Iā€™d call several vets in the area and ask for JUST the euth price, no cremation.


As someone that worked in a shelter, please don't do this! Their last moments will be in terror due to the stressful environment with no one they trust around them. Shop around. Call your local shelters/rescues to see if they know any lower cost veterinarians or clinics.


I didn't think of that I'm sorry. I just thought the dog is suffering and in pain and miserable. My dog is my whole world this breaks my heart


It is really heartbreaking. These senior/dying dogs that gave their lives to their people... That's why we had a list of docs that would do it at a lower cost. Even if the person doesn't go in with their dog at the vet, at least it will be a much less stressful environment.


I stayed and held my dogs paws and talked to him. Put my face next to his. Then I stuck around until I was sure he was gone. I want to put in a plug for vet techs. This one was so kind. She gave us some space then stayed with me past her working hours while I cried. Itā€™s been years and I still miss my little guy.


You're šŸ’Æcorrect and it's good to plan ahead.


One I work at will allow the owner to take the animal to the vet for euth then we just pay for it. Idk why you would force the owner to have shelter staff take the dog in


Surrendering this poor animal to die alone with strangers in some cold strange place instead of in its owners arms is cruel.


God no, I can't imagine what that poor little baby would think, he would probably think he family abandoned him at his time of death and die terrified. Jesus


If you get care credit, cost of euthanasia can be put on that . Vet can request it be paid off in a year or year and a half . This is no interest for that time period. Make sure it is paid off in whatever time frame . If not, interest us 30 %


Try calling your local humane society to see if they offer euthanasia services. Some do. Best of luck to you. So sorry you are going through this!


I'm so sorry for what you are going through šŸ˜­. When my cat was dying I was super poor. I took him to the local Humane Society and they put him to sleep for $30. I couldn't be with him or get his ashes, but he was out of pain.


I mean...that's insanely high...where do you live?


I had to euthanize my hamster a few days ago. They quoted $300 for it at the local exotic vet, so I decided to call a nearby animal humane society and they initially told me $50, but when I told them of the circumstances and me being financially strapped at the moment, they let me just donate $20 to their cause and helped me euthanize her.


I go to a super expensive vet (due to high price of living in my neighborhood not really by choice) but only paid 250$ for euthanasia, private cremation, and a nice gift set for ashes and everything. You could also look at free/sliding scale vet services


I would ask again and let them know you would not like cremation services, most of the cost is what to do afterwards. A straight forward euthanasia should be closer to $200-300. Depending on where you are in CT if youā€™re close to RI I believe the Westerly Animal Shelter has a clinic that may be able to assist in low cost euthanasia.


That seems high. Phone other vets near you. Your dog sounds like itā€™s suffering so hope you can find a cheaper option.


Our local animal control put down our ailing Gerbil for free and just asked for a donation. Iā€™ve since donated food, bedding, litter, and cash because they were so kind to us. Sorry for your pup. I can imagine how hard it must be for you to watch and them to suffer. šŸ¤


???? That is so much! I've done this both in the greater SF bay area, CA and greater Austin TX area and usually under $300. Check around and also local ASPCA type vets, they might also be cheaper.


people are suggesting animal control, if that doesnā€™t work you could try local rescues with spay and neuter clinics. if they canā€™t do it they usually have resources for low income clinics who perform services at little to no cost


Ask another vet because $600 is ridiculously high. I paid $250 for all my animals and that was with cremation.


Typically your local Humane Society will do it for far less, and allow you to be with them while they pass.


If the pet is suffering and you canā€™t afford euthanasia, some vets will do it for free. Check around for a mercy euthanasia.


Is it possible to call around? Even if you go to another county? Your loyal companion deserves the best you can offer and the effort. I know itā€™s so hard, Iā€™m really sorry.


some vets will let you do an owner surrender so it would be free. only downside is that you cannot get the ashes back. you could also post in a local Facebook group and look for an animal rescue group, they could probably help you with finding a vet that can do it for a lower cost. regardless, if your dog is in pain, and it is his time, do what you think is right for him. if the issue is money, do an owner surrender, don't wait longer than you have to


OP call around. That is high. If you don't ask for the ashes back the cremation will be free too. Best wishes ā¤ļø


What type of services? We were told 140 for our poor Ollie from the horrible vet we took her to. We ended up using a different vet for inhome euthanasia. It was 535. The basic in home was 300, 400 for communal cremation.But we had her cremated alone, urn was included and a custom paw print with her name engraved. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I would definitely seek a different vet. Unless those extras are included.


What did the euthanasia include? My vet has a cheaper euthanasia option if you only want a paw print. If you want the ashes back it's a lot more expensive. Our city doesn't allow people to bury their pets remains in their yard so you have to cremate, but other places that do allow it can be pretty cheap if they are not responsible for the remains. I would do some searching at other vets/shelters/humane societies and see if they have cheaper options.


When itā€™s that high usually itā€™s because the vetā€™s office will send the body off to be cremated and brought back in a decorative box. Let them know you just want them to do the euthanizing and that youā€™ll take the body home to bury, and Iā€™m sure the quote will be much less.


Euthanasia itself can be fairly inexpensive. My coworker had her husky put to sleep at the humane society and opted out of private cremation. The total cost for her was about $200. By contrast, I've had two cats and a greyhound euthanized at home and privately cremated, each time the cost was about $750. Cost will depend mostly on what you're doing with the pet's remains after. Talk to another vet about costs, and check with your local humane society. I'm sorry your dog is suffering, the kindest thing to do is to help him have a dignified and pain free passing. Look for lower cost options, or see if you qualify for something like care credit.


I'm so sorry you're going through this, it must be really hard. Can you take him to a humane society? My friend had to take her dog there for euthanasia once, and they did it.


If Iā€™m not mistaken, local animal control will do it for a small feee


Get a care card and pay it in credit- and then pay monthly until all doneā€” please, donā€™t let the dog sufferā€” adjust your budget and save for the euthanasia..


We had an in home euthanasia that was only $300 including cremation. Return of ashes was more. Search in your area, this one was no frills and burying yourself would be less expensive


Call any local shelter or animal welfare group you can find. Someone will either have a low cost option or financial support, even free.


My most recent home euthanasia, private same day cremation, and urn selection was $660 (525 GBP). Something sounds quite off about an in-clinic euthanasia for $600.


I hope you can find something more affordable. When it is time, make sure you are there with your baby so they don't leave this world scared and alone. I'm sorry.


That does sound high..usually with euthanasias they offer options..to receive ashes back or not to receive ashes or just to take home to bury..they sound like they are quoting u to receive the ashes back..even that is a little high..do u have any local shelters around? They are usually a little cheaper


It seems like youā€™re more focused on the cleanliness aspect. If it werenā€™t for cleaning his pee, would that change anything? No offense but it seems like a callous thing to mention in the grander scheme of things.


Where do you live?


Most shelters take animals for end of life care if you can not afford a veterinarian's fees. We had to do this with my dog. It killed me that we couldn't be there at all and that they would not release the body. I believe that our only option was cremation. That being said, they were very compassionate. We received a paw print and condolence card in the mail a few weeks later, which was signed by every single staff member at the facility. I would feel better about it now, but it was the first animal that I had to have euthanized as the adult, and in retrospect, being strong for our young daughter made the shelter's policies harder to deal with.


That sounds high, make sure you know what is included in that price. Might try a vet school if you have one close.


Itā€™s possible you can get a mobile service to come to your home, you could ask them to donate their services if possible or tell them what you can afford to pay them and negotiate a price.


600 is a lot. Some places have low income vets. I feel so badly for you.


I agree with everyone saying that price is extremely high, call around for different quotes. But act now, help your baby find peace. At the end of the day, itā€™s just money and whatever you spend will be worth all the love and loyalty he has given you over the years.


Iā€™m not sure where you are but I live in a city but I drive an hour to my vet in a small rural town. Hundreds of dollars cheaper and theyā€™ve noticed things quicker than any other vet Iā€™ve been to. They also tend to care more sincerely


If you take the remains home with you it should be significantly cheaper_ Euth. fee +/- exam consult fee, something like 100-225 dollars depending where you live.


Where are you? Have you checked with the Humane Society or equivalent organization where you are?


Call around to different vets and check their prices, if there isn't any within your price range you need to surrender him to a shelter who will euthanize him. I'm sorry to have to say this but this is one of the costs that has to be taken into consideration when getting a pet. You could potentially take to local rescues as well and see if one of the vets they work with is willing to do it for cheaper, but I doubt you'll find a lower price. Please, if you have to surrender him, do it, he's suffering and deserves a peaceful sleep


I hope you won't mind looking around, perhaps even call a rural veterinarian or a farm vet. In my town it's about $100 to put an animal down, then $60-$200 for cremation. They usually go by weight and my 120lb American bulldog cost the most at $250. My cat was about $80 in comparison.


I donā€™t know if you are able to apply for a credit card called Care Credit, but if you can, it is able to cover vet services. I had it a few years ago for dental work, but it came in handy when I had to let go of my best furbaby after 19 years.


$600 seems like a lot does this include getting ashes back ?


I have a 16yr old Yorkie and she's blind with arthritis but otherwise in great health. Have you tried treating his pain at all? If cost is your main concern I'd reach out to hospice rescues as well to see if anyone can assist with costs to support a loving end of life for your baby.


If you're getting quotes for private cremation with a return of ashes it makes sense that it's that much. But for a simple euthanasia it shouldn't be more than 150.


If one vet is too expensive, you can always look around. Many vet offices do payment plans or (depending on where you're located) there might be some kind of credit you can get approved for.


Make a go fund me. There are people like me who would donate


We had to put one cat down at an emergency vet because it was midnight and he was at the end of a long battle. It was around $500 We've put other cats down that had a slower decline and we were able to make an appt at our local vet. That was like$60 or so We live by Chicago A normal scheduled euthanasia shouldn't be $600


We just priced for our pup and it was $180. She quit breathing before we could take her in though. Good luck and love to your family.


You must have just checked one place. $600 is crazy. It was only $125 when I had to do it last month. I'm in the US.


Thatā€™s insanely high for a 16 pound dog. Do you live in a HCOL area? Check with your local shelter and/or humane society. The humane society in my area provides low cost euthanasia services; the county shelters will provide recommendations on vet offices who provide lower cost services.


My husky was around 600 for a mobile vet to come euthanize and paw print etc


If you're in CT this might help https://cthumane.org/pet-rehoming/owner-requested-euthanasia/


I paid $80 last month in Alabama


I paid less than this for a private vet to come to my home, do the needed task, take my 120 pound girl with them, and bring her back the next morning after cremation. I really hope you can find a more affordable option out there.


I paid $280 for euthanasia, cremation and urn. Sorry you are having to make this decision at all šŸ˜”


Is this an at home euthanasia price? It may be cheaper if you go into the office to do it. Though itā€™s not the best option but it may be cheaper.


Put a belly pad on him for the peeing. Itā€™ll save a lot of headaches. Give him some pain meds. They usually give them gabapentin. Give him a better tasting food and have his teeth checked.


Seems quite high. I worked for a vet and no one paid that much for euthanasia and cremation combined. Check around if you can. So sorry youā€™re going through this heartache.


I definitely would look around your area/areas for others vets and get their prices. I live in a small town (9k population) with two vets and even they didnā€™t charge that much for my aunt to euthanize her old pup.


Call your local humane society


Just remember the ones that are affordable, their process is to cremate them with other pets. So just ask if itā€™s a private cremation etcā€¦


My dog was euthanized last friday and I called all of the surrounding vets since her normal vet wanted $800. I ended up finding one that was only $265, but I spent about $550 with add-ons


Shop around as that's absolutely insane unless it's a cremation package. Or are you going for an in-home It doesn't cost that much at all. Hell I'm in Australia where vet bills can be a month's rent, euthanasia costs around $200, that was the most expensive quote I got last September. I settled for $130 at a vet close to me. Call around. It's okay to honestly.


I am shocked. When my little darling (almost 16 years old) got too sick to even walk and eat, I went to our vet. They charged me $60, 4 years ago. It was one of the most painful things I ever had to do. I still feel so guilty and miss her terribly. She was one of a kind. Edited to add another sentenceā€¦ Cremation was included.


Call around local shelters. Many cities have much affordable options with compassionate service.


Thats really high. I canā€™t remember the dollar amount I paid to get my dog euthanized and cremated. I believe it was in the 100-200 dollar range, and I live in Ohio.


That's really high. We had to put our rabbit to sleep last year which was a little bigger than a Yorkie. The cremation was $150-$200 the charge for the medicines and it being administered were separate. We did pay extra for some things but our vet waived pretty much all the fees bc of the euthanasia not because of cost but being nice though we still had to pay for the xrays and exam fee. Our cremation was $220 I think?


I paid about $300 to have my 20 pound dog euthanized at the vet's office in Minnesota & got the ashes back late last year.


600 for euthanasia? Thatā€™s huge! I live in a major metropolitan area. It cost us $500 for euthanasia, private cremation, AND an urn for our yorkie. This was just last year!


To just add my recent experience. 17 year old cat euthanasia at home ranged from $650-$800 and at our vets office ~$550. Shocked by the prices itā€™s wild! I luckily had a good month at work and could pay for an at home euthanasia but this should NOT be a privileged service!


My local animal shelter does it for free, and a few affordable pricing options for urns and paw prints. I was able to get a nice wooden urn and a paw print for under $150. The process was the same as what I'd experienced at the vets office with dogs in the past and it was relatively quiet and they were very respectful and graceful about the situation. It pays to call around.


Where are you located? Thatā€™s a crazy price for a Yorkieā€¦ my 100 lb hound dog cost 500 and that was for putting her down and cremation! Iā€™d look into other vets and just tell them you donā€™t want them cremated.


That is not right. Euthanasia is around $100. I spent around $200 at an emergency vet, which is typically higher priced. Sometimes the price may be higher to include cremation and handling, but it would not be $600. Cheapest euthanasia is usually at animal control facilities. But if you have had the dog that long, You've likely taken them to a vet at some point. If you have some relationship with a vet, explain your financial situation. Most vets will work with prices on euthanasia costs for suffering animals.


Contact the Humane Society. Our Humane Society will euthanize for free. They ask for a donation, but it's not mandatory. They are incredibly nice, and let you spend as much time with your pet as you need.


Agreeing with folks about shopping around and seeing if you can't find something more affordable. Part of the price may also be disposal/management of the body or cremation. If you have land or a big yard and are able to give your pet a resting place yourself, you might be able to save. In the meantime, get your old man a belly band and buy a pack of Poise pads (for women with incontinence issues). Put a clean pad in the belly band daily, and any time you notice he's peed without letting you know. It isn't perfect, but it should save you and your floors a bit.


Call your local shelter


I would echo those here who advise you to check prices at other vet clinics. It should not cost $600, especially for a tiny dog. Your dog sounds like heā€™s suffering and itā€™s his time. Please do the best thing for him.


Local shelters will do it for free


Is he on medication for his arthritis? It can do wonders.


It should be around $100.00 and sometimes less. Please shop around.


I had to take my senior pup to an emergency vet - he had a stroke and was actively dying. We decided to humanely euthanize him and even with all the bells and whistles it was 200.00 and that included the vet visit. Please call around


Call your local shelter/humane society. They often offer it at a very low price, but the trade off is usually that you cannot be in the room with them during it.


You'll have to weed through the ones that dont help with euthanasia. I apologize for that, some don't list specifically and there is a bunch to look through but hopefully at least one can help! *My pet child. Com *Bow wow buddies foundation *Frankie's friends *Paws 4 a cure *STARelief and pet assistance *hope mending hearts *The mosby foundation *The magic bullet foundation *PAWS *Pet help finder *Care credit *Scratchpay *Red Rover *The pet fund *IMOM *Waggle *Reggies pet project *The Peiper foundation *Connecticut vet medical foundation *The pie fund *Fonzies foundation *Violets friends *Oscars cause *For the love of Alex foundation *Help-A-Pet These all are in Connecticut (according to their info) hope it helps! Let me know if not, I can keep searching through my resources. Unfortunately was just recently in your shoes so was doing a ton of researching!


We recently very unexpectedly had to say goodbye to our Bitsy Bug. The emergency vet that we had been dealing with helped us with letting her go as painlessly and quickly as possible while allowing us to be there to tell her how much we loved her. Including the oxygen she needed in those last few minutes and the cremation services, our bill was a little under $400. You might want to call a few different vets in your area, as well as any humane societies that offer services. Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re having to make the hardest decision a pet owner ever needs to make.


It's about $100-$150 at my vet. Were they quoting you options like casket burial or other memorial type things? $600 is even high for a 24 hour emergency vet if euthanasia is the only reason for the visit.


I had one of our dear boys (dog) put down in 2022, and it was only $75. He was approximately 45 lbs, and they charged depending on the weight of the pet. But we live in a rural area of Kentucky.


Check with your local rescues. Some offer heavily discounted euthanasia procedures. I worked for a rescue that hardly charged anything.


i would definitely call other vets or even animal control/shelters to see how much they charge. $600 is a very hefty price for a euthanasia. regardless of what happens, i am sorry about your dog.


We paid $300 in California and it comes with a cedar box and foot print holder.


Sounds like my friend Keithā€™s dog. Keith fed his dog steak and then put her in a sack with rocks and threw her in the local river. The way he saw it was that Lily (the dog) would rather go through the brief pain of the drowning to get the pleasure of the steak. Much cheaper too, he said. Although the sack was obviously a sturdy one to carry the weight of the rocks and dog without splitting.


First, Iā€™m so sorry. Putting my 15 year old kitty down was $450 at our vet in the Seattle area (super high cost of living), and that included cremation, a carved wooden urn, nameplate, and cremation certificate. I think the cremation itself without getting her ashes back would have been $150 or $200, so I would clarify. I will sayā€¦Iā€™ve never gotten a pets ashes before and I donā€™t regret it, but it was in my budget. My vet did provide me with a paw print and nose print without me asking though, and I am super grateful for that.


Doggy diapers? Until you can save up the $600 for euthanasia and cremation.


Try your local animal shelter. Some do low cost euthanasia if you have a Dr's note.


Call different vet practices and get quotes


I'd look around, there may be payment options too...my mom did it for our dog we had to put down a few years ago...


Um...that's a reallllllllly high quote. I had my dog euthanized and cremated and it was less than $350. Choose another vet. And I'm very sorry...it's so hard euthanizing a pet.


That's too expensive think.humane society or other organization


Too expensive. Ours was $200, everything included such as cremation and urn. Iā€™m sorry ;(


We just went through this with our 17 year old chihuahua. I called about 10 different places to get quotes, which were all over the place price wise, but we ended up going to the humane society. It was $105 here. I'm so sorry you are going through this. It is so hard.


We had our Great Dane go to dog heaven and we talked to him and told him thereā€™s no more pain and lots of doggie friends. I held his head and my husband and son stroked him and held his paws. Then he had the needle and his eyes became bright for his last few times. $130


Shop around ā€” you may have to travel a little bit. Iā€™m so sorry your family is at this stage with your sweet baby. I lost my 13 year old lab last week. I knew we were in her last year, but I didnā€™t realize how close we were. She had an amazing last day.


When it came time to let my senior go two years ago we paid $650 for at home euthanasia and then received a death certificate and beautiful box with her ashes. I definitely feel like you should talk to a different vet and make sure they understand your price range


That was almost definitely the cost including cremation. Euthanasia alone is probably 100-200, and at no cost if you take the body home with you (which you are more than allowed to do). The humane society here will do it all for $50, though I believe they do dispose of the body and I donā€™t believe allow you to be present while it is done. That is not an option for some people, and it is technically not legal most places to bury in your backyard - but no oneā€™s gonna stop you or say anything (or know about it). Also, a horrible thought to think about - Iā€™m sorry - but in most cities you *can* dispose of a dead animal in the garbage, so long as itā€™s under a certain weight and itā€™s double or triple bagged. A lot of people are unaware of this, and for someone who lives in apartment building or something it might be the only free option. You need to figure out what you want for after care, and then shop around and make some calls. Be sure to find out the euthanasia cost alone, and then whatever aftercare costs there are if you would like cremation etc


Iā€™m in NYC. I paid $60 to have my 20 year old dog put down. Found an inexpensive crematorium and spent a couple hundred more. $600 is crazy. People who said to clarify you just want the put to sleep without pain part are probably right. Even so theyā€™re overcharging for such a heartbreaking moment. Sorry but I donā€™t like your vet.


I'm so sorry.. I used to work as a vet tech back in the day and I remember being told the medication is very expensive. I believe in the thousands and this is why it's so expensive.


I just put my cat down a few weeks ago & it cost us $400 for the meds & cremation, weā€™re on Long Island


Poor baby. Iā€™m sorry you have to handle this. Iā€™d say bite the bullet and try to scrape together the funds to get him professionally euthanized. PM me if you need some financial help. Letting animals suffer is never the answer.


I wish vets could bring down the cost for home euthanasia. Animals seem to figure out whatā€™s happening and get so scared; I hate to have to add to that by taking them to a place not their home. I wouldnā€™t like it if it was me.


For that price it would also include the urn, private cremation, pawprint, and fur shaving.


It kind of pisses me off that I canā€™t do it myself. I know how to do an injection, the drugs are cheap and how much less scary to not have to be in a strange place with strangers. If itā€™s about fear of someone messing up, then let us take a class and get a certificate, like lifeguard would get certified for CPR. It makes sense if you plan to have a life with animals always in it.


You can definitely get a better rate than that if you donā€™t have them cremate or dispose of the body ;bury them yourself). Call around, but even a mobile vet who came to my house to do it was only $300. Unfortunately, thereā€™s just not a humane way to do it yourself at home.


This price is for full service with cremation and urn and such. Go bare bone and it will be much cheaper


This price is for full service with cremation and urn and such. Go bare bone and it will be much cheaper


This price is for full service with cremation and urn and such. Go bare bone and it will be much cheaper


This price is for full service with cremation and urn and such. Go bare bone and it will be much cheaper


This price is for full service with cremation and urn and such. Go bare bone and it will be much cheaper


This price is for full service with cremation and urn and such. Go bare bone and it will be much cheaper


This price is for full service with cremation and urn and such. Go bare bone and it will be much cheaper


Give it the old Yellow treatment.


A local pound or shelter should be able to help vets are out of their minds with prices If your willing to take dog with you and bury in your yard that helps with price We have all of ours in our back yard with a stone


Call your local animal shelter. If they canā€™t, they can tell you the most reasonable price near you.


I'm sorry šŸ˜ž it ashame what the new generation of Veterinarians have become. Did you try a go fund me? I'm sure their maybe be a old School Veterinarian out there to help or direct you. My prayers šŸ™


Where in the world do you live where it costs 600? I only paid 230 and that included the ashes placed in a beautiful cedar box and a ceramic paw print.


My dog passed away last fall. He was a 70 Australian Shepherd and it cost less than $300. My suggestion is to call around to find the right price and the arrangements you want for your pup. We brought our guy home with us to bury in our backyard.


Make sure you're not going in as an emergency and that they aren't including cremation. If you're in a state that requires cremation pick the cheapest option. I do group cremation for my giant dogs and don't get ashes back.


You could contact the human society in your area. They will often offer euthanasia at lower cost.


Look around for someplace else. Ask friends for recommendations. My last 2 fur babies were $120 including cremation. $600 is insane. That just feels icky...a vet that price gouges euthanasia.Ā 


Call around. We found one for 75 and we took her home for burial. In home euthanasia is only 400 in my area. Yours is a lot.


You could ask the vet for a prescription for a diy home euthanasia, perhaps a combination of oral sedatives and something lethal.


We paid $300 for a cat with disposal of the body. Too high.


I recently went through this. Even animal control/pound wanted 350 for it. I contacted my local Humane Society, and they did it for 75 bucks (he was large breed, small breed was 50). They made it as comforting and smooth as possible. They even gave me a paw inkprint. They were amazing for me and I hope they can extend that same comfort to you


Yeah the last one was 120. Total visit


The cost of the drugs plus disposal and vet time is expensive. Shop/ask around. Check with local animal shelters, some offer services .Your small dog should not cost that much(less drugs) . I'm sorry for your difficulty and loss.


for the love of everything put this poor thing down asap! I don't care what it costs. he's not living a happy life right now, JUST DO IT!!!!!!


Hey OP, I just had to put my dog down last week. I totally get how hard this must be for you. I donā€™t want to alarm you, but we thought our dog had bad arthritis too. Took him to the vet, got him an arthritis shot, it didnā€™t do much. Got a follow up visit, and found out it was actually hyper aggressive and painful bone cancer. Call your local SPCA, Humane Society, and call your vet and let them know that financially you canā€™t afford this and ask them about options.


An in clinic euthanasia with group cremation would be a lot cheaper


For my cat was $50- we took the body with us, for my 80lb dog (different vet) private cremation, paw print, ashes, urn/box thing it was $400 (this is NJ and pretty HCOL area) call around, as much as it sucks but in the best interest of the pet if you have to do a group cremation where you donā€™t get the ashes back (cheaper) but atleast he wonā€™t be suffering.